Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 297 Upgrading the Blood Soul Ring

Thunder flames soared into the sky, burning out the demon that seemed to be destroying the godswood forest in full view of everyone.

At this time, Li Rui was falling from the sky and was caught by Giant Hercules.

"No wonder, I feel that the strength of the godswood is not high. It turns out that the best reward is to defeat such a boss." He thought to himself.

In fact, there is really no problem. This big forest is a monster country. You need to coordinate various relationships to defeat the boss, whether it is conquering or making friends. Otherwise, even if you forcefully rush into the evil tree cave, you will have to fight against countless small monsters. boss.

"If it's Brother Gui and the others, can they drive?" He couldn't help but think, and then sat on the shoulders of Giant Hercules.

When he looked down, he saw all the monsters around him gathered in a circle and bowed down, as if they were seeing gods coming.

"Get up, get up."

Li Rui waved impatiently, "Have someone search in the ashes under the tree to see if there is anything unusual, and then bring it to me."

The other monsters didn't dare to say a word, and immediately sent their most capable men to search among the ruins piled with tree debris.

Not long after, a large plate was placed in front of Li Rui, containing six walnut-sized crystals, five of which were ruddy in color and one was transparent.

In addition to this, there is a complex wooden object that looks like a Kong Ming Lock that has been pieced together.

"General, other than that, there are only fragments of the sacred tree in the pit."

After the giant tree was shattered by the evil energy, the location was sunken, leaving only a big pit. The original evil energy, wind and bones were absorbed into the boss's body, and then turned into ashes in the thunder.

Li Rui picked up one of the red crystals and read the description.

[Attribute point essence. ]

[Effect: Use to obtain 10 free attribute points. ]

To be honest, he just likes this kind of simple but awesome stuff.

Five red crystals and fifty attribute points are equivalent to a ten-star secret realm.

"What about this one?"

He picked up the colorless transparent crystal.

[Skill point essence. ]

[Effect, use to gain 2 skill points. ]


Li Rui used all these crystals, but reserved his skill points.

There are three skills that can be added now, Mist Control, Bone Wandering Stick and Poison Tempering Blade. The first one is not needed for the time being, and the last two are of lower quality. You may be able to get better skills in this secret realm. You can Do not worry.

After allocating the attribute points, he picked up the unknown wooden object with a complex structure.

[Sacred wood knot lock. ]

[Category: Special. ]

[Effect: Improve equipment below legendary quality by one level. ]


Li Rui repeatedly confirmed that it said level one, not level one, which means rare becomes epic, and epic becomes legendary.

If the sacred tree hadn't been broken into pieces, he would have wanted to knock one on Brother Shu.

This is too generous.

No wonder people say that the secret battlefield is full of treasures. There are many legends and even myths. This gold content is too high.

When the quality of equipment improves, the number of entries will also change accordingly. Anyone with a normal mind will unconditionally choose to upgrade an epic piece of equipment.

And Li Rui hardly needed to hesitate. The epic equipment on him, such as arm guards and leg guards, were all decent enough to increase damage resistance, but the Blood Soul Ring was different. It came with a skill that increased the damage by 100%.

As for the side effect of increasing his own damage, Li Rui didn't consider it at all. Anyway, the administrator's jacket was awesome and he could hold it.

So he used it with some expectation.

[Equipment quality has been improved successfully. ]

[You have new equipment. ]

Li Rui quickly checked the inventory.

[The Ring of Blood Soul. ]

[Item level: 45. ]

[Quality: Legend]

[Attributes: Physical +20, Mental +20, Erosion +20 (unusable). ]

[Special Effect 1: The spell damage caused is increased by 15%. ]

[Special Effect 2: The poison attribute damage caused is increased by 15%. ]

[Special Effect 3: The effect of blood evil style skills is increased by 10%. ]

[Active skill - Dancing on the Tip of the Knife: All damage received is increased by 70%, all damage caused is increased by 150%, duration is 10 seconds, cannot end early. The cooling time is 3 hours, and it is not shared inside or outside the secret. ]

[Eternity: Yes. ]

Generally speaking, there will be one entry (special effect or skill) for rare level equipment, two for epic level, and three for legendary level. Of course, the number will fluctuate depending on the quality of the entry.

For example, the lighting ability of the blue silver light ring, although it is a skill, is of relatively low quality, so even though it is rare, it still has another entry that increases lightning damage.

On the contrary, having two very incredible abilities like She Lei Huo Ling will reduce the number of entries, but it is still powerful.

If you don't consider the specific content, the upgraded Blood Soul Ring is a top-notch legend, because it has four entries, the value is not low, and one of the entries is a very powerful active skill.

But the problem is that the blood evil style skill effects and erosion attributes cannot be used, so Li Rui felt a little anxious.

"I have to clean up my entries."

Li Rui knew that secret realms with changes to item entries would produce things in secret realms, as well as secret realms above level 50, but the probability was definitely higher here.

He feels that legendary items are not easy to produce. Now that you have them, you have to try to make them as perfect as possible to avoid losing money.

In fact, this idea is a bit extravagant.

Even those top masters in the extraordinary world who have several pieces of legendary equipment in their hands can hardly guarantee that every entry can be used for themselves.

After making the decision, he compared the changes brought by the upgrade to this piece of equipment.

Spell damage has been increased from 5% to 15%, and a poison damage entry has been added, which can be used with poison-quenching blades.

The most important thing is that Dancing on the Knife Tip could only be used once in each secret realm, but now it has become a skill with a cooldown time. This is so important.

You must know that only the epic props Great Void Wind and Thunder Talisman can increase the damage of a skill by 100%, and the Blood Soul Ring lasts for 10 seconds.

It is equivalent to saying that this skill is an enhanced epic prop that can be used infinitely. If the negative effects were removed, it would even be comparable to a legendary prop, but it is a pity that it cannot be obtained.

Li Rui calculated and obtained a large number of attribute points, two skill points, a legendary prop and a legendary strengthening material from this sacred tree.

The most profitable thing is that he started quickly enough, without encountering secret agents from other camps. He only succeeded after solving the obstacles of the local indigenous people, and he covered them all, leaving almost nothing missing.

Next, while he ordered people to start post-disaster reconstruction, he called Yuan Ju.

"You ask the scouts of the Rabbit Demon Tribe to explore the northern periphery of the Godswood Forest. Once you find any clues about foreign tribes, report them to me immediately."

Yuan Ju said solemnly: "Sir, some northern tribes just said that foreign tribes took advantage of the emptiness of their camp to sneak attack and plunder all the inventory."

Li Rui was furious, but then he thought, what if it was a companion of the Dragon Kingdom?

"You stay here to preside over the reconstruction work, and I will go and see for myself."

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