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Chapter 340 It was also decades ago

"The Royal Court?"

Cheng Wen heard the intelligence collected by Big Beard and asked, "Does it mean that the entire demon tribe on the Cold Wind Plateau has been conquered by the Western Kingdom? How did they do it?"

Big Beard is responsible for collecting intelligence, and the entire 07 number under his command belongs to the intelligence team. Almost all reliable information about the enemy's situation is given by their team.

"According to our understanding, that royal court advocates strength, mainly physical strength. You know, that Simon is rumored to be a berserker who is good at physical skills."

Berserker is the basic profession for level 10 transfer, but the Dragon Kingdom's intelligence agency doesn't know what he has become after the transfer, just like Li Rui's information is also a black eye for the other two major countries.

Cheng Wenruo realized something: "You mean, that guy probably used his strength advantage to gain the favor of the royal court."

"It's an exaggerated power. It must be enough to frighten those plateau monsters in exchange for their cooperation."

"You mean cooperation?"

"Of course, there are thousands of demon clans, you don't think they will surrender, do you?"

The bearded man shook his beard with a smile, "As far as I know, the Plateau Royal Court has always wanted to dominate the entire island. It may have been instigated by people from the Western Kingdom."

Cooperation with the local indigenous people is the consensus of the three major countries. Just like Li Rui can unify the godswood, other forces can also do similar things.

Mainly, because the extraordinary people who were recruited into the secret realm did not seek wealth or profit, they only needed the trophies, and the rest of what was robbed could be generously distributed to the demon clan, so they were naturally welcomed.

Cheng Wen said: "What is the most difficult part in conquering this royal court?"

The bearded man suppressed his smile: "After all, the Royal Court on the plateau has always been the strongest force on the island, but they didn't come down to conquer it."

"Compared with ordinary monster forces, they have more complete logistics production capabilities, abundant weapons and food, large numbers of personnel, and high morale."

"They have almost assembled now. I estimate that in a few days they will launch a large-scale counterattack, and we will be under great pressure."

Cheng Wen said: "It doesn't look like it's going to be hard to bear. I wonder how those bastards in the Western Kingdom allowed the territory to be given away so easily. They have been doing it for a long time just waiting to get it back."

Earlier, the Wind Slave Royal Court did not invest a large number of troops. The Western Kingdom mainly relied on its own extraordinary people to fight. If the largest demon clan force on the island joins the battlefield next, the situation will change.

The bearded man was silent, waiting for the supreme commander to make a decision.

"In this way, you can find a way to secretly contact the Polar Alliance, share information, and strive for cooperation. We cannot let the Western Kingdom dominate."

"I think so too." The bearded man grinned, "You guys should discuss the specific strategy first, and I'll find someone first."

"Kneel down!"

Junye grabbed an elder of the Yanghou clan and pushed him to the ground.

The ghost knights have captured this clan.

The elder trembled and knelt on the ground, his heart filled with fear.

"Who are you! This is the Yanghou clan. When the king comes back, I will definitely want your head!"

Juno sneered, kicked him to the ground, then grabbed the feathers on his head and looked at him: "You don't recognize me anymore?"

The elder was puzzled for a long time and looked at the face filled with evil spirits.


The fear in his heart deepened, "You're not dead?!"

"Do you think I'm still alive now?" Juno asked.

The scene was temporarily quiet. The elder was so frightened that he couldn't say a word. He didn't dare to look at the ghosts, generals and ghosts. He only found a few other figures walking towards him.

"Help! Sir, save me!"

He actually shouted for help to Li Rui, because as a clