After forcing Orochimaru back, Naruto’s Blood Succession increased by 400 points.

After some attempts, he indeed discovered that he had the ability to save lives and heal the wounded…….There was no official name for this blood successor, so Naruto chose one himself.

Now in front of Xiang Rin, Naruto used it again.

The wound healed instantly, and the blood didn’t even have time to flow out. Naruto opened his mouth and looked at the tooth marks on his fingers…….

“Can it heal wounds, but not bite marks?”

“It’s okay, it’ll be fine after a while.”

He muttered to himself, but did not notice Xianglin’s expression.

Shocked, touched, nostalgic……and fear.

She murmured:”You, you also……”

“Ah yes, the same ability. Naruto said with a natural expression:”They are all from the Uzumaki clan, so it is natural that the blood successors are similar.”

After a pause, Naruto thought of something and asked,”By the way, do you know what your last name is?”

Xianglin was stunned for a moment, then shook his head:”I don’t know.””

Sure enough.

After the Uzumaki Village was destroyed, the Uzumaki survivors were scattered throughout the ninja world, and there were many who changed their names.

For example, Nagato, the boss of the Akatsuki organization, also belonged to the Uzumaki clan.

But he did not have any surname.

In other words, the ninja world There is only one person who still uses the surname”Uzumaki”……

“It turns out that I am the whirlpool orthodoxy!”Naruto suddenly realized.

As a mixed-blood, he was actually the only heir to the Uzumaki surname. However, as the saying goes, the yellow Uzumaki is also a Uzumaki, so Naruto accepted it with peace of mind.

Now, he still has a small problem that he has not solved…….

Who destroyed the Whirlpool clan?

The original work has not been written, and there is no information in the library. Do I have to investigate it alone?

Now that the murderer has been found, do we still need revenge?

Tsk, that’s really troublesome……

In this way, Naruto comforted Xiang Rin for a while at Konoha Hospital.

Let her stay in Konoha without worrying, she will be protected by herself.

At night, exhausted from the battle, he fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, Hokage’s office……

“Lao Den, have you caught Orochimaru?”Naruto asked casually.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked as usual:”Escape for him.”

Then he unceremoniously sprayed Huang Mao with second-hand smoke in his face.

This little brat called himself ‘Lao Deng’ again. He really deserves a beating!”

“Konoha’s security is in name only.”

Naruto blew away the smoke in disgust, and then heard Sarutobi Hiruzen say:”The second chunin exam every year will be very lively, and the number of people in Konoha will increase by more than one hundred thousand. At the cost of this, the security will be reduced…….”

“For a strong man like Orochimaru, Konoha’s security is indeed ineffective. Maybe he has sneaked back into Konoha now, disguised as a tourist. Naruto said:”

Then wouldn’t I be in danger?”

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled:”Are you afraid?””

“Afraid? Huang Mao was about to speak confidently, but suddenly remembered something and said immediately:”Yes, I’m afraid!” terrified!”

“So today I’m looking for Grandpa Hokage, you have something serious to do! During this chunin exam, I have a grudge against Orochimaru, one of the legendary three ninjas. What if he comes to take revenge on me?”

“If you sneak up on me while I’m sleeping, I might be dead!”

Sarutobi Hiruzen silently held his forehead.

You are afraid of a hammer.

I don’t know what you have in mind…….

“So, Grandpa Hokage. Naruto clasped his hands and begged:”Sealed Book, thank you.” Sarutobi

Hiruzen sighed after hearing this:”Doesn’t it have to be a sealed book?””

“I obviously know A-level wind release ninjutsu, and it’s not like Konoha doesn’t have a swordsman teacher, so you have to pester me to learn forbidden jutsu?”

How come you are so obsessed?

Do you know that only the Hokage can read the Sealed Book?”

“What’s the use of ordinary ninjutsu against Orochimaru?”

Naruto said seriously:”We must use the forbidden technique to defeat the forbidden technique!”

Today, Naruto is determined to fight to the end.

