When I saw the health bar, I chose to blow up the world

Chapter 58 Cold Liquid Expels Temptation

Confusion and chaos skills are more like containment skills in the game.

Players can understand the difficulties of their teammates and will not cause too many conflicts, nor will they focus on killing their teammates.

For players, it only takes two or three swords to make up for the blood in the mouth.

But normal people can't. If they are struck by a warrior, they will bleed and be injured. Severe blows to their eyes, ears, and fingers may even cause them to become disabled.

In addition, the warriors could not defend themselves against their comrades while fighting against the secret realm monsters.

Therefore, Yingui Oiran broke the trust between the team with just two attacks of confusion skills, forcing the warriors to make an emergency retreat.

Fortunately, the officials and auxiliary soldiers from the county construction office were very helpful and dug the dry well at the entrance of the secret realm into a large, stepped pit.

Otherwise, a team of twenty warriors would continuously pour out, enough to block the previous narrow shaft.

"Military doctor, come quickly and stitch up the wound. Use the secret medicine. You must save my brother's arm."

Six state warriors carried the two people out, and one of them was carefully put down. The blood that continued to flow almost dyed half of his clothes red.

The county warrior who caused the wound stood behind Colonel Jing'an with a bruised nose and swollen face, his face full of sorrow and he didn't know how to explain it.

Captain Jing'an turned around and patted his shoulder, indicating that he was here and would not let revenge happen.

The impact of the confusing skills was too great, not only forcing the confident warrior team to evacuate, but also risking causing internal strife.

If the injured state warrior's arm cannot recover as before, it is impossible not to resent the county warrior who injured him.

The warriors from the state capital and the warriors from Jing'an County were originally two groups.

At this time, the bone-deep wound seemed to have turned into a chasm, leading two different groups into confrontation.

"Jiang Ren, when I saw you asking for help, we rushed to rescue you regardless of safety.

Now that such an accident has happened, shouldn't you give us an explanation? "

"Liu Canjun is right, Lao Jia's arm was wounded to the bone, and he doesn't know when he will be healthy again.

It would be fine if he was hurt by a demon, but if he was hurt by one of his own people, how could he not complain? "

The injured state warrior was strong-willed. He bit the cotton in his mouth and allowed the military doctor to sew it up urgently.

But the face was flushed, the muscles in his cheeks were shaking, and sweat was dripping from his forehead, indicating that he was in serious pain at this time.

“Don’t be impatient, wait until Captain Jia has stitched up the wound.

Lieutenant Jia is the one who was injured. You must listen to his opinion on how to compensate for the injury. "

Captain Jing'an suppressed the dispute for the time being, and the two teams of warriors temporarily separated and went to different barracks to discuss matters.

In fact, there is not much room for retreat for both of them. The county warrior respects the order of Captain Jing'an. When problems arise, Captain Jing'an will naturally defend them.

Otherwise, the county warriors were so comfortable living in their own jurisdiction, how could they go to Jing'an City to have a grudge against the state warriors.

On the other side of the state capital warriors, comrade Pao Ze was injured. If he didn't seek justice for his comrades, how could he return to the state capital camp.

Therefore, Yin Gui's courtesan was much more powerful than Yin Gui's civil and military kuei. He hit the weak point of the warrior team with one blow and put them in a dilemma.

As soon as he entered the barracks, Captain Jing'an said angrily.

"The demon that deceives people must be eliminated, otherwise this matter will never be finished.

Only by killing that monster can we avenge Captain Jia in the right sense. Otherwise, they will leave with their grudges, and trouble will most likely arise in the future. "

"The issue of compensation is not a big deal. The big deal is to give them more spiritual objects.

Everyone, think about it, is there a way to eliminate evil and chaos and restore the integrity of my colleagues and me? "

The warriors from each county frowned and thought. For a moment, they had no clue. They couldn't think of any way to resist the mind-deceiving technique.

Only Zhou Yuan immediately thought of Jiyin Liquid, and the attribute panel introduced it in detail.

