Who Said This Pokémon Game Was Poisonous?

Chapter 108 The strength of the senior trainer, the ‘field expansion’ of Overlord Flower (6k)

At this time, as Xia Zhiwen, the school team assistant coach of Shanghai Jiaotong University, walked into the battlefield, the surrounding spectators subconsciously leaned forward and concentrated.

This is the last player from Shanghai Jiaotong University, and it also represents the arrival of the match point. The first round of the exchange meeting has come to the most critical moment.

If the sophomore members of the Modou Polytechnic University team can defeat this assistant coach in a round-robin battle, they will also be able to win the first round.

After the first few rounds of battles, the originally flat lawn battlefield was already full of potholes. The lawn was scorched and devastated, and there were even large holes created by the cunning Tengu's self-explosion.

The change of the venue also increases the difficulty of the battle in disguise. The elves on the field must be careful of these potholes when moving to prevent them from tripping.

Xia Zhiwen, who was wearing a black trench coat and a Japanese-style boy's hair, stopped at the player's position, stroking the Poké Ball, and after thinking for a moment, she released a sizable 'Overlord Flower'.

The elf ‘Overlord Flower’ looks like the largest flower among plants, ‘Caesque Rafflesia’.

With an indigo bulb-like body and legs, the Overlord flower carries a huge red flower two to three meters in diameter on its head. It can scatter a huge amount of pollen with just a shake.

For people with pollen allergies, the Overlord flower is an extremely distressing elf.

Even for wild elves, the Overlord flower in its flowering stage is a 'moving natural disaster'. Just contact with the pollen it spreads will cause paralysis throughout the body and make it difficult to move. It may even make you drowsy and poison the whole body.

During the trip, Xiaozhi once inadvertently inhaled the pollen of the Overlord flower and lost consciousness. In the end, Xiaoxia found wild herbs and treated him. This kind of unexpected episode in the trip Xiaoxia was in the chat group Zhong Zhong said it vividly and vividly, and Zhou Ran had heard it a lot.

As soon as Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia quarrel, Xiaoxia will immediately talk about these things and ask Xiaozhi to pay back the bicycle that was electrocuted into coke by Pikachu. At this time, Xiaogang will act as a peacemaker and appease the two...

Because of this, Zhou Ran was really interested in elves like Overlord Flower. He checked the information and studied it for a while.

"The Overlord Flower..." Zhou Ran stared at the Overlord Flower at the edge of the venue, rubbing his chin, thoughtfully.

Elves like Overlord Flower are the final evolved form of walking grass. They have both grass and poison attributes and have various personalities.

The walking grass Chirulian first encountered had a fierce temperament and dared to directly attack Chirulian, and ended up becoming a "delivery boy"...

But most of the Overlord flowers are very lazy. After all, with such a big flower, it is quite tiring for the Overlord flower to move.

Rika, a well-known gym leader in the Kanto region and the gym leader in Yuhong City, is an expert in cultivating Overlord Flowers.

"This Overlord Flower is of different colors." Professor Fang's expression was solemn.

"The body shape also looks a bit abnormal." Zhou Ran muttered.

The flowers of ordinary King of Flowers are bright red, but the flowers of this King of Flowers on the field are rare orange-red, and the body is also light green.

The buds bloom larger and the petals are larger. Therefore, the body of this Overlord flower is obviously larger, and its hands and feet are relatively thicker.

Judging from the overall energy and spirit, it is obvious that the cultivation is quite extraordinary.

On the lawn, Bawanghua danced and coquettishly toward Xia Zhiwen with a cheerful expression.

"Xi ah ah (`)~"

Xia Zhiwen smiled slightly and gently rubbed Bawanghua's forehead with her hands.

"The rest of the battle will be left to you."


When the body swayed, the Overlord Flower did not spread any pollen in order not to affect the owner's body. It was obvious that it had controlled its ability to spread pollen to an extremely sophisticated level.

"This heterochromatic flower is so cute!"

In the surrounding seats, a female student exclaimed: "This female assistant professor from Jiaotong University is so handsome."

Indeed, after traveling for many years, Xia Zhiwen's overall temperament is very sassy.

