White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 194 Water Monkey

This wedding team is very lively.

After entering the Dragon King Temple, the gongs and drums were still beating, and the suona was whining and whistling.

Of course these people are dead.

No one possesses yang energy.

But it is strange to say that none of these things can see the appearance of Jin'an Yuanshen and the abbot of Bailong Temple. Obviously there are abbots of Jin'an and Bailong Temple in the Dragon King Temple, but the sedan bearers continue to carry the sedan with the woman sitting on it. He happily walked towards the female corpse in the temple, wanting to pick it up

So that the female corpse and soul could be complete and brought back to the Dragon Palace to serve as the Water Goddess to the Dragon King.

Otherwise, you can only get her heart, but not her body and body, and the Dragon Prince's wife will be in vain.

"Abbott, logically speaking, it shouldn't be the case. Whether it's a corpse or a ghost, as a ghost, we can see the ghost leaving our body. Why can't these dirty things seem to see us?"

Jin An's eyes were stern and cold, looking at the wedding procession that was gradually approaching without knowing whether to live or die.

"Could it be that a person is possessed by a ghost?"

"But these people are landing on their heels. It doesn't look like a living person is possessed by a dark spirit, or a living person's yang energy is blocked by the yin energy?"

In fact, even the abbot of Bailong Temple also had doubts.

At this time, the sedan bearers took three steps forward and one step back. The sedan swayed and swayed, and they were already approaching the female corpse happily.

Just when the sedan was about to touch the body and pick up the female body, their steps suddenly stopped.

Then he looked surprised and didn't dare to approach the female corpse for a while.

That's because somewhere they can't see, Jin'an Yuanshen with the Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman is floating there. These evil spirits are innately afraid of thunder and dare not look directly at the Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman of the Five Thunder Emperor. Talisman, so he hesitated for a moment and didn't dare to get close.

Their natural instinct makes them feel that there is danger there.

Suddenly, there was a thunderbolt from the clear sky, like the sound of a drinking stick exploding!

"What kind of evil spirit do you have today that dares to come here to disrupt the order of the world!"

"I want to peel off a layer of your skin to see what kind of evil things you are!"


As soon as the angry shouts fell, thunder suddenly exploded over the rainy Dragon King Temple.

Several bearers carrying the sedan were killed on the spot.

The thunder method is the first of all methods, the most powerful, the most powerful, the most powerful, and the most evil spirits cannot hear the sound of thunder.

The moment thunder rumbled.

The originally joyous wedding team suddenly became a mess. Everyone was trembling as if they had encountered a natural enemy. They dropped the sedan and musical instruments in their hands and rolled on the ground with headaches.

When the sedan fell to the ground with a loud bang, the soul of the woman who had been sitting on the sedan motionless and covered with a red hijab seemed to have just woken up from a dream. She saw the Taoist spirit and the monk's image in the void, and she hurriedly cried and asked for help. : "Taoist Master, Master, save me!"

"Please, the Taoist priest and the mage, please save the people's daughter. The people's daughter does not want to marry the Dragon King and become the Water Goddess! The people's daughter heard them say that any Water Goddess who marries the Dragon King will eventually be eaten by the Dragon King!"

"help me!"

"Please, Taoist priest and mage!"

Just when the spirit of the woman in the sedan screamed for help, the people rolling on the ground were so frightened that they looked around in horror, but saw nothing.

Next, an unexpected scene happened.

These people actually took off their human skin in public, and then emerged from the human skin monsters that looked like humans but not humans, and looked like beasts but not beasts.

Then, like wild beasts, these monsters got on all fours and escaped from the Dragon King Temple very quickly.




There was a sound of diving.

All these monsters jumped into the river and sank into the water to escape.

Only the corpses of the companions who were struck to death by lightning at the beginning were left behind.

At this time, only four tall and strong men wearing black cloth hats, invisible facial features, and red robes were left in the Dragon King Temple.

