The idea of ​​the Xingxiu Temple is very interesting. They claim that the stars in the sky are falling down to form a realm.

This is an idea derived from Fu Gong's theory.

They call the secret realm a falling star, and believe that the development of the secret realm will overdraw the origin of the falling star.

As countries continue to develop the secret realm, even if these star gods find their own falling stars, their strength will be greatly damaged.

In this way, the crisis of heaven and earth that is too lofty in Fu Gong's theory has become a personal gain and loss.

Therefore, the people of the Xingxiu Temple hate that countries use the secret realm very much, saying that countries are thieves and are stealing the spirituality of the stars.

"Lord Mude, mortals have no spirituality, so they cannot generate spiritual energy by themselves, and can only ask for it from outside.

For thousands of years, we have watched those mortal courts grow from weak to strong, and now there are even countries like Wei and Chu where spiritual martial arts flourish."

"But their strength is based on theft. The fallen stars of our star gods are exploited by them as secret realms.

It would be fine if it was a blessing to the people, but all countries in the world are rich and powerful warriors and ignore the people.

For this reason, even if the people are dissatisfied with the dynasties, they are powerless to resist and can only pray to the heavens again and again."

"Lord Xing, this world is already terminally ill, and we don't have much time.

When the fallen stars are taken back as soon as possible, the mortal world will return to normal, and the origin of our star gods will not be used by ambitious people."

Meng Kui Moxi always seizes the opportunity to brainwash Zhou Yuan, trying to make him realize the greatness of the star gods and the greed of mortals.

It has to be said that the Xingxiu Temple has a set of logically self-consistent and different worldviews.

While elevating himself, he infinitely belittled others, and then prompted the members of the organization to break away from their human identity and form a new team identity in the name of stars.

The voice of resentment that Zhou Yuan heard from time to time was the best proof.

Ever since Meng Kui Moxi started talking about the concept of stars, the members of the Star Temple have been accusing the ignorance and greed of various countries.

It seems that as long as no country develops the secret realm, they can rely on time to find the fallen stars, and then return to the sky and become the stars of the sky.

"Thank you Zhongdou Star Lord for solving my doubts, otherwise I would not know what the world looks like."

"It's good that Mu De Star Lord has some feelings in his heart. I hope that Star Lord will act cautiously in the future and don't reveal his identity.

Otherwise, those greedy mortals don't know what trouble will arise.

If Star Lord is free, he can go back to the City of Stars. My fellow tribesmen and I are waiting for Star Lord to come at any time."

When Meng Kui Moxi saw that the time was almost right, he stopped talking about his star concept.

As a veteran of the organization, he knew that he couldn't make demands at the beginning.

Recruiting new members is like making soup. You have to simmer over low heat to make a good soup. Being too impatient will only dry up the water and burn the pot.

Therefore, after Meng Kui Moxi pretended to care about him and gave him a few instructions, he canceled the Marry Dream skill. Of course, he called it the Star Inspiration Technique.

Next, he planned to wait for a few days to let Zhou Yuan slowly think about the Star Theory he mentioned.

He believed that as long as Zhou Yuan began to think and prepare to verify, he would get closer and closer to them.

When Zhou Yuan couldn't help but be curious and tried to silently return to the Star Temple, their Star Sect would add an excellent subordinate.

But he didn't know that Zhou Yuan didn't believe a word of the methods that had been effective before.

When the Marry Dream skill was turned off, Zhou Yuan rushed out of the house, used the Wind Control Technique to enter the floating state, and climbed to the top of the bamboo and wood in a few steps.

Then he used the full-level Tianmu Technique to search around, trying to find the demon who cast the Marry Dream Technique.

At this time, there were many teams of imperial guards in the bamboo village, not to mention the 40-level Wei Wuzu, there were several 45-level Wei Baijiang.

As long as Meng Kui Mo Xi dared to show up, Zhou Yuan would dare to use the red bird arrow to guide the imperial army to surround and kill him.