If you don’t give it, I will go back to the Ninja School and ask Mizuki to steal it. We have a clear division of labor: I will get the forbidden technique, and he will get jail time!

Naruto didn’t fight for long.

Sarutobi Hiruzen dismissed the surrounding Anbu and hung up the”Do Not Disturb” sign. Then he said:”Originally, I had to wait until you became a chunin before I planned to show you the Sealed Book…….”

And you are only allowed to learn the art of multiple shadows and clones.

However, the plan could not keep up with the changes

“Take it and see for yourself.”

He put the sealed book on the table:”You can only choose one…….two.”Naruto opened the book of seals with excitement.

The first one on it was the famous multiple shadow clone technique, which was also the first A-level ninjutsu that Naruto learned in the original book.

However, there was only Name and introduction.

As for the content, it is covered by the sealing technique.

Forcibly breaking it will even destroy the scroll of the Book of Sealings.

Naruto pointed at the multiple shadow clones and said:”This seal——”


I saw Hiruzen Sarutobi reach out a little, and the seal of”Multiple Shadow Clone Technique” was released on the spot, and then I heard him say:”One”

“Lao Deng, are you kidding me?”Naruto flew into a rage.

Who the hell wants to learn this thing?

If I use the shadow clone a few more times, the effect will not be the same?

Sarutobi Hiruzen snorted:”There is one left, choose it yourself.”

He thought in his mind that he originally only planned to let you learn this forbidden technique.

If it hadn’t been for an unexpected factor like Orochimaru, he would not have let Naruto choose the second forbidden technique at will…….

At this time, Naruto was in trouble with the Book of Sealing.

Most of them contained forbidden techniques that Naruto had never heard of.

Moreover, the use conditions are harsh, but the effect is not necessarily good.

No wonder he was banned……Emotional forbidden techniques are not related to powerful ninjutsus. All ninjutsus with serious side effects are forbidden techniques.

Knowing that Lao Deng did it on purpose, Naruto did not roll around, but continued to look down – there were quite a few that looked familiar.

Spiritualization Technique: A ninjutsu that can make the soul leave the body. The disadvantage is that the body is defenseless, and the soul can easily leave the body permanently during the practice.

Flying Thunder God Jutsu: A time and space ninjutsu that can freely travel through space. The disadvantage is that the turbulence of time and space is extremely dangerous, and it is easy to burp yourself.

Multiplying detonating talismans: A ninjutsu that can channel a large number of detonating talismans in an instant to perform a series of explosions. The disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of detonating talismans and can easily kill the caster.

Earth Reincarnation: Ninjutsu that can resurrect the dead……

Li·Four Symbols Seal……

Eight Gates Dunjia……

The corpses are sealed……

“Why is the mutual detonation talisman a forbidden technique?”Naruto asked what he had always wanted to ask:”Can’t I use the shadow clone to release it?”

The Third Hokage recalled:”I remember that time……Yes, the art of shadow clone has not been created yet.”

Good guy, this book of seals is quite old.

Not only that, the seals for each technique are different, and the seal knowledge contained in it is not as high as the Bagua seal, but for me It can also be called a heavenly book

“Have you chosen?”Sarutobi Hiruzen urged:”First of all, let’s make sure you don’t think about reincarnation in the filthy soil of resurrecting the dead. It’s a forbidden technique among forbidden techniques, and I won’t give it to you.”

Naruto didn’t hesitate:”Who cares about that thing?”

The first version of Earth Reincarnation is nothing compared to Aunt Snake’s revised version. If he really wants to learn Earth Reincarnation, he will find a way to find Orochimaru.

As he spoke, Naruto pointed to a certain forbidden technique…….

He said:”That’s it.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at it and his expression moved slightly.

Is it actually this technique?……

Minato, I hope your genetics can give me some strength!

The forbidden jutsu that Naruto was referring to was the famous ninjutsu of the Fourth Hokage: Flying Thunder God Jutsu!

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