After hearing the order, Ibrahim's soldiers turned around and got into the car, and together with several local indigenous people, they swarmed towards the city.

As for Lin Yu, after igniting the flames of war, he quietly returned to the car, took the contract, and pretended to read it.

After a while, Ibrahim returned to the car and apologized as soon as he opened his mouth:

"Mr. Lin, I'm really sorry for making you laugh because of us, but I can guarantee that this will never happen in the future."

"Little things, small things!" Lin Yu waved his hands repeatedly, indicating that he was magnanimous and would not care about these details, but turned around and poked again.

"Let's go to the northern provinces first and make preparations if this happens again."

Prepare early?

What do you want to prepare?

These words fell into the ears of Ibrahim. The official of the Reconstruction Committee was confused. After thinking carefully, he also understood the meaning of these words.

Basra, as the most open city in Iraq, still has this situation. What about the mountainous areas in the north?

No need to guess, there will definitely be opposition. If there are more people who oppose it, the difficulty of project implementation will inevitably increase exponentially, so why bother?

What else do you need to prepare?

Of course I'm ready to run away!

No, brother, you ran away, what should we do?

Ibrahim opened the car door, sat next to Lin Yu, and asked softly: "Friend, tell me the truth. If the northern mountainous area was like this, what would you do?"

"Hehe..." Lin Yu smiled awkwardly, scratched his face, hesitated for a long time, and then said in a low voice:

"We are not afraid of chaos here, because we Chinese people are pragmatic in doing things, peaceful coexistence, upright and not afraid of distorted shadows."

"But the problem is that if someone else does something and puts the blame on us, we can't defend ourselves."

"We can't say."

"As you just saw, when the Japanese and Koreans cause trouble, in the eyes of you ordinary people, it's as if we did it."

“When the time comes when your country’s opposition forces use these excuses to cause trouble, what will we do?”

Question after question made Ibrahim's bearded face become particularly gloomy.

Iraq is now being controlled by America. When other countries come to rebuild Iraq, they need to see America's face.

Regardless of America's face, and there are not so many twisting countries, there is only China.

What's more, the young man in front of him can still bear the humiliation and come to do the subcontracting business from Avenal Company.

If such a company that is willing to help runs away.

Then... where should we start talking about reconstruction?

Just when he was thinking about whether to pay a price, Lin Yu spoke again: "Actually, the solution is very simple."

"Issue a foreign land purchase law that stipulates that foreigners who purchase land only have land use rights, and the authority period is 20 years."

"The land can only be used for commercial purposes, and cannot be used to build gated communities, closed foreign schools, or hold gathering activities."

"That's it."

"Ah?" Ibrahim was stunned for a moment. He couldn't understand why Lin Yu changed the topic to the land.

Besides, aren't you a foreigner?

Seeing his doubts, Lin Yu explained: "The Koreans want to increase their influence, and the Foreign Agents Act can deal with them."

"The Japanese are for land, and this land bill will deal with them."

"Without the benefits, they will naturally reduce their investment here."

"Of course, it's possible to increase it, but isn't there also the Foreign Agents Act?"


These two words connected Lin Yu's two suggestions just now.

After thinking for a long time, Ibrahim cast an approving look at the young man in front of him.

He is a foreigner who came all the way to Iraq to help build Iraq and also helped put forward two suggestions targeting himself.

He even gave up his own interests!

this! That's the real friend!

With a choked voice, Ibrahim's excited tears seeped out from the corners of his eyes. He raised his sleeves to wipe them and said intermittently:

"Mr. Lin Yu, you are our true friend!"

"I will submit your suggestions to the parliament and do my best to promote them."

"Now, let's go to the north first!"



With a creak, Lin Yu's motorcade stopped at the main entrance of the police station.

Looking at the sparse police station, Ibrahim's eyelids twitched, and his intuition told him that there was a problem.

At this moment, the deputy chief of the police station finally saw the car at the door. At the same time, he also remembered the notice above, and rushed to receive him with several people in a panic:

"President Ibrahim, welcome to Kirkuk, as well as this friend from afar. On behalf of the Kirkuk Police Department, I would like to extend my lofty greetings to both of you."


