Whole Nation

: Three hundred and sixty spring storm (11)

On March 21st, a shocking thunderbolt shocked the entire continent. The Holy Land of the Order of the Catholic Church unexpectedly broke out a large-scale riot against the empire. The Imperial Chamber of Commerce had to retreat from the Holy Land to Kabuk, and then at a distance. In the city of Kabuk, which is only thirty miles away, the Imperial Emperor publicly reviewed the elite empire of the 4th and 5th Banner Corps of the Southern Army of the Empire, and the elite troops in the garrison of the Order. The muzzle of the Empire Thor is in the direction of the Holy City. Although the Imperial Emperor did not say that it was a unit specifically targeted for the review of the Holy City, the Holy City was in close proximity, and the Imperial Emperor just displayed the force of the Empire outside the Holy City. Its intention for the Holy City is that a fool can also see

"There was a riot in the Holy Capital of the Order, there were casualties among the imperial merchants, and the Imperial Emperor wanted to wash the Holy Capital!"

"The nobles of Fei Ze Beilu nobility are slaughtered, and the Holy Land of the Order will become the next Beilu!"

The news spread at the fastest speed and caused a great sensation. In just three or four days, the news has spread to the Eero region, which is thousands of miles away. The sanctuary is even more tense, and the atmosphere is tense. The original violent Santo refugees, when they heard this news, they were almost The first time was the dispersal of birds and beasts. The emperor emperor visited Kabuk City, and the imperial army was sharpening his sword in the direction of Kabuk City. Who doesn’t know that the life and death are going on, I really think that the empire dare not open the door to kill.

As the news spread, the Holy Capital did not know where various rumors came from. Overnight, the riots that caused the Holy Capital subsided because no one had rioted, in front of the sword of the Empire The so-called riot is a joke. The entire Holy City is running. A large number of people are now gathered at the gate of the Holy City. A large number of people are surging, and there are all kinds of debris.

"Leave in front, don't block the road"

"Whose carriage, move away quickly"

"Go back, there is nothing, the empire cannot attack the Holy Capital, please don't be fooled!" A temple officer stood at the gate and shouted loudly, but facing the flow of thousands of people, His voice seemed so soft that he could not hear what he was saying even more than ten meters,

"Don't listen to him, the Imperial Army has arrived in Kab City, and tomorrow will be under the city"

There were people clamoring in the crowd. Various examples of the cruelty of the empire were also moved out one by one at this moment. The empire slaughtered Feishan 300,000 people at a time, and the empire slaughtered more than 100,000 people in the northern land in Feize. Martin Li had washed several provinces. The chickens and dogs were not kept, the females were cut, and the males were cut. . . . . . The imperial emperor is a big **** ghost. It is said that there are hundreds of princesses, from the age of 80 to the age of three. As long as she is a mother, she will never let go. On the street, they dare not go out until sunset, this is how the Imperial Night Market came. Now the big devil is coming to the Sandu to grab money, grab a house, grab a woman, everyone is still waiting for death here, run quickly, You can't run away without running! Many empire merchants died in this riot. The empire is definitely going to slaughter the city! "

"Master, will the empire really not attack us?" a Templar soldier whispered carefully to the officer

"How do I know, it's my turn to do this kind of thing?" The temple officer turned around and groaned angrily, letting them stand up and saying that the imperial team would not attack the Holy Capital, but above The people are running on their own. Just in the morning, the news has just arrived, and there have been several officials who have left the city with their mouths. The news that only civilians know is relatively late. When they want to leave, they have already It was afternoon, and I ran to the gate of the city at once. It was strange to not block it.

What agitated in the crowd was naturally a person from the Imperial Southern Intelligence Department

In fact, the emperor has noticed that although the Holy City riots were due to the outbreak of the Azure Chamber of Commerce, they could quickly form such a huge scale in such a short time. There is definitely a part of the temple that is contributing to the promotion. From the beginning, Ya took a laissez-faire attitude towards the riots in the Holy City. The emperor naturally looked at it. It was only because of the sentiment of the two parties that he did not directly break it.

