Carlo's voice was a little low, but there was a little bit of madness in the low voice. It was the madness of being almost forced to a dead end, and then seeing a life-saving straw in front of him, and his hands were beating desperately, trying to grasp this life-saving straw.

Sensing something strange about the other party, Lin Yu couldn't help but complain in his heart that America and the others had a strategic vision, but did not have the corresponding execution ability.

They attack Afghanistan and Iraq. In addition to oil, their ultimate goal is to occupy this crossroads of the world island.

In this way, the two major powers on the world island can be contained at the same time.

While controlling these two powerful countries, they can earn protection fees and make a lot of money from the three continents of the World Island at the same time, just like the Ottoman Empire in 1800.

There is nothing wrong with this step of their strategy, but the execution is too rough.

If it were me, I would definitely hit Israel hard now, knocking it to death until it hurts and is covered in blood, and then sell it to a good one and bring together several Gulf countries in the Middle East. The thing is over.

Instead of just pulling out a videotape to prove that the person you were watching was killed, and issuing threats at the same time, like now.

After all, the founding of the country was too short, the construction of national consciousness was not completed, and it was too short-sighted.

But that's okay, the crazier they are, the better it is for them to act.

With a frightened expression on his face, he stood up and smoothed every wrinkle on his clothes. Finally, he stretched out his right hand to Carlo in front of him with a serious expression:

"Then, Your Highness Carlo, how about we cooperate on this and rebuild a new world order, a stable world order that allows anyone to pursue their dreams?"

"Not at all." Although he didn't agree, Carlo's hand was very honest. Before he finished speaking, he held Lin Yu's hand.

"I just want my family to be well and my compatriots to be able to live in peace and stability. Everything else doesn't matter."

For such a person who was so disrespectful of his integrity, Lin Yu just smiled slightly, grabbed the other person's hand, and shook it gently a few times to release it.

Give others face.

Turning around, he looked at Awad again and asked: "Your Highness Awad, what do you think of this cooperation?"

"No objection." Awad shrugged his shoulders and said nonchalantly:

"Both of our two families have relatively poor military capabilities, and the only thing they can afford is money."

"But I'm the first one here and I want a discount. Is that okay?"

"No problem." Lin Yu nodded and agreed to the condition. This person has been the icing on the cake several times, and this time, he also introduced people from the UAE, which was almost a timely help.

We have never met each other, and even if we have a certain mutual understanding, if we were to contact Carlo independently, the process would definitely be more troublesome than it is now.

He saved himself a lot of time.

Discounts are what they should be.

After giving his opinion, Lin Yu looked back at Carlo again. Sensing his gaze, Carlo didn't say anything else. He just shrugged and asked:

"Where's your cooperation agreement? Since the three of us are here, it's better to sign a better cooperation agreement and give him the discount."

"Okay." Lin Yu nodded, turned around and walked out of the room. Not long after, a professional legal team walked into the room with a cooperation agreement.

Along with them came the two legal teams of Awad and Carlo. The three parties sat around a square table and started bickering over the contents of the agreement.

"What is a 5% discount enough for? Is it enough to fill your teeth?"

"A fighter jet costs hundreds of millions of dollars. What do you think 5% is enough for?"

"You guys in Saudi Arabia are really poor. You even want a 5% discount? If you don't have money, we can lend you some. This kind of future research is very uncertain. If you ask for a 5% discount, we will Do our partners have to charge us an extra 5%? In this case, just say, you Saudis are relatively poor, and we in the UAE will lend you money.”

"Get out of here, Your Highness Awad?"

"Three points, after all, we came first and got a little discount. That's what we should do. It's definitely not because we are poor." Awad said very carefully, while looking at Carlo with his peripheral vision.

Carlo crossed his hands and looked at his legal team with a smile. When Awad finished speaking, he coughed lightly and said calmly:

"It's okay. Everyone, write this matter down in the memo, write it in detail, and then take two photos over there later. Remember to take a clear picture of our Prince Awad's face. Be sure to take a clear picture."


