Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 233 That man is here again

Found the right place.

Li Rui was overjoyed. He originally just wanted to look at the video to find clues about where Duan Ling and others were lost, but he accidentally discovered the entrance to the hidden mission.

"Is She Lei located deep in the corridor? It's impossible. It can't be buried underground."

"It's hard to say. Forget it, there's no point in guessing. You won't know until you get in."

He illuminated it with a blue and silver light ring and continued to go deeper. The corridor was very deep and long, and became wider and wider as he entered. From the first two meters in length and width, it has gradually become wider. Even a large truck can enter it. .

Li Rui saw many totem symbols carved on the stone wall, which were the same as those burning outside. This place seemed to have been developed by the Yanjing.

"Is this some kind of forbidden area?"

Because unlike the forest elves, the flame elves have a violent personality and generally cannot live in harmony with other races. There is no communication link with them in the main mission, so there is very little information about them.

As he was walking forward, Li Rui suddenly saw something glowing in front of him. He immediately turned off the blue and silver light ring, and then cautiously approached.

When he got closer and took a closer look, he discovered that the glow was a bunch of illusory images, and Duan Ling and the others appeared again.

"It looks like they won the battle just now. But how did they find this place? Do they also have a way to see through the illusion?"

Before Li Rui could figure it out, he realized that they were just moving forward in silence, not saying a word, and they were all listless when walking, and they followed blindly forward.

This feeling is like being coerced by someone, and you don't even dare to move a little bit.

"what's the situation?"

Yu Xin felt very nervous.

Among the team entering the Peach Blossom Lady's tomb, she was ranked second in strength and the oldest.

At the same time, he has been the team leader in the northwest for many years. He has rich experience and the strongest psychological quality. When encountering the three Flame King bosses, she and Duan Ling were the first to stand up to stabilize people's hearts and organize a counterattack.

Now, all three Flame Kings are dead, but the remaining mobs are still attacking.

These flame spirits are very aggressive. Even if the leader is dead, the remaining ones have no intention of retreating. They just rush forward one after another to take revenge.

She assumed the responsibility of the commander, using the experience taught by the masters in the training camp to continuously consume the power of the besieging Yanjing.

However, she still felt that it was a bit unsustainable. The negative state of Burning was too bad, and the three dead mini-bosses also brought a huge burden to the team.

The situation is very bad now.

She didn't feel discouraged in her heart. In the face of such a powerful offensive, there was nothing to say even if she lost.

There is already a problem with this secret realm.

"Why on earth is there an updated version? It's so damn annoying. This is not a normal ten-star secret realm at all."

Indeed, even in the Demon Dragon Valley, several demon kings usually do not appear at the same time. They all come one by one. There are three here at the beginning, not to mention the annoying burning buff.

Although she was extremely anxious, she still just cursed secretly without letting the team members feel it.

Because she knew that Duan Ling, another pillar of the team, was also on the verge of mental collapse.

After a hard fight, someone finally couldn't hold on any longer.

The young man whom everyone calls Xiao Wang is the youngest. He has just graduated from college and has just reached level 30. The fact that he was selected into the Secret Realm Battlefield shows his potential.

But the so-called potential refers to potential strength. In other words, it has not been fully stimulated.

He was currently the weakest in the team. He had been injured by the Flame King's Flame Fist before, so he couldn't hold on and fell to the ground first.


She didn't even have time to explain the instruction clearly, but the others still understood the meaning and stepped forward to cover him, although they all felt that this was meaningless. Everyone would die here before long.

Just when morale was hit hard again, a turning point occurred.

The Yan Jing army that was encircling them suddenly stopped attacking, and there seemed to be a commotion in the rear.

Duan Ling's eyes widened, and after blocking the enemy with a Jade Electric Gate Curse, he launched the Doumu Enze Curse again.

His size increased, his skin turned dark blue, and his voice grew louder.

"They are in chaos, take the opportunity to kill them first!"

Everyone discovered the enemy's abnormality, and immediately seized the opportunity to counterattack after such a greeting.

Although they were all curious about what happened next, the most important thing now was to kill him while he was sick. It was better to wait until they were safe to satisfy their curiosity.

But the next moment, they realized that there was no need to take action anymore.

A cold breath suddenly came, like a typhoon passing by, and instantly all the flames visible to the naked eye dissipated, as if they were about to be extinguished.

Everyone who had not had time to counterattack saw an unforgettable scene.

A river of blood surrounded him from behind, swallowing up all the flame spirits like a tsunami.



All nearby flames were extinguished, all the flame spirits died, and there were only bloody remnants and an omnipresent cold evil aura all over the ground.

Clearly, they were saved, but not fully saved.

Yu Xin's face was extremely solemn: "Be careful, it's a world NPC."

This kind of momentum is too obvious. It is definitely not something that can be caused by level 35. The person coming must be higher than the level of the secret realm.

Duan Ling took out a rare-quality Divine Thunder Bright Light Talisman, which could block one or two evil spirits if they came.

Billowing black smoke filled the original battlefield, making it difficult for people to see what happened behind them. Everyone waited anxiously until a thin figure came through the smoke.

The scholar in green shirt, holding a bamboo tower in his hand, with a kind smile on his face, walked leisurely through the land full of blood and fire as if taking a walk.

He walked towards the crowd impartially and said with a smile: "There are a lot of people. I always like the excitement."

Yu Xin stared at him coldly, and was about to question his identity, but was stopped by Duan Ling.

The latter cupped his hands and said politely: "Thank you sir for saving my life."

According to the emergency manual of the Ability Department, when encountering NPCs in the world, if they are not of the same camp, they should stay away as much as possible, but in the current situation, everyone in the team is injured, and there is no one else nearby, so it is definitely impossible to stay away.

Then Duan Ling makes a direct judgment and tries to make good friends without offending the other party.

The scholar approached and said very politely: "No need, it's easy to do. Besides, I saved you all not because I saw injustice, but because I wanted something else."

Duan Ling immediately said: "As long as I can do my best, I will never refuse."

The scholar smiled and said: "That would be great. Although what I ask for is precious, you must have it."

"Sir, it doesn't matter."

"I want to lend you your lives, so please come with me."


After hearing this answer, everyone's heart sank.

Yu Xin said angrily: "What a loud tone, who are you!"

The scholar smiled slightly: "I, Zuo Qiutian."

Sorry to take half a day off. I'm busy with something. See you tonight!

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