Who Said This Pokémon Game Was Poisonous?

Chapter 147 The Trainer Association’s Response, Mega Evolution Stone (5k)

"This is a huge stinging jellyfish?! And a giant dragon?!"

"It's over. It is estimated that coastal cities will be completely blocked. This blockade will last until the end of the year. Alas, the company's fishing trade this year is considered to be poor!"

"My child is still studying abroad in Sakura District, nothing will happen to him!?"

"How can it be that only the Sakura District is in trouble? All seaside cities in the alliance area must at least be under martial law!"

Suddenly, there was a storm, and the carriage where Zhou Ran was sitting was buzzing with people, as if they were at a vegetable market, and everyone was concerned about their own problems.

‘Indeed, all coastal cities must be under martial law! ’

‘Not only that, I’m afraid that the top trainers in the league will have to mobilize. ’

‘Even the champion master who digs rocks all over the world needs to be called back to deal with the crisis. ’

Zhou Ran sighed, troubled times.

Obviously, the elves in the sea do not have any objections to the discharge of sewage, or they just let it go, but...

The amount is too small and the ocean is too big to be noticed in a short time.

As emissions continue to increase, ocean pollution intensifies, and the stinging jellyfish community that has lived in the pollution-free deep sea for a long time immediately reacted.

Moreover, this reaction may be more intense than Sakura District expected.

Zhou Ran clicked on the video sent by Kona again.

Sure enough, in the video, although the giant stinging jellyfish did not move, it just looked down at the city coldly.

But the swarm of stinging jellyfish under his command did move, and they collectively used water gun moves.

Although the power of a single water gun move is average and is only as thick as a bucket, the dense swarm of stinging jellyfish used the water gun move as a group. The 'water gun' that came from the crowd was like a salvo of thousands of arrows, hitting the sky above the city, but was covered by a layer of transparency. The energy protective shield blocked it.

I saw countless elves 'unknown totems' rising from the city. These elves looked like wonderful ancient characters and had one eye.

Countless unknown totems, like building blocks or jigsaw puzzles, were assembled together above the city, and released a magnificent super attribute power, turning into a transparent energy shield, buckling upside down on the city, and blocking it. Attacked by a swarm of stinging jellyfish.

Obviously, this is a protective measure inherent in the city.


When the swarm of stinging jellyfish stopped attacking, the giant stinging jellyfish moved. A trace of human mockery and ridicule flashed in its cold eyes. The giant stinging jellyfish raised its surprisingly thick tentacles and swung them down over the city. , on the way, the tentacles were covered by the smelly purple poisonous light - the poison attribute's 'Poison Strike' trick!

A simple move "poison attack", but with devastating power.

The attack has not yet arrived, but the strong wind alone makes many unknown totems look nervous. As for whether they can block it, just like their names, it is unknown.

But at this moment, an elf that looked like a ghost snake dragon suddenly emerged from the sky, and with a flick of its tail, it kicked up a thick black fog.

"It's the guarding move of the elf 'Doron Baruto'." Zhou Ran looked thoughtful.

The elf 'Dryon Baruto' is a quasi-god elf with dual attributes of dragon and ghost. It is a kind of ghost dragon.

As long as he follows the steps, Doron Baruto's strength can break through to the master and legend levels.

Obviously, it should be the master training from Sakura District who took action.

In the video, the same simple technique of guarding the moves was used. A dark fog shield like a copper wall was formed in front of Doron Baruto. Suddenly, the tentacles of the giant stinging jellyfish seemed to be trapped in a swamp, and the attack speed increased. The slower it goes, the weaker and weaker the force becomes. Finally, it stagnates completely. As a last resort, the giant stinging jellyfish can only retract its tentacles.

It roared angrily towards Doron Baruto. The red agate-like object on the head of the giant jellyfish flickered on and off, as if it was questioning Doron Baruto's position, and as if it was brewing a new round of war. offensive.

At the same time, Zhou Ran looked solemn. Some studies said that when the red beads on the stinging jellyfish's head glow, it is a sign that it is about to release ultrasonic waves to control the waves.

With the size of a giant stinging jellyfish, taking advantage of the ocean, and using the "surfing" move, Zhou Ran can hardly imagine how high and powerful the waves can be.

Unfortunately, the video ends abruptly here.

And in the next video…

While the group of Gyarados made deafening roars on the dark clouds and rough seas, they were also spinning in circles in twos and threes, as if they were dancing collectively or performing some kind of wonderful ritual.