However, Meng Kui Mo Xi was not an ordinary dodge. Even though Zhou Yuan had the Sky Eye Technique that could break illusions and reveal the truth, he could not find his position.

"It is difficult to search because of the dense forest, but the blood bar is horizontal and vertical, and some traces can still be seen.

Even if he can't be found in this way, it seems that either the distance is too far, or the guy has no entity and hides underground."

At this time, Meng Kui Mo Xi was hiding deep underground and motionless. He was an experienced lobbyist who pursued everything to be safe.

He knew that the biggest loophole in the theory of stars was the range of his spell.

If someone used various spiritual eye techniques to see through his body, his previous behavior would become a deception, and only the unknown silence could breed curiosity.

Therefore, he hid himself very deeply and avoided Zhou Yuan's search.

But he never expected that Zhou Yuan, who had always been calm and well-behaved to the outside world, had a reckless side.

He thought Zhou Yuan would not throw a problem that had no beginning or end and no way to track it to the crown prince of Wei.

But Zhou Yuan not only did so, but also sold out his previous story completely.

"The Starry Temple in Wuyin Mountain is most likely the Starry Sect of the Seal God lineage.

Zhou Yuan, since that demon dared to tell you the location of the Starry Temple, he was not afraid of you telling the secret."

"Look, this is the Kunyu Wanxiang Map. Wuyin Mountain is a mountain range in the country of Nanliang.

Because it is shrouded in fog all year round, you can only see fog and no mountain peaks from a distance, so it is named Wuyin Mountain."

In fact, Zhou Yuan was quite polite and planned to go to the crown prince Qi Wang to report the news early the next morning.

However, the skill of Tianmushu has its own special effects. After using it, his eyes will flash with bright lightning.

Therefore, a patrolling team of Wei Wuzu invited him to come down from the top of the bamboo and wood, and sent him to the crown prince of Wei.

The crown prince Qi Wang did not think that Zhou Yuan would spy on him. After asking the reason, he opened a map for Zhou Yuan to see.

It not only has the mountains and rivers of Wei, but also the general geographical situation of the surrounding countries.

"If it were other mountains, it would be easy. Nanliang is showing goodwill to Wei. A letter from the court can make the Nanliang army go into the mountains to suppress the bandits.

But Wuyin Mountain is a bit troublesome. I am worried that after the letter is sent, the Nanliang army will avoid the battle and kill a few scapegoats to make up for it."

The crown prince Qi Wang did not regard Xingxiu Sect as an opponent. If it were not for the border restrictions, the Wei imperial army could send troops to encircle and suppress them at any time.

But the army of Nanliang is not so reliable. Wei can only influence the Nanliang court to a certain extent.

No one can guarantee that the Nanliang army, whose troops are seriously private, will go into the mountains to catch bandits conscientiously.

"Since the investigation is likely to be fruitless, Your Highness does not need to deliver the letter to the country because of me.

That demon dare not show up directly. It must be because of his limited strength and fear of our Wei soldiers. Some of his insidious means are not presentable."

"You, you are really fearless as a young man. Don't you know that the magic of divine will is the most difficult to deal with? If you are not careful, you will make a big mistake.

This is a giant clam white lotus pendant, one of the seven treasures of Buddhism. It has the effect of calming the mind, protecting the soul and nourishing the spirit, and exorcising demons and avoiding evil.

The technique you have learned should be the Earthly Evil Marrying Dream Technique. With this giant clam white lotus to protect you, if the demon wants to marry a dream again, he will have to pay with his life."

The crown prince of Wei was as generous as ever. Seeing that Zhou Yuan did not want to pursue the matter, he took off a white lotus pendant from his armor and handed it to Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan really needed it, and he could not be polite. After refusing, he put it in his bag.

"Although this giant clam white lotus is beautiful, it can only bloom once.

That demon will not give up in the next few days. I will send my personal guards to the palace to find another one for you tomorrow.

When that demon marries you again, ignore him and activate the two giant clam white lotuses with divine will."

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