Lin Yu didn't know that he was being watched as soon as he got off the plane. The person watching him was none other than Awad.

Because he was very curious about Lin Yu, although he met him at the air show, he thought that this young man was just an ordinary sales manager or a related technician.

But he never expected that this young man was actually the boss of a company, and the power of this company could actually shake the phone to his hand.

Such a powerful company and such a well-connected person must be known.

More friends mean more ways, and what's more, this is a weapons manufacturing company. If you build a good relationship with the other party, maybe you can get some legendary equipment for Saudi Arabia.

So, as soon as Lin Yu walked out of the airport and got in the car, a taxi followed them quietly.

Seeing that they checked into the hotel, the taxi driver took out his phone and said to the other end of the phone: "The target has checked into the hotel. Repeat, the target has checked into the hotel."

Soon, the news fell into Awad's hands.

Knowing that the person he was waiting for had arrived, Awad stood up and took a visiting card from the bookcase next to him. It had a vermilion velvet cover with a peony pattern in gold and silver.

He flipped it open and saw Arabic written with a brush on a slightly yellowed but faintly fragrant paper.

[Lin Yu of Rheinsteel Group, pays respect to His Royal Highness Prince Awad! ]

When his eyes fell on these words, a bookish atmosphere came towards him. Seeing that Awad was very pleased, he closed the visiting card casually. He couldn't help but sigh that a civilization that has not broken its inheritance and has these etiquettes is indeed much better than those barbarians.

Putting the visiting card into his arms, he walked out humming a song happily: "Let's go and visit our guests from afar."


In the hotel, after washing up to wash away the fatigue caused by the flight, Lin Yu was just about to go to bed when Yang Aimin suddenly appeared and stammered:

"That Prince Awad is here!"

"Fuck!" Lin Yu cursed, jumped up from the bed, changed his clothes, walked into the reception room, and started to make tea.

After waiting for a while, a bearded Arab man pushed the door open and walked to the seat opposite Lin Yu with a smile. He stretched out his right hand and said to Lin Yu: "Mr. Lin, long time no see. I just didn't expect that our second meeting would be here."

"Let me introduce myself again. My name is Awad bin Abdul Ala."

Lin Yu quickly put down the teapot, wiped the water off his clothes, and stretched out his right hand: "Chairman of Rheinsteel Group, Lin Yu, Shuangmulin, Yanwuyu, it's a pleasure to meet you, my dear Highness Awa!"

"I wonder what you are doing here suddenly today?"

The two of them touched hands and opened their mouths. Awad sat down on the chair, picked up the tea on the table, put it to the tip of his nose and sniffed it gently, praised it for being good tea, and then swallowed it in one gulp. Feeling the fragrance of the tea lingering in his mouth, he looked at Lin Yu and asked curiously: "I would like to ask Mr. Lin, are you representing yourself or..."

He didn't finish his words. As a mature middle-aged man, he knew that some words should be stopped at the right time, and there was no need to ask too clearly.

Facing his inquiring eyes, Lin Yu shook his head gently and said:

"I don't represent anyone, I just want to make some money, and while making money, I want to help people as much as I can, it's that simple."

"Is there really nothing else?" Awad confirmed repeatedly, and at the same time took the tea on the table, added it to himself, and took out a piece of sugar from the small jar on the table, threw it into the teacup, and stirred it carefully with a spoon, and his eyes never left Lin Yu's face from beginning to end.

However, until the piece of sugar melted in the teacup, he still didn't see any extra expression on Lin Yu's face.

His eyes were very clear, and his expression on his face was very natural and casual, without the subconscious movements of ordinary people when thinking!

Seeing all this, Awad picked up the teacup and slowly brought it to his mouth to cover up his inner shock.

Because all of this shows one thing, that is, these words are all what the young man in front of him thinks, so he can be so calm!

He just wants to make money and then help people!

At this moment, he was like Boss Cao, shouting in his heart:

This... this... this is impossible!

