The old lady grabbed Zhang Yi's hand.

She grabbed harder and harder!

Zhang Yi hurriedly calmed her down, fearing that the old lady would get excited in his hand and her aneurysm would burst.

Then he couldn't wash it off even if he jumped into the Yellow River!

"Don't, don't, don't cry, old lady, don't cry, don't cry, don't worry, I will definitely tell your son and daughter about this situation.

I know you have been too lonely for so many years, I know you have no one to accompany you, so you miss your partner very much and want to go down to accompany him, right?

Well... this... Anyway, don't worry, I will definitely persuade your child well."

At this time.

At the door of the ICU.

In fact, it was not only the doctor just now who came.

Family members also came.

The old lady's son and daughter followed the doctor out of the office.

They thought they were here to persuade the old lady to have surgery.

After all...

Which child in the world doesn't want to have a mother?

As long as the mother is there, the home is there.

Without the mother, where is the home?

As soon as they walked to the door of the ICU, they heard Dr. Zhang asking his mother.

'Old lady, do you really want to go down to see your husband? So you didn't want to treat this disease from the beginning, right? '

This question pierced the hearts of these two middle-aged siblings like a sharp knife.

When the female family member heard this sentence standing outside the door, tears immediately fell like beads from a broken string.

They did not go in to disturb the conversation between the two.

Instead, they hid behind the door and listened quietly.

The doctor who came to call Zhang Yi saw that the family member was in a bad mood, so he didn't rush in directly, and waited for Zhang Yi to have a good talk with the old lady.

As a result, the following conversation made the two siblings feel ashamed.

It turned out that Mom was too lonely for so many years...

Even though the two of them took turns to take care of her, they still ignored what Mom needed most in her heart.

They were busy with work and making money to support the family.

After having a child, they started to be busy with the child's affairs.

When the child went to school, they started to worry about the child's grades, food, clothing, and growth.

But what about Mom?

When did they... ever care about Mom as much as they cared about the child?

No wonder they said they wanted to find a new partner for Mom in the first few years after Dad left, but she didn't agree.

It turned out...

It turned out that they didn't understand Mom too well!

They didn't understand the feelings of their parents too well!

In the past, the carriages were very slow, and there was only enough time to love one person in a lifetime!

Suddenly, Zhang Yi heard bursts of sobbing at the door.

Turning around, the old lady's family was hiding behind the door and crying crazily.


"Mom! I'm sorry!"

The two family members saw that they couldn't hide anymore, so they just walked in.

The two middle-aged men just threw themselves into the arms of their eighty-year-old mother and cried like a child.

They cried and said sorry.

Zhang Yi thought the old lady would cry with her children.

But unexpectedly, when Zhang Yi looked at the old lady's face, she regained her calm smile.

"It's okay, it's okay, be good, mom is okay."


Looking at this scene, Zhang Yi sighed silently and quietly left the ICU.

At this time, the space is left to their family.

Anyway, the two family members heard what they should have heard just now.

How to decide, it depends on their family members themselves!

Zhang Yi turned and went to the office.

"After cutting the sternum, we must block the upper and lower sections of the ascending aorta as quickly as possible, and then..."

"Wait a minute!"


In the office, Jin Zhenglun was talking to everyone, and Zhang Yi interrupted him at the door.

Jin Zhenglun looked up at the door and said:

"Zhang Yi, where have you been just now? Come in and continue the meeting. I was just talking about the surgical steps."

Jin Zhenglun waved his hand and asked Zhang Yi to come in.

Zhang Yi looked at the people in the office, and said word by word as he walked in:

"Dean Jin! Teachers! I have talked to the old lady just now.

She really didn't want to have surgery, because...

Because the tumor that had grown for 21 years was a time bomb that the old lady had buried for herself!

She did know that she had a problem with her heart a long time ago, but the reason she didn't go to the hospital for treatment was not entirely because she had no money!

It was because she wanted to go down to accompany her husband!

The old lady's husband had been in the second

She passed away eleven years ago, and the old lady's heart aneurysm was also found that year.

However... the old lady thought a lot at that time, and her husband had just passed away, so she was a little discouraged.

