The doctor said that the young couple in the clinic looked even more anxious after hearing what Zhang Yi said.

The girl sat up gently, looked at Zhang Yi and said:

"Doctor, am I in a serious condition?"

Zhang Yi glanced at her, and a hint of deep sadness and fear appeared between his delicate eyebrows.

Tsk tsk, oh!

What a pity.

Zhang Yi waved his hand and said:

"Your condition... is hard to say, let me give you a checkup list first.

By the way, are you financially tight?"

Zhang Yi asked before opening the checkup list.

The man in the suit said indifferently:

"Doctor, just prescribe it with confidence. We have money."

"That's fine. I'll prescribe you an ECT. It's clearer and more accurate than ordinary CT imaging.

Also, we need to check the hemoglobin. She looks a bit anemic.

We need to check the blood routine and various coagulation indicators. There is also the tenderness of the liver and spleen, which is unknown. We need to do an ultrasound to see..."

Swish, swish, swish.

Zhang Yi wrote a lot of examination orders for Zhang Wanqing while talking.

ECT is called radionuclide bone marrow scan in Chinese.

The man in the suit and the girl thought it was just a better examination than ordinary CT after hearing the English.

In fact, this bone marrow scan is specifically used to check myelofibrosis.


Yes, this is the disease the girl has.

At least in Zhang Yi's eyes, the girl's bone marrow is very wrong.

It looks very much like the myelofibrosis he saw in the library.

After receiving the list, the man in the suit helped the girl out of the clinic for examination.

She is 27 years old and still looks so pretty at such a young age.

Her husband is also a handsome man with a successful career.

The talented man and beautiful woman should have a happy future, but unexpectedly they got this disease.


What a pity!

Primary myelofibrosis is also called myelosclerosis.

Where does human blood come from?

Most of it is produced by the bone marrow, and the cells are put into the body for circulation after they mature.

But there is also extramedullary hematopoiesis, such as the liver, spleen, lymph nodes and other organs can also produce blood.

However, the main hematopoietic function of the human body still depends on the bone marrow.

When the hematopoietic function is abnormal in myelofibrosis, the human body will automatically let the extramedullary organs such as the liver and spleen to produce blood.

Once the liver and spleen are overloaded, the liver and spleen will have problems.

This is why Zhang Wanqing's liver and spleen were obviously tender, because her liver and spleen began to produce blood after her bone marrow stopped producing blood, but the liver and spleen could not bear so much workload and were about to go on strike.

Just like work, under normal circumstances, the workload of the bone marrow is 90%, and other extramedullary hematopoietic organs are 10%.

As a result, the bone marrow is now on strike, so the extramedullary hematopoietic organs have to take up the work.

In the past, they only needed to do 10% of the workload, but now they have increased to 50% and even become heavier and heavier until 100%.

Naturally, these extramedullary hematopoietic organs will not be able to bear it.

Normal hematopoietic stem cells are round and full under the microscope.

But after myelofibrosis, the abnormal proliferation of collagen in the bone marrow leads to a decrease in hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow, and all of them become reticular fibrous tissue.

It is a malignant proliferative tumor of bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells.

It is easy to develop into leukemia in the later stage.

And its fibrosis is not only in the bone marrow, it grows from the inside to the outside, from the bone marrow to the outside of the bone marrow.

The only way is bone marrow transplantation.

Transplanting normal hematopoietic stem cells into the body can replace the original mutated hematopoietic stem cells.

Of course, how many patients waiting for bone marrow transplantation every year eventually leave with regret because they don't wait for a suitable match?


Thinking of Zhang Yi, he can only shake his head and sigh.

Any transplant operation is difficult.

Waiting for a suitable match is like looking for a needle in a haystack...


At the same time, in the emergency department.

Wang Bin has woken up, and his condition has improved a lot after transfusing 400 ml of plasma last night.

There is no dark drainage fluid in the drainage tube until now.

It means that the bleeding has really stopped.

Kang Yanming was in a good mood during the ward rounds, and the other doctors around him were also much more relaxed.

Because of this Wang Bin, the doctors in their group have been worried for several days in a row.

Now they can finally return to their positions~

"It was really thanks to Zhang Yi last night. I even added Zhang Yi on WeChat, haha, I told him to ask for him another day

He eats."

Xiao Long was showing off to the other doctors with great interest.

Hehe! So many people couldn't handle Wang Bin's patient.

But it happened that the cause of the disease was found in his class and he was cured.


It shows that Xiao Long is amazing~!

Wang Yufei glanced at Xiao Long and said:

"You are lucky enough to have Zhang Yilai to help you. "

Speaking of Zhang Yi, Wang Yufei still felt a little bit unconvinced.

It was he who took over the hemorrhoid surgery on Wang Bin in the beginning.

In the end, it was Xiao Long and Zhang Yi who took care of it.

How embarrassed he was!

He was Kang Yanming's favorite disciple!

Wang Yufei's self-esteem was hit...


He won't lose!

Zhang Yi, you are indeed great, but I, Wang Yufei, will not be bad either!

The doctors in the emergency department all started discussing Zhang Yi at once.

The message sent by the dean's assistant in the group yesterday is still the big news that the whole Union Hospital is talking about.

Learn heart transplant surgery in just one look, who else in the entire Union Hospital can do it?

Of course, many arrogant and high-level people, while admiring Zhang Yi, also did not forget to regard Zhang Yi as a strong competitor.

Young people.

How can you get the drive without fighting?

Without drive, you are just like a salted fish that doesn't want to turn over.

At this moment, Kang Yanming was sitting in his office with his chin in his hand, thinking.

As for what he was thinking, only he knew.

Cardiac surgery.

As soon as Jin Zhenglun came back, he saw Tian Feilong coming to find him.

Jin Zhenglun was surprised:

"Director Tian? You don't come to me for no reason. Tell me, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Tian Feilong laughed twice, and said directly without hesitation:

"I want to ask you to bring Zhang Yi to our emergency group 2. "

"Ahem..." Jin Zhenglun, who had just taken a sip of Dahongpao from the cup, was choked by Tian Feilong's words.


I asked you to be more direct, but I didn't ask you to be so direct!

He asked me for the most precious person in my hand right away. Director Tian is really not afraid of offending himself!


Jin Zhenglun got a headache when he thought of the two directors of the emergency department.

After putting down the teacup, Jin Zhenglun said helplessly:

"Director Tian, ​​Zhang Yi seems to have rejected you last time, right? You still want to poach him, but he won't agree."

Tian Feilong didn't care, just said:

"As long as Dean Jin agrees, I will talk about Zhang Yi's part."

Jin Zhenglun snorted:

"Haha, I don't care. As long as you can persuade Zhang Yi, he can go to any department.

Anyway, he is a doctor of Union Hospital wherever he goes, as long as he is willing. "

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