Whole Nation

: 3,209 shocks

The vast land covered with autumn flowers is full of the desolation after the late autumn. The sheep in the distance are like white clouds. The celadon singing is coming. A beautiful prairie girl holding a grazing whip in her hand, The wide leather robe is also difficult to hide the premature and graceful posture of the prairie woman. Riding on a white horse, the red fluttering face gives a natural beauty of natural carving. The girl curiously looks at the edge of the hills in the distance The black, the distance, the stuffy thunder rolls. If it was on the grassland before, the first thing the girl had to do was immediately turn around and run away. This is the horseshoe sound of cavalry moving at high speed, but now, it doesn’t need to be like this.

Because the entire wilderness is already under the management of the empire, the empire’s management of the wilderness can be described as loose. In fact, when the entire tribe surrendered to the empire, they never thought of such treatment. Each department needs to hand over a certain amount of cattle and sheep to Wang Ting every quarter, but in the empire, there is no need to hand over anything. Instead, merchants from the empire brought more good things to the tribe. I have heard it, never seen it, never heard it. It is said that there are special products from across the sea thousands of miles away. In just a few months, the tribal leaders have already started to enjoy Luxury goods around the mainland, and the tribes no longer have to worry about the death of a large number of tribes in the winter, because the empire has defined areas for each tribe, and even built a wood enough to accommodate a thousand people for each area. Fort, the tribe can exchange enough cattle and sheep for winter food, to put it bluntly, as long as the tribe is not in trouble, the empire will generally not show up,

Regarding the rule of the empire, the ministries are still very satisfied. The only wording is that the empire strictly forbids the looting of the ministries, especially for the visiting caravans. Once the looting is found, the imperial cavalry stationed in the Wamu Fort It will be dispatched, and within three days, you can get the news that the tribes that have violated the imperial decree have been destroyed. There have been four grassland tribes that have been destroyed because of this decree in the first two months, and two of them have Including the medium-sized tribes of 2,000 cavalry, this is not a bad thing for the leaders of the tribes, because for them, it is equal to four more wooden castles where the tribes can be stationed, and more cattle can be grazed. Sheep pasture

The dark shadows in the distance became larger and larger. Soon, a row of cold armor reflected the light of the sun above the head, and the earth trembled under the tramp of the rapidly approaching black line. The queue was neat like a knife. Generally, the girl ran 100 meters in front of the girl. The girl gave way very wisely. She came down immediately and lay on the ground.

Tribal adults say that as long as they lie on the ground to show their surrender, these sturdy and imperial cavalry will not embarrass the herdsmen. For the prairie people, these are the conquerors of the prairie people, the rulers of this land, it is said to rule The territory spans two continents, and the supreme imperial emperor has the title of longevity angel, even the North King's Court is overthrown by the empire, and the emperor also has the honorary title of the King of Khan, and his rule is under the rule of others. The two powerful grassland departments are said to be large courts with more than 200,000 cavalry. In comparison, the tribes in this wilderness are really unremarkable, like ants.

   Passed four hundred men in a row, is this what happened? The girl was lying on the ground, her heart was also confused. Under one circumstance, the imperial cavalry did not come here, and the fighting power of the four hundred men team was enough to cope with the grassland part of a thousand people riding, and the most confusing girl was, The tribes have not informed that some imperial teams will come here recently

"Is there water? I ran all day and night, and the water was finished. It was really thirsty." The horseshoe stopped in front of the girl. A soft voice asked. The girl raised her head carefully, and a slightly fat-looking man appeared in her eyes. The young man jumped off from the battle horse. Behind the black-haired young man, a dozen imperial cavalry stopped behind. The girl quickly released the sheepskin water bag on her waist. Although she did not know the identity of the young man, the dozens behind him From the perspective of the Imperial Cavalry, it is at least an officer-level character,

   "Thank you" the fat man took the water bag and smiled at the girl. A guard wanted to come over to test the water and was blocked by the fat man's gaze.

"Are you an imperial nobleman?" The girl asked with a trembling voice without knowing where it came from. The girl herself did not know why she asked this. It was because the youth in front of him seemed too harmless to humans and animals, if there were imperial cavalry behind him Follow, the youth reminded the girl to come to the tribe a few days ago

Dear someone, that kind of temperament seems to give people a strange feeling, neither as unruly as the grassland young people, nor as sharp as those imperial cavalry. If you really want to use a word to describe it, it is There is no pressure, just those black eyes like a starry sky.

