White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 123 War and Chaos (4k big chapter, please subscribe and vote monthly)

After Jin An left Man Mo Temple, he returned to his soul directly.

However, on the way back to the soul, Jin'an found that the people of Chang County were dragging their families and families towards the city gate.

All the city gates in Chang County were opened unexpectedly.

There are no traces of man-made damage to those city gates. It should be Mr. Yiyun's magistrate Zhang Huapi who ordered the city gates to be opened and allowed the people of Chang County to flee to save themselves.

Chang County is completely dead.

There is no point in continuing to hold on.


When Jin'an's soul came back to his shell.

He immediately found the old Taoist priest.

"Old Taoist, hurry up and pack up. We will escape from the city overnight. Chang County has been completely occupied."

Before the old Taoist priest could speak in surprise, Jin An immediately said: "The government has taken the initiative to open the gates of several cities in Chang County."

Packing a suitcase is not a hassle.

In fact, Jin An had already made plans to run away long before the Man Mo Temple was bombed, and most of his belongings had been packed away.

During the chaos when the Man Mo Temple was bombed, the old Taoist priest had packed up all the things he wanted to take away and was preparing to run away tomorrow.

"Old Taoist, this silly sheep eats and drinks from us. We have been serving it for so long. It's time for it to work hard."

"We brought all the pots and pans with us, and then tied all the rice noodles, pots and pans to the sheep, and let this silly, strong sheep carry the heavy load for us."

“No matter how hard it is, it’s hard to stomach. It’s spring now and the temperature is low. Bringing pots and pans can help us have a hot meal in the wild without having to eat dry and hard food every day and drink unboiled cold water every day to have diarrhea. "

Jin An's words made the originally tense escape atmosphere suddenly become more cheerful.

The old Taoist priest was happy: "Little brother, you are so considerate."

The old Taoist priest glanced at the goat that had been fed by Jin An until it was as fat and strong as a calf, and immediately ran to the kitchen to unload the big pot.

Especially the pair of ram's horns, which are as big and thick as the pair of ox horns, are particularly eye-catching.

It is obviously different from ordinary domestic sheep.

BAA Baa baa--

This silly sheep is usually pampered and pampered. It only has peanuts and carrots to eat, but it struggled violently and refused at first.

It wasn't until he was punched by Jin An that he became honest and took the blame.

Hey... even the screams became softer in front of Jin An.

This silly sheep, which looks like a calf, is very smart. It can still distinguish between a full meal and a full meal.

Because the goat was carrying a lot of things and couldn't pass through the limited-width courtyard gate, Jin An directly demolished the courtyard wall without saying a word, and then he got out smoothly.

After going out, I looked at the night sky of Changxian County, which was lit by raging fires. Everywhere I could see the people of Changxian County running in panic and running out of the city. There were chaotic cries from everywhere. Jin'an and the old Taoist priest looked solemn. They looked at each other and then started to follow the other fleeing people to escape outside Chang County.

Jin An asked the old Taoist priest and the goat to walk behind him, while he walked in front with a long knife in his hand, scaring away the thieves and reckless thieves who wanted to take advantage of the situation.

An old man, a young man and a goat, before they could escape very far, they found that there were fewer and fewer fleeing people around them. Until they passed by a private house, the door was wide open and a large puddle of scarlet blood was sprinkled on the road in front of the threshold.

"help me……"

"help me……"

The painful low groans of several people came from the dark, cold room with the door wide open and nothing clear.

Just then.

Jin An noticed a few pairs of eyes hiding in the darkness, watching him and Lao Dao.

His eyes were stern, looking directly at the house that spilled blood in front of the door. Behind the dark doorway, in the darkness where nothing could be seen, there was an evil gaze watching them.

But when Jin An looked at it, that spying gaze disappeared again.

Jin An knew clearly that this was because the Five Thunder Evil Killing Talisman he carried with him prevented the evil spirits in the dark from looking directly into his eyes.

But the painful groan in the dark room continued to sound.

"What dares to spy on me?"

"court death!"

The third form of "The Sixty-Road Monument Opener"! Bear back!


The wall of the house shook violently, as if a fierce and strong brown bear was rubbing against the tree, bang!

Brick walls crumbled.

The exploding cyclone tore the door and door frame into broken pieces in the air, and the dust was flying.

An unpleasant stench, mixed with the thick smell of blood, overflowed in the room.

When the old Taoist priest ran in holding a torch, he was startled by the scene in the room: "Little brother, what kind of evil corpse is this?"

"I've been running around in the world for so many years, and this is the first time I've encountered this kind of evil corpse that looks like tree roots and is tangled together."

In the dark corner of the room, there were several corpses entwined together. There were three dead faces with calm expressions and their eyes closed. They were motionless, as calm as an extremely ugly tree root statue.

But such calm tree root monsters have already swallowed two people alive. The broken limbs and crushed torsos have been twisted and entangled with the tree root monsters.

At this time, both of them were dying.

Blood flowed all over the floor, and the whole body was dripping with blood. The painful low cry for help that Jin An heard just now came from the throats of the two devoured living people, attracting more living people to be eaten alive by the tree root monster corpses.

And with the excessive blood loss, the two people no longer had blood flowing out of their bodies, but instead secreted black liquid, entangling and adhering them to the tree root monsters even more tightly, forever and ever, regardless of each other.

Horror! Weird! weird!

The injuries of these two people were so serious that their spines and internal organs were crushed. They were unable to save themselves. After a few breaths, they died completely.

The old Taoist priest sighed unbearably: "From now on, there are two more lonely ghosts in this world."

The old Taoist priest sighed, and then recited the scriptures to save the souls of the dead, hoping to send the souls of the two suffering masters to be reincarnated as human beings.

Who knows.

The old Taoist priest was suddenly stunned.

"Little brother, these two people just died. I just recited the salvation scriptures, but not a single ghost here responded."

"That's not right. These two people just died. The ghosts should not leave the corpses so quickly. To become a lonely ghost, it would be seven years before no one buries the corpses and builds a ghost house for them. There is no ghost house to return to. Only then will he become a lonely ghost wandering around."


"The ghosts of these two people were swallowed up by an even more evil evil spirit, using this to strengthen the evil evil spirit!"

After hearing what the old Taoist said, Jin An's eyes darkened.

"Could it be said that...that thousand-year-old evil tree Qingqianliu can use these monster corpses to swallow more people's souls and souls, and can continue to strengthen its own Yin Qi even if it does not leave the Wenwu Temple? Or...by this Feed yourself back to restore your damaged yin energy?"

"Doesn't that mean that as long as these tree-root monster corpses are scattered around, Qingqianliu will never be killed?"

"Unless the Qingqianliu Yin Qi is consumed faster than its recovery speed..."

These were all the conjectures that came to Jin An's mind in just a short moment.

Thinking of this, the long knife in Jin An's hand flashed with red light.


The tree-root monster's corpse was as solid as iron and was difficult to be damaged by ordinary swords. However, in front of the tiger sword that had been sealed twice, it was still cut in half like mud.


The stinking internal organs from the strange corpse were immediately scattered all over the floor.


Jin An discovered that even though they were split in half, the internal organs of the tree root monsters in front of him were still secreting black liquid.

Even the surface of the body is constantly secreting black liquid.

Except for the smooth wound opened by Chixuejin, because the hot breath of Chixuejin kept burning the wound and preventing the secretion of black liquid, other body surfaces were constantly secreting black liquid.

This thing doesn't seem to have been killed by him?

The most intuitive observation is that the two living people who were devoured continued to secrete black fluid.

The secretion of black liquid did not stop just because the tree root corpse was split in half by Jin An.

Watch this scene.

Jin An immediately frowned.

At this time, the old Taoist priest holding a torch seemed to have discovered these details, and said in surprise: "It's strange, little brother, how come I always feel that these evil corpses on the ground, which are tangled like tree roots, are not dead yet."

The old Taoist priest finished speaking.

From the Tai Chi Bagua bag hanging on his shoulder, he took out a yellow talisman to destroy evil.

"The heavens and the earth are natural, the odor is dispersed, and the energy of the Tao is always present... The urgency is like a law!" The old Taoist priest recited a mantra.

The cinnabar yang energy and rooster blood yang fire on the evil-breaking talisman will ignite spontaneously when encountering evil things. In an instant, the tree root monster corpse split in half in front of him will be ignited into a torch.

The flame burned for a while, and as the spiritual energy on the yellow talisman was exhausted, the fierce fire on the surface of the tree root monster extinguished.


The old Taoist priest was shocked.

Because those tree root monster corpses were not killed this time, and their bodies were still secreting black liquid.

The flames on the surface of the body are isolated and extinguished by the black liquid secreted from the body.

Even the scarlet blood energy from the wound opened by Jin An's knife has been extinguished, and a large amount of black liquid that is as black as tree sap is being secreted from the wound.

This time Jin An and the old Taoist priest were both surprised.

