Fortunately, he is also a hard-working person.

He made a lot of preparations before coming here.

I won’t talk about reading and reviewing, which is what he has been doing since he was a child.

What he is most worried about is that his operation will not be appreciated by Zhang Yi.

He has practiced for so many years, and before seeing Zhang Yi’s operation, he always thought he was doing well.

At least in the West China Hospital where he worked before, he was definitely a well-known doctor among the younger generation.

Even because of this, some patients came to him specifically for suturing.

Some people who had caesarean sections asked him to do abdominal suturing, because the scars of the wounds he sutured were small and recovered faster than other doctors.

And those who had natural births would also ask him to suture episiotomies.

(The so-called episiotomy is to use scissors to cut the vaginal opening during the normal delivery process to enlarge the vaginal opening to help the fetus to be delivered more smoothly. However, if the doctor in charge of the delivery has poor suturing skills or sews two stitches casually, it is easy to cause a series of problems. The first is the pain of the perineum wound, which may last for a long time. Some women will still feel pain even if they have been discharged from the hospital for several years and the wound has healed. This not only brings pain to the body, but also affects the appearance. What's more serious is that it will affect the couple's life and cause discord between the couple.)

Because the perineum he sutures is more delicate and neat than that of other doctors, and it doesn't hurt after recovery.

There are also some minor surgeries that require laparotomy. As long as the superior doctor nods, he basically sutures them.

It spread from one to ten, and from ten to a hundred, and it spread like this.

That's why Li Mingliang in the hepatobiliary surgery department is so trusted by the director and can do liver transplantation as an assistant when he is just the attending physician.

It depends on his efforts that exceed others!

The director was very reluctant when he proposed to resign.

But Li Mingliang is a person who will do what he decides to do, and he is the type who does more than he says.

The department director knew that he could not persuade him, so he could only let him go.

But Li Mingliang did not come here blindly.

He is confident but also modest.

Confidence means that even if he knows that there are many competitors, they are all very good, such as someone is a returnee, someone is selected by a professor to participate in thesis research, etc.

But he did not feel inferior because of these, but just did what he should do and believed in himself.

Just like what Zhang Yi said that day.

Education cannot represent everything. In the field of doctors, to put it bluntly, everyone has a high level of education, especially in the case of tertiary hospitals everywhere, the worst in each hospital is a local master's and doctoral degree.

So everyone's lower limit is the same.

But whether or not to work hard can determine the upper limit of this doctor.

Just like Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi is still a bachelor's degree!

Different from beating everyone!

In fact, he had not realized this modesty before.

It was not until the name Zhang Yi appeared in the mouths of all his colleagues around that Li Mingliang realized the saying: There are always people who are better than you.

You must be humble and keep learning with an open mind to reach the height you want!


The anesthetic on the leg took effect, and the skin on that piece was almost imperceptible.

Li Mingliang's heart sank, and he took the knife without hesitation and cut a cut on the only intact skin left!

Immediately, the gurgling blood began to flow out.

Then, he skillfully picked up the spare gauze and started to stop the bleeding.

This action was so skillful that it really seemed like muscle memory formed by many times of operation.

After wiping the blood beads clean, you can immediately see the subcutaneous area with light yellow fat.


Everyone felt a pain in their flesh!

This guy cut really deep with one knife!

Then, Li Mingliang picked up the suture thread and curved needle that had been prepared on the side.

"Damn, he's going to start stitching!"

"Fuck, what a ruthless guy, he cut himself and then stitched himself up."

"This cut was really ruthless, it almost hit the muscle, didn't it?!"

"To be honest, if this guy is not a masochist or a pervert, then he is really too ruthless to himself, this ruthlessness is not something that ordinary people can learn."

"Yeah, if I were Zhang Yi, I would definitely take this guy as my apprentice."

The people around talked and watched, and everyone's face showed a look of shock.

Only Zhang Yi.

He kept staring at the deep and shallow scars on Li Mingliang's legs, showing a thoughtful look.

I don't know what he was thinking.

But he was indeed scared by this guy Li Mingliang.


It is not uncommon to see doctors who suture themselves.

But the problem is that this is the first time he has seen someone who specially inflicts wounds on himself and then sutures them himself!


What is this guy trying to do?

Is he doing this just to be his apprentice?

On the operating table.

Li Mingliang's posture at this time is quite funny.

He sits on a chair, with one foot resting on the edge of the operating table like an old man.

It looks not only funny, but also a bit rough.

But the expression on his face is extremely serious.

There are many ways to suture subcutaneously.

Simple interrupted suture, continuous suture, figure-8 suture, etc. can all be used.

But Li Mingliang chose the intracutaneous suture method.

In this method, the suture lines are all in the skin, and nothing can be seen outside the incision except scars.

It is not even easy to see the scars if you don't look carefully.

It's just that the steps are relatively complicated, and absorbable sutures are also used.

The sutures of other suturing methods will be exposed, because the needle and thread are directly inserted from the surface skin, penetrated into the subcutaneous layer and sutured together with the fat layer.

Basically, one stitch can solve the skin and subcutaneous layer.

But the intracutaneous suturing is divided into two steps. First, pull the subcutaneous fat, sew up the subcutaneous layer, and then sew the skin separately.

The tension of the two is different, so the intracutaneous suturing method can only be performed separately.

Of course, it is a bit troublesome, but this can also better show the level of the doctor.

Under the attention of everyone, Li Mingliang began his suturing operation.

Start suturing from one side of the incision, insert the needle from the subcutaneous layer, pass through the entire fat layer, and then remove the needle from the subcutaneous layer.

Then insert the needle from the subcutaneous layer of the opposite side, remove the needle from the subcutaneous layer, and then tie a knot and cut the thread, and one round is over.

Li Mingliang made an incision of nearly ten centimeters long for himself.

It's really cruel. It takes at least four or five rounds to sew the subcutaneous layer.

If Li Mingliang was a little nervous before the operation,

But once he entered the working state, he was really in a state of madness.

I don’t know if he did more on purpose to show his skills.

He actually did ten rounds of a ten-centimeter incision!

Normally, five is enough!

This guy did ten rounds!

Zhang Yi was convinced by what he saw.

This guy is really...


You are awesome~ You are awesome, okay? ?

After suturing the subcutaneous fat layer, he began to sew the skin.

The skin operation was similar to the previous one, and it was also sutured on the inner edge, trying not to show the traces of the suture line on the epidermis.

It should be said that Li Mingliang’s efforts were worth it.

The scars on his body, big and small, deep and shallow, were also worth it.

After a while, the ten-centimeter incision was sutured.

Li Mingliang followed the process, handled the operating table, washed his hands with hand sanitizer, and then said: "Report, my operation test is over."

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