Ten miles away, in an open space, there is a huge iron box filled with hydrochloric acid.

The fighter brought Philland to the sky above this flat land, and then threw Philland to the ground.

Philland's body hit the ground heavily, making a deep pit. The terrible impact made him open his eyes.

But at this moment, a group of people came to his side, and hydrochloric acid shells fell on him. The exploding hydrochloric acid submerged his body and made him fall asleep again.

Then, a group of people pulled him out of the pit, carried him to the iron box next to him, and finally threw him into the hydrochloric acid in the iron box, making him fall into a deep sleep.

"Firlander was captured successfully, the mission was completed, and I applied to return to the base."

This is another group of night watchmen. When they knew that Philland was here, they had already made a plan to capture him. Now that Philland has been successfully captured, they closed the lid of the iron box.

The iron box was placed on a giant truck. The engine of the truck started, and a group of night watchmen protected the truck and slowly disappeared into the night.

Director Zhang and Ji Ziyue, who were escaping, also received the news that Philland was successfully captured.

"You go back to Qucheng first. I have to report the situation here to the headquarters. Wait for the headquarters to send people to support. One week later, you come to help us rob the time train!" Director Zhang called Ji Ziyue.


After agreeing on the time, Ji Ziyue and Lin Fan and their group of seven disappeared in the darkness.

Thank you Huishou Muyunwan, the monthly ticket of Line 20210925, and thank you for the recommendation tickets of other book friends.

Special thanks to Line 20210925 for the reward!

Chapter 74 Notice to Global Humanity (Seeking Follow-up Reading)

The night watchmen retreated, and the time train was controlled by the dark world organization.

"Hahaha, the night watchmen were finally driven away. From now on, the time train is ours!" Long Wu laughed.

"According to the rules, we jointly control the time train, and we jointly study the passengers getting off the train. At the same time, we regularly send people to the time train to investigate!"

"We, the Mechanical Sect, are the first group of explorers. Do you have any objections?"

Long Wu said, looking at everyone.

"No objection!"

The leaders of other dark world organizations shook their heads. How dare they have any objections? Now that the Mechanical Sect has mastered the mechanical horn, it is simply invincible!

Many dark world organizations were very surprised that the Mechanical Sect actually mastered the body fragments of the God of Machinery. This is news they have not received!

Now that the Mechanical Sect has taken out this killer move, it has directly shocked everyone, and even the Blood God of the Flesh and Blood Sect dared not say anything more.

The Mechanical Sect and the Flesh and Blood Sect are enemies in themselves. Now that the Mechanical Sect has found the body fragments of the God of Machinery, the Blood God's face is very ugly, because the God of Flesh and Blood they believe in is sealed by the body fragments of the God of Machinery.

If the Mechanical Sect gathers the body fragments of the God of Machinery, the God of Flesh and Blood will really have no way to escape the seal.

The only thing that reassures him is that the body fragments of the God of Machinery fall in different worlds. It is not so easy for the Mechanic Cult to gather all these body fragments!

Why do the dark world organizations want to snatch the time train? It is because they want to go to other worlds!

Especially the Mechanic Cult, who are very enthusiastic about this!

Because the body fragments of the God of Machinery are scattered in different worlds, they need to go to other worlds to find the body fragments of the God of Machinery, and the time train just meets this condition. Entering the time train can follow the time train to different worlds!

According to the information about the time train currently available, the passengers who get off the train cannot go back on the same day. They can return to the time train after a week, but whether they can return to their own world through the time train is an unknown number!

And local people can also enter the time train and follow the time train to different worlds, but so far, all those who have entered the time train have disappeared like a stone sinking into the sea, and no sound has been sent back, and no one has returned, and they have completely disappeared!

Both the Federation and the dark world organizations have mastered the time train for a period of time, and have sent people in, but those who have entered have never come back!

But this can't stop them from exploring the time train. They believe that those who enter the time train have just gone to other worlds.

The Mechanic Cult wants to go to other worlds through the time train to find the body fragments of the God of Machinery.

At the same time, they also establish their own branches in other worlds!

One day in the future, the branches of the major worlds will be connected together to form a terrifying force!

The major dark world organizations also think so. They all want to send people to other worlds and establish their own forces early!

Even many passengers who got off the time train, after escaping the capture of the Federation and the dark world organizations, they also secretly lurked in this world and established their own forces!

For example, the four time controllers who escaped last week, they were colonists conquered in various worlds. When they came to this world, they quickly established their own forces!

They established a time sect in this world. Although it has only been less than two weeks, it has entered the vision of the Federation and major dark world organizations!

As the overlap between the dark world and the real world is getting faster and faster, many channels have appeared in the overlap between the two worlds, connecting the two worlds.

People in the two worlds can enter each other's world, but overall, more creatures from the dark world enter the real world.

Because the dark world is a very terrible world, there is no way for the weak to survive.

A large number of dark world creatures broke into the real world, bringing huge disasters to the real world. Many civilians were killed because of the arrival of dark world creatures.

The Federation has been very busy during this period, constantly sending night watchmen to the overlap of the world to protect civilians.

Even, the city residents in the overlap have begun to be evacuated and arranged in batches to other safe cities!

