The more you go, the more you will be rewarded.

Not only Wang Haiqing, but all the students in the group were silent for a while after seeing Zhang Yi say this.

Outside the mobile phone screen, everyone couldn't help but burst out several beautiful Chinese quintessence.

"Fuck?? Zhang Yi can go to this exhibition??"

"Fuck! I'm so jealous that my teeth are about to break!"

"It's Zhang Yi, there are so many big guys in Union Medical College, and there are only three places in total, and he can actually take one of them... Tsk tsk! Awesome!"

On the other side, Zhang Yi couldn't help laughing when he saw that no one in the group was talking.

What's the matter?

You all lost your temper after hearing that I was going to attend the meeting? ?

After waiting for a long time, Wang Haiqing sent a message:

"Dad~ Can you take your big son with me~?"


Zhang Yi laughed out loud across the phone.

This kid is quite sensible.

He started calling dad right away?

But unfortunately, there are too many important people in this meeting, and he can't bring anyone.

The leaders of the Imperial Health Commission are all coming, and the official seems to attach great importance to this exhibition.

After bragging in the group, Zhang Yi prepared to cook dinner.

Although it is very tiring to go to work every day, being able to cook a bowl of hot meals for himself when he returns home and enjoy the time alone is actually a way for Zhang Yi to restore his spirit and physical strength.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened the refrigerator, Wang Haiqing called.

"Hello? What's up? I'm cooking." Zhang Yi said unhappily after answering the phone.

"Brother! Can't you squeeze me in at the meeting? I'll go in with you quietly!"

Oh, it seems this guy hasn't given up yet.

"Oh, I told you, there's nothing I can do. The officials and CEOs of those technology companies are all coming to this meeting. No one else can get in except those who have received the invitation letter."

On the other end of the phone, Wang Haiqing sighed silently:

"Hey, you are so lucky! By the way, the news a few days ago said that you helped an orphanage? And donated one million?"

"Yes, the orphanage almost closed down due to lack of funds, so I went to investigate it on the spot. What? Are you also interested in charity?"

Wang Haiqing shook his head quickly:

"No, no, no, I don't know I am so poor that I can only eat steamed buns every day, why am I still doing charity? Others come to do charity, but I am almost the same..."

"Then why did you call me? Just want me to take you to that exhibition?"

After thinking for a long time, Wang Haiqing said:

"No, the exhibition is not a big deal. In fact... I want to go to Union Medical College!"


"Haha, did you know that Union Medical College will recruit again next month? I plan to sign up and try."

Zhang Yi smiled and said:

"Haiqing, have you heard of this saying? Ideals are full, but reality is skinny.

Undergraduate It's hard to get into PUMC with your academic qualifications, otherwise you can only wait until the postgraduate entrance examination is over. "

"No, I mean if you can help out there, wouldn't that mean I'll be halfway there?

You're doing so well in PUMC now, why don't you give your brother a hand?

You don't know, Cheng Qian and I just met our parents a few days ago.

You also know that her family is originally from the capital, and they all disliked me when they saw that I was working in a small hospital.

They think that small hospitals are unstable, and if the hospital closes down, they will be out of work.

Anyway, hey , just blah blah blah dislike me a lot.

Plus I am not a local, and I didn't buy a house in the capital, so her attitude towards me is not very good.

Then Cheng Qian told me to try to go to PUMC to see if I can work there.

If I really get into PUMC, my doctor's level will be raised by several levels.

When her parents hear that I will work at PUMC, their attitude will definitely change 180 degrees.

So... I have been struggling for several days before I come to you to ask for this..."


So that's what happened.

Zhang Yi frowned slightly.

This matter is not easy to handle.

It is definitely impossible for Wang Haiqing to get into PUMC with his level. If he must ask for help, then at the worst, Zhang Yi can only ask for this after he passes the postgraduate entrance examination.

Although Zhang Yi and Wang Haiqing are both undergraduates, Zhang Yi is at least very skilled and was admitted to PUMC as an exception.

Wang Haiqing?

Without any technical experience, even if Zhang Yi goes to intercede, it may not work.

This place is so

In all these years, except for Zhang Yi, who made an exception to recruit, there are really no other undergraduate graduates who can enter Union Hospital without a few years of work experience.

Chen Fang was brought in by Zhang Yi because he had worked in the emergency department for several years and had passed the examination for attending physician, so he reluctantly agreed to become Zhang Yi's assistant.

Wang Haiqing is much worse than Chen Fang.

It's not long since he graduated, let alone Union Hospital.

It's also difficult to get into other tertiary hospitals in the capital.


Zhang Yi thought for a moment and said in a serious tone:

"Actually, I understand your feelings. If you want to get married, both parents will inevitably have some opinions.

But... you also know that it is almost impossible to get into Union Hospital with a bachelor's degree, unless you have a very amazing skill.

I am not trying to discourage you, you don't.

We both have a bachelor's degree and are preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination this year. I can get into Union Hospital because I have a skill. My operation and emergency treatment capabilities are very strong, so Union Hospital will make an exception to recruit me.

So Haiqing, don't worry, improve yourself first, at least wait until you pass the postgraduate entrance examination.

If you want me to help you, then you must be a piece of unpolished jade, not a rotten wood.

The iron must be hard before it can be forged, do you understand what I mean?"

Zhang Yi and Wang Haiqing are good friends.

This is a rejection, but it is not a complete rejection.

After all, Wang Haiqing himself was not strong enough. Even if he wanted to use his connections to get in, he had to wait until the postgraduate entrance examination was over.

Wang Haiqing was silent for a while, and understood what Zhang Yi meant.

"Okay, I understand. Let's talk about it after the postgraduate entrance examination is over."

Then Zhang Yi hung up the phone.

In fact, since he became an influential "Internet celebrity doctor", many people have asked him for help openly or secretly.

There was a former high school classmate who had not been in touch for almost ten years, but suddenly added WeChat and asked him to go to the wedding?

Zhang Yi laughed, the real purpose was not to drink, you just want to take my share of the money, right?

There was also a friend I met when I was working during the summer vacation in college, who was lying quietly in the WeChat friend list.

But one day he suddenly asked me to borrow money?

He said he could not afford to eat, so he asked Zhang Yi to lend him 30,000 yuan.

It was really speechless, did he think Zhang Yi was an ATM?

He just blocked me!

When Zhang Yi was poor, these classmates and friends didn't come to help him, but now that he is famous, they are rushing to get warm.

This is called "poor in the city, no one cares, rich in the mountains, distant relatives."


The weather at the end of March is gradually getting warmer.

This morning, Zhang Yi didn't go to the department because he had to attend the international medical exhibition with Jin Zhenglun and Wen Kang.

This conference is very important, and it is said that it will be broadcast live at home and abroad.

The network communication equipment is also the 5G technology jointly developed by Huaxing Technology and Beifa Technology.

The people who came are very important, including those from the Office of the Health Commission, several academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and even the deputy mayor is said to be coming.

Therefore, Zhang Yi rarely wore a very formal suit, dressing himself up a little more energetic (handsome).

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