Just as the two were arguing, a knock on the door interrupted their quarrel. Lin Yu stood up and walked over, opening the door a crack, only to find that it was Awad's entourage.

Having met Lin Yu twice before, this follower didn't think much when he saw Lin Yu, and said directly in Arabic:

"Mr. Lin, please tell His Highness that the broadcast of the signing of the ceasefire agreement between Lebanon and Israel has begun."

After hearing the news, Lin Yu turned around, only to find that Awad and the others had already come behind him. The three of them looked at each other, and he was the first to ask:

"Let's... go take a look?"

His eyes flickered a few times, and Awad nodded: "Go and have a look."

The door opened, and the two of them, led by Lin Yu, walked into the next room and connected the digital signal. After working for a while, they connected to the corresponding channel.

Accompanied by snowflakes, the scene of the negotiation also appeared on TV.

However, unlike what everyone guessed, the place where the agreement was signed was not in a certain building or a certain conference hall, but on the border between the two sides.

On the pile of soil that had just been dug by an excavator, there were two tables. Hanks stood in the middle of the table. On the left and right sides were the newly appointed defense ministers of Israel and Lebanon.

Behind them were a large number of soldiers and various equipment.

Of course, the reason for signing the ceasefire agreement this time was indispensable - the fully armed American soldiers.

These soldiers stood by like door gods, staring at everyone with a covetous look, as if they would open fire directly if the agreement was not signed and let someone else sign.

Seeing this picture, Awad and Carlo's faces became more and more gloomy.


To the west, across more than 6 hours of time zones, there are Lebanon and Israel.

On the northern border of Shemona, Robert sat on a chair, looking at the person in front of him. He picked up the pen in his hand several times, and put it down several times. He looked up at Hanks and wanted to speak, but found that the other party's eyes were not here, but on the UN officials not far to the left.

After hesitating for a long time, he picked up the pen and slowly signed his name on the ceasefire agreement, Robert Albert.

After signing this name, he breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he felt that his whole spirit was gone. All the energy in his body was gone with the signing of these words.

He could already foresee what kind of criticism he would suffer when he returned to Tel Aviv after signing this agreement.

That criticism must be like a storm, beating him madly all day and night, and he, when facing these criticisms, will definitely be abandoned by the president to give an explanation to the people.

His career is completely over.

Robert pushed the ceasefire agreement in front of him forward, pushed it in front of the person opposite, and raised his hand elegantly, indicating that the other party should sign his name.

The person opposite was the new Lebanese Defense Minister, formerly the Deputy Defense Minister, Greer.

Looking at the ceasefire agreement, Greer smiled bitterly and shook his head. He really didn't expect that the first diplomatic matter he took up after taking office would be to sign a ceasefire agreement, and it was signed in such a sloppy place, which would really go down in history.

Holding the ceasefire agreement with his left hand and a pen in his right hand, he raised his head, looked at Hanks, and asked calmly in English:

"General Hanks, I have signed this ceasefire agreement now. Can you really get the Syrians out of our land as you said?"

Faced with the question, Hanks raised his hand and pointed at the officials of the General Assembly not far away, and responded:

"They have two tasks today. One task is to urge you to sign the ceasefire agreement, and the other is to urge the Syrians to get out of your land."

"There is an old saying in China called courtesy before force. They are courtesy, and we are soldiers."

"After you sign the agreement today, the Syrians will have to get out even if they don't want to. It's that simple."

"Although my character is not guaranteed, I can guarantee this today."

"Of course, you can also not sign it. This is your freedom."

In the last sentence, Hanks emphasized the word freedom. Grayer is not a fool, he can hear it.

With a bitter smile, he picked up the pen and signed his name on the ceasefire agreement, Grayer Mohammed.