At the overlap of the two worlds, all civilians were evacuated, and it became a no-man's land. Dense dark world creatures came from the dark world and began to occupy the territory here. They attacked the city!

In order to protect civilians, the Federation had to evacuate all nearby civilians!

At the same time, the Federation had to tell all civilians the truth of the matter. A broadcast was made to inform all civilians in the world.

"I regret to tell all residents that the dark world has overlapped with the real world. A large number of dark world creatures have broken into the real world. They have powerful superpowers and can carry out devastating massacres on ordinary people!"

"In order to ensure everyone's safety, the Federation will open the superpower replication laboratory to all civilians in the world from now on. All civilians who want to become superpowers can apply to the Federal Research Institute to replicate superpowers. We will do our best to help every civilian become a superpower!"

When this notice was told to residents all over the world, everyone was horrified and a panic appeared. However, many people felt that this was an opportunity.

In the past, if civilians wanted to replicate superpowers, they had to apply first, and it was risky, because replicating superpowers requires physical conditions. If you are not in good health, you are not qualified to replicate superpowers!

Moreover, it is not that you can replicate superpowers just because you are in good physical condition. This depends on whether the Federation is short of people!

If the Federation is full, no matter how good your health is, you will not have the opportunity to replicate superpowers.

But now that creatures from the dark world have entered the real world, the Federation cannot protect all civilians. They need all civilians to learn to protect themselves, and letting them gain superpowers is the best way to protect them!

All federal research institutes in all federal bases around the world have begun to open to civilians, and a window has been set up inside the federal research institute for civilians to apply for copying superpowers.

After this notice was announced, the windows of the research institutes in each base were full, and countless people lined up every day to apply for copying superpowers.

When Ji Ziyue and Lin Fan returned to Qucheng, they just caught up with this notice. The Qucheng Federal Research Institute has been rebuilt, and Gu Lao is responsible for all matters of the institute!

"The great era is coming!"

Chapter 75 Civilians around the world line up to copy superpowers (please read later)

The Qucheng Federal Research Institute has become very busy, and all civilians are now queuing up to go to the Federal Research Institute to apply for copying superpowers.

It can be seen that the streets are lined up in long queues, which are very crowded.

Even several nearby blocks have banned cars and other means of transportation, and even buses cannot pass here.

These streets are full of civilians queuing up, because the dark world overlaps with the real world, and the creatures of the dark world have already entered the real world in large numbers.

They must race against time to gain superpowers. Only by becoming superpowers can they have a chance to survive the massacre of the creatures of the dark world.

Ordinary civilians have only one way to die when facing the creatures of the dark world!

When Lin Fan saw the civilians queuing up on the street, he was also very shocked. The elderly, children, women, young people, middle-aged people, people of all ages came.

They all knew very well that copying superpowers was life-threatening and they were very likely to die, but in order to survive, they had to fight!

If they could not become superpowers, when the creatures of the dark world came to this city, they would be the ones to be slaughtered!

But if they become superpowers, they will have the strength to resist, and even become powerful superpowers, kill the creatures of the dark world, and control their own lives.

"The Federation has been perfecting the machine for copying superpowers as much as possible to reduce everyone's mortality rate. Everyone should wait patiently and don't cut in line. Everyone has a chance. We will buy time for you!"

There is a huge loudspeaker above the Federal Research Institute, which is announcing that it must be announced every day because many people want to cut in line and are worried that there is not enough time!

The loudspeaker is announcing, and there are fewer cases of cutting in line.

But many people have lined up for a long time and it is not their turn. They are very anxious and their tempers become very irritable. They often have verbal and physical conflicts with others.

Fortunately, there are night watchmen nearby to maintain order. Once a conflict occurs, the night watchmen will step forward and take the conflicting parties away directly.

This is not only the case in Qucheng, but all the alliance cities in the world are experiencing this situation at the moment. Everyone is not working, and they line up every day to apply for copying superpowers!

The creatures of the dark world have entered the real world. At this moment, it is related to the life and death of everyone. As long as there is a chance of survival, they will not give up!

Of course, copying superpowers is entirely voluntary. The Federation will tell everyone that copying superpowers is risky, and there may be death or disability.

But there are still many people who are determined to copy superpowers, because they don’t want to sit and wait for death, and want to control their own destiny with their own hands.

Of course, there are still some people who choose to give up. Their bodies are not good, and forced copying will only accelerate their death!

And those who copy superpowers, some succeed, and some fail. Whenever a loser is carried out, the people in the queue will feel a little bit, and they will be shaken and hesitant.

Some people will choose to leave because of fear, but most people still stay firmly. Despite the risks, they are willing to take risks.

The Federal Research Institute will also be responsible for all civilians. They will check everyone’s body before copying. If they find that the other person’s body is really not good, they will suggest that the other party give up.

If the other party insists on copying, the Federation will give them a chance. Those who are really in poor health will have a high probability of accidents during the copying process, either becoming disabled on the spot or dying directly.

For these people, the Federal Research Institute has no way to do anything, because this is their voluntary choice!

Lin Fan was also arranged to assist the people in the laboratory to help civilians copy their superpowers.

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