Faced with his flattery, Ibrahim did not answer. Instead, he looked around, and then he turned his eyes to the deputy director's face and asked:

"Sutter, where are the people from your police station? And where is your chief?"

When he heard the big shot asking his director, Sartre looked helpless. He sighed softly and said helplessly:

"Because of the appearance of the American, many young people began to imitate, and then some troubles occurred, such as robbery and beating of police officers. Our chief couldn't stand it, so he just took people out and he will probably be back in the afternoon."

"Let's go inside first!"

After saying that, Sartre turned around, retreated to the left side of the passage, raised his hand and pointed to the inside of the police station, inviting several people to go in.

But at this moment, the sound of the engine came from the main entrance of the police station, and then a convoy drove in, the door of the leading car opened, and a young man in desert camouflage jumped out of the cab and walked slowly towards the crowd.

He moved very slowly, but with the blood on the desert camouflage and the stern face, he was very oppressive.

The person who came was Jalim.

Walking to the front of the crowd, he raised his hand and saluted, then stretched out his right hand to Ibrahim, grabbed his arm, and said in a flattering manner: "Mr. Ibrahim, I think our police station really needs to be expanded. Please report one, really!"

"Please, old man!"

Hearing that he was asked for money again, Ibrahim pulled his right hand twice, but failed to pull it out. He could only choose to change the subject. He pointed at Lin Yu with his empty left hand and said softly:

"This is our construction contractor, Mr. Lin Yulin from China. We brought him here this time to see the northern mountainous area in person."

"As for me, I'm old, and my old bones are not suitable for running around. The next task is left to you."

"You must guarantee Mr. Lin's safety for me!"

"Also, if you want to repair the police station, you can save a little money and take out some money to renovate your police station."

Shifting the target, Ibrahim naturally took a step back, and at the same time used his right hand to pull his arm out of Kalim's hand, and let Lin Yu stand in front of Kalim, so that the two could look directly at each other.

Lin Yu had been sizing up Jialim since he first appeared. Compared to a few months ago, Jialim now had a different aura, an aura of someone who had experienced life and death, experienced transformation, and dared to take responsibility.

With this aura, a person will undergo a great change.

After tilting his head to look for a while, Lin Yu smiled and stretched out his hand, introducing himself: "Lin Yu from Huaxia Rhine Construction Engineering Company, all along the way, President Ibrahim has been introducing you to me, saying that since you became the chief of the Kirkuk Police Department, the public security in the entire area has improved a lot. I didn't believe it at first."

"But now, I can be sure that President Ibrahim is not lying!"

Looking at the hand in front of him, Jialim sneered, then suddenly stretched out his right hand, clenched it, and then gritted his teeth and said:

"Welcome to northern Iraq, my dear construction contractor, President Ibrahim has already told me about your arrival."

"In the next few days, I will personally lead the team to accompany you to conduct on-site investigations."

The two hands touched and then let go immediately. At the same time, the young policemen in the convoy that had just driven in also pushed the people they had just caught into the police station.

Watching these huge crowds of people walking into the police station, Ibrahim came to Lin Yu and whispered, "There's nothing we can do. Many people are unemployed and have nothing to do all day long. They will choose to imitate some people, either from TV dramas or what they see with their own eyes."

"When you build several reservoirs in the northern mountainous areas, the accumulated water can allow this area to carry out more economic activities. With economic activities, these young people will have a place to vent their energy."

"Our public security will also improve."

"Friend, I can only send you here. I have to rush back to Baghdad to promote your suggestion."

"Well, I want to remind you that people in the northern mountainous areas are not the same as those in the southern cities. You should pay attention."

"Okay!" After confirming that Lin Yu heard what he said, Ibrahim waved his hand, turned around and walked towards his car, and then took the convoy and disappeared at the fastest speed.

Only Lin Yu and Kang Shikai were left.

Until the smoke and dust of the convoy left, Kang Shikai still couldn't believe that this group of people actually left them here, in this strange place.

