Chongxu was the closest and said to Li Rui while being alert: "Li Shaoxia, farewell to Yunding Temple. We haven't seen you for a long time."

"Taoist Master, you miss me so much, but if you come later, I will really die."

Zhenyue said: "This place is far away from the Peach Blossom Spring. If Fairy Peach is not there, even the escape method of Shenxiao Palace will not be able to catch up. Don't take such risks next time."

He spoke very respectfully, and the only honorific he addressed to a peach blossom spirit was "fairy."

Li Rui thought to himself, it doesn't matter whether I take risks or not, but he promised: "I'll try my best."

While the three of them were having a conversation, the others were in a state of confusion.

The four people in the Shenxiao Palace who were like the pillars of heaven actually appeared here at the same time, and they were called here by Li Rui.

What's going on? ! World NPC team building? How did you call me here?

Two months ago, Peach Blossom Spring

[All secret agents, please note that due to changes in the world plot, the difficulty of the level 31-35 nine-star secret realm Tomb of Immortals has been raised to ten stars, and it has been renamed the Tomb of the Peach Blossom Empress. ]


Li Rui looked at the peach blossom essence in front of him in disbelief.

"My dear, will you ever go back to the place where you were born?"

Tao Yun blinked strangely: "There are still flame spirits living in that place. If I go there, it will only increase the conflicts, so why bother?"

Li Rui frowned.

That’s strange, why was the secret realm specifically renamed the Tomb of the Peach Blossom Empress?

"Empress, you said it's possible to find remnants of Heaven's power in that place. Can you feel it?"

"There is a faint connection." Tao Yun replied.

"What will happen if one day you suddenly feel that Tianwei is no longer there?"

"What will happen?"

Tao Yun really couldn't figure out what he wanted to ask, but she still replied, "Maybe I'll go and have a look."

Li Rui understood that something special must have happened at that time, causing the death of the peach blossom spirit who protected the peach blossom garden. He just felt a little strange. He always felt that the logic of this secret realm was not normal, and there was a sense of fate in it. Maybe It’s related to She Lei’s space-time attributes.

But Mr. Li is famous for not believing in fate. If he believed this, he should have committed suicide early when he confirmed that he had an unlucky constitution.

So he began to come up with ideas: "Mother, please listen to me. This matter is extremely important. You must pay attention to it."

"Master, please speak."

"After I leave, you immediately go to Liangting Town Demon Division, find a deputy governor named Wei Xun, and say that I asked you to go. Then you ask him to invite Shenxiao Palace, Zhenyue or Chongxu Dao Long. Later, as long as you set off for the place where Thunder was born, you must call them up and never go alone, remember?"


The peach blossom essence nodded obediently.

"You must not be careless. This may be related to your wealth and life, and it is also related to the life and death of the forest elves in Taohuayuan."

"Sir, I really remember this."

That's what happened. At that time, Li Rui just felt that he couldn't bear to let all living beings die in Peach Blossom Spring. He believed that Taoist Chongxu would not ignore death. This is not only related to Peach Blossom Jing, but also all the creatures in Peach Blossom Spring.

Although he didn't know at the time what Tao Yun would encounter here, with a big boss like Shenxiao Palace here, at least the survival rate could be improved.

Of course, everything is clear now.

If he had not explained this in advance, Tao Yun would definitely come alone, encounter Zuo Qiutian, and then die here. And as the fatal scholar said, Li Rui himself might also be taken away, and then use some means to take out She Lei , for their use again.

The reason why the secret realm was renamed in advance should also be related to She Lei's ability to change time and space.

No matter what, planning in advance really saves lives now.

The four sons of Shenxiao became famous when they were young. At that time, Shenxiao Palace was still suppressed by Fengdu. It was with the four of them in charge that the current leader of the righteous path could develop and grow and compete with Fengdu.

Li Rui was so happy now that he even wanted to sell melon seeds, drinks and mineral water in the front row.

The joys and sorrows of people are not the same as each other. The faces of Zuo Qiutian and the three people opposite them all looked solemn.

It is true that they are not mortals, but facing the four sons of Shenxiao, they are still a little unsatisfied.

"Zuo Qiutian, do you have any way to escape today?"

Countless talismans floated around Chongxu, each of which was an ultimate attack and killing method. Even though he was a Taoist priest now, once the power in each talisman was released, he could instantly turn into a mobile fortress with heavy firepower.

Zhenyue held a wooden sword and struck a golden thunder into the ground to prevent the swordsman from escaping with Earth Escape.

On the opposite side, Taoist Fei Hai and Jichuan were also prepared. They were all preparing spells to kill them. It seemed that they were not planning to let them go no matter what.

Although they usually behave decently, this does not mean they are indecisive.

It is impossible to support a sect to become one of the strongest forces in the world just by reasoning with others.

A large number of talismans floated out of Zuo Qiutian's sleeves, but at the same time, there were also many human skin puppets, rivers of evil energy and blood, and various methods emerged one after another.

What followed was a dazzling chaos.

The four sons of Shenxiao and the three of them mingled together and it was very lively.

Li Rui pointed beside him.

"Awesome, Taoist priest is really getting stronger with age."

"Hit him on the left side, that's right, all right, just teleport away, don't just use Leifa, use something else."

Everyone was originally shocked by several famous figures in the secret world, but it turned out to be completely different with Li Rui.

Tao Yun couldn't laugh or cry, her strength was much inferior to that of the four sons of Shenxiao and Zuo Qiutian, she didn't join the battle rashly, but stayed behind to treat the wounded.

Her peach petals are many times better than the golden sore medicine, and everyone responded very quickly.

At this time, even Li Rui didn't rush to intervene. He knew how much he was, and it would be good to be able to fight Zuo Qiutian head-on. Not enough, one's own attributes and skill levels have to be raised, otherwise it can only last for a while, not for a long time.

The four old men from Shenxiao Palace were extremely powerful in combat and were proficient in thunder, talismans, and spells. It didn't take them long to suppress Zuo Qiutian and the others.

When they were fighting, the maze that was originally burning with flames had already been destroyed and nothing was left.

Chongxu shouted, and the other three responded together. It seemed that the battle was about to be amplified. The four golden statues divided the town from east to west, from north to south, and the divine thunder flew. If the spell is completed, the name of Zuo Qiutian may become history .

However, just when everyone thought the overall situation was decided, something unexpected happened again.

Another beast roar came from mid-air, and the unfamiliar formation suddenly opened. A wild bull's flames rushed out of the formation, smashing the magic phase hosted by Zhenyue.


The remnant power of divine thunder and some kind of magic fell from the sky, and the surrounding areas were affected.

The secret agents who originally thought everything was safe are facing a formidable enemy, and they need to be cautious about the aftermath of these powerful confrontations.

However, there were also thighs among the crowd, and Li Rui reacted the fastest. He fired a big fire bell curse, lifted the threat, and then looked up, only to see that the situation escalated again, and reinforcements from Zuo Qiutian also came.

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