So she didn't listen to the doctor's advice at that time and didn't go for treatment.

The doctor also told her the severity of the aneurysm, but the old lady wanted to die...

She kept waiting for the aneurysm in her heart to explode.

She waited for twenty-one years!

It hasn't exploded yet, and the old lady herself didn't expect it.

She waited for death for twenty-one years, but she is still alive and well.

She even has high blood pressure, but the aneurysm hasn't exploded.

When I talked to the old lady just now, the family members outside also heard it clearly.

At this time... their whole family is crying in the ward.

I guess they won't do this operation.

They should agree with the old lady's own idea. "

After Zhang Yi finished speaking, he sat down in his previous position.

The whole office suddenly fell silent!

All you could hear was a burst of gasps!


This old lady wanted to use this aneurysm to "kill" herself.

Unexpectedly, this aneurysm was so disappointing that it refused to explode.

Waiting for twenty-one years??

Oh my gosh!

Jin Zhenglun sighed and relaxed, leaning against the office chair and looking at the light above.

This old lady...

is really unique.

He has been a doctor for so many years and this is the first time he has seen an aneurysm that has not exploded for twenty-one years.

It is also the first time he has seen someone waiting for this aneurysm to explode to "kill" himself.

Everyone has really learned a lot today.

"So, Dean Jin, do we still need to discuss the surgical plan? "

In the office, after a moment of silence, another doctor raised his hand cautiously and asked.

Jin Zhenglun looked up at him.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"Forget it, let's continue to discuss the surgical plan.

We are doctors. When the family members and patients do not tell us the final request, we should keep the four words of curing diseases and saving lives in mind.

Now the family members have not come yet, and we don't know whether the operation is necessary.

So... continue! Let's finish what I didn't say just now.

We do our part well. If the family members say that it is incurable, we can also discuss this 7.5 cm aneurysm combined with arterial dissection as a case. "


"Understood. "

Jin Zhenglun gave the order, and everyone nodded.

Zhang Yi followed everyone to listen to Jin Zhenglun's opinions on the plan.

He was right.

Now the family members are still hugging their mother and crying.

But they don't know whether they can treat her in the future.

It can only be said that as a doctor, you still have to do something beneficial to the patient within your limited time.


More than half an hour later, the meeting ended.

The surgical plan was basically determined.

If the old lady and her family decide to have this operation, then their hospital can start preoperative preparations.

But if they don't do it, then their doctors can't force it.

After all, the patient is 85 years old and her condition is very dangerous.

If an aneurysm can grow safely in her body for twenty-one years...

Then in a sense, this operation can be omitted.

Of course, as a doctor, it is always right to be prepared.

In the afternoon, around 2:30.

Zhang Yi received a message from Jin Zhenglun.

The old lady and her family decided not to have the operation.

But the cough needs to be treated, after all, it is a bronchial infection, and it is estimated that she will have to stay in the hospital for a few days.

I heard that a few younger family members came at noon.

The family members in the ICU of the cardiac surgery department cried for a long time.

Zhang Yi could also guess this scene.

Once this decision is made, it means that it is very likely that one day in the future, the old lady Guan Hua may not wake up again after a nap.

It is easy to die suddenly.

The family members must be very tormented after making this decision.

On the one hand, they want their mother to live. But it is very likely that she will not be able to get off the operating table.

On the one hand, they respect their mother's own wishes and can die at any time, but... they, as children, really can't bear to let her go.


Life is full of choices.

Zhang Yi looked at the message sent by Jin Zhenglun and was actually thinking about it.

If it were Zhang Yi himself...

What would he choose?

Would he try his best to cure his parents' illness.

Or would he listen to his parents' ideas and let nature take its course?

Both choices are actually filial piety, but they just have different starting points.


! What are you looking at so intently? ? "Chen Fang came over with an excited look on his face and patted Zhang Yi's shoulder with his hand.

Zhang Yi put away his phone and said helplessly:

"Nothing, it's about the patient."

"Patient? What patient? The little girl who washed the wrong stomach?"

"Hey, no, it's an old lady who was newly admitted to the respiratory department. Did you see the message in the group? The old lady has a huge ascending aortic aneurysm in her heart, with a diameter of 7.5 cm! There is also arterial dissection and tortuosity."

