In Beirut, in a secret warehouse under the Ministry of Defense, white lights turned on instantly as Heckley pressed the switch.

In just an instant, everyone's attention was diverted to the nine white boxes in the middle of the warehouse.

It is about 6 meters long, lying flat on the ground, and the height of the box is also close to one meter.

After standing in a daze at the door for a short time, Argus rushed to the box, stroking the box with both hands, and asked stammeringly: "This... this is the rocket that our... friend developed for us. Play?"

"Isn't this really a missile?"

The way he was trembling with excitement fell into Hercule's eyes, and a teardrop fell down on the face of the special operations staff officer.

There is a saying that if you fall behind, you will be beaten. If you are not beaten, it is just because others do not want to beat you today.

Maybe tomorrow, they will beat you to death.

Now, with this thing, Lebanon has a nail in its hand. If the other party dares to attack, then use this nail to stab them hard!

Even if you can't beat them to death, you still have to prick their hands to bleed!

On the ground, Argus had stopped his crazy behavior, stood up, and started circling around the nine boxes.

At the same time, Heckley also walked to the other party and began to explain:

"This kind of rocket is called Jade Bird among our friends, and because it is the first model, the code name is Jade Bird-1."

"And the nine rockets in front of us have been equipped with guidance systems, using America's GPS."

"Now we need to test these nine rockets. Look...who do we hit?"

Who to hit?

Argus slowly turned his head and looked towards the south. Is it necessary to ask who to hit?

Of course, we have to fight that bitch in the south, but before that, there needs to be a reason. Even if the reason is small, as long as we grasp the reason, we can win sympathy internationally after the war begins.

At least, you can give your friends who are helping you a reason to stand by and criticize.

He turned around, looked at Heckley next to him, and said softly:

"Heckley, I have a mission for you. You are to deliver these nine rockets to the milk tea party in the south and tell them to find a way to let Israel take action first. Then we will use the excuse of counterattack to give them a cruel blow. of!"

The words "Milk Tea Party" made Hercule really not want to speak.

At the end of the Lebanese Civil War, all factions reached an agreement and chose to disband. Only the southern group refused to disband on the grounds of fighting Israel.

However, if there is any faction within Lebanon that hates Israelis the most, it is definitely this group of birdmen.

That is really cruel!

Giving these rockets to them is indeed a wise choice.

Rubbing his cheeks with both hands, Heckley turned his head, called to his soldiers, and began to carry the nine rockets. It was night now, and he took advantage of the moonlight to send the rockets to the south, hand them to the Milk Tea Party, and then wait for them to launch them. , record the data yourself.

When he stepped out of the warehouse with his right foot, Argus stopped him and whispered: "Pay attention to safety. I will pass the corresponding coordinate information to you."

Hearing this, Heckley smiled, then turned around and said to Argus: "Pay attention to safety. As the Minister of Defense, if there is a conflict, you will most likely be beheaded by others."

After saying that, the two looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing.

Without much effort, Heckley arrived in the southern region. At the same time, he also met the leader of the Milk Tea Party, Acoma.

Acoma was overjoyed to learn that the Ministry of National Defense had specially sent them a killer weapon. Weapons were what they lacked the most.

Large weapons are even more lacking.

However, out of caution, he still asked someone to open the launch box, check it carefully, and confirm that there was no problem before signing for it.

While they were signing for the rockets, Hercule also told Argus's words truthfully. After hearing the request, Acoma said that this was too simple.

It is easier for the Israelis to take the initiative than to catch mice in the field, because mice have brains and those people have no brains.

After simple planning, Arkema also came up with a plan.

boundary marker.

All you need to do is write some boundary markers on wood, and then nail these wooden boundary markers on the border, and those brainless Israelis will show up with guns on their shoulders!

All you need to do is lay a mine under one of the wooden signs, and the conflict will begin!

For this plan, Heckley did not object or agree. He was just a spectator and a recorder.

Early in the morning of the second day, the young people from the Milk Tea Party came to the border carrying the boundary markers they had worked on all night long, and knocked the boundary cups into the land along the border as if no one else was watching.

