Whole Nation

: Three thousand six hundred and sixty-eight The cold wave strikes (10)

The port at midnight, there is no wind, no fog, the moonlight is very beautiful.

Under the cold moonlight, a little phosphorescent light shines on the sea, revealing a beautiful and tranquil beauty in the calm, like a fairyland on earth. But for the Aden Navy, who is currently full of revenge, there is no mood to appreciate this beauty. A storm is sweeping across the upper Aden Navy

"The entrance to the Gulf of Aden was blood-washed, the most magnificent city of Aden in the Aden region was destroyed, the entire Aden was shaken, and the Aden navy was the first to bear the blame. In any case, the Navy cannot shirk this responsibility. It is the sacredness of the Navy to maintain the safety of the Kingdom’s waters. Duties, when the imperial navy bombarded our merchant fleet in the Gulf of Aden, and when Ansiadin collapsed and burned under the artillery fire of the imperial navy, where is the kingdom navy that we claim to be the first in the sea!"

"Find the Imperial Navy and fight back!"

As the most magnificent city in the Kingdom of Aden, Ansiadin is also the core of the gathering of nobles in the Kingdom of Aden. Even in the prosperity, it also surpasses the capital of Aden, the political center of the Kingdom. The main area of ​​the imperial naval artillery is the noble area. , Caused more than 3,000 Aden noble family members, more than 37,000 civilians were killed, and more than 116,000 were injured. Of course, only the Imperial Navy’s shelling could not achieve such casualties, but the scene destroyed this Aden Ansi. The earthquake was naturally regarded as evidence of the raging empire. Since the imperial navy fleet came from the Gulf of Aden into the sea, where is the Navy of the Kingdom of Aden?

Excited by the emotions, the glorious Navy of Aden became a bereavement dog that everyone shouted at night,

"The Navy of Aden was executing combat orders at the time, and the rest belonged to Kingdom Secrets"

The Aden Admiralty’s explanation was pale and weak. Navy Secretary Isadi had to choose silence during a scolding. At this time, it was only two years before the resignation of the last Aden Naval Commander-in-Chief, the legendary naval commander Goodyago. In this era, because Isadi was a student of Goodego, this fiasco was also regarded as the end of the golden age of the Aden Navy

There is misery. The heads of Aden and the Navy now want to lower their heads below their necks. The navy admiral uniforms on their bodies dare not show up on the streets. They are lurking in the waters of the king’s capital. It is the order of His Majesty the King. The naval fleet then launched across the board, looking for the main battle of the imperial navy in a crazy manner, and trying to get ashamed. Even if this life is fought, it must wash this humiliating mark on the kingdom navy.

But something happened that made Aden navy feel dazed

Previously powerful, like a sharp knife attacking the main force of the imperial navy in the Gulf of Aden, at this moment, it was evaporated on the earth, disappeared without a trace, it seems like it was from the future, if it is not the wreck of the ship that has not been cleaned up at the entrance to the Gulf of Aden , And the huge crater that spread like a huge cross for more than thirty miles like the West Cross of Aden, proves that the imperial navy not only came, but also destroyed this great city known as the crown of Aden. The Aden navy must think of itself Did you experience hallucinations?

Sitting just in front of the conference table, the commander-in-chief of the Kingdom Navy, Isadi, was just a few days. The navy minister who was once powerful and as strong as steel was made. Although he is still neatly dressed, he is sitting there in an impeccable manner. Show a gesture of concentration and listening. But I just don't know why, all the people at the meeting felt that God would take something out of Isady's body.

It turned out that he was just sitting lazily, and even the note clerk in the corner could feel the coercion of this new admiral and the strong confidence of this man.

Now, this confidence is gone.

The disappearance of the imperial navy put great pressure on the commander-in-chief of the Aden Navy, and the battle of ambush was completely defeated! At this moment, it is so ridiculous to see the combat behavior of the Aden navy ambushing in the king capital. They are completely fooled by the imperial navy. His Majesty the king has ordered that the second prince of the Eero royal family be jailed, but this does not solve the navy now. Embarrassment, the invisible enemy is the most terrible