[Quickly restore a small amount of true energy, superimpose the 'yin-cold' state, and relieve coma and temptation-like negative states while continuing blood loss. 】

The alleviation of the negative status of temptation is just enough to counteract the ghostly oiran's confusion skills.

I just don’t know how long I can resist it, and how many doses I need to take to get rid of the ‘confusion’ effect.

But this is a direction, and it is also a way to master the 'Three Chiefs' technique'. Zhou Yuan thinks he can try it.

"Master Captain, do you still remember how you described the gray mist in the secret realm?

I wonder if the Xing Shen in "It hurts the body but benefits Qi, it is cold but wakes up the mind" can resist the evil ghosts and deceive the mind. "

"Huh? Now that you said it, I remembered that I might give this method a try.

Lieutenant Cheng County, you go to the camp store and get a bottle of cold black liquid. I will drink it myself to test its ability to awaken the mind and see how cold it is. "


Cheng Fei, the captain of Shanle County, followed the order and soon retrieved a half-meter-high long-necked vase.

Jiang Ren, the captain of Jing'an School, first dipped a few drops into his chopsticks and put it into his mouth to taste it carefully. After a quarter of an hour, he changed the spoon to fill the liquid and took a small sip.

Zhou Yuan also used a portion of Jiyin Liquid through the inventory to experience its awakening effect and how much health bar it damaged.

Since the portion marked in the inventory was much larger than a tablespoon, Zhou Yuan was unsure of Captain Jing'an's feelings.

Anyway, he felt that his brain was suddenly soaked in ice water, and all the distracting thoughts disappeared, leaving only a cold feeling that quickly spread throughout his body.

Looking at the health bar again, it quickly dropped by 5%. After a while, it dropped by 1%, and then slowly came out of the cold state.

"The blood consumption is controllable and can be used as an anti-confusion item."

Zhou Yuan had the attribute panel as a reference, which allowed him to observe the quality of the Yin-accumulating fluid more intuitively.

Captain Jing'an was not doing so well. He tasted a spoonful and drank another spoonful after a while, as if he was drinking some kind of tonic.

Finally, after two quarters of an hour, about half an hour later, he put down the spoon and opened his closed eyes.

"I often hear that where poisons appear, there are often antidotes. I didn't expect that such unfounded sayings can also prove the demons in the secret realm.

Everyone, this Yin-cold black liquid is indeed effective. When I first drank it, my brain was as cold as ice, and when I drank it again, I felt nothing but cold. It can probably be used to resist the demons' confusion."

"Since it is useful, we might as well give it a try.

Without sharp weapons, only shields, even if you are confused by the demon, you will not hurt your comrades."

"Good, if it can be confirmed that Yin-cold black liquid can wake up the mind and resist confusion, the injury suffered by the governor Jia Duwei is not only worth it, but also a great achievement."

The accumulated Yin liquid is harmful to the body after all, so the county warriors put it into several small porcelain bottles for easy use.

After entering the Yin Ghost Secret Realm again, Zhou Yuan and Cheng Fei, two archers, kept a distance of about 100 meters from the shield formation of Jing'an School Lieutenant.

In this way, they can provide quick support and avoid being selected as the target of the Yin Ghost Courtesan.

"Approach the three-story wooden building and drink the Yin-cold black liquid."

As the Yin-accumulating liquid was consumed, the Yin-ghost courtesan's confusing skills were indeed affected.

It still stood there empty-handed, but failed to trigger a new round of chaos, only causing a subordinate county warrior to feel dizzy.

"Use the shield to knock it down, and those who know the fist and palm seal technique, wait for an opportunity to attack."

The subordinate county warrior held his breath in his heart, and had no time to experiment how long the Yin-accumulating liquid could last.

They all raised their shields and surrounded and attacked, firmly controlling the Yin-ghost courtesan.

"Zhou Yuan, I will use the blood evil arrow technique, and you use the three stars in a row to kill it as soon as possible."

"Okay, I will lead an arrow to hit the shield to remind them to open up the space."

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