Who made him a sword-wielding Gu Immortal?

Chapter 50 Is this how you do reconnaissance?

In the evening, Tie Yunqing sat on the bed in the room. He had just finished warming up his empty cavity, and his hands were covered with a thick layer of Yuanshi powder. .

In fact, a thousand Yuanshis are still quite fragrant, and Jianqi Gu is also good, otherwise, why would anyone go on a reconnaissance mission... Tie Yunqing suddenly smiled when he thought of this.

At this time, the door of the house was knocked. After getting permission, a girl in a light yellow jacket came in. She was a mortal who served as medical logistics when resisting the wolf tide. She was called Yan'er.

"Master Tie, the old man asked me to prepare dinner for you in advance." Yan'er was a little uneasy in her heart, but she glanced at Tie Yunqing from time to time.

As a mortal abducted by the Wang family village, her life was worthless. Mortals could only ask for whatever they wanted from the high-ranking Gu Master.

During the day, as a member of the logistics treatment, because there were not many injured people, she didn't even get to help. This was the opportunity to see Tie Yunqing killing the remaining wolves.

She always felt that this young Gu Master was different from the fierce Gu Masters in Wangjia Village, at least he looked much better.

"Put it down, go out and close the door."

Tie Yunqing said with emotionless voice. He just wanted to improve his strength as soon as possible, finish this damn mission, and take advantage of the time to practice, move towards the third-level Gu Master, and get rid of the shackles of the family.

An hour later, the sunset fell and the bright moon hung high.

Tie Yunqing could even hear a little wind in the room.

"Friend Tie, we are ready to go." Outside the house, the originally loud-voiced family elder Wang Jingsong said in a low voice.


Tie Yunqing had already dressed neatly, put on his dark blue clothes, walked out of the door, and his true essence was restored to a state of fullness using the Yuanshi.

Looking around, I saw that for this reconnaissance mission in Wangjia Village, except for the family elder Wang Jingsong who was a second-level Gu Master, the rest of the Gu Masters were first-level, and there were as many as 5 people.

"Elder Jingsong, there are only 20 first-level Gu Masters in your Wangjia Village, right? You are going to take 5 of them at once this time. If it is just a reconnaissance mission, you don't need so many people." Tie Yunqing asked his doubts.

Wang Jingsong did not answer directly, but pointed at three of them and said, "These three juniors are equipped with reconnaissance Gu, which is convenient for us to investigate the specific situation on a large scale. There is strength in numbers."

At that moment, Tie Yunqing did not ask more questions. This reconnaissance team of seven Gu Masters quietly left the valley of Wangjia Village under the cover of night and headed towards the nearby mountains.

As soon as he left the valley of Wangjia Village, Tie Yunqing suddenly felt that the mountain wind was howling fiercely tonight.

The strong wind made everyone in the team have to shout hard to hear each other if they needed to talk.


Tie Yunqing continued to infuse the copper shoe Gu under his feet with true energy, running forward quickly, trying to keep a speed similar to everyone else to prevent anyone from falling behind.

The mountain range near Tongtie Mountain is called Snow Wolf Mountain. The name of the mountain range that was originally nameless was given by the patriarch of Wangjia Village.

In Snow Wolf Mountain, there are jagged rocks, and many dead branches in the forest have not yet sprouted new buds. There are caves and streams hidden in the entire mountain range. From time to time, you can hear a few wolf howls.

On the way forward, the seven people only heard chaotic footsteps, and no one spoke. When they needed to communicate, they used gestures instead.

Everyone was highly alert and did not do anything unnecessary, for fear of being suddenly attacked by wolves.

Along the way, three first-level reconnaissance Gu masters from Wangjia Village took turns to come to the front of the team and use their reconnaissance Gu to explore the way for the team. The Wang family equipped them with a reconnaissance Gu insect called Snake Tongue Gu.

Snake Tongue Gu can make the Gu master's tongue fork and turn into a bright red snake tongue. This first-level Gu can sense heat. The wolf is a warm-blooded animal. In the current cold weather, the body temperature of the wolf is clearly different from the external environment, and it is easy to identify.

Under the influence of the scout Gu Master, once the team encounters a wild beast, they will immediately change direction, avoid danger, and continue to move forward.

After about an hour of moving forward, they have arrived at the depths of Snow Wolf Mountain. According to the scout Gu Master in the team, about half of the wild wolves in the wolf tide are hidden here.

Suddenly, the family elder Wang Jingsong, who was in front of the team, raised his hand to signal. Everyone instantly slowed down and stopped in front of a pile of rubble.

At this moment, Tie Yunqing could clearly smell the strong smell of wild beast feces in the air even without the scout Gu.

"I will take Wang Qi to the left to have a look. You rest here for a while and wait for us to come back." Wang Jingsong, as the captain of the scout team and the person with the highest cultivation, ordered immediately.

Everyone in the Wang Family Village bowed their heads and said yes, while Tie Yunqing looked indifferent.

After Wang Jingsong and the scout Gu Master left, Tie Yunqing tried to chat with the other first-level Gu Masters, but everyone was silent and no one responded to Tie Yunqing's words.

After a while, under the night, a figure quickly moved towards the direction of the crowd. Tie Yunqing and others immediately stood up and raised their vigilance.

The figure soon came in front of the crowd. It was the family elder Wang Jingsong who came back. He whispered:

"Wang Qi needs to go deeper into that direction and meet us in the Wolf Creek Valley ahead. We will continue to move in other directions."

No one spoke, but nodded silently and obeyed the order.

Tie Yunqing smelled a faint smell of blood, which made him frown slightly.

The reconnaissance team was advancing in the huge Snow Wolf Mountain. The remaining two reconnaissance Gu Masters, for the same reason as before, went out with Wang Jingsong to scout, but they did not come back. Only the family elder Wang Jingsong came back alone.

At this moment, the original 7-member reconnaissance team, except for Tie Yunqing himself and Wang Jingsong, only had two first-level Gu Masters left.

Due to the long-term use of the copper shoe Gu to travel, the true essence in Tie Yunqing's orifices was only 60% left even after a short-term replenishment.

Tie Yunqing found that every time Wang Jingsong came back alone, the bloody smell on his body became stronger, and he was at the end of the team.

The two first-level Gu Masters beside Tie Yunqing, one on the left and one on the right, kept staring at him vaguely, as if they were afraid that he would run away.

"What is this? Are you going to kill me? Aren't you afraid that the Tie family will destroy their Wang family village?" This thought suddenly popped up in Tie Yunqing's mind.

Not long after, the remaining four people in the reconnaissance team came to a stream, and everyone stepped on the stream to make a splashing sound.

At this moment, something strange happened.

Two ice cones shot out from the left and right without warning, towards Tie Yunqing in the middle of the team.

Tie Yunqing instantly lowered his head and twisted his body, drawing his sword, supporting himself with his palms, and a bright blue light burst out from the long sword in his hand.

Sword-edge Gu!

The power of the Gu worm on the sword edge was extremely sharp, and with the help of the rotation inertia, a blue light arc instantly split the Gu Master on Tie Yunqing's left hand side from bottom to top in half.

The corpse was separated from it with a bang, and blood and internal organs were scattered all over the ground.

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