Unexpectedly, this seemingly calm and motionless tree root monster could be so evil.

Physical exorcism and Taoist exorcism are both ineffective.

Can't be killed no matter what.

The more this happened, the more Jin An couldn't help but sigh, Brother Fu is really awesome!

There were only three or five tree-root monster corpses in front of him, which made him and the old Taoist priest somewhat helpless. Ordinary people would definitely die if they encountered them.

Because this tree root monster is impossible to kill.

The Five Thunder Evil-Destroying Talisman that had been sealed three times was so precious that Jin An would not waste it here. He pondered for a moment.

"Little brother, why do I have a bad premonition? I feel like these evil corpses that look like tree roots are secreting black liquid in their bodies, as if they are about to reunite and come to life again?"

The old Taoist priest's words made Jin An's head skip a beat.

Isn't it a kind of self-protection and self-healing of wounds that vegetation secretes sap?

"Black Mountain Technique"! Fire poison internal energy!


The Tiger Saber struck the tree root again and hit the monster corpse.

But this time he didn't draw the knife immediately.

Instead, the inner Qi of the Black Mountain Kung Fu was fiercely injected into the blade, and the blazing fire poison immediately passed through the blade that was in contact with the tree root monster corpse, and the burning heat was vented into the evil spirit's body.



This time, the tree root corpse was carbonized from the inside, like a twisted and ugly mass of charcoal.


Jin An pulled out the Tiger Saber. Due to the excessive force, the charcoaled tree root monster directly broke into several pieces. It seemed that all the water had evaporated from the inside, and it became lighter and fell to the ground crisply.

This time there was finally no black fluid secretion.

Completely kill.

Jin An's eyes were filled with joy.

He followed the same method and killed the remaining half of the tree root corpse.

And after such a short time, he had consumed nearly half of the inner energy of the fifth level of Black Mountain Kung Fu, which was not worth the gain, but also wasted precious escape time.

Jin An decided that next time he encountered these tree root monster corpses, he would not fight too much.

"Old Taoist, let's go." Jin An called to the old Taoist priest and continued to escape outside the city.

But this time they had just escaped far. At this moment, in Chang County, which was full of chaos, the two of them encountered an unexpected situation again.

"Ah! Help! Help!"

"What kind of monster is this!"

From an alley, there were panicked cries and chaotic running sounds. There were quite a few people, a dozen or so people running for their lives in panic.

When Jin An arrived at the entrance of the alley, he happened to see several ordinary people from Chang County, dragging their families and carrying small luggage on their backs, stumbling out in panic. When those Chang County people saw Jin An holding a long knife, they Just like an overly frightened person, when they see the life-saving straw, they all run towards Jin'an in panic.

"Help! Please help us, there is a monster behind us... behind us!"

When Jin An walked into the alley, he smelled a strong smell of blood. A living person had been swallowed up by two tree root monsters entangled with hands and feet, and merged into one body.

The twisted and broken body was covered with blood.

No one can be saved anymore.


The red sword light tore through the night, and Jin An split the tree root monsters in half with one knife. Even if he could not kill these tree root monsters in a short time, he would still let them lose the chance to fight back and kill in a short time.

Lest these weird corpses follow them.

Suddenly he was attacked by surprise.

When Jin An walked out of the alley carrying a long knife with the black liquid on the blade still wet, he saw the old Taoist priest comforting the group of people who had escaped from the alley before, and one of the middle-aged women was holding a child in her hand. Looking for someone anxiously.

When the middle-aged woman saw Jin An walking out of the alley safely, holding the child tightly in her hand, she quickly ran over and asked Jin An anxiously: "Have you seen the father of my child? "

"The child's father was walking with us just now, but during the escape, our family of three was scattered by the crowd..."

The middle-aged woman held her child in her hand and anxiously described her husband's appearance to Jin An. After hearing the other party's description, Jin An sighed softly.

The living person he saw in the alley just now being entangled and devoured by the tree root monster was the husband of the middle-aged woman in front of him.

Although this bad news is difficult for ordinary people to accept, Jin An still answered truthfully and comforted the other party to accept the change and say that there is no resurrection after death.

In this great escape, human life is as thin as a drop of grass. Instead of having any illusions, it is better to accept the cruel reality as soon as possible in order to face the next more cruel escape.

Not far away, he had already encountered two strange corpses with tree roots. Jin An had a premonition that the next escape would only be more difficult.

Although he felt sorry for what happened to the middle-aged woman and her family, Jin An would not stop his escape. He took the old Taoist priest and the goat carrying pots and pans and continued on the road.

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