What followed was a darker and darker sky, and a more turbulent and dangerous sea.

"This is a collective use of the "Dragon Dance" move! "Zhou Ran sighed again.

Obviously, the Gyarados that can appear here are all ‘elite soldiers’ in the Gyarados group.

As for the giant dragon in the Gyarados group, it is still hidden in the hazy fog, making it difficult to see clearly.

He didn't move, he just looked silently at the heavily guarded city with the 'Unknown Totem' protective shield raised.

But it is this silence that makes people feel more depressed and stressed.

If the giant stinging jellyfish has a high probability of having legendary power, then how strong must the giant dragon be... The peak strength of an ordinary dragon is around the legendary level.

As for the giant dragon, with such a huge size, plus the years that the giant dragon has gone through, its accumulated strength...

Zhou Ran shook his head, his heart sinking slightly.

Moreover, the most important thing is, with such a big movement, will the super-ancient elf 'Kyogre' sleep in the deep sea wake up?

Since ancient times, Kyogre has regarded the ocean as his territory. In order to expand the ocean, he has fought to the death with Groudon, the master of "continents, volcanoes, and lava."

Will Kyogre, who realizes that the ocean is polluted, directly perform an 'original return', release his power, return to the posture of the super ancient time period, and then vent his anger?

Zhou Ran's scalp went numb when he thought of this. The Kyogre of this world line was not a species that was chased by elf hunters in some world line, fled in a hurry, and was finally caught like a little girl fishing.

The mere power to make it rain heavily all over the world is enough to scare people.

A large amount of rainfall will naturally lead to floods. It can be said that Kyogre's existence itself is a natural disaster.

As long as Kyogre wakes up for a week and releases his power for a week, the amount of rainfall caused will be a catastrophe. If Kyogre wakes up for a year...

Furthermore, once Kyogre wakes up, Groudon is basically not far away from waking up...

If the two are entangled, volcanoes erupt and heavy rains occur frequently, which can directly change the world's environment.

Zhou Ran looked up at the sky.

If this pace continues, not only Sakura District Pills, but also Fangyuan will not be much better...

Looking at this situation, can the house prices in Sakura District plummet to the 18th floor underground...

After getting rid of the messy thoughts in his mind, Zhou Ran calmed down and looked at the chat group.

At this time, the female flight attendants had already come over and were walking around in the carriages, comforting the passengers and urging them to turn back when they were trying to go to the Magic City.

Because among the coastal cities under martial law, Magic City is also one of them.

At the same time, Zhou Ran also received a message from Xiao Juer. She apologized and expressed that she might have to temporarily go to the nearest seaside city to cooperate with the local gym leader to implement martial law and prevent a large number of water-type elves from attacking the town.

This is just like rights and responsibilities. Gym trainers who usually enjoy a large amount of resources from the alliance need to go to the front line to deal with the problem at this time.

In the chat group.

"It's that giant stinging jellyfish!" Xiaozhi, who was far away in the Galar region, was shocked and recalled that extremely shocking experience again.

Tens of thousands of water-type elves floated above the sea level, and further away was a huge stinging jellyfish that was as big as a skyscraper...

Even though he is no longer the young trainer he once was, Xiaozhi has a deeper understanding of the power of this elf siege.

"We won't really fight, right?!" Xiaoxia looked worried.

As a gym trainer who loves water-type fairies the most, this is the last thing she wants to see.

"It's hard to say..." Xiaogang crossed his arms, squinted his eyes, and frowned.

"According to the current news, it seems that they are confronting and testing each other. Both sides are showing restraint, but it will be difficult to say after that..."

Yes, they are indeed testing each other! Zhou Ran nodded secretly and agreed with Xiaogang's judgment.

Otherwise, what the coastal city is facing right now is the overturning force of a hundred-meter wave.

Whether it is a giant stinging jellyfish or a giant dragon, the performance at this time is more like a kind of shock.

It is not difficult to understand that the stronger the elves are, the higher their universal wisdom will be.

The purpose of giant stinging jellyfish and giant velociraptor should still be to deter and teach those who pollute the ocean a lesson, so as to put an end to this kind of thing.

But as to how big this lesson is, and whether the situation will be more serious, it’s really hard to say.

The giant stinging jellyfish has to worry about its own group, and the Sakura District also has to consider a series of issues in a real all-out war.