"Who said no, that is the emperor, the majestic majesty of the military, Martin is not strong enough, but it has not been cleaned up by this military emperor using an inconspicuous river channel, every holy city, still It’s not enough that the majesty of the army was pinched to death with a finger.” The officer also sighed with frustration. “In fact, it’s not difficult to understand that the imperial forces have fully penetrated the sect of the Order, and the Holy Capital is almost The Imperial Chamber of Commerce was occupied. Although His Royal Highness was a representative of the pro-empire, it did not mean that he was allowing his interests to be swallowed up by the Empire, and the Holy City was the biggest root of His Highness. At the beginning, His Highness I did not expect that the influence of the Imperial Chamber of Commerce would be so rapid. Almost overnight, the entire holy city became the headquarters of the imperial merchants, and in order to obtain funds and materials from the Imperial Chamber of Commerce, His Royal Highness also joined these imperial chambers of commerce. Signed a lot of unequal agreements"

"Many of these unequal agreements are about the interests of the ecclesiastical country itself. In order to obtain funds, the pontiff and even his residence were mortgaged to the imperial merchants. It is conceivable that these agreements violate the interests of the ecclesiastical country. How big is the agreement that was signed because of last resort, and now the temple needs to be fulfilled. The temple cannot naturally be reconciled. Just when the incident of the Blue Chamber of Commerce broke out, the Imperial Chamber of Commerce was pushed to the cusp of the storm overnight, and the temple was keenly aware of this escape The excellent opportunity controlled by the Imperial Chamber of Commerce mobilized the Saints to attack the Imperial Chamber of Commerce and forced the Imperial Chamber of Commerce out of the Holy Capital. In this way, the mortgage agreement signed between the temple and the Imperial Chamber of Commerce naturally disappeared, but the temple did not expect it. The Emperor Emperor just showed his face in Cabo City, and the entire Saint collapsed!"

"Sir, if the empire really came under the city, would you go to fight against the empire?"

"Just kidding, why did I go to fight, the ministers ran away, and His Highness the Pope must also go, just these so-called mobs crying and shouting to leave the Holy Capital, why should I go to the emperor Team fights, whoever loves to go, I’m absolutely impossible, everyone has to go, why should I stay?” The officer glanced disdainfully.

In the ancient holy capital in the evening, the towering eaves of the temple are particularly towering in the afterglow of the sunset. The six ten-meter-long pillars of the temple on the main deck of the temple leave large shadows behind the sunset. These stone pillars They were all carved out of huge rocks, and the frescoes engraved on it were the most tragic battle of forty years ago. At that time, the monastery of the Orthodox Church had just moved from the south and settled in the holy capital. It encountered a massive attack by the Eero Empire. The siege lasted for half a year. When the Eero people could not continue to withdraw. At that time, in addition to the broken city walls, only 11,000 people of the original 170,000 residents survived, but it was also that victory that established the status of resistance between the Order and the Eero Empire.

"What the **** is going on, what is the holy city?"

On the watchtower of the city gate of the Holy City, General Cyril of the Temple looked at the vast land in the distance in the east. The afterglow of the setting sun has gradually disappeared, and the end of the line of sight is beginning to be dark, except for farmland, wilderness and woods, nothing can be seen. Not only did the crowds at the gates of the city gate not diminish, but it was already over 300 meters in length, with a scale of at least 20,000 people. The faces of civilians were full of anxiety and hesitation, various disturbances and crying of children. The scene made Cyril feel a sense of sadness. Just half a month ago, he was the same people, but he stood firmly behind these temple soldiers and worked together to fight the martial attack of Martin's force.

Although the invasion of the Martins is like a cloud, it is pressing on everyone's heart, and more and more areas are lost, but everyone is convinced that if they insist, they will be able to drive out the Martins from the land of the Order. At that time, despite the hardships, and the dead were transported from the city in batches, the people and the temple were as firm as steel.

But in just over a dozen days, the situation has completely changed, and the Martins have gone, but the public’s trust in the temple is gone.