The name was written in a flourish, and in addition to the English signature, there was also an Arabic signature. After signing his name, he put the pen in his pocket and pushed the ceasefire agreement in front of Hanks.

Hanks grabbed the ceasefire agreement and tried to grab the pen, but his hand was empty.

With a helpless sigh, he picked up the ceasefire agreement and turned to walk towards several UN officials not far away.

After handing the agreement to these people, he turned around again and stood in front of a soldier watching on the island. The man was dressed in standard Syrian military uniforms.

Standing in front of the other party, he said with a smile:

"I will convey the opinion of the UN."

"You 20,000 people, all get out within a week."

"If you don't get out, next week, the army will come to attack you."

Facing danger, the Syrian soldier in front of him did not speak, nor did he make any resistance, but just listened to it all silently.

Hanks was not in a hurry after not getting a response. He turned around and returned to the signing site, picked up the loudspeaker on the table, and shouted:

"Everyone, the ceasefire agreement has been signed. Now everyone is at peace. Let's go home, okay?"

"I don't want to hear the word bad. Now, disband."

After saying these words like a master, Hanks got back into his car, waved his hand, and the American soldiers not far away started their equipment and followed him to leave in a mighty manner.

And the officials of the General Assembly also drove their cars, followed the team with a smile, and left together.

Only the people present were left looking at each other. The people on both sides had guns in their hands, and their equipment was parked on the border. They only needed one sentence to start fighting again.

To fight or not to fight?

Gler and Robert looked at each other. After a long time, they each took two steps back, and then turned around almost at the same time and strode towards their own camps.

After the two returned to the camp, the teams of both sides retreated to a safe distance, turned their guns in unison, and then fired.

The team that left had not gone far, and heard the sound of artillery, so the team stopped and found a high place. Hanks looked for a while, got back to the car with an indifferent look on his face, picked up the satellite phone in the car, and called directly to the Ministry of Defense's Rafield:

"Mr. Rafield, I have made both parties sign a ceasefire agreement as you requested, but..."

He stopped talking, raised the satellite phone in his hand high, and pointed the microphone in the direction of the artillery sound.

After keeping this action for two or three minutes, he took back the satellite phone and continued to speak into the microphone:

"But you see, you also saw the broadcast just now. I signed the ceasefire agreement here and just left. It has been less than 30 minutes since I left."

"These people are fighting again."

"However, I have already got the excuse you need. I will ask someone to rush and send it back to you by plane later."

"Then there is Syria. I have just issued an ultimatum to their commander in Lebanon."

"But I see that he is not willing to do it, so I suggest..."

"My suggestion is that if Syria does not withdraw from Lebanon, we will have another Syrian war and copy the results of Iraq. Yes, Syria again."

"This time we have a legitimate reason. I wonder what Mr. Raffield thinks?"

After he finished a series of words, there was no response from the other end of the satellite phone for a long time.

After four or five minutes, there was a sparse sound, as if he was getting dressed. When the sparse sound disappeared, Rafeld's voice came from the phone, with anger.

"Next time you call, please pick a time. It's still dark here, and I'm still sleeping, and you woke me up."

"To attack Syria, you can use a small force to attack, and you can send planes with bombs to bomb, but if you want to march on a large scale, don't even think about it."

"You have someone send me the ceasefire agreement as soon as possible, so I can use it to shut people up."

"Hang up."

The satellite phone was hung up, and Hank pouted his lips irritably. Well, the plan to be promoted from major general to lieutenant general at the fastest speed was ruined.

It's better to make money honestly and gain experience honestly.


He was sighing, and Rafeld was sighing in Washington, DC.

As he got older, his sleep was not good, and there were so many things going on recently, which made his sleep worse. He finally fell asleep and was woken up by someone on the phone.

Looking at the phone next to him, he wanted to smash it, but he was afraid that smashing the phone would delay things, so he simply got up and walked into the kitchen, made a cup of coffee, sat on the balcony, and waited for dawn.

Waiting for the next press conference.

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