Absolutely impossible!

As an Arab, Awad has the blood of profiteers in his veins.

There is also a saying that all businessmen are profiteers, and the young man in front of him actually said that he was not going to be a profiteer!

Then how does he make money?

With a hammer?

The inner drama lasted for a long time, but in reality it was only a cup of tea. After drinking the tea in his hand, Awad put down the teacup and asked softly: "How do I know whether you are telling the truth or a lie?"

Lin Yu grabbed the teapot and filled the teapot for the person in front of him, and said softly: "We have an old saying called unity of knowledge and action. Since I said so, I will do it."

"For us, we can make money from the Iraqi project, so we don't need to do those messy and roundabout things. It's a waste of time and a waste of mood."

"This time, I invited His Highness Awad, just to have a relatively fair bidding environment so that we can compete on the same stage, that's all."

After listening to those plain words, Awad still refused to give up. He stood up slowly, walked around the tea table, came to Lin Yu, tilted his head, like a curious baby, and asked in a low voice: "It's really not for anything else. ?”

"No!" In response, Lin Yu pushed the tea cup in front of Awad, picked up a sugar cube and threw it in. Then, he gently pushed forward a palm-sized brown paper bag next to him and said:

"I came in a hurry and didn't prepare anything for His Highness Awad. This is the tea I got from a friend. It tastes good. Please don't dislike it, Your Highness Awad."

Awad's eyes lit up when he heard that there were gifts. There was only one country in the world that could offer real luxury goods!

That is China!

That's real luxury, not what some man-made brands claim to be.

He carefully opened the seal of the kraft paper bag, and what he saw was some tight, strong, green-brown tea leaves. At the same time, there was a strong fragrance of tea.

After frowning for a while, he looked up with wide eyes, looked at the young man in front of him, and asked in surprise: "Dahongpao?"

Awad's surprised expression was all seen by Lin Yu. The tea had already achieved its preemptive effect. He continued to pour the tea and explained softly:

"It's not the mother trees, it's the extra cuttings."

"If His Highness likes it, I can ask my friends to help His Highness do a little extra every year."

Hearing these casual words, Awad quickly retracted his hand and put the tea bag into his arms.

Just kidding, when I went to China, I only got two taels. Although this package is extra tree cuttings, it is definitely a rare treasure in the world!

Sure enough, only Chinese people can play with luxury goods in style!

Now go back and show off to my brother!

He wanted to show off, but he didn't want to stay any longer. He stood up, patted the tea bag in his arms, and warned in a low voice: "Mr. Lin, you have said so many words, but I still have to say one last thing, I hope you will do what you say! "

"As for Iraq, you don't have to worry. With me here, you can get a relatively fair bidding environment, but I can only say relatively."

"Because there are too many people who are eyeing Iraq this time. There are so many people that if we get into trouble, we will be in trouble!"

"I hope you understand!"

"Understood!" In a flurry of polite words, Lin Yu sent Awad out of the room and to the car in the basement. It wasn't until the car disappeared from sight that Lin Yu turned around and walked back to the hotel.

He disappeared at the elevator entrance, and behind him, two sneaky people appeared in front of the elevator door. Looking at the rising numbers, the person on the left suddenly asked: "Sakai-kun, that man just now should be a Chinese, right?”

"And the other one seems to be Prince Awad of Saudi Arabia. Seeing that they are talking happily, it seems that there is something wrong!"

"Should we report?"

Sakai Hiroshi turned his head and glanced at the direction in which the vehicle disappeared, shook his head slightly, and said: "You know this and I know it. You can't let others know, especially those seniors."

"Xiaosong-kun, come here this time, we are just handymen. The good things belong to those bitches. The bad things are all ours."

"Why don't we take advantage of this opportunity and take advantage of this incident to get rid of those guys who are riding on our heads?"

"This time in the Iraqi market, if we win the project, then we will be the heroes. We can use our power to focus on customers."