Moreover, the long-range attack of the imperial navy caused more than just a battle. The imperial navy crossed thousands of miles, which proved that the imperial navy had the ability to sail far away. The imperial navy attacked the Gulf of Aden and shelled Ansiadin. , Not only shocked Aden in the country, but also shocked the country with a coastline around Aden. The influence of the empire easily crossed the barrier of the north desert and extended to the Gulf of Aden and the southern fine area further east of the Gulf of Aden. The countries around the Gulf of Aden only know that the Nordic Barrow’s falcon empire is powerful, but after all, it is only a distant view of the empire across the desert. In the eyes of these neighboring countries, the kingdom of Aden is the most powerful Yes, but now, when the imperial navy attacked the Gulf of Aden, it was like showing a powerful force naked in front of the forces of these countries. For the first time, the empire was no longer out of reach, no longer completely continent with this continent. Unrelated

The special envoys of the kingdoms in the capital of Aden are the observers of their country and their ground in Aden. If you had previously bowed down to the kingdom of Aden, then at this moment, because the imperial navy attacked the Gulf of Aden, the war has begun to be secretly surging

There are too many people who do not want to see the Kingdom of Aden become the Aden Empire! Waiting for people who want to fish in muddy water in this empire war with the kingdom of Aden, more!

Ironically, it was the Icarians who expressed cynicism about the combat capabilities of the Kingdom of Aden before the war, but now they have become a supporter of the Kingdom of Aden. Icar, as one of the powerful powers of Southern Europe, has a relationship with Harvey, one of the powerful powers of the South. The kingdom is an iron brother, but when the Harvey Kingdom was swept by the Martins, not only did the Ikars not rescue, but they found a chance to insert a knife behind them, swallowing the Harvey Kingdom on the Harvey Plateau, the most abundant iron ore and Several major resource areas of cotton already have a tendency to override the Harvey Kingdom.

This time, the Kingdom of Ikar sent a special mission to Aden to express his support for the promotion of the Kingdom of Aden, who had conquered Central Biya, to the promotion of the Aden Empire, and announced in the unique way of the Icar people that in the Harvey Plateau, Icar had 100,000 swords at any time. Prepare to join the battle at the invitation of Aden. The Ikar Kingdom also expressed its willingness to provide the Aden Kingdom with high-quality Roshan iron. Roshan iron is a special product of the Harvey Plateau and is recognized as the highest quality iron ore. The forged weapons are sharp and powerful. It has always been Harvey. The Kingdom never traded resources for foreign exchange, and now the source of Roshan Iron fell into the hands of the Ikar,

The Icarians are different from the Harvey Kingdom. Because half of the country is on the plains below the plateau, and for many years they have obtained high-quality forging steel technology from the Order of the Order, the weapon forging technology of the Harvey Kingdom is also one of the best in Southern Europe. Yes, because the Ikar people have lived on the Harvey Plateau for a long time, they are called by the sons of the mountains, and they don’t communicate with the outside world. The Ikar people trust the mountains most. The common proverb is “The mountains are the Ikar people. "Best friend", so for many years, in the alliance has been suppressed by the Harvey Kingdom. This time, taking advantage of the great loss of the Harvey Kingdom's national strength, against the invasion of the Harvey Kingdom, the Icarians have seized important resources. In addition, it is extremely eager to get advanced forging steel technology

And this technology, looking at the entire Southern Europe Barlow, except for the Kingdom of Harvey, the Order of the Order, the Empire of Eero, only Aden

I sell you mine, you give me the technology, the Ikar people come with such conditions, of course, the Ikar people are nominally under the slogan of the alliance Aden, the Ikar people are willing to provide high-quality ore at this special time Of course, it was strongly welcomed by the Adenites. The reason for the fiasco in the South was not because the weapons were inferior to the empire, and the war in Bessad in the South also exposed the weakness of Aden’s army, that is, the armor rate was too low. The chicken power still has an advantage, but against the imperial team with a heavy armor, it is evident that more than 100,000 people can't beat 20,000 people. The Aden Military Department has ordered an emergency rush of 100,000 armor. The problem is that it requires huge iron Mine support, the arrival of the Ikar people at this moment, it is really a charcoal in the snow

Consecutive days. All the people of Aden spontaneously went to the Icar special envoy to lay flowers. And Icar special envoy's tone also sings higher and higher.

In the view of most Adenites, this battle has not been able to return to the sky, but it is impossible for 20,000 emperors to hit the Gulf of Aden. The navy is different. The Imperial Navy has demonstrated its ability to directly shell the Gulf of Aden. This is the most terrifying. The South is too far away, and it is far less painful than the sea to fight. This is the nature of human beings. First of all, the most important thing is naturally the latest threat.

From the Admiralty to the Royal Palace, the exclusive carriage drawn by Isadi was full of angry protests from the window! All kinds of banners cover the sun and the sky.