"It's actually the Overlord Flower..." The male student next to him was slightly startled and complained in surprise:

"It's too watery."

"I thought, no matter what, I had to take out a Bulbasaur."

"What kind of damage can a King Flower do?"

However, these words were heard by the basic Elfology teacher at the bottom of the steps, and he turned around and glared:

"Are you playing with your mobile phone during class? You don't pay attention to the class every day. The latest research on the elves' racial abilities shows that the attack growth rate of the Overlord Flower is stronger than that of the Bulbasaur. The strength of the Bulbasaur is in speed growth and physical fitness. Slightly better in terms of growth.”

The students in the back row immediately fell silent, and the male students muttered angrily in their hearts. They had to learn various foreign languages, and had to recite the elf basics that were so thick that they could shock people... Every day, they wished they could use 24 hours as 48 hours. Who can remember? So clear.

As Xia Zhiwen released the elf 'Overlord Flower', the referee looked at Professor Fang and signaled that it was time for the Magic University of Technology camp to send out players.

"Heterochromatic Overlord Flower..." Professor Fang fell into deep thought.

Different-colored elves are often caused by some kind of genetic mutation.

This kind of mutation is neither good nor bad. Sometimes it brings benefits and sometimes it brings harm.

Of course, if an unusually strong heterochromatic elf appears in a wild environment, it must be a very powerful individual.

After all, being able to grow so well despite being rejected by others because of their different colors must be something different from ordinary people.

Zhou Ran's Fire Dinosaur, for example, has mastered jungle moves such as "Absorbing Punch".

As for Assistant Xia's heterochromatic Overlord Flower on the field, it is very likely that it is even more powerful than the ordinary Overlord Flower.

But where the strong point lies needs to be carefully explored.

"Sun Chen, Shi Yuyuan, let's see who goes first?" Professor Fang turned around and asked after nodding to the referee.

The two looked at each other, and Sun Chen couldn't wait to reach out his hand and said excitedly:

"Professor! I'll go first!"

The opponent is not an ordinary trainer, but a well-known trainer who has traveled for many years and achieved top eight rankings in three regional conferences.

The opportunity to fight against such a trainer is very rare.

"That's okay." Professor Fang warned:

"Be careful up there."

"Also, release your fist sea cucumber in advance."

Logically speaking, Assistant Xia on the opposite side did not need to release the elves in advance to let his side discuss countermeasures.

But he released the Overlord Flower... This move was obviously a sign of humility.

However, being humble is the character of Assistant Professor Xia, but as a party to the exchange meeting, he cannot take advantage of this.


In response, Sun Chen excitedly trotted all the way to the battlefield, glanced at the Overlord Flower opposite, and released his elf 'Fisting Sea Cucumber'.

The plump sea cucumber appeared on the lawn, twisted its body unaccustomedly, blinked its small red eyes, and stared at the Overlord Flower with fighting desire:

"Na (`へ)!"

The sea cucumber looks like a sea cucumber, with red spikes on its surface, and a white cotton ball like a tail at its tail. Some people hate this look, but some people like it very much.

At the very least, the surrounding spectators were extremely curious about the sea cucumber.

"Fist sea cucumbers, they are quite rare in Donghuang area. In the whole world, they seem to be concentrated on the seaside of Alola area. They seem to be found on the beaches of Galar area as well."

"The small eyes and the tail are quite cute, but it's a pity that there is mucus on the surface, otherwise I would like to keep one too."

"You still dislike the mucus on other people's bodies? That's a natural skin care product. It became very popular some time ago, and the unit price is as good as gold."

As if he was extremely sensitive to sounds, Fist Sea Cucumber actually raised his upper body and looked around curiously like a snake.

Finally, he focused his attention on the Overlord Flower opposite him, showing a high-spirited expression:


After the referee signaled that the battle was about to begin, Sun Chen stood in the player's position and bowed slightly with excitement, with a hint of nervousness in his eyes:

"Assistant Professor Xia, please give me more advice!"

Because he knew that his strength was not as good as his opponent's, and his chances of winning were slim, Sun Chen felt very calm.