He looked at Lin Yu and asked, "These people...are they so dishonest?"

Faced with the question, Lin Yu calmly waved his hand and replied, "This is already very kind. They sent us to this place safely. If it is not kind enough, we have to come here by ourselves."

"So, I need to tell you another thing here. That is, when dealing with people from these countries, you must be careful and don't treat them as domestic. Do you understand?"

"If we treat them as domestic, we will suffer a great loss. Remember this sentence, and then warn everyone who comes to work here. Keep this sentence in mind."

Just as Lin Yu finished his warning, a young policeman walked out of the gate of the police station, came to the front of several people, and said in broken English: "Ladies and gentlemen, our Director Jialim invites you."

Led by this young policeman, Lin Yu and his companions walked into the police station. After a long detour, they finally came to the director's office on the top floor.

In the office, Jialim was busy signing documents. Hearing footsteps, he glanced at the door casually and said softly, "Ayadi, go down and prepare three cars and equipment for me. I want to talk to these friends who have come from afar."

When his name was called, Ayadi respectfully left the room and closed the door.

Hearing the footsteps walking away, Jialim put down his work, stood up, came to Lin Yu, and said with a smile:

"Welcome to my hometown, Kirkuk, how do you feel?"

Lin Yu did not answer immediately, but glanced at Kang Shikai. Kang Shikai received the look, turned around and leaned against the door, like a door god.

At the same time, he took out an MP3 player from his pocket and started playing some meaningless music.

Listening to this messy sound, Lin Yu responded: "That's it, what about you?"

When asked about the current situation, Jalim folded his hands on his chest and said proudly:

"Kavani was active in the East Baghdad area during this period and defeated several of America's teams."

"Over there in my hometown, my grandfather and the others have organized several teams in my name and are training and screening them."

"As for my side, I brought some people and filled them into the police station. The effect is good now, but there are not enough manpower."

"what about you?"

Facing Jalim's gaze, Lin Yu opened his briefcase, took out the project map, pointed at the large mountainous area between Kirkuk, Raniyah, and Sulaymaniyah and said:

"Our mission, nine highways, plus four reservoirs, will just cover your hometown."

"A three-year cycle is enough for you to build a suitable base area. Based on this base area, you can attack, retreat or defend without any pressure."

"The biggest problem we face is the local people. You need to solve these. I think Rhodes has told you."

"I said it!" Jalim nodded.

After receiving a response, Lin Yu tapped his finger on the map and asked, "When will we set off?"

"tomorrow morning."


"I'll take you to arrange a hotel now and get some rest early."


In the early morning, Kirkuk woke up to the crow of roosters. The convoy of Lin Yu and others slowly walked out of the city and headed towards the northern mountains.

Looking at the farmland outside the car window, Lin Yu stretched out his hand from time to time and took a couple of photos with his camera. Occasionally when he met someone on the road, he would stop the convoy and ask a few words. He would remember what others said. .

They just walked, stopped, and slowly moved forward on the road.

At the same time, in Jalim's home in the northern mountainous area, the patriarchs of five families had put on gorgeous clothes and were waiting for the arrival of distinguished guests.

Waiting and waiting, seeing that it was getting dark and no one had arrived yet, Baldi became anxious. He felt like there were lice crawling all over his body. After twisting and turning for a long time, he asked Bamuler:

"Why haven't they arrived yet? Are you sure Jalim didn't tell you the wrong time?"

"That's right, from Kirkuk to here, just push the accelerator and it will take up to two hours. They said in the morning that it will be night."

"They came to meet us on the pretext of the survey project. The main business is the survey project, not the meeting. They have to follow the route along the way. Do you understand?" As soon as Bamule finished his reply, there was a sound outside the villa. There was a sound of a car engine.

Hearing this sound, the old men on the carpet scrambled to their feet and ran out the door, as if on stimulants.

The moment they ran out of the villa, the courtyard door opened, and several high-spirited people walked into the courtyard with high spirits.

The young man in the lead is a young man who looks completely different from them. He looks so handsome, handsome and confident!

More confident than any of them!

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