After some encouraging words, there was no response from Saburo Kosomatsu. With a sigh, Hiroshi Sakai turned his head and said to Saburo Kosomatsu: "Komatsu-kun, do you still remember what they did to your fiancée?"

The words "fiancée" directly woke up the numb Komatsu Saburo, and then let out another roar, holding his head in his hands, sitting on the ground in pain, lying on the ground and roaring feebly.

After a while, he stood up slowly, brushed off the dust on his body expressionlessly, smoothed out the wrinkles on his clothes bit by bit, looked at the elevator door that went down to the basement again, and asked calmly: "How to do it? "

"Of course, to give our competitors some leverage!" As he spoke, Sakai Hiroshi waved his right hand, and a small USB flash drive appeared in his hand.

Looking at the black USB flash drive, Saburo Komatsu also had a smile on his face, a proud smile.


The elevator has arrived.

The two people standing outside the door stepped into the elevator, the smiles on their faces disappeared at the same time, their bodies bent slightly, and they looked like they were suffering from great hatred.

The elevator went up to the fourth floor, the metal door opened, and the two people bent over and tiptoed out of the elevator, heading towards the presidential suite at the end of the corridor.

In the suite, several chubby people were sitting on the sofa, enjoying red wine and fruit, and in each of their arms was a blonde woman.

These women were more than half taller than them even when they were sitting in their arms.

Seeing the two people who suddenly appeared, the smiles of several chubby people instantly disappeared, and they shouted angrily: "Baga! You two losers, have you finished your work?"

These abusive words did not elicit a rebuttal from Koichi Sakai. Instead, he ran up to the person who was scolding him. Like a pug, he bent down respectfully, took out the photo from his manual briefcase and handed it over.

Seeing the photos, the chubby guys knew that it was working time. With a wave of their hands, the blonde women walked to the bedroom next door and then closed the door obediently.

And at this moment, Hirokazu Sakai's words rang out: "The Chinese stayed in the same hotel as us. They booked the entire 7th floor, which is the VIP floor. There is an independent elevator with a doorman in the elevator 24 hours a day, and there are people guarding the stairwell."

"I suspect it's an important person."

"The French business group is in the Starlight International Hotel, and the German business group is in the Century Hotel."

"Finally, it's our old enemy, the Koreans. They are in the hotel opposite us, on the 13th floor."

Hearing this number, one of the chubby guys got up quickly, ran to the window, and looked through the curtains at the 13th floor of the opposite hotel.

But the glass of both sides was coated. Looking from the outside, well...

You can't see anything.

At the same time, at the window on the 13th floor of the opposite hotel.

A small telescope was hiding behind the curtains, staring at the door of the opposite hotel through the gap in the curtains.

The telescope is also connected to a camera, and a black line extends from the camera to the table next to it.

On the wooden table made of African walnut, there are several computer monitors. The pictures on the monitors are the pictures of the hotel opposite and the entrance of the hotel parking lot.

Next to this room is a large conference room. The conference table made of Indian walnut is filled with various reports, and around these reports are a large number of people, computers, and calculators.

These people sit in front of the computer, pressing the calculator frantically, and at the same time, they are also reporting the data in a messy but orderly manner.

"If we win the project, cement and steel will be important factors in our cost control."

"The nearest countries that produce cement on a large scale are Turkey and India, but if large-scale consumption is carried out, the production capacity of both countries may not be able to keep up."

"So, we need a supplement. We can use the goods of merchants to lower prices!"

"As for steel bars, our Posco Steel Company produced more than 30 million tons last year, which is enough to cope with the production here."

"And our main competitors are England, France, and Japan!"

"America is not in the same class as us. This time, the Iraqi Reconstruction Committee should directly coordinate a batch of projects for them, and we have an important task, which is to find out those coordinated projects from these projects and avoid them!"

"Avoid spending extra energy on them, and put the most important energy on other projects that America doesn't want, and then grab them!"

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