Just do your best and have low expectations. This mentality unexpectedly made him in excellent condition.

"Trainers of Fist Sea Cucumber are rare." After hearing this, Xia Zhiwen, who looked at Fist Sea Cucumber with great interest, withdrew her gaze and smiled calmly:

"There is no need to call me Assistant Coach Xia, and there is no need to be nervous. When we stand on the battlefield, there is no difference in status. We are all trainers eager to win."

"Therefore, out of respect for you, I will do my best." Xia Zhiwen quickly stopped smiling and looked solemn.

On the battlefield, the greatest respect for the enemy is to go all out.

The referee started counting the seconds, and Sun Chen waited nervously for the whistle.

Although his fist sea cucumber can hardly take the initiative to attack, it does not mean that the fist sea cucumber is not threatening.

After all, elves like sea cucumbers can form a population and live safely on beaches and shallow seas. Naturally, they have their own way of survival.

In addition to being able to use the two tactics of 'Poison Guard' and 'Counter Flow', Quan Sea Cucumber's strongest counterattack method is not its moves, but its special ability——

Features ‘Flying out inner objects’!

As the name suggests, the fist sea cucumber hates being touched by its stingers and mouth. If it is touched, it will spit out fist-shaped internal organs from its mouth and beat the opponent.

They will also use this method to catch food, fight with enemies, and compete with their partners for strength.

Over time, this ability became part of Fist Sea Cucumber's characteristics.

If you are directly attacked by the opponent and killed instantly with one blow, the characteristic "flying internal and external objects" will cause the opponent the same degree of pain and damage.

It is precisely because of this that elves such as the sea cucumber can live leisurely and unharmed near the warm shallow sea, and can occupy territory and have their own feeding areas.

Therefore, if you use the special ability of the Fist Sea Cucumber, even if it is difficult to knock down the Overlord Flower, you can still give the Overlord Flower a very painful blow, thereby winning the team's victory.

Time passed slowly, and the fist sea cucumber on the field became more and more nervous, his little eyes narrowed tightly, his body tensed, ready to fight back at any time.

In comparison, the Overlord Flower on the opposite side looked like "I'm super fierce o('⌒メ)o". She wore a huge flower crown and punched a few times with a smile.

While the two parties were confronting each other, the surrounding audience gradually lowered their voices and the atmosphere became solemn.

At the edge of the venue, Professor Fang crossed his arms, pointed his fingers on his arms, and said in deep thought:

"As for Fist Sea Cucumber, as long as you are not greedy and use poison-guarding tactics and counter-flow tactics, you can still wear down the Overlord Flower's physical energy and explore something."

"If we have a little more luck, it's not impossible to injure the Overlord Flower." Professor Fang said hopefully.

"I hope so." Zhou Ran stared at the battlefield.

"Overlord flower..."

In fact, in reality, although in the Kanto region, Bulbasaur is the most popular among grass-type elves, but in terms of various play styles, Zhou Ran prefers Overlord Flower.


With a sharp whistle, the battle begins!

However, what surprised the audience was that neither side took the lead.

Sun Chen didn't make the first move because Fist Sea Cucumber was a passive elf.

Xia Zhiwen didn't make a move, purely out of the mentality of letting her opponent take one move.

"Aren't you going to take action first?" Xia Zhiwen asked.

But seeing Sun Chen with a nervous and cautious expression, Xia Zhiwen shook her head slightly.

"Aren't you even planning to use the "Poison" move? "

"It seems that all bets are placed on counter-flow tactics..."

"Is it because I lack experience or am I taking it for granted?"

Perhaps, the process of cultivating trainers in the Donghuang area will result in a large number of trainers who can only develop their talents in college, and in the early stage they only lay a solid theoretical foundation.

It can be said that at the same age, trainers from the Donghuang region are far inferior to trainers from other regions in terms of actual combat strength.

But trainers in the Donghuang region also have an advantage, that is, they have solid theoretical knowledge. While trainers in other regions are still using the Elf Encyclopedia to check out unknown elves.

The trainers in the Donghuang area have almost memorized all the known information and intelligence about elves.

This point, in daily life, does not see the advantage, but in a competition, the advantage will be extremely obvious.