After all, the ocean is too vast and ancient, and it is difficult for anyone to judge how many existences such as giant stinging jellyfish exist in the extremely deep sea.

At this time, Kona, a master of ice and water attributes, was also standing on the coastline of the Seven Islands, an affiliated island in the Kanto region, with solemn eyes, staring at the sea level.

The black windbreaker he wore stood out against the wind.

If the alliances had a wait-and-see attitude and condemned the Sakura District's sewage discharge incident before, now they are really starting to worry about a problem.

That is, will Kyogre wake up because of this?

"This autumn is really troubled." Looking back, Kona sighed softly.

Each regional alliance is a completely autonomous body. It is impossible to say that Sakura District does not have any plans. However, each party has made the best interest choice from its own position, and the result is the current situation.

As for why the giant dragon was involved in this matter, Kona had some guesses.

A body as large as a giant Velociraptor is still the norm, so it must live in the ocean and rely on the pressure and buoyancy of the deep sea.

Therefore, the actions of the giant dragon are easy to understand. On the first day, your neighbor poured some sewage at the door of your house. You tolerated it, but later you found out that the sewage was flowing in continuously. , if we don’t stop it, we won’t be able to take it anymore, so naturally we can’t bear it.

Looking at the magnificent sea again, Kona waited silently.

It is uncertain whether other coastal areas will have trouble, so various areas are under martial law.

In addition, in order to prevent underground organizations from taking advantage of the opportunity, almost all trainers from the major alliances took action.

Champion kings, master trainers, and gym trainers are all heading to the coastal area and waiting quietly.

Under normal circumstances, there are enough personnel to guard important areas and coastal routes. However... it was during the gym league, and some of the gym trainers were not local at all, or even in other areas thousands of miles away.

For example, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang are in the Galar region at the moment.

Therefore, there will be some difficulties in personnel transfer.

"It is indeed a troubled time."

Just as Kona speculated, the alliances in various regions seemed to be very hesitant in terms of personnel transfer.

Even the Donghuang area is no exception.

At this time, in the imperial capital of the Donghuang region, an emergency meeting was taking place in a countermeasures conference room in the Alliance Building.

As the meeting progressed, orders were being issued.

"President, Gym Leader Shi will arrive in Magic City in an hour and a half by flight. Due to the recent Gym League, Gym Leader Zou and the other two Gym Leaders are on standby."

The middle-aged male affairs officer in a suit reported to the gray-haired, solemn old man sitting in the chief seat.

"The Magic City should be foolproof." The president of the Trainers Association looked calm and nodded.

With four gym trainers here, the Magic City is equivalent to having a first line of defense.

As long as a little time can be delayed in an emergency, the elf masters stationed in the provincial capitals can rush over quickly.

It's a pity that when you reach the level of master trainer, you basically live in a sparsely populated no-man's land...

Even the champion masters of each region and members of the Four Heavenly Kings Association are not always on call in each region.

Therefore, most of the forces that local alliances can mobilize are gym trainers stationed in major cities.

"Even so, it's still a little worse." After a moment, a trainer affairs officer frowned.

If we really need to deal with the elves' siege, we can rely on the 'Unknown Totem' city defense system to stop scattered attacks.

However, the most dangerous thing is the overlord elves that follow. These elves are powerful and can often completely penetrate the city's defense system with a point of destruction.

Therefore, it is necessary to bring together senior trainers and gym trainers to carry out targeted defense.

Hearing this, the president of the Trainers Association closed his eyes and meditated, and said calmly:

"Then call in the civilian trainers."

"Private trainers?" The affairs officer was stunned for a moment. The Donghuang area has a large population. Even if the trainers are not traveling outside, there are a lot of private trainers in the area.

But exclude elite trainers who are useless in this situation.

There are not many senior trainers and strong people with the strength of gym trainers.

After all, the vast majority of senior trainers are willing to accept official positions...

As for trainers with the ability of gym trainers, if they are unwilling to serve as gym leaders, they are most likely to be wandering people who like to travel abroad.

Let’s not talk about the lack of contact, it’s too late…

The clerk sighed secretly, picked up the phone and conveyed the order. After a moment, he raised his head and said:

"President, I contacted a few who were happy to cooperate, and a few others declined with various reasons. As for the trainers traveling from other areas, I can try to contact them, but..."

The president of the association understood the subtext of the clerk. The Donghuang Alliance had the right to expel traveling trainers from other regions, but it did not have the right to instruct them to do anything.

Therefore, the best way is to use it to your advantage.

