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Chapter 332 Not a serious monster

Yuan Erliang never thought that he would not only have the opportunity to leave the godswood forest, but even come to Xihanfengzhou. If he returns to the Ape Clan, he can brag for three days.

In order to repay Li Rui for bringing him out and gaining experience, as well as for giving away the natural materials and treasures needed for cultivation, he decided to complete the current task seriously and inquire about the news about the hidden treasures nearby.

After discovering traces of the demon clan's life, he climbed through the trees.

The trees here are different from those in Nanzhang Yezhou. There are not many broad-leaved plants, and most of them have needle leaves, which can sometimes be very prickly. But he has thick fur, so he just feels a little pain, but it's nothing serious.

When he emerged from the forest and came to a quiet lake, he saw the demon clan's camp. There was smoke rising from inside, and it was full of life.

He stretched his neck and looked around, trying to see what it looked like inside.


A gleaming iron knife was placed on Yuan Erliang's neck.

"Who are you?"

A cold voice sounded behind him.

If it were before, Yuan Erliang, a timid monkey, would have been trembling with fear, but he had seen many big scenes with Li Rui, and his psychological quality had also improved a lot.

Faced with the undisguised murderous intent, he said almost calmly: "I, I am an exiled Ape Clan, fighting in the south, fighting."

The knife did not move away.

"Ape tribe? Are you from Nanzhang Yezhou?"

"Yes Yes."

The people behind him fell silent.

Yuan Er's eyes were rolling around, thinking about how to gain the other party's trust.

"If you don't believe it, go and ask around. There are many foreign races coming from the south. They have advanced cultivation and are so numerous that ordinary demon races cannot resist them."

He said, "I was separated from my tribe. In order to survive, I had to go north. I met a giant ape tribe and he escorted me here."

The voice behind asked again: "Where is the giant ape?"

"I don't know, we got separated. I remember he said before that he wanted to go to the Cold Wind Plateau, so I ran over here, trying to find him."


The iron knife was moved away and put into its sheath, but Yuan Erliang felt even heavier because the other party grabbed his hands and tied them together with a rope.

He turned his head and saw a ferocious monster with fangs in its mouth and a demon-like face looking at him coldly.

"Shut up."

The fang demon clan pushed him, "Move forward, no tricks."

Yuan Erliang's heart was beating fast and he almost couldn't keep calm, but thinking that Li Rui was protecting him secretly made him feel at ease again.

Snap, snap, snap.

The two monsters moved forward one after another, and saw a camp built on the mountain in front of them. It was very small, not even comparable to the original Li Yuan Clan.

Yuan Erliang carefully observed the surrounding situation until he was brought to the center of the village, in front of a circle of animal skin tents.

"Boss, we caught a little monkey and said he came from Zhang Yezhou." The demon clan holding a knife shouted.

Another figure walked out from the middle of the largest tent. His appearance was not similar to the one before. He was fat, had two tails, and had a single horn on his head.


The leader looked at Yuan Erliang and said, "What are you tying up? It's almost loose."

The fang demon clan cut the rope with a knife.

Yuan Erliang was very happy in his heart: "The king is a good demon, a good demon!"

The leader with two tails laughed loudly: "Of course you are a good monster. Let me ask you, did you come alone?"


Yuan Erliang hesitated for a moment and then said immediately, "I came alone and traveled a long way."

"Then you must be hungry and thirsty along the way? Go and get some food and drink."

The leader said hello, and two more demon clans came to fetch water and food respectively, and they looked different.

Yuan Erliang confirmed that this was not a camp of the same tribe, but a group of monsters living together. Seeing how friendly they were, he even wanted to call Li Rui to show up, but he remembered that his husband had told him that if he didn't come out, he would not be exposed. someone here.

"Your Majesty, I won't trouble you. I just want to know where this place is? I want to go to the plateau from the mountain road."

"Pfft hahahaha!"

The leader laughed again and said, "You? I'm afraid you'll die on the way if you don't go up. That's all, let's not mention this for now. Please answer me a few questions."

"Your Majesty, please speak."

"You said you have seen foreign races, but have you ever fought against them?"

Yuan Erliang quickly shook his head: "I have a low cultivation level, so I don't dare."

"Then you are somewhat self-aware."

The leader said, "However, those foreign tribes are powerful and resolute, and even I can't afford to offend them. You are lucky to be here."

Yuan Erliang was immediately wary, but asked calmly: "Has your Majesty also seen them?"

The leader said: "Of course, not only that, the foreigners saw the strength of my village and ordered us to guard the mountain road here. You said you wanted to go up the mountain, so I want to ask you for your details."

"They said that if there are suspicious monsters or unknown foreigners who want to go up the windy path on the mountainside, they have to stop them. They also specially gave nine cold plains snow lotuses to show their respect."

"With such kindness, I will naturally fulfill my mission, right?"

Yuan Erliang quickly apologized and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is right, I am not suspicious, I am not suspicious."

The leader nodded and said: "You don't have any cultivation at all, so it's really nothing."

Yuan Erliang thought to himself: These monsters must have surrendered to Mr.'s enemies. I can't expose my identity. I will leave soon and ask Mr. to avoid this place.

He felt that he had accomplished something.

The sword-wielding monster had gone to do something unknown, but now he came back and said, "Boss, the stove is ready."


The leader said, "Little monkey, go with him."

Yuan Erliang quickly said politely: "Your Majesty, there is no need to entertain me like this. I have to go on my way. If you don't want to disturb me, I'll leave now. I'll leave now."

The leader smiled and said: "Hospitality? You think so. The stove is just for you."

Yuan Erliang's face froze: "What do you mean, Your Majesty?"

The leader was still calm at this time and kept a hearty smile: "What do you mean? Ever since those immortal figures came, they have been restraining the nearby demon clan, and they don't dare to wander around. I haven't had a tooth sacrifice for a long time."

"Do you know that the skin and flesh of the demon clan is much more delicious than those stupid beasts in the mountains? Since you have brought it to your door, I can't let you go."

At this time, the other demon clans with different appearances around them burst into laughter.

"Little monkey, our boss loves to cook you alive. If you are honest and obedient, I will knock you out and cook you again. If you are disobedient, I will make you taste the taste of boiling water to scald your skin."

Yuan Erliang finally broke through his defense, and now he understood.

The people in this camp are not serious monsters at all, because serious monsters generally do not use other monsters as food. This place is probably a group of gangsters who drink blood from raw materials.

They planned to eat themselves from the beginning, but they only told themselves for such a long time because they were ordered by those foreign tribes (the Western Kingdom) to find out the identity of every strange face.

Just now, he felt that the smiles of these guys were a little abnormal. It turned out that they were because of the excitement of seeing food delivered to their door.

"Da, lord, I don't taste good. My name is Erliang because they said I don't have Erliang meat on me."

The leader smiled and said: "You are quite interesting. If you weren't a waste with no cultivation, I would like to keep you. Go, there is no need to cook him alive today, let's cut off his head first to save him from suffering."

He waved his hand as if he had given him a great favor.

Yuan Erliang looked at the thieves and monsters around him, and finally couldn't stand it any longer. He saw him screaming: "Sir, save me, sir, save me!"

The leader laughed ferociously: "It turns out there are still accomplices. Let me see who else can save you today."

There was a chirping sound coming from his mouth, a bit like a whistle.

The expected response did not come. He only saw a figure slowly walking in from the entrance of the camp, holding a black umbrella in his hand.

"Stop blowing, I'll kill all those secret whistles of yours."

Yuan Erliang translated almost reflexively.

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