After all, in a battle event, you won't be given the opportunity or time to consult the Elf Encyclopedia, and trainers from the Donghuang area who know themselves and their enemies will naturally increase their chances of winning out of thin air.

Therefore, even though she has never seen rare elves like Quan Sea Cucumber with her own eyes, Xia Zhiwen can immediately picture the physiological structure and characteristics of such elves in her mind, thus avoiding any pitfalls.

Guessing that Sun Chen probably wanted to make a fuss about the characteristics of sea cucumber, Xia Zhiwen's expression was dull.

"Overlord flower, paralysis powder, hypnotic powder, poison powder."

"Ouch (ω)!"

Just when Sun Chen and Quan Sea Cucumber's expressions were tense and their eyes were solemn, they were both prepared...

The Overlord Flower put away its boxing show, as if the warm-up exercise was over, and stared at the opposite side with sly eyes. The corolla above its head shook violently, releasing a huge amount of orange-red pollen.

The dense and overwhelming orange-red pollen rolled over instantly like a wave of dense fog, directly covering a large area of ​​the field and swallowing up the panicked sea cucumber with nowhere to escape.

Sun Chen was stunned when he looked at the orange-red fog-like scene in front of him.

This...not to mention that I can't see anything, I can't even use the Poké Ball to take back the fist sea cucumber.

Not daring to inhale the pollen at all, Sun Chen covered his mouth and nose and shouted in a muffled voice:

"Fist sea cucumber?!"

However, at this moment, the sea cucumber inevitably inhaled the orange-red pollen around it, and quickly lost control of its body, unable to reply at all.

Feeling numb all over!

This is the effect of the "Paralysis Powder" move, which puts the opponent who has absorbed the paralysis powder into a state of paralysis, making it difficult to move.

Immediately afterwards, Quan Sea Cucumber's brain became drowsy, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

It is the hypnotic effect of the "Hypnotic Powder" move.

Finally, the entire body of the sea cucumber was gradually infected into an unusually weird purple color.

It is the poisonous powder released by the "Poisonous Powder" move. These poisonous powders are mixed with the pollen, causing the sea cucumber to fall into a poisoned state. Over time, it will be eroded by the toxins every moment, reducing its physical strength until it is unable to fight.

This move of three powders combined into one immediately caused Fist Sea Cucumber to lose all ability to resist.

"Fist sea cucumber?!"

Sun Chen shouted several times in succession, but when he saw no response, he suddenly looked bitter.

Only then did it become clear why Assistant Xia wanted him to take a move, because if he didn't make a move, Fist Sea Cucumber wouldn't be able to withstand it once he did.

At the same time, Bawanghua also smiled and made an "OK" gesture to Xia Zhiwen.

"Solve it?"

Xia Zhiwen nodded slightly and said:

"Then let's get started!"


On the edge of the battlefield, on the side of the Magic University of Technology camp, Zhou Ran looked strange.

I didn’t see it, this Assistant Coach Xia...

Such a sassy person is so dirty when fighting!

Directly use "paralysis powder", "hypnosis powder", and "poison powder", three powders in one. Which fist sea cucumber can withstand such a toss?

Unlike in the game, where only one negative state can be given to enemy elves, in reality, elves can be infected with multiple negative states. This also leads to the fact that once an elf is hit by paralysis, poison, sleep, burns, etc. a state.

Basically, it is equivalent to a vegetative state, and the battle can be declared over.

"Alas." Professor Fang sighed secretly.

After all, he is a senior trainer with extremely rich combat experience, so he is very cautious in fighting.

If Fist Sea Cucumber falls to the ground due to poisoning, then Fist Sea Cucumber's characteristic of 'flying out inner objects' will be completely useless.

After all, this characteristic can be regarded as a death-defying counterattack by Fist Sea Cucumber. Let alone being so far away, just dying of poisoning while sleeping. This method of boiling a frog in warm water will restrain Fist Sea Cucumber to death.

Just when Professor Fang shook his head helplessly, he heard a burst of exclamations from around him.

He looked up subconsciously.