The imperial team is still in Cabo City, thirty miles away. No one in the Holy Capital will believe that the Temple can keep the Holy Capital. In the past, it did not feel anything, but now it can be clearly felt that Martin Liya attacked the Holy. The battle at the headquarters of the temple army was not only as simple as taking away the supplies of the temple army, but also damaging the confidence of the ordinary sect members of the temple army. Because the temple army went south, tens of thousands of holy civilians were killed and injured We, because the nobles who mortgaged all the property in exchange for materials to support the Temple Army, and the merchants who broke down because they wanted to gamble, because of that war, their attitude towards the Temple Army changed a lot. At the moment when the Templar army went south, the Templar army that once defended the country and defended the country was already in the heart of the Holy Metropolitan!

"Sir, your Highness Pope ordered the city gates to be closed. No one can leave without His Royal Highness' order!"

An attendant came up from behind and reported to Cyril that the sensitive Cyril immediately felt wrong and said angrily, "Is this command really written by His Royal Highness? How can we take this time to close the city?" The method of the door is still just blocking the door, at least it has not been messed up. If we really ordered the closing of the gate of the Holy City, it would really become a riot. I must go and report this to my Highness."

"Now in this case, it would be inappropriate for adults to leave," the attendant said ugly.

"You stay here instead of sitting in town for me. I will go there and it won't take half an hour," Siler said in a condensed voice, instructing his attendant to watch the city gate carefully, and not to take excessive actions on the flow of people, so as not to cause difficulties Predicted shock

"Adult, what if they attack us?" The attendant officer glanced at the black pressure below, and his face could not help showing a worried look.

"If necessary, you can open all the city gates, and I will bear all the responsibilities." Siler took a deep breath and took a deep breath. At this time, Siler suddenly heard footsteps behind him, and he moved towards the footsteps. Looking past, came a temple officer with a strange appearance. This officer came to Cyril and looked at him arrogantly.

"Admiral Cyril, the guard of the holy city?" the temple officer asked

"Yes, I'm Cyril. Which adult servant is you?" Cyril looked at each other with familiar eyes, but he couldn't remember seeing it somewhere. Since the Temple Army withdrew from the Holy Capital, After the reorganization of His Royal Highness, the original establishment has been disrupted. Cyril’s eyes fell on the silver-colored cuffs of the other party’s uniform. That was the uniform of the temple’s military attendants, and the other party’s identity should be an attendant.

"I'm Lord Hussa's guard attendant Sam Dori. Lord Sirald is really forgetful. When Lord Sirald met Lord Hussa that day, I was next to it." The young officer grinned.

"It turned out to be the rebellious Hussa, it's no wonder" Cyril sneered at the corner of his mouth. "Come here! Take this person immediately." Suddenly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He felt cold in his neck. The second half of the speech suddenly failed to pass through. He felt that someone was stuck in his neck. He struggled hard, but he didn't move at all. He hurried back, only to see that his attendant's face was somberly attached to his back, while his hand was firmly stuck in his neck. At that moment, there were thousands of thoughts in Cyril's mind, but none of the thoughts were clear. A great pain came to his mind. Cyril's mouth was bloody, and he wanted to inhale hard. A sharp blade cut his throat. He seemed to feel something subconsciously, but he couldn't clearly describe "I just executed the order, why should I ask so much?" The faint voice was the last time Cyril heard the sound of

The attendant looked cold and released his hand. The body was paralyzed from hand to hand, first kneeling on the ground, and then lying down

"According to the order of His Royal Highness, the city gate was closed and no one was allowed to leave the Holy City." Under the light of the torch, the attendant walked out of Cyril's room. Outside the door, several officers wearing the temple looked at each other. A glance, but no one spoke out, Da Xia will soon, they also need to seek their own way of life, the moment the servant officer shows that he is a member of the Imperial Intelligence Department, the command has been transferred, in tens of thousands of desperate eyes Next, the huge suspension bridge on the white long bridge of the Holy City was changed and pulled up in the sound of Kakaka, and the location of the city gate was already exploded, screaming everywhere "Why close the city gate, finished, we are dead, we have to go out"


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