Whole Nation

: 647 The reinforcements of the East Court (1)

647 Dongting's reinforcements (1)

Rebogen City in the northeast of the three counties in the north, the sky is a bit gloomy, the sun is covered by the clouds, the dark green leaves are floating in the cool wind, and the slight heat coming from the face clearly tells everyone that summer is coming Off

Duke Halle’s eyes were fixed on the barracks in the distant hills, the simple barracks and the rows of weapons, which could not cover up the figures of the Ruierdian recruits, the rapid and sharp whistle, constantly breaking the short silence, Followed by the sound of tidal waves, it seemed to ring through the sky.

As the cry grew closer and louder, it seemed that countless giants were pounding the war drums of the earth, the entire hill seemed to be shaking, and the flag of the Ruierdian Army was waving like a flame, In the wilderness near summer, the ground is covered with a light golden yellow.

This is the new northern army under the Duke of Halle. After three months of expansion, this Duke Halle, who was given high hopes by His Majesty the King, is worthy of a veteran veteran. Through a series of strong pulls, he confiscated the manor, The abduction of hired peasants was stunned by pulling an army of 20,000 in three northern counties with a population of only 200,000

In the city of Rebogen, apart from the Duke of Halle, several Generals of Erdian were very satisfied with the scene in front of them. With a knowing smile on their faces, they seemed to see the hope of reinvigorating the Northern Army,

The newly appointed head of the Fourth Knights of the North, Balthazar, and the Fifth Knights, Tos Onouf, are even more smug and contented, and there is a sense of overriding everyone. But the two of them had a deep look, and seemed to care less about all the lines they saw in front of them, as if this was just the most common scene.

Since the war report of Twalin had just been delivered to the Duke of Halle, the sudden attack of the Vecchia army made the war-torn old Duke feel that a storm is coming here.

A thin black line appeared at noon on the gently rolling field north of Rebogen,

This thin black line is getting bigger and bigger. Wider and wider, in this group of oceans, the flag of the Kugits is displayed in the wind. They came as turbulent as waves in a tropical storm, and swept through like a flood in a dike, and all the places they passed were submerged by the black ocean. Gives a great sense of mind shock.

Wow la la... la la la la..." Countless long and exciting sounds, as the black line came from far away, the whole earth seemed to tear apart.

Numerous black shadows appeared in an instant, filling the whole land without any gaps, the wind and clouds in the world changed color, and even the sun that had just emerged was covered by the black flag, and no sun was visible anymore.

Countless flying horseshoes stepped across the grass, bringing up sand gravel and withered wild grass. They were drawn into a team like a tornado. They rushed back and forth in dense horseshoes until they were completely crushed and disappeared into the violent cold wind.

This is a dense cavalry, cavalry coming from the mountains. They appeared crowded on this fertile land, between the horses and the horses, almost connected by horseshoes,

Because of the large number of people, they had to maintain an amazing speed of progress. If someone falls in the middle, he will immediately be crushed and completely melted on the ground. No traces of it can be seen anymore.

The tall horses don’t care about the presence of weeds and gravel. They spread their hooves at the fastest speed, and they strove to stretch across the thin soil. The earth shattered under the horseshoe splash. Or being stepped into the ground deeply, there are occasionally one or two thicker pieces of mud, which are danced by the horseshoe belt, emitting a dazzling light under the eyes.

A torrent of torrents, the knight on horseback, wearing thin armor. Carrying bows and arrows, bending down, tightly against his horse's back, his feet firmly clamped the horse's belly, and raised the speed of the crotch warhorse to the limit, like a sharp arrow through this vast barren land. There is no rich water plants or rich prey here, it is not worth their nostalgia, it is not worth them to slow down, in the distance of their sight, it is the target of this time Rebogen City

"It's coming quickly." Duke Halle's face was calm, but he hummed low in his nostrils, full of jealousy. If during the heyday of Rui Erdian, such a cavalry corps could also be pulled out, but now, only a large amount of envious eyes can be used. If you have such a cavalry, how good would it be?