"Aristocrat? It's so... Cough, this smell is too heavy!" The dark-haired young man said unintentionally, lifted a water bag and poured a sip, and the thick smell of sheepskin poured into the nasal cavity. For those of you, it is definitely comparable to torture. Even black-haired young people make a dry cough,

"Pomp" saw the embarrassment of the dark-haired youth, the girl gave out an uncontrollable laughter, took out an unknown dry leaf from her chest robe and handed it over. "This is the first lamb's skin after autumn this year. It’s not completely tasteless, even if I dare not drink so much in one bite, chewing this dry pro-grass in the window can suppress nausea.”

The young man took the dry grass into his mouth and chewed it. A special fragrance of grass leaves really made the mouth feel better. After looking at the vast scene around him, he asked, "How far is it from Wamubao?" "

"Aren't you from Wamubao?" The prairie girl's pretty face was stunned. When she saw the imperial cavalry, she already determined that the other party was an imperial nobleman from Wamubao. Where did that come from?

"I came from the direction of Dijing in Central Biya, and the goal is Wamubao." The black-haired youth withdrew his gaze from a distance, and said with a wry smile, "You should be from the grassland department who moved from the northwest region, then you should have heard of China and Belgium. Yadi Jingcai is right"

"They said that Central Beijing is the most prosperous city in this land, and any prairie people who arrive there will be able to return with full load." The girl’s eyes are shining and she looks very fascinated, hesitating and looking at the dark-haired youth. Since You are an imperial noble, so can I ask you for a favor?"

  ” As long as it’s not too much, the dark-haired youth shrugged his shoulders, half-joking, and turned his horse back.

"They said that with the permission of the empire, the tribe's caravan can go to the Central Biya area. I want to take a look at Dijing in Central Biya, but my tribe is really too small. I'm afraid I can't get the empire's permission." "The girl's fingers gently twisted the gown's belt, and the jade-like teeth bite on her ruddy lips, revealing a charming innocence.

   "If it is this request, I can agree, tell me your name and tribe" The dark-haired youth grinned

   "The Ram Warbler in the Qiran Department!" said the girl with a red face

"Is the Ram Warbler? Okay, I remember, I will let Wamubao give you the caravan permission, and it will only work for you. If your tribe chooses another person to be the caravan leader, then it can only be invalidated. "The dark-haired youth muttered in a low voice, showing a smile to the Ram Warbler, and turned around with a dozen cavalrymen

The Wamubao towering between the hills, the completely adopted large stone structure, the length of one kilometer and the width, plus the two sub-fortresses extending to the sides, stand high, just overlooking the Empire Avenue across the entire imperial wilderness, This is the home of the Eighth Banner Regiment of the Empire Wilderness Regiment, with eight thousand imperial cavalry stationed as the highest official of the empire guarding this wilderness. The commander of the Eighth Banner Regiment, Munar, is like the emperor of the earth in this wilderness. He stood respectfully in front of the open gate of Wamubao. The young man with black hair stopped the war horse in front of him. Munnar stepped forward and knelt on the ground with one knee, his right hand was on his chest, shouting respectfully "Your Majesty"

   "Get up, you are also an old man from the Guards, these etiquette will be free!"

The fat man came down from the war horse and handed the reins to the guards next to him. The guards were all fat men’s heirs and the backbone of the imperial team. The guards who had followed from the Samorian era had now become two. Part, part is the Emperor’s Guards Corps, part is the Imperial Central Army, and part of the Empire Wilderness Corps is the Eighth Banner Regiment of the former Central Army, under the command of Varisian, the Wamu Fort crosses the avenue of guarding the Empire The control point of the wilderness itself is also a barrier to the business corridor of the two eastern and western continents. The fat man transferred the main force of the wilderness regiment to Dijing West Road in Central Biya, but the eighth flag regiment of the heirs was sitting in the wilderness alone. The importance of Mubao

   Rest in Wamupu overnight, the next morning, the fat man will

The Warbler’s promise tells Munar, and then moves on towards the Empire

"This time the incident was too much trouble. Many of the weapons orders that have been placed have been cancelled. Others have been shipped and have been unloaded. Even those who have arrived at the port have also been returned. This kind of thing is not used by ordinary people. Now it has been returned, and there is no return to the blood. Just when I left, many of the weapons merchants in Lisbonto filed for bankruptcy to the empire! It is said that most of the weapons workshops in the north also have Temporarily closed"

A caravan leader sighed with emotion on his face. On his side, a black-haired young man was seated, accompanied by an emperor escort. It is full of joy, and he knows everything about this unknown emperor. The other party seems very interested in this weapon storm, only talking about this weapon trade shock, even the caravan leader Sad face

"This incident has hit the imperial weapon trade too much. Although the empire made every effort to clarify that the weapons in the fiasco of Eero were not sold by the empire to the Ero, the prince Eero insisted that it was sold by the empire. It can't stand the time, because the empire cannot prove this. Many countries that originally leaned on the empire have also begun to lean on the Eros side. It is strongly believed that it was the fiasco caused by the Empire’s sale of Eero’s inferior weapons, not that the Eero’s army was not effective, and the Empire should be responsible for the Eero’s fiasco.”