I saw that the Overlord Flower on the field did not wait idlely for the opponent to be poisoned to death, but instead used several unique tricks one after another.


Looking at the rising sun over the battlefield, Overlord Flower gave a solemn shout.

Immediately, the sun suddenly became blazing, as if it had returned to the scorching sun of midsummer at the end of September. The temperature had risen and the ultraviolet rays were strong. It seemed that even the sun had been drawn closer by the call of the Overlord Flower.

"Sunny day!" After the order, Xia Zhiwen looked calm and continued to give orders:

"Grass field!"

[Sunny move: Make the sun stronger for a certain period of time, thereby increasing the power of fire attribute moves. The power of water attribute moves is reduced. And it can enhance the effect and power of certain types of grass-type moves. 】

[Green grass field move: All elves on the ground will continue to recover a little physical energy for a certain period of time. The power of grass-type moves is increased by 30%. In addition, the power of the three moves 'Earthquake', 'Magnitude' or 'Strike' will be halved. 】

After summoning the 'Great Sunny Day', the Overlord Flower closed its eyes slightly, and released a rich green light all over its body, which extended underground and quickly covered the surroundings, eventually forming a green line with the Overlord Flower as the core and a diameter of nearly 30 meters. Aura.

Within the scope of the halo, green weeds sprouted out of the originally scorched ground again, and in an instant, a lush 'green grass field' was formed.

Xia Zhiwen's instructions kept coming.

“Take root!”


[Rooting move: Take root in the earth and continuously restore your physical energy. Because it is rooted, it cannot be replaced. 】

[Growth move: Absorb a large amount of nutrients and the surrounding grass energy to strengthen the body. Increases the user's attack by 50%. Increases the user's special attack by 50%. The improvement is doubled in 'sunny' or 'bright sunshine' weather. 】

After hearing the command, the green light flashed in the Overlord Flower's eyes, and many tiny plant roots grew from its feet and penetrated deeply into the ground.

Streams of green energy flow along the rhizome and feed the Overlord Flower, causing its entire body to be dyed green.

I saw the Overlord Flower taking root on the ground, slowly standing up, and its body expanded in a large circle at a speed visible to the naked eye. The grass-attribute energy around it surged like a tide, materializing into green light spots, surrounding the Overlord Flower, like Dancing like fireflies!

These four moves in a row made Professor Fang's eyes look astonished and his face became as dark as water.

The "Sunny Day" move belongs to the weather field. Although it will defeat the enemy, in this weather field, Bawanghua's "Sunshine Flame" unique move can be used directly.

[Sunshine Flame Move: Power value '120', also known as Sun Beam, absorbs a certain amount of sunlight to emit an amazingly powerful energy light attack. 】

The "Sunshine Flame" move is an extremely powerful grass attribute move. Its only drawback is that it is slow to activate and requires time to absorb a certain amount of sunlight. However, in the "sunny" weather field, the "Sunshine Flame" move will be activated twice as fast. .

Not only that, under "sunny" weather, the "Photosynthesis" move of the Overlord Flower can restore a large amount of the Overlord Flower's physical energy and recover from injuries.

[Photosynthesis moves: Absorb sunlight and perform photosynthesis to restore physical energy. The stronger the sunlight, the greater the amount of recovery. 】

The next move "Green Grass Field" is another domain-type trick. While reducing the damage of certain types of moves, it can use the power of the field to restore physical energy and recover injuries, and it can also enhance the power of grass-type moves.

Coupled with the "rooting" move that restores physical energy and injuries, and the "growth" move that can greatly increase attack power in conjunction with "sunny" weather...

How explosive is the damage of the Overlord Flower at this time?

How fast does it take to recover physical strength and recover from injuries?

I thought that Assistant Xia was just being cautious, but unexpectedly he took the opportunity to play the field strengthening stream, and quickly filled up the Overlord Flower's state.

It’s no joke at all, if you say you will go all out, then go all out!

Professor Fang sighed feebly.

The current Overlord Flower, let alone an elf, can probably be promoted directly!

Zhou Ran was also slightly stunned, with a subtle expression.

"What's this?"

"Is the Overlord Flower's 'field expansion'?"

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