"Even the most unskilled soldier can easily load a shell in 1 minute and 30 seconds with the help of the auxiliary loading system."

"As long as there are five artillery pieces, it can easily cause a devastating blow to the enemy, and the best part is the mobility of this artillery piece!"

"On the way, the coordinate data from the frontline battlefield is received, and the computer automatically calculates it. After obtaining the corresponding parameters, it stops directly on the roadside, sets up the cannon, and then starts bombing. After the bombardment, it can continue running."

"Then on the road, we can receive the coordinate data of the front line and let the computer calculate it."

While Lin Yu was introducing, at the weapons testing factory not far away, Shao Xiaofeng and his men fired a few more shots at the mountain in the distance.

The fire burst out and rocks flew across the sky. The power was earth-shaking.

Amidst the explosions one after another, Acoma quietly poked his head and asked in a low voice:

"Mr. Lin Yu, what will happen if your cannon hits a tank?"

"Tank?" Lin Yu couldn't help but blink. He never expected that someone would ask such a question. Of course, Acoma couldn't be blamed.

After all, this group of people has never used any good equipment since the establishment of the Milk Tea Party.

Shaking his head, he took the walkie-talkie from the test team member next to him and called:

"Old Shao, go and take out the armor cover we used to simulate the tank, and use our truck to bombard it."


A response came from the intercom, followed by Shao Xiaofeng's order:

"Logistics team, logistics team, get that simulated tank cover and remember to stuff a simulated wounded person inside."

Ten minutes later, two high-horsepower tractors, dragging a huge steel sleeve, appeared from the other side of the weapons testing site, and soon arrived at the foot of the mountain in the distance.

The tractor moved away and the truck gun slowly took aim.


The cannonball hit the bullseye, knocking the huge steel cover off.

Then the tractor appeared again, dragging the huge set in front of several people.

At first, Awad and the others didn't care too much. After all, the simulated tank was not a tank after all. But when this big iron guy appeared in front of them, they realized how outrageous their ideas were. .

Because this simulated tank is larger than any tank currently on the market. The reason for the size is because of the armor of this simulated tank.

The thickness reaches a terrifying 1200 mm, and it is a complete set, top, bottom, left and right, all 1200 mm.

This is just a big iron lump. No wonder this big guy needs two large tractors to drag it.

It's a miracle the tractor didn't sink into the ground on the way it dragged this thing.

After introducing the parameters of this big thing at the side, Shao Xiaofeng first tested the temperature on the shell with his hands to make sure it was not hot. Then he climbed onto the tank shell, opened the top cover, and got inside.

After tinkering inside for a while, he dragged a 50-pound pig out from the top. The pig lay limp in his hands, as if it had no muscles or bones.

Putting the dead pig in front of everyone, he kept poking the dead pig with his fingers and explained at the same time:

"If a howitzer wants to hit a tank, it can't hit the frontal armor. It has to hit the side or tail armor."

"It's okay to start with it."

"But these are not problems for us. Our howitzer has a caliber of 155 mm and uses anti-personnel grenades."

"If it hits the tank, the impact of the explosion alone can kill the people inside the tank."

"Just like this pig."

As he spoke, he kept poking the dead pig with his fingers. Every time he pressed his fingers, a pit appeared on the skin of the dead pig without any rebound.

Then the skin of the pit quickly turned red and purple, and after a while, the skin of the entire dead pig completely turned black and blue, looking extremely hideous and terrifying.

Seeing that the pillow turned black, Shao Xiaofeng took out a digital watch from his arms, glanced at the time, and then took out a notebook and wrote down the time.

Then he took out the walkie-talkie in full public view, pressed the call button, and said:

"The kill assessment team, come here and take the dead pig back for dissection. Also, drag the tank model back."

After speaking, he raised his head and said to those present:

"Except for the organisms inside."

"When attacked by artillery, the corresponding electronic parts inside the tank will also be damaged during the impact."

"Generally speaking, the gun we have is more than enough to hit tanks."