Chen Fang suddenly realized:

"Oh, her? I saw it. Someone in the group sent it, saying that the old lady didn't die in this situation! "

"Isn't it? We went there for a meeting. Do you know how many years the aneurysm has been growing?"

Chen Fang shook his head.

Zhang Yi stretched out his hand and made a "yeah" gesture.

Chen Fang frowned: "Two? Two years? ? No, no! ”

“If it was two years, it would be impossible for you, Zhang Yi, to be so concerned... Twenty years? !”

Chen Fang made a bold guess.

Although he himself was just guessing and didn’t believe the twenty years.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yi nodded:

“Yes, to be exact, it’s twenty-one years! The aneurysm that has been growing for twenty-one years has not ruptured and bled, and the same is true for the arterial dissection. It’s really weird!

It seems that there are indeed strange phenomena in this world that cannot be explained by science!”

For example, his precious system~

And this old lady’s aneurysm has grown to this extent in twenty-one years, but it has not ruptured and bled!

These... are all metaphysics!

When Chen Fang heard this, he immediately showed an expression of disbelief.

“Oh my God! I have never seen it... I have never seen it..."

“Not only you haven’t seen it, I, Dean Jin, and so many doctors in the cardiac surgery department have never seen it! "

Zhang Yi looked at Chen Fang again, then looked up at the emergency room next door:

"Forget it, forget it, I won't say anything, I'm going to help in the emergency room."

At this time, Chen Fang suddenly stood up and grabbed Zhang Yi's arm.

Zhang Yi looked back at him: "What?"

"I have something to tell you~"

The expression on Chen Fang's face also changed!

Just now, he had an expression as if he had seen something strange, but now his eyes immediately became strange.

There were a few little stars in his eyes??

Zhang Yi shrugged his neck and got goose bumps on his body.

Teacher Chen, I'm straight.

"Hey~ Ears close~"

Chen Fang looked mysterious, which confused Zhang Yi!

"What? Just say what you want to say? ? "

"Your sister-in-law didn't have her period! Hahaha~!"

"Ah? ? Oh, I see, you won the bid, right? ? "

Chen Fang's expression became even more excited, and she almost danced with excitement.

"Hahaha~ I'll ask her to take a leave to go to Tianhe Hospital for a check-up tomorrow. I called Huang Meiying from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and asked her to help me check my wife.

Notify me as soon as the results come out tomorrow~ Hahaha~"

"Hey, look at how proud you are, Teacher Chen, so I'll congratulate you first.

Congratulations on the birth of your baby? ? "

Zhang Yi smiled helplessly and bowed.

"Puh! I don't want a son, I want a daughter! I dream of having a daughter!"

"What you said, aren't sons and daughters the same? "

Zhang Yi shook his head and said jokingly.


Although he also likes daughters!

But it's the same whether you have a boy or a girl~

"Haha, no matter, daughters are cuter, I like daughters~"

Seeing Chen Fang's kind smile, Zhang Yi really couldn't understand this feeling.


Because he hasn't even taken the first step of having a child!

How can he understand?

"Tell me the results tomorrow. If you really win the bid, you have to treat me to a meal, Teacher Chen."

Chen Fang patted his chest generously:

"No problem! "


Three days later.

Zhang Yi received a new email from the SCI website.

The content said that the paper had been verified, and the score of the second review was the same as the score of the first review, both of which were 10 points.

So Zhang Yi's paper was destined to enter the first zone.

It will be published in batches in the tenth zone of SCI later.

If the impact factor is high, it may be published in major medical journals.

It may even be selected as a courseware paper.

If you think more beautifully, you can wait to receive the interview with the academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Zhang Yi was in a good mood and sent a screenshot of the email to Jin Zhenglun.

Jin Zhenglun took a look and said with a smile:

"Stable, really stable, really stable and happy~"

However, on the other side, cardiac surgery was not so stable and happy.

While SCI was sending an email to Zhang Yi

, and also sent it to Wang Ziwei.

But Wang Ziwei's content is completely different from Zhang Yi's!

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