After knocking out dozens of wooden signs, these young people did not forget to hang a green reflective tape on the wooden signs. On one of the wooden signs, a thin silk thread was tied, and at the other end of the silk thread was an anti-infantry mine. .

An anti-infantry mine produced by America, M18A1, is not written to face the enemy, and is commonly known as a broadsword mine.

It was buried on the Lebanese side, a little distance from where the wooden signs were nailed, not much, but enough to deceive people.

Lebanon has a Mediterranean climate, with mild and rainy winters, an average temperature of about 21 degrees, and sunshine all year round.

The green reflective tape was particularly conspicuous in the sunlight. As soon as the milk tea party members left, the Israeli soldiers swaggered out and kicked the wooden sign to the ground.

After kicking over a wooden sign, there was no movement. The Israeli soldiers were in a playful mood. There were dozens of wooden signs here, and they started a competition to see who could kick the most wooden signs.

So, under the witness of the Milk Tea Party, the soldiers started the competition.

As they kicked, a lucky guy appeared. He kicked the wooden sign with a thread, and the sign fell diagonally. The force was not great, but it was enough to trigger an anti-personnel mine.

At the moment when the wooden sign fell, a fire suddenly burst out from the soil opposite the soldier. Then, the steel balls in the anti-personnel mine hit the soldier like a rainstorm under the impact of the explosion.

In an instant, he was beaten into a blood gourd!

In the blink of an eye, he was no longer alive.

The sudden explosion caused these Israeli soldiers to be in a mess in an instant. In the chaos, they all chose to shoot at Lebanon.

And their shooting movements and ferocious expressions when shooting were fully recorded by the Milk Tea Party.

After these people had finished firing their bullets and calmed down a little, the young people who had been prepared for a long time carried out a stretcher. On the stretcher, there was a person who was smeared with red paint and looked very miserable.

They flashed past the eyes of these Israelis, and then the emergency assembly bell rang.

With the bell, a large number of Lebanese people appeared from all corners, holding guns, and began to confront the Israelis across the border.

It was very unusual that they did not shoot as soon as they met.

However, when the Israelis saw this scene, they felt that the Lebanese in front of them were afraid of them.

So, an officer walked out of the team, crossed the border, came to the Lebanese, and said arrogantly: "I will give you half an hour to hand over the person who just nailed the wooden sign."

"Otherwise, you will die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, gunshots rang out in the crowd.

A bullet passed through his brain without brain water, rolled in his head, brought out a handful of blood, and flew away.

This shot was like a signal.

The people on both sides quickly dispersed, then took up their guns and fired at each other. After a long time, except for the idiot who stepped on the landmine at the beginning, there was also a brainless officer who was shot dead.

No one died.

Seeing all this, Heckler's eyes flickered. This group of milk tea party members seemed...

to be good.

The purpose of seduction was achieved, and a video was taken. Acoma held the video in his left hand and the fragments of the mine that exploded on the scene in his right hand, and stood in front of the camera to make a TV speech.

"Over the years, we have wanted to lay down our weapons countless times and return to our normal lives."

"But what about the Israelis? They tear our hopes to pieces every time and ruthlessly break our fantasies!"

"We placed simple boundary markers on the border, which is a manifestation of our active goodwill, but they are indifferent to our goodwill and even respond with malice!"

"In this case, we can only use greater evil..."

"No, it should be called stopping war with force!"

"Or, it is called survival through struggle!"


Under the camera, Acoma has a big beard, a video in his left hand and landmine fragments in his right hand. His extremely angry look has been transmitted to all parts of Lebanon.

Of course, the evil neighbors next door who peek at other people's land all day long can naturally see Lebanese TV.

Looking at the man in the camera, Mossad Director Roth wanted to laugh, because he thought this person was very cute.

After watching the entire speech, Roth called his subordinates, pointed at the person on TV, and ordered: "Didn't he say that he wanted to survive by fighting?"

"Go and make arrangements, send him to death directly, and it would be best if you can take a picture of his death."