The gray and dull sky seemed to condense with the Kujit bow rider, the air seemed to be very heavy, and the breathing was very difficult,

Many Ruidian people can feel the rapid beating in their hearts. The boundless sense of tension is on this land from the eight directions to the west, and every one is silently shrouded, no matter from any angle,

The trombone sounds rushing to represent the war are getting denser. The Ruierdian recruits outside the city were running in a panic. They shouted out a crooked array of guns in the scream of the captain in an angry voice, and used a sharp spear to erect a dense forest of guns on the wall of Rebogen ,

"Squeaky" The intensive bow string pulling sound with a diffuse killing intention, the shooters who rely on the battlement pull the bow string in their hands, watching closely the movement of the Kugit bow rider below, ready to give any one Try to get close to the city wall to face the headache

"Good guy, I'm afraid that there are more than 20,000 cavalry." The dense queue of the Kugits below makes the Ruidians on the city wall secretly slap.

Some of the experienced knights of the "East Kugits' Black Armored Bow Rides" Ruidian Knight exclaimed. These arms, which are tied to the Western Cavite Cavalry of the Western Kugits as the ace cavalry of the mainland, have always been the direct cavalry of the Eastern King, with a number of 40,000. Sweeping the northern defense of Ruidian like a whirlwind, this is a terrible cavalry like a devil

The fine iron mail armor and the strong bow in hand, although sacrificing a strong maneuverability, but in exchange for a strong ability to attack from a distance, in order to deal with the Dongting people's armored bow riding, once wanted to dominate the northern Ruierdian, Special research has also been done,

Understand the past of armored bow riding. Armored bow riding is a branch of Kugit heavy cavalry. The fighting power is indeed very strong, especially the east court's armored bow riding. It has almost no rivals across the entire northeast of the continent. Even the Dorok mountain people, known for their tenacity and tenacity, did not dare to provoke this heavy cavalry like a moving archery machine at will

Since the age of King Kugit, bow riding and shooting tactics have shown great power. Although there were few specialized armored bow riding at that time, they have emerged in the battle. With the expansion of the land, and the real Dian and other heavy-armed operations have grown even faster,

Many Kugit tribes have trained their armored bow riders, and over time evolved a list of hurricane cavalry with light armoured cavalry and black armored bows with heavy armoured cavalry. For many subjective and observable reasons, many The effect of the armored bow riding is not satisfactory, but at least every force has been intoxicated by the fighting power of the armored bow riding, willing to spend countless funds and energy for the armored bow riding.

As Kujit splits into the east and west, on one side is the Western Kugits who have large grasslands but lack iron ore forging weapons and heavy armor, and on the other side are sitting more than a dozen large iron mines, but The East Kugits lacking enough war horses formed Wangting Cavalry who fully pursued maneuverability and assault ability. Although the number was not large, they were elaborate and sharpened black armor bows.

The Xiwangting needed 200,000 people to resist the invasion of 100,000 Swiss troops, while the Dongting people, with only 60,000 troops, almost forced Ruidian to the Jedi,

It can be seen that the east and west courts have different strategic principles. One is to fight the people’s war, and the other is to take the route of the elite soldiers. This black armored cavalry is the top of the elite cavalry.

At the beginning of the year, in the largest Kayan River battle in the north of Ruidian, about 30,000 people's black armored bows almost defeated twice the number of Ruidian defense troops, leaving the entire Kayan river. The Kayan River, which was dyed red and blood red, flowed into the soil along the way, turning the whole earth into a faint red color, which was particularly gorgeous.

In the face of the sudden appearance of the Eastern Cavalry Cavaliers, Duke Halle was also surprised. The information he received was that the Vekya army raided Tvarin, and the city of Rebogen was 2 days later because of the distance. Regarding Twalin’s letter of distress, Duke Halle, who has always been a heavyweight, did not mean to send troops to rescue.

The Wikia army has always been attacking like fire. According to Twalin’s degree of perseverance, it is already the limit to be able to persist for three days. In the future, instead of saving Tvarin, he will give the Vickias a big meal in vain,

Duke Halle believed that at some point, the necessary sacrifices were inevitable. Instead of sending troops to rescue Tvarin, it was better to stay on the spot. It is only 3 days away from the front line of Ritevac who is fighting with the Dongting people. The distance, where the 40,000 troops stationed in Kyoto, as long as they hold on to Rebogen, reinforcements can continue to open

"This is Rebecca leading to the three northern counties?"

In the east cavalry queue under the city wall, there was also a serious young general, who was looking at the small fortress in front of him, his name was Haiglu, the prince of the East Court of Kugit, Known for its courage and fearlessness in the Dongting grassland, the fortress in front of it looks a little broken, Haiglu believes that as long as the black armor bow rides

Looking at the cowardly Ruidian who only dared to hide in the city, he slowly raised his right hand and made a **** gesture,

Then stick out your thumb and press down suddenly


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