   "The empire is responsible for the fiasco of Eero, are you sure?" Hearing the words of the caravan leader, the eyes of the dark-haired youth narrowed into a line,

"Anyway, he has sent people to come. It is said that he was beaten up by the military. The special agent of Erow simply blocked the port of Lisbon and told everyone who was disembarking how bad the imperial weapons were! Luo’s defeat was well known, so many weapons merchants had just disembarked and immediately boarded and left.”

The caravan leader said that the route of the fat man this time is completely in accordance with the route of Empire Avenue. The fat man has to measure it himself and return to the territory of the empire from Dijing West Road. Is it really only one month as the Academy of Engineering said, another reason It is to understand the current impact of the imperial weapons trade in this incident. The Eero fiasco spread to Dijing West Road in Centralbia. This period of time was enough to hit the empire’s ordnance trade. It seems from the caravan leader that it seems Grim

   "Governor Tyre, does he just ignore it?"

The dark-haired young man's face was somber and his nose snorted heavily. Lisboa is the largest trading port of the empire. It is a troika with the southwestern empire of the empire, the sea city, and also known as the empire's business center. The fat man specially adjusted Tirnaland To come to serve as the governor of Lisbon, according to Tirnarant’s faction, how can he make the Eeros fool around to such a degree?

The Empire has succeeded in expanding outwards in recent years. Within a few years, it has risen like a hurricane. It has swept across the entire north-central part of the Obaro continent. It is the first high-quality label of the Imperial Continent that was laid with the bones of millions of people. The fierce defeat of the battle of Luo, and the danger of crumbling, the impact of the battle of Erow is really too bad, the fierce defeat of the elite army of 150,000 Erow, the efforts of the entire Eero Empire were torched, and even because of this fiasco, The country was on the verge of extinction, and as the reason for the defeat was due to the poor news of the imperial weapons, a wave of unsubscribed imperial weapons was immediately set off in the Obaro region

There are hundreds of thousands of weapons flowing out of the empire every year. It can be said that as long as there are war empire in the Obaro region, there are active arms merchants of the empire. The arms trade has become a huge source of revenue for the empire. The pillars of the industry, from the mining of ore to the craftsmen in the forging workshop, to the transfer of the military, to the trade agents everywhere, the operators involved are probably more than hundreds of thousands. Such a huge industry, once because of Egypt The impact of the fiasco of the battle of Luo was affected. For the entire empire, it was definitely a huge economic catastrophe. Tirnarant absolutely knew how big the consequences of the heavy damage to the arms trade of the empire

   "I don’t know very well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But now the acting governor of Lisbon is Lord Vihari, not the name Tyre"

   The caravan leader was stunned, and the caravan leader heard a crisp and crackling sound from the hands of the young black-haired young man who was holding a wooden cup next to him to drink a sip of water.

The extremely hard elm, which is said to be as hard as iron, broke between the hands of the dark-haired young man, the water wet the hands of the dark-haired young man, and the caravan leader’s face changed.

   "Sorry, missed for a while" The dark-haired youth let go of his hand and showed an awkward smile on his face

"It’s okay, it’s just a teacup, and it’s not a high-end product. It was originally bought casually." The caravan leader glanced over the debris on the table. The corners of his mouth grinned unnaturally, which is too exaggerated, although I know that the strength of soldiers is greater than that of ordinary people, but it should not be so outrageous. This wooden water cup was bought because it was strong enough.

The closer it is to Lisbon, the more obvious the impact of the imperial arms trade is. Through the curtain of the carriage, the eyes of the fat man fall on the side of the road. It is a huge area, with rows and rows of closed kiln mouths. The layers are spread out. It should have been Lisbonsto as a busy weapons workshop area. The weapons forged from here, because of their good quality and good toughness, are called the city of weapons by the merchants, but now it is only A few black smokes rose, and it was not completely empty. Some workshops still had craftsmen sitting at the gates, but the closed doors were as frustrated as these craftsmen.


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