Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 248 It turns out that’s why

The supernatural department was very quiet at night, and there was no other sound in the room except the cadence of a young man's voice.

"When I saw it was Zuo Qiutian, I definitely couldn't be careless. I immediately retreated to the point of entanglement."

"That guy has many tricks, and I know I can't compete with him."

"A flaming bell"

"As for why the four sons of Shenxiao were all present, we have to start from a previous secret realm."

Cheng Wen felt a little stupid when he heard this. He wondered if this kid didn't know who was sitting in front of him. The deputy director of the Department of Supernatural Powers, one of the few people at the top of the Dragon Kingdom's extraordinary world.

"How big of a heart does he have to be able to tell things to such a big shot like a storyteller?"

Cheng Wen himself didn't dare to be so elated.

The key thing he found was that Xu Yuanxing listened with great interest.

Another half hour later, Song Yao was already lying on the sofa unconscious, and the situation was finally finished.

Xu Yuanxing was very patient, glanced at the people next to him, and then said with a smile: "No wonder we haven't seen Chongxu recently. It turns out that they are all wandering in the direction of Liang Ting."

World NPCs are unique, they don't appear here and there at the same time, unless the time is very far away.

People like Xu Yuanxing entered high-level maps around Fengdu, while Chongxu had been hunting Zuo Qiutian, and they were all on low-level maps, so naturally he couldn't see them.

Li Rui asked: "Do you often see NPCs in the world?"

"It will be easier to see you after you get a higher level."

Xu Yuanxing said, "If you draw the secret realm of Shenxiao Palace, of course it will be easier to meet those old Taoist priests, right?"

The deputy who had been silent said: "Director, I will send the information back first. It must be calculated as soon as possible."

"Go ahead."

Xu Yuanxing said something, and then looked at Li Rui, who was full of doubts, "You want to know why you attach so much importance to it, right?"


Li Rui looked like a primary school student listening to a class.

Xu Yuanxing couldn't help but laugh and explained: "That's it. Although we see NPCs in the world more frequently after we get higher in level, we generally don't have much interaction with them."

"High-level secret realms are already more difficult to clear, and the cost of failure will be greater, so we usually don't like to add extraneous details."

"The situation you encountered this time has gone beyond the ordinary scope. It will even affect the direction of the world plot and spread to every secret realm, so we must be prepared in advance."

Only then did Li Rui know why the boss battle in Peach Blossom Spring affected the world plot. Awakening the Peach Blossom Empress was related to whether She Lei would be acquired by Zuo Qiutian.

If he can get She Lei, he will continue to implement his original plan; if he can't get it, he will join the swordsman's camp.

As for the swordsmen, some hidden righteous deep-water wolves have officially surfaced. If their front makes big news, it may bring changes to many secret realms.

So Li Rui suddenly realized that something had happened to him again this time.

Could it be said that if there is a problem in the secret realm in the future, you can rely on me?

Li Rui only hoped that Brother Zuo would be calmer after joining forces with others, and not rush into trouble. He could build a high wall and store up food and become king slowly, and wait until he was invincible before leaving the mountain.

He asked again: "Director Xu, when do you estimate the impact of this world plot will be apparent?"

"Well, according to past experience, the secret realm will notify you. It's not easy to judge from thin air when exactly something will change."

Xu Yuanxing said, "So the news you spread is very important, especially the attitude of Chongxu and others towards Zuo Qoutian. For example, it is foreseeable that in the future, the 'right way' sect in the secret world will hold a conference to discuss how to deal with Zuo Qiutian." Regarding Qiu Tian’s matter, this kind of information can be used.”

Li Rui thought for a moment and thought that this was really the case. These big guys really thought a lot.

Unlike me, I just pull out the monsters and fight them in one wave.

At this time, Song Yao woke up at some point: "So, you have to work hard. Now you have a close relationship with Shenxiao Palace. Zuo Qoutian and the people around him have also marked you. Do you understand what I mean?"

Of course I understand. Secret agents cannot enter the secret realm across levels, but NPCs in the world can. The deeper you are involved with them, the easier it is to encounter them. If you want to ensure safety, you must improve your strength.

The old man said this out of concern, and it was not nonsense. Before Li Rui responded, Cheng Wen said understandingly: "I will pay attention to him in the secret battlefield, Mr. Song."

Li Rui only realized it at this time.

It turned out that there was something behind his words, and he was deliberately targeting Cheng Wen.

"Thank you, Uncle Cheng."


Song Yao couldn't help but take another look at him. How could this kid be so obedient here when he had been bullying the older king all day long? But it's okay, there are many opportunities in the secret battlefield, and with the care of the commander-in-chief, you should be able to achieve as many results as possible, and you will have a good time.

In fact, the main reason is that Li Rui knows that Cheng Wen is Cheng Mingyue's brother-in-law. He and that woman are siblings, so the seniority naturally goes down.

Cheng Wen didn't think much and smiled at him.

Xu Yuanxing said: "Okay, Xiao Cheng, you are still busy, so you can go ahead."

So Cheng Wen left directly.

Eh? Then I'll leave too. You won't have to force me to work overtime, right?

Li Rui was a little confused and didn't know why he wasn't allowed to leave.

At this time, Xu Yuanxing Tuqie saw: "Xiao Li, now that you are a big boss, have you considered coming to the Department of Supernatural Development? You have provided so much valuable information, our Analysis Department is very welcome."


It turns out that Cheng Wen was sent away in order to win over him face to face.

Song Yao didn't react after hearing this. Although Li Rui is now a member of the municipal branch under his jurisdiction, he also knows that a person with such potential cannot stay here and work as a small agent. Sooner or later, he will go The supernatural department has made a name for itself.

After hearing what he said, Li Rui was very moved and immediately asked: "What are the benefits?"


Now it was Xu Yuanxing's turn to be confused.


Of course there are benefits, but he didn't expect that someone would ask him in front of himself, the deputy minister.

"Well, well, the most direct benefit is that a lot of information about the secret world is highly classified, but if you join our department, you can gain most of the permissions."

Li Rui really thought it made sense.

However, at this time, the door of the reception room was pushed open, and an old man with raised eyebrows came in. He looked like a grumpy old man.

"Well, you old Xu, you are here to cause trouble, right?"

Seeing this person, Xu Yuanxing's expression changed: "Yan Lu, what do you mean?"

"What I mean is that the selection of secret agents must follow formal procedures and cannot be solicited in private. Xiao Li should be allowed to apply on his own."

Song Yao smiled and looked like he was just watching the excitement. While the two were arguing, he moved next to Li Rui and whispered: "This is the deputy minister in charge of the force execution department. Those killers, bah, consultants, all It’s his people.”

Li Rui understood.

After working on it for a long time, it turned out that the real purpose of calling him here at night was to rob someone.

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