And those old fritters in the area...

The president of the association opened his eyes and gently turned the tea cup:

"Mega evolution stone..."

"Just tell them that afterward, it is not impossible for the Donghuang Alliance Trainers Association to offer the Mega Evolution Stone as a reward."

For veteran trainers who are stuck in front of the master's door, mega evolution can make their elves unable to break the limit. Relying on the power of mega evolution, they can briefly push open the master's door...

Hearing this, the affairs officer raised his head in surprise:

"Mega evolution stone, this..."

For the Alliance, the importance of mega evolution stones is almost the same as that of quasi-god-level elves.

Even, at some point, the importance of the mega evolution stone is even greater, and it can seduce master trainers who do not have the mega evolution stone.

On the market today, almost all trainers who hold mega evolution stones are at the level of quasi-master or above.

This thing is so rare that it is impossible to circulate it. For the gym that has been passed down for many years, it is also a treasure passed down.

Therefore, so many powerful trainers choose to explore and travel in no-man's land. In addition to trying to find traces of legendary elves, they are also trying to find a set of unowned mega evolution stones.

‘As for taking out the mega stone? ’

Although it was not his own, the affairs officer still felt a sense of pain and even felt puzzled.

Although the situation is urgent, it is not imminent...

The discharge of sewage from Sakura District into the sea must be just an exploratory move towards maritime territory. Faced with a fierce counterattack, they will retreat and compromise...

The Alliance in Sakura District wouldn't be stupid about this kind of thing.

After all, even he can understand this kind of thing.

However, no matter how confused he was, the affairs officer still dutifully conveyed the instructions.

The president of the Trainers Association was soon left alone in the conference room. He stared at the cold tea with a deep look.

Indeed, it seems that the situation at hand can be solved as long as the Sakura District takes a step back.


Over the years, his long life experience has taught him a truth.

That is.

Don't think too smart about humans.

Human beings like to repeat the same mistakes again and again, and never tire of it.

This kind of ‘stupidity’ is deep-rooted.

At this time, the high-speed train Zhou Ran was riding had been suspended for nearly an hour.

The passengers in the carriage had already transitioned from initial confusion and panic to anxiety and nervousness, and began to worry about the development of the situation.

Zhou Ran was still immersed in the chat group during this period, keeping track of changes in the situation through the chat group.

"The situation is not good." Qinglu said calmly.

"Ah? Why???" Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment.

"Because we have to compromise, we have already compromised. If we haven't compromised yet, it means that people from the two camps in the Sakura District are still trying to convince each other." Qinglu sneered.

"But wild elves don't necessarily have such patience."

"I've arrived at the coastal area, and it's calm here." Chihong said.

"Next, just wait and see how the situation develops." Qinglu said indifferently.

As for supporting the Sakura District, let alone whether there is spare capacity, even if there is, personnel mobilization will be troublesome.

Because, for a powerful trainer who lives alone and has a withdrawn personality, it is probably still unknown whether he is closer to humans or to wild elves.

"Well, if I had known earlier, I might as well have stayed at home."

Zhou Ran sighed secretly.

Or is it not too late to go home?

After retracting his gaze, Zhou Ran noticed that the brown gift box in Chilulian's hand was empty.

"Did you swallow the Squid King's power crystal?" Zhou Ran said in surprise.

"Uh huh?" Chirulian blinked, wasn't that a jelly bean for herself?

If you don't swallow it quickly, why don't you keep it? If, by accident, it is swallowed by the two foodies, Fire Dinosaur and Ye Yibu, who should you ask to reason?

Kirulian: ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭, in this house, elves who don’t learn to protect their food will starve sooner or later.

"Forget it, just eat it. I originally wanted to mix it with phlox fruit and make it into Baofulei." Zhou Ran didn't pay much attention to it. Anyway, it was originally meant for Chilulian to eat.

Only then did he notice that there was a faint rainbow light flowing in Chirulian's pupils, which were originally golden-orange.

Zhou Ran took a look and felt that his consciousness was a little drowsy. He quickly looked away and warned:

"During this period, don't look at others fiercely or use "hypnosis" techniques! "


After casually responding, Kirulian continued to watch the TV series downloaded on the tablet with great interest, obviously not feeling the changes in her body.

Looking at Chilulian who was immersed in watching dramas, Zhou Ran looked puzzled and murmured:

"I don't know if this counts as mastering the Squid King's powerful hypnosis technique, or not..."

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