The City Guards did their best to maintain order, blocking the impact of these crowds on the carriage that Isadi took. All the sounds and waves outside came together and became an Aden word, national shame, national shame! At that moment, Isadi’s adjutant discovered that the Iron Man Minister of the Kingdom of the Navy, leaning his head against the car window weakly, the two temples were already in vain.

When the blade was the most threatening, when it had not been pulled out from the scabbard, the nerves of the Aden Navy at the moment were completely stretched into a line. They only captured the main force of the Imperial Navy at the expense of Ansiadin. The timing of the sheath, and now this demon sword, after cutting Aden Ansi in one knife, retracted the sheath again!

The blade retracted the scabbard, meaning it would still be pulled

But Isadi had no way of knowing where it would fall next. As for the imperial navy’s main force, it was completely impossible. The imperial navy assembled half of its combat power, spanning thousands of miles, and crossed the Elero River. , Just to show off in the Gulf of Aden, who said it, who believes!

'southwest. . . Still southeast. . Or to the east? "

Isadi muttered to himself for a long time. From that moment on, the adjutant discovered that the once-decisive navy minister had been in a state of madness, with red bloodshot eyes, like a dog that had been forced into a dead end. At this moment, the whole The Aden navy is eager to get a whereabouts of the imperial navy, and then pounced on it and shred

"I can't find the trace of the main force of the imperial navy. How could it be impossible to find such a large naval fleet? Or did the navy dare not engage in war and deliberately pretended not to know it?" After a series of questions from the general, the Army’s disastrous defeat at Bessad urgently needed to find a reason for the defeat, and the navy’s poor combat could just be used to divert attention.

Isadi slowly looked away. Looking at one of them, he said lightly, "Sir Mondeo, and the rest of you, don't you know why the main force of the Navy is not at the mouth of the Gulf of Aden?"

He looked at the material coordinator of the Ministry of Military Affairs Salmonio, and the fourth army commander Tobras, one of the two armies of the kingdom, both of whom are known as intelligent generals, the kingdom’s battle in the south, if it is not Samdio. The material coordinator is fully operational, and the logistics support of the nearly 200,000 Aden army has long collapsed

Before being transferred to the Ministry of Military Affairs, both Samodio and Isadi used to serve as second officers in the Department of the Navy, but Samodio was relatively low-key, far from being as sharp as Isadi, but hiding cautiously in the shadows, Diligent and sincere operations, logistics, etc., the Kingdom Navy’s rapid expansion in the Aden and South Seas for more than ten years, the logistics master has contributed greatly, and now, even this former colleague who is also out of the admiralty , Also showed the responsibility for Isadi, as for the reason, Isadi also knows that the son of Salmondio died at the entrance of the Gulf of Aden, is the captain of the entrance convoy fleet

"Commander, do you know that half of the Aden navy battleship group, more than 20,000 navy sailors floating on the sea, how much supplies and military expenses do they need to consume every day?" Salmondio took a deep breath, and South Bersad had already consumed a huge amount The military resources in the north of the desert are also wailing for reinforcements and supplies. However, the main force of the Aden navy has been unable to find the target, and the military supplies must first be provided to the navy, because the main force of the navy is in the Gulf of Aden, and he is not Dare to bear the notoriety of the navy's lack of victories because of the inadequate supply of materials and military supplies, so he was also bitter and unable to tell. Samodio lowered his head with a bitter smile. At this time, he avoided Esadi's gaze.

"Commander Isadi, how long does it take for the Navy to find the Imperial Navy?"

"Yeah, the army has lost, the navy can't lose, and can't afford it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The national luck of the kingdom of Aden is on the shoulders of the navy. If the navy continues to avoid war like this, we Only to report to His Majesty to dismiss your post and choose a naval commander who dares to fight"

"For this battle, the Admiralty has made plans, and you don’t bother."


There was a standing voice around, and the army officers and several admirals of the navy fleet stood up in unison and sneered. The chair was so loud that it touched,

"Even you..." Isady's eyes fell on the admirals of the squadrons, and there was a stalemate. The civilians who did not dare to speak, saw the strong navy commander with his own eyes as if astonishing. The speed of aging continues, and the look on his face changes, but in the end, it becomes calm. He trimmed his collar and closed his eyes

"Does it mean your majesty?" Something hot and hot came to Isadi's throat, but he swallowed hard. After exhausting the last bit of self-control, I sat down and buried my head deeply and straightened my hair. The dull voice seemed to squeeze out of his chest, and every word was quickly consuming his vitality. Behind the discourse is the deepest despair.

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