"If that doesn't work, it's okay to take a picture of the bombing."

"Understood!" The subordinate replied respectfully, bent over, left the director's office, and went to work on the next assassination plan.

Roth, who was sitting at his desk, picked up his coffee, opened the Nasdaq stock market, and started buying his favorite stocks.

In life, only money should not be wasted.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the bell rang. Roth also closed the software on the computer and prepared to pack up and go home.

Before he could stand up, the phone rang urgently. He picked it up casually, and the subordinate's ghostly howling voice came from the phone:

"Director, the radar station in the northern region just detected nine missiles, starting from southern Lebanon..."


Without a second's hesitation, Roots hung up the phone and prepared to pretend that he knew nothing and go home to sleep.

Nine missiles took off from the south.

No matter what missile it was, even the backward Scud from the former Soviet Union, it could hit 300 kilometers.

It could cover the entire territory of Israel. It had already taken off. What could be used to intercept it?

The top of the head?

Don't you know that air defense is air defense, and nine out of ten defenses are air defenses?

What's more, he was the head of the intelligence organization, not the head of the air defense force, and he couldn't use his mouth to suck down those nine missiles.

With these thoughts flashing through his mind, Roots suddenly realized that he didn't know the target of these missiles!


He picked up the phone, but before he could dial it, his private mobile phone rang.

He took it out and saw that it was a call from the Minister of Defense.

After answering, the other party said concisely: "The target of those dogs is Tel Aviv!"

"Also, you're dead. Lebanon got missiles, such important intelligence, but you don't have any information at all!"

"You're derelict in your duty!"

After hanging up the phone, Roots ran to the air-raid shelter of the base without looking back. Tel Aviv is 115 kilometers away from the southern border of Lebanon.

The flight speed of a general missile is about 2-3 Mach. From the time the northern monitoring station finds the target to the final landing, it takes about two or three minutes.

MD, I should have known not to hang up the phone.

At this moment, he only hated his mother for not giving him two more legs.

Otherwise, he could be faster.

Third floor!

Second floor!

On the first floor, the corner of the stairs is the entrance to the air-raid shelter. You just need to open the door and get in...

At the moment when his right hand pulled the door handle, an explosion came from the opposite side of the headquarters building!

At the moment Roots heard the explosion, the shock wave arrived. The gorgeous tempered glass door in front of the building did not withstand the shock wave for half a second.

In an instant, it turned into countless broken glass shards, which were swept by the shock wave and hit all around!

Part of it hit Roots' head, splashing blood all over his face and disfigured him.

But he didn't die.

In the ten seconds after this explosion, eight more explosions were heard.

Each one was so shocking that it made people's hearts tremble!

When the last explosion sounded, Roots breathed a sigh of relief. The sound was a little light and far away from him.

He survived.

Opposite the building, in a remote street about 500 meters away, a sanitation worker with obvious Arab appearance opened his mouth, stumbled and cried out from the corner of the wall.

In a panic, he looked in the direction of the Mossad headquarters, and saw that the familiar building was not on fire, and a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

Then, he glanced at the direction of the fire nearby and ran away with the panic shouts of others.

While running, he took out his phone and dialed:

"Emily? Where are you?"

"Just now, the Intelligence and Special Missions Bureau was bombed across the street. I'm at the intersection of No. 12 Street, less than 600 meters away from me. It's so scary. Where are you? I'll pick you up now!"

There was only sobbing on the other side. After listening for a while, the man hung up the phone irritably and followed the crowd again.


Special Intelligence Analysis Room affiliated to Heckler.

The female operator picked up the phone in front of her and burst into tears when she heard the voice from the other side.

The person next to her picked up a pen and quickly recorded the numbers coming from the receiver.

Soon, nine calls were recorded. Heckler took the recorded text and began to look for the location on the map, and then began to draw a circle with a compass.

"Target No. 1, Israel's Mossad, about 400 meters away from the target."

"Target No. 2, the Parliament Building, about 300 meters away from the target."

"Target No. 3..."

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