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Chapter 267 Late? Come early!

This attack directly pulled out the demon beast's defenders at Stone Ridge, and because the capture of the flag and beheading of generals almost happened before the close encounter, the demon beast collapsed too quickly, and Liang Tingjun's casualties were still very few.

No one thought that the feint attack force used to attract the enemy's attention would soon reach Qingyunping.

When the chase ends, no living monsters can be seen nearby, and the main mission has been updated.

[Completion: 68%. ]

"We're above average."

Zhao Jia was very excited, "In this case, the pressure on the Soul Soul Cliff side will be much less, and when Nan Jiumei and the others reach Qingyunping, we can still support them."

Li Rui said: "I think we can put more pressure on it and get 80% no matter what, right?"

While the two were discussing, a new reminder appeared without warning.

[Main line progress update, completion level: 77%. ]


When Zhao Jia was in a daze, he heard someone running almost all the way.

"Report! General! There is a beast from the south heading straight for our army."

The deputy general named Wei immediately made arrangements and asked a group of soldiers to form a formation southward to prepare for the enemy. However, someone else came to report immediately.

"There is also a large group of monsters coming from Qingyunping!"

[Main line progress update, completion level: 88%. ]

Zhao Jiaqian laughed twice: "It seems that the noise we are making here is too much."

Li Rui said: "Hurry up and make up for the situation. We are going to fight a tough battle."

At the same time, the team of monks in the direction of Sanghun Cliff had already crossed the most rugged area. There was still a forest trail ahead, but the Qingyunping Highlands could be seen in the distance.

"Wang Xian, you immediately go to the front to investigate the enemy's situation and find out their layout and route." Ning Huchen said in a deep voice.


The military cultivator named Wang Xian is good at concealment and detection. He is an NPC mentioned in the guide. If the team itself does not have someone who specializes in detection, it can only rely on him.

However, this person's investigation methods are definitely not as good as those of secret agents with relevant skills, so it can only be regarded as a last resort.

Everyone present, including Nan Jiumei and three others, there were thirty practitioners in total. They were just waiting for the reconnaissance to come back, and they were about to carry out the plan to raid the enemy camp.

The three secret agents are also discussing plans.

"There are three bosses we have to deal with, two demon kings and a brutal beast general."

Nan Jiumei said, "When the time comes, you two plus General Ning will be responsible for one of the demon kings, and I will deal with the other."

Qian Yi said: "According to the normal process, the beast generals will not appear immediately. We must seize the time and cooperate with the soldiers to kill at least one demon king first, so that the boss battle will be more stable."

Because it is a nine-star secret realm, there are three big bosses here, and the combat intensity is relatively high for this star level. If it were not for the delay in the appearance of the beast general, this might be considered a ten-star secret realm.

So now, even Nan Jiumei attaches great importance to it and does not dare to entrust it as much as before.

After a while, Wang Xian, who was conducting reconnaissance from the front, came back. He found Ning Huchen and said, "General, the enemy's strength is less than expected. It looks very empty. It is estimated that the feint attacks from the other two groups are very effective."

Ning Huchen nodded approvingly: "Brother Li is indeed outstanding in strength. He must have attracted the enemy on Kaiping Road. We will set off immediately and take advantage of the emptiness in their camp to catch them off guard!"


Thirty outstanding soldiers advanced at full speed in the night.


Li Ding launched a gut-wrenching roar, and a deafening sound sounded on the north side where the defense was weak. It was obviously the voice of one person, but it seemed like thousands of troops.

Many monster beasts who were unaware of the situation were frightened, thinking that thousands of Liang Ting's troops were attacking the camp, and their morale had already been lost before the fight even started.

Boom boom boom! !

Another series of explosions sounded. Nan Jiumei dropped a large number of explosion traps while searching for the boss. Other secret agents and soldiers also rushed to kill him.

They were all monks or extraordinary beings with extremely high strength. After breaking in, they first pushed the barbaric sentry guarding the gate with lightning speed, and then took advantage of the enemy's confusion to continue to expand their results.

However, the two demon kings guarding this place were not easy to deal with. As soon as they heard the movement outside, they immediately anticipated the situation.

An Li rushed out of the camp, without saying a word, he immediately activated his magical power and transformed into his true form.


The legend is not false. The giant python is a mile long and has an extremely strong body. It seems that it can swallow the bright moon in the sky by raising its head.

The huge body lay on the edge of Qingyun Ping, blocking the way of all the soldiers. More importantly, it bought the chaotic monster beasts time to regain their morale.

This is his purpose.

There was a sudden sneak attack in the middle of the night, and the morale of the army was in chaos. It was useless to shout anything. The best way was to make the soldiers at the grassroots level feel safe.

His ability to block Liang Tingbingxiu's offensive is the greatest guarantee.

Nan Jiumei was not surprised to see this behemoth suddenly appear. Seeing that the other demon king did not appear at the same time, he temporarily changed his strategy and said hello.

"Follow me and kill this long worm first!"

Qian Yi and Li Ding naturally followed immediately, and Ning Huchen also carried a broad-edged heavy sword on his back and killed the snake demon together.

The four of them are the strongest among Liang Tingjun. If they gather all their strength, they will indeed have a chance to defeat one of the bosses quickly.

Several people immediately stepped forward and launched their killing moves.

The warrior advanced to Earthshaker, the trapper advanced to explosives expert, and a martial artist advanced to martial arts master. Each of them used their own unique skills.

One by one, all of them are epic.

Of course, the most important thing is Nan Jiumei, whose classic combos directly hit dozens of explosions, which bloomed on Dong Li's body.

The martial artist and the Earthshaker were more precise and went straight to the key points, while Ning Huchen held a heavy sword and slashed horizontally along the python's scales with military skills.

The four of them were no ordinary people. After using all their moves, most of the giant python was submerged in all kinds of flames.


An Li didn't expect the attacking enemy to be so powerful. He howled and hit the ground heavily with his huge head.

Ning Huchen was about to pursue him when he heard Nan Jiumei shout: "General, be careful!"

The former trusted him very much, so he stopped pursuing him and immediately jumped back. As soon as he was out of range, the python's body suddenly shriveled up and billowing clouds of poison spewed out from it.

Of course, pythons are non-venomous, but that is not necessarily the case if they become demons through cultivation.

Anaconda Li shed his skin, but the body he left behind was a death trap. If Fan was slow for a moment and was swallowed by the poisonous cloud, he would have to shed his skin even if he didn't die.

This is the advantage of the Raiders, they are familiar with Bon Li's skills.

Nan Jiumei frowned and said: "I couldn't give him a second directly, I only forced him out of the second stage."

At this moment, everyone suddenly felt a strong wind coming, and the target was Ning Huchen.

choke! !

The heavy sword collided with a large halberd, and General Ning, who had practiced the skill of breaking formations on the spot, staggered back several steps.

Everyone looked up and saw an elephant-bodied monster wearing silver armor standing nearby.

This demon has a bald head, an elephant trunk, and phoenix eyes with golden eyes. Although he does not look human, he somehow gives people the impression of a scholar with a jade face. However, he wears armor and a painted halberd, which makes people feel brave.

At this point, they all got the hint.

[Side mission update: Python. ]

[Side mission update: Elephant. ]

Nan Jiumei said in a deep voice: "I'll leave the elephant to you to deal with that snake. Don't worry, it's considered a success if you can get him out of the second stage instantly. Then proceed as planned."

After Anaconda shed his skin, he lost a way to save his life. Of course, it was not a loss. Everyone at least gained a certain advantage through the surprise attack.

However, at this moment, something unexpected happened to the three secret agents.

[Side mission update: The belated barbarian general. ]

At the same time, a figure fell from the sky and landed between An Li and Xiang Hun with a crash. A white thunder was wrapped around his hand.

"I'm stupid."

Li Ding couldn't help but cursed, "What the hell do you call being late? You're obviously here early!"

Qian Yi's face was also very ugly: "We are too unlucky. We have bad luck."

Thanks to my family for their monthly votes. Turtle, why do you have so many monthly votes?

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