Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 281 Guiding props

Outside the Godswood, the Polar Alliance team has grown again, with a total of more than a dozen people gathered, and this place has become one of their strongholds.

The leader among them said: "This big forest is likely to be the place where high-quality items are produced. According to past experience, no one should be born in it."

"So I think we should stick to this place and not let the forces of the Western Kingdom and Dragon Kingdom invade. Once we contact a few saints, we can enter the forest and look for loot."

This is how the secret battlefield is played.

At first, all participants must gather together to find their respective companions and confirm the location of the opportunity. If there is a place worth exploring nearby, people must be stationed to prevent it from being taken over by other forces.

Of course, if other forces really want to get involved, then there will be a battle, and whoever is stronger will be justified.

"Pastor, I'll do as you say, but we don't have any news about any of the saints yet."

A dozen people are enough to establish a foothold. If you explore some small trophy production areas, you may have a chance. However, the godswood forest is endless and has a huge area. It is very likely that legendary items will appear, accompanied by powerful local creatures. A dozen people may not be enough.

At this moment, Joel, the observer who was out for reconnaissance, rushed over.

"Boss! Boss! I found the mark left by Father Alan. I followed the mark and found that he was nearby. There is a heretic camp there. He said that he would come and join us after he completes the purification and gets the loot."

"Very good."

The red-haired woman said in surprise, "Father Alan is already level 50, and I heard that one of his skills has been upgraded to level 5. With him here, we can go into the forest and explore."

The priest drew a circle with his hands on his chest: "May the gods bless you."

[Map of giant overseas islands. ]

[Description: A rough map, details can be added according to the NPC description. ]

Li Rui gained the respect and reputation of the Li Yuan Clan and received a periodic reward. Of course, it was not a gift from the system, but a reward from the elder monkey demon in the tribe.

"Dear guest, please take a look."

The old monkey pointed at the map and said.

"There are four major states in the world (giant island), Zhangye Prefecture in the south, Wangze Prefecture in the east, Hanfeng Prefecture in the west, and Nuanyang Prefecture in the north."

"Where we are waiting is at the southernmost point of Zhangye Province, the sacred wood forest."

"There are many kinds of monsters in this mountain forest. The giants are from the giant ape clan, but they have been destroyed by the flying leopard clan. Now our ape clan is also in danger."

The elder ape sighed and then said, "Sorry, I'm really worried. Continue talking about the godswood."

"Among the many demon clans, the Yangli clan is the most dominant. It is entrenched in the sacred tree in the forest and has the most abundant spiritual energy. The stronger it gets, the stronger it gets. Among our clans, there are also three, six or nine levels. After the ape clan becomes weak, Feibao and other ethnic groups took advantage of the opportunity to annex our territory."

Li Rui thought to himself that it was basically certain that the reward at the end of the giant forest was in the central sacred tree.

When he looked at the map in his hand, he found that there were new marks in the area of ​​the giant forest, with the distribution areas of different races and level ranges drawn on them.

In addition, the central sacred tree is also specially marked.

Li Rui thought about it and asked again: "Elder, what does the Flying Leopard Clan rely on to suppress the Ape Clan?"

The ape divination replied: "It's just because there are sacred objects in their clan that can help their clan practice."

Li Rui looked at the map again and saw a small treasure chest mark on the territory of the Flying Leopard Demon Clan.

Damn it!

He was a little surprised. This map was so useful. As long as he got information from the NPC, the corresponding location would be marked.

"Not long after I arrived, I actually got a guiding tool."

It is mentioned in the secret battlefield information that after entering, it is best to obtain similar props from the local indigenous people as soon as possible, which can greatly improve the efficiency of searching for opportunities.

Fortunately, the white-headed pendant has the ability to master monkey language. Otherwise, if he didn't understand the language, it would definitely not be so easy to get the map.

Moreover, the map also has a function, which is to distinguish between true and false. Only if the ape divination tells the information correctly can the mark appear on it. Some information is unclear, or simply remembered incorrectly, and it will not be displayed.

In other words, everything that appears on the map is confirmed to be true.

After taking a look, the Flying Leopard Demon is only at the bottom of the sacred forest, not much more powerful than the ape clan, and the most powerful clan leader can't even reach the level of Huo Ben.

With a thought in his mind, he asked again: "Elder, is there any treasure in the sacred tree, so the Yangli tribe wants to take over?"

"It is rumored that there is indeed a valuable treasure in the sacred tree, but I don't know what it is." Ape Bu said.

Li Rui lowered his head again and saw a golden question mark on the map, but it was not a treasure chest mark.

"Okay, okay, it's golden and looks like a legend."

"Since you want me to improve the reputation of the Ape Clan, why not help them get rid of their big trouble, just to see if the map is working properly and if something is really missing."

He thought for a while and then said: "I wonder what the elder plans to do in the future? If the Flying Leopard Monster Clan attacks again, how will we deal with it?"

At this time, a majestic voice was heard saying: "We will fight to the death, and we cannot allow them to be arrogant again!"

The monkey demon Great King Yuanju came over.

At this time, he put on a suit of thick bone armor, and the armor surface was shiny, obviously not ordinary.

Li Rui asked: "There are four of the five flying generals left. Are they possible enemies?"

Yuanju said: "No."

Li Rui asked again: "Can you defeat the Feibao Clan Leader?"


"What can be done?"

"Sir, please help my tribe. If it succeeds, I will give you a heavy gift."

Li Ruiyun said calmly: "Why is this so embarrassing? People of my generation are chivalrous and righteous, so why don't we draw our swords to help in return?"

Yuan Ju said in awe: "It doesn't matter, my stick skills will never be able to penetrate the eyes of Zunjia."

Stick method? !

Li Rui coughed: "But! If you don't accept it, your heart will definitely be uneasy. In practice, you should follow your heart's desires, so I will accept it."


Although Yuanju felt that this man was weird, he didn't think anything of it. As long as he could solve the troubles outside the clan, he could do whatever he wanted.

So after a while, the Liyuan Clan summoned all the monsters who were good at fighting and went to attack the Flying Leopard Clan.

Li Rui sat on Giant Man's shoulder and pointed: "Let's go!"

In Dongfang Wangzezhou, in a wetland, more than a dozen people are setting up camp.

"Those snake demons must have had such bad tempers that they beat us out without any explanation."

Yu Xin muttered as he built a shack with cut giant banana leaves as a roof.

She met several companions here, two of whom were seniors who were already in the same group as her, and she also encountered a group of secret agents from the Western Kingdom. However, the number of both parties was similar, and neither of them seemed to have top experts in charge, so neither of them dared to Take action and just pass by.

In the early stage, all forces will choose to act as cautiously as possible.

While a few people were setting up camp, the assassin on guard suddenly began to sing like a bird. Everyone immediately put down their guard, but soon relaxed.

The new person on the periphery is Dong Sanchuan.

"Brother Chuan is here, this stronghold has been taken."

Yu Xin smiled and said, she was not complimenting, but she was habitually quick-tongued and said what she had to say.

Dong Sanchuan asked: "What is the situation now?"

Everyone told him about it.

"Oh, the language barrier is indeed a big trouble. First, contact the local indigenous people carefully and try to see if you can gain favor. Anyway, the administrator has said that we may embark on a task of directly mastering the language, in order to avoid losing clues of opportunities."

The others are all at the grassroots level in the secret battlefield, but he is the only one who holds the position of captain. According to the rules, he has temporary command authority in order of rank until the large forces are fully assembled.

He continued: "I guess it's the same everywhere else on the island. Don't worry, just take it slow and steady."


The atmosphere in the camp was a little more elevated.

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