"But we do not recommend using this gun to bombard tanks, because the mobility of tanks when attacking is more flexible than this gun."

"This cannon is better used for fire support."

After the introduction, he turned to look at Lin Yu, pointed to the four cars next to him with his right hand, and asked:

"Do you want to display this thing? If you want to display it, I will ask them to get some more ammunition and bring two more drones over."

"Go ahead and get it." Lin Yu nodded, turned his head toward Awad and the others, and continued: "Our distinguished guests are here, let them play."

"Logistics team, get two more bases of ammunition, hurry up."

Accompanied by the sound of the walkie-talkie, four tractors appeared at the weapons testing site. Behind each tractor, two cargo buckets were dragged, and the cargo buckets were full of ammunition.

When the tractors arrived in front of everyone, Lin Yu walked towards the small car with the machine gun and climbed onto the car. Shao Xiaofeng, on the other hand, naturally walked to the driver's seat and started the small car.

Under the watchful eyes of Awad and others, the car roared and drove towards the target in the distance.

Seeing this, he and Carlo ran toward the car equipped with a 107 rocket launcher. With the help of the weapons experiment team members, they started the car and chased after it happily.

Tang Yuanshan and Acoma, who were left behind, looked at each other and walked towards the car equipped with mortars.

The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, sat in the cargo compartment, and the driver became Heckley.

As the car moved forward, Arkema started talking, not in Arabic, but in somewhat broken Mandarin:

"Mr. Tang, could you please support us political commissars?"

"We have two teachers who will go abroad and travel to Cyprus in two days..." After saying this ambiguous sentence, Tang Yuanshan stopped talking, and after chewing this sentence over and over again, Acoma also showed a smile on his face.

He immediately turned his head and looked at Acoma and others who were shooting wildly not far away. Then he patted the equipment under his butt with his hand and asked in a low voice:

"Can you support us with this?"

This time, Tang Yuanshan did not respond, instead there was a rumbling explosion.

Awad had a great time playing with the two basic ammunition. When he got off the car, he patted his numb thighs and then buttoned his ears. Then he came to Acoma and pointed at the weapon just now. The car said:

"I have used these equipment. They are very good and the price is cheap enough. I will entrust Mr. Lin to produce them and then find a ship to send them directly to Beirut."

"What do you think?"

Acoma was overjoyed by these unexpected words.

In the area on the border between Lebanon and Israel, after decades of development, Lebanon has turned all the land that can be reclaimed into cultivated land.

Relying on these cultivated lands, Lebanon established settlements of various sizes, and then connected these settlements with roads.

These small, fast-moving vehicles, combined with the conditions in southern Lebanon, are a perfect match.

What's more, although this small car looks relatively small, the equipment it carries is without exception heavy firepower.

All are heavy firepower needed for milk tea and so on. With these things, especially the small anti-aircraft missile vehicle, although they are all portable anti-aircraft missiles, it only takes a few vehicles to turn the Israeli helicopters into scrap metal.

Without helicopter support, Israeli tanks have to be careful when going out.

When the time comes, get some anti-tank missiles and hammer them hard for a while, and the Israeli tanks will shrink.

Finally, only the light infantry remained.

They all carry two heads on one shoulder. How dare you Israelis to wander around the territory of my milk tea party?

After thinking this through, Acoma nodded with joy on his face.

Seeing his appearance, Awad turned around decisively, walked towards Lin Yu next to him, pulled him with him, and walked to the corner to discuss the price.

"Look at this, it's a bit rough. The price should be lower."

"Do you, Saudi Arabia, lack this kind of money?"

“There’s no shortage, but it’s human nature to bargain.”

"Then I'll give you a 5% discount. How much money will you give me, and I'll add 5% of the equipment directly to the total price?"

"Okay, let's give them 50 million US dollars first, and see how their level is first. If their level is too bad, there will be no future."

"That's it, what about the 600 million before?"

"The previous 600 million was given to the Lebanese authorities and the Sunnis. It has nothing to do with them. If they can put aside their differences and trade equipment with each other, then pretend that I didn't say anything."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

After the negotiation was completed, the next thing became a matter of course. Acoma took the agreement, took his son, and left first, accompanied by Heckley.

Awad and Carlo stayed at Rheinsteel for a few more days before setting off to return home.

In the Middle East, Israel and Lebanon temporarily ceased fighting, and there was no exchange of fire in the Gaza Strip. Just when Lin Yu lamented that life was harmonious and beautiful, a piece of news from the Middle East completely made him uneasy.

[King Said of Saudi Arabia summoned Akema, the leader of the Milk Tea Party, and Gleier, the Lebanese Defense Minister, in Riyadh. The three parties reached cooperation and decided to hold high the banner of Pan-Arabism. All Arab countries are brothers and sisters. 】

This is a report from the BBC. The word in the title is not a meeting or a reception, but a summons.

After seeing this news on the Internet, Lin Yu quickly fluttered his hands and searched for relevant original information on Saudi Arabia's official website.

Then, he saw the corresponding report on the official Saudi website.

Like the English title, it is also used to summon.

As for the content of the news, there is not much difference between the English version and the Arabic version, except that the descriptions are different in some details.

Lin Yu couldn't help but feel embarrassed after seeing these two pieces of news. He knew that chaos was about to break out in the Middle East again.

As a compassionate person, he does not want chaos in the Middle East, because civilians are always the ones who get hurt.

Except for the Israelites.

But at the same time, when there is chaos over there, the things in his hands can be sold better.

People are so contradictory.

In the midst of the conflict, Lin Yu put on Rheinsteel's work clothes, carried a wrench, and began to wander around the workshops, driving screws.

Lin Yu received news from Saudi Arabia, but it was actually lagging behind seriously. Just as he had guessed, when he received the news, several Arab countries in the Middle East were already in chaos.

And the most chaotic thing is Syria.

In the office of the Ministry of National Defense, Barros, the central commander of the National Defense Forces, read the newspaper in his hand several times, finally threw it aside, and turned his eyes to the opposite side. Opposite him was Mateus, the director of the Syrian Security and Intelligence Agency.

Smiling, Barros said to the person opposite: "You know what I want to ask."

On the opposite side, Mateus spread his hands and responded with a smile:

"Although I really want to say this is fake news, it is indeed true news. Saudi Arabia, together with the United Arab Emirates, has extended a helping hand to the Lebanese Milk Tea Party."

"And the Lebanese authorities are involved."

"This is a very bad signal for us."

"Because this means that countries like Saudi Arabia have begun to give up their previous ideas and their previous ideas of supporting neighboring countries based on religious sects."

"Instead, start supporting them according to their own strength. Doing so will greatly change the pattern of the Middle East."

"Indeed!" Barros nodded in agreement, turned around, and looked at the map behind him. However, this map was not a map of Syria.

But a map of a country called the United Arab States!

This country's territory includes Syria, Egypt, and North Yemen.

Of course, Syria on the map is larger, and the larger part is Lebanon.

Staring at the map, which was almost as old as himself, Barros suddenly asked: "Tell me, who among us Arab countries will have the biggest reaction when hearing this news?"

Mateus also came to the map, looked at the map from a long time ago, searched around, and finally landed on southern Syria, which borders them.

At the same time, the founding king of the country who was a brother to their founding king then said:

"Maybe... it's Jordan."

Listening to Mateus' words, Barros took off the pen on his chest, put a question mark on the map of Jordan, and asked: "Then shall we go to Gonggonghuo?"

"The original group of people in the Milk Tea Party were people from Palestine. Now that they have received aid from Saudi Arabia, they will definitely return to the old land of Palestine, and Jordan wants to hold the land of the West Bank."

"When these two people collide, what kind of sparks will happen?"

There was a glimmer of expectation in Barros's eyes. Before he could say what he imagined, Mateus said:

"I don't know much about sparks, but sparks can be triggered, just like the Black September incident."

"But the problem is that the kings of our two countries are relatives. It's not good for relatives to attack each other."

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