Seeing that the wedding team had all run away, these people finally put down their hands, which had been tied up in their sleeves, and revealed sharp claws like monsters.

They attacked the woman's body.

Want to snatch the body.

But the abbot of Bailong Temple took action.

He took out the swastika-shaped copper bowl from the wide sleeves of his cassock and took a look at those people.

This is a powerful Buddhist instrument.

Can collect souls.

Jin'an had already seen the power of this swastika-shaped copper bowl before when he was at Yinyi River in Fucheng.

But unexpectedly, this time the swastika bronze bowl failed.

When he shined his light on the four tall men wearing black cloth hats, no souls were taken away. The abbot of Bailong Temple frowned in surprise.

"Without a soul, is this the animal path of the Five Rebellions and Ten Evils? Or is it a zombie that cannot enter the six paths of reincarnation?"

After Jin An listened to the words of the abbot of Bailong Temple, he decisively took action again: "Abbott, let me do it!"

Since there is no soul, the soul attack will be ineffective.

So he directly sacrificed the Five Thunder Evil Killing Talisman in his hand, and directly used the thunder path to break all laws.

"Five thunders of pure Yang! The righteous law of heaven and earth... The five thunders of evil slaying talisman, open! Punish evil!"



Thunder strikes!

Lightning struck in the void, hitting the faces of those people. Under the fierce power of thunder, the black cloth bamboo hat exploded into pieces and flew away on the spot.

The smell of burnt meat filled the air.

They killed those people on the spot.

Bang bang bang bang, these people fell to the ground heavily on their backs.

Avenue induction!

A thousand virtues.

A thousand virtues.

A thousand virtues.

A thousand virtues.

As the black cloth hat was struck by lightning, Jin An finally saw the true appearance of these four people.


Jin An was stunned for a moment.

Here are four otters!

But it's a little different from an otter. It's taller and more burly, its face looks a little like a human and a little like a monkey. It has a cold corpse aura, and it's wearing heavy iron armor. It looks like it's very strong.


Jin An was stunned.

"Abbott, are these otters the ones who came to get married just now?"

"No wonder they can't see our souls after we leave the body. They turn out to be a bunch of mindless beasts."

The abbot of Bailong Temple looked at Jin An and asked, "Otter? Does Fellow Taoist Jin An refer to these water monkeys as another name?"

In some places, it is indeed customary to call otters water monkeys.

Jin An was not surprised by this title.

"Abbott, why do these water monkeys have the same facial features as humans? Did the water monkeys become sperm after being soaked in water for a long time?" Jin An asked, not understanding.

"These water monkeys are not born like this, but are artificially made to look like humans or ghosts."

"Have you, Jin'an Taoist friends, ever heard of a profession in this world called Yinshan Taoist? These Yinshan Taoists like to deal with tomb robbers the most. Wherever there are Yinshan Taoists, there are these water monkeys that go in and out of cemeteries. These water monkeys belong to the acquired Yinshan Taoists. Refined monster.”

"Because water monkeys belong to the animal realm, and there are many types of animal realms. The "Satipaṭṭhāna Sutra" says there are four billion species, and this water monkey is a kind of animal in the animal realm. In the animal realm, because of the five rebellions and ten evils, the soul is degraded and ignorant. , so the intelligence is not high, the life is muddled, and the natural evil spirit is evil, so it is suitable to steal treasures in some cemeteries, underworlds, and corpses. Moreover, water monkeys are living creatures, not affected by time, not affected by the evil-preventing mechanism in the cemetery, and can be used at any time They follow the underground cemeteries to rob tombs. In addition, the water monkeys are small and thin, and are good at digging holes and getting through the narrow tomb passages in the mausoleum. Therefore, the Yinshan Taoist will cultivate some small creatures of the animal realm, let them understand human nature, and steal treasures for them. "

"And because these little creatures often hang out with people, and are refined by Yinshan Taoists, over time, they will more or less imitate some of people's words, deeds, and facial features..."

After being reminded by the abbot of Bailong Temple, Jin An suddenly remembered that he had seen a story about the Yinshan Taoist in "Guangping Youshuo Synaesthesia Record".

But the beastly Taoist creature cultivated by the Yinshan Taoist whom Guangping Sanren met was not a water monkey, but a pangolin.

It is said that one day, a group of people in Guangping met a village on the road, but unexpectedly encountered a landslide. Because the road ahead was blocked, they had to stay in the village temporarily.

While the San people in Guangping were staying in the village, they heard a strange thing in the village.

This happened to a hunter.

This matter has to be moved forward half a year. Half a year before Guangping Sanren came to the village, the hunter once went into the mountains and rescued a pangolin.

In order to repay the favor, the pangolin often brought some fruits or medicinal materials to visit the hunter.

The villagers all praised Orion as a great blessing that was cultivated by good people in three generations.

However, most of the medicinal materials in the mountains have been harvested by the villagers for generations, leaving only some ordinary medicinal materials, so the medicinal materials given to the hunters by the pangolins in return are all ordinary medicinal materials.

Then one day, when the hunter went into the mountains to hunt, he accidentally broke his leg. This undoubtedly made things worse for the poor families who depended on hunting for a living.

Because Orion broke his leg, he was bedridden at home all day, and he had to spend a lot of money on medicine every day. As the saying goes, there is no filial son in bed for a long time, let alone when the disaster strikes, the husband and wife will go their separate ways.

As Orion's wife couldn't bear the suffering after her husband broke his leg, and her husband became increasingly depressed and violent after being bedridden for a long time, the wife took away the last savings of the family and ran away with other men. The Orion was disheartened and his temper became even more violent.

Only one pangolin never left him.

He came to visit him every day and brought him various medicinal materials.

But at this time, after experiencing a series of changes, the hunter's temperament changed drastically. He threw away those worthless ordinary medicinal materials and let pangolins catch the prey and sell them for money, so that he could have money to eat and find a new life that was more beautiful than his predecessor. The younger woman comes back.

Since his leg is broken and he can no longer go hunting in the mountains, let the pangolin hunt for him and find all kinds of precious medicinal materials for him.

Orion said, don’t you want to repay your kindness?

Then repay the favor and show it to me.

Since then, the pangolin has brought all kinds of prey every day, including rabbits, foxes, wild badgers, pheasants, etc.

In addition to hunting prey for hunters to sell their fur, pangolins also bring back one or two precious medicinal herbs every day.

Unexpectedly, this hunter really got rich by relying on pangolins and remarried a beautiful girl.

It's just that his limp made him have a weirder and more irritable temper. Even after remarrying Mei Jiao Niang, he still couldn't change his bad temper. Instead, it got worse. In the end, even Mei Jiao Niang was beaten by him. Ran.

Now the hunter was stimulated and became even more strict with the pangolin, asking it to hunt more prey every day and find more precious medicinal materials.

In fact, there are no wild animals in the mountains.

Villagers in the same village discovered that the animals in the mountains near the village had long been emptied by pangolins. Even when hunting, they had to climb several more mountains to find prey. Even the medicinal materials in the mountains have been hollowed out and dug up by pangolins to sell to hunters for money.

People have to climb many more mountains to find prey and medicinal materials, let alone this pangolin?

The villagers couldn't bear it and advised the hunter that this was the end of the matter. Don't do anything wrong.

Unexpectedly, the hunter didn't listen at all, and continued to ask the pangolin to hunt for him, looking for precious medicinal materials such as ginseng, polygonum multiflorum, and polygonatum.

The villagers couldn't stand it anymore, and they all advised the pangolin that you had repaid the favor enough, and there was no need to stay with the Orion to repay the favor.

However, pangolins still travel hundreds of miles every day, bringing prey and medicinal materials. Their bodies are getting thinner and thinner from overwork, and the villagers cannot bear to see them.

Orion is still heartless.


Retribution has come.

Several green hills near the village that should have been lush and green first had their springs cut off, and then the vegetation withered. The original green hills became increasingly deserted. In addition to being unable to reach prey, the villagers also had problems with drinking water.

Villagers began to leave the mountain.

Some villagers said that all of this was retribution from the gods in the mountains. It was all the fault of the hunter who had done everything wrong, so the whole village had to suffer as well, which angered the gods in the mountains.

Just last night, the villagers heard screams suddenly coming from Orion's house. Orion was dead. A mudslide collapsed and buried Orion's house alive.

The villagers said this was retribution, and even God couldn't stand his viciousness.

A worthy death.

Guangping Sanren was surprised when he heard this, so he asked the villagers to take him to Orion's house. As soon as he arrived at Orion's house, he saw that the entire house was buried by the mudslide, and there was really a little creature digging hard on the mudslide. Burrow into the ground.

It was the pangolin who repaid the favor.

Quang Binh Sanren were amazed when they looked at the pangolins that kept digging in the soil. They couldn't help but admire and said that they never thought that there are animals in this world that are more humane than people and will never leave them until the end. Then go to the pangolin and persuade him that the dead cannot be resurrected, and that he should mourn and obey. The kindness you want to repay is far greater than the kindness he gave you in saving your life.

Unexpectedly, the pangolin cried miserably and said that it was originally a pangolin under the Yinshan Taoist throne. They were originally a male and a female. The couple followed Taoist Yinshan and did so many evil things, and finally retribution came. Taoist Yinshan was buried under the mouth of a thousand-year-old evil corpse in a big tomb because of greed, and his husband was also implicated and died.

God has the virtue of good health, so he was pregnant, and he was the only one left to escape from the tomb.

It originally thought that it had finally escaped from the clutches of Taoist Yinshan, and would no longer be forced to go to the cemetery and do those evil things in this life. It just wanted to find a secluded place to raise the eldest child for its husband.

Who would have known that just after escaping from the devil's clutches, it entered the tiger's mouth again, and when it gave birth to a baby and was seriously injured, it encountered the ruthless hunter, who threatened it with its cubs and forced it to hunt for him and dig for treasures.

It knew that it and the fetus in its belly were able to escape the disaster because God had the virtue of good life, and it could not do any more evil things, otherwise neither mother nor child would escape the disaster in the end.

It is a creature in the mountain. If it helps people to harm other creatures in the mountain, what is the difference between this and helping the tyrants to harm others and killing like creatures?

At first, it thought it would be able to fool the problem by just picking some fruits and common medicinal materials.

Unexpectedly, after the Orion broke his leg, his temperament changed drastically. If he fooled around again, the Orion would strangle his young son to death with his own hands.

As a small beast refined by the Yinshan Taoist, the pangolin has been around people for many years and has become familiar with human nature. It knew that the hunter was not telling lies this time, so it risked retribution and began to help the hunter to help the tyrants and harm the same kind of people in the mountains.

When the pangolin said this, he couldn't help crying again.

To say that it is forced is helpless.

But God is unfair, why did he take the life of his youngest son in the end?

It only wants to save the life of its young son from the hands of evil people.

It has no evil intentions.

The real villain is the hunter.

Guangping Sanren is a Taoist Sanren master. Only the two of him could understand the conversation between him and the pangolin. The other villagers did not hear the pangolin's words.

The pangolin became more and more sad and angry as he talked, and finally, holding the body of his young son, he hit his head on a rock and died.

This incident had a great impact on Guangping Sanren and had a profound impact on his future "Tao".

Guangping San people realize that everything has spirituality.

Every flower, plant, and tree, whether human or animal, has its own spirituality. Sometimes humans are born as humans but are worse than animals. Animals do not have the utilitarianism of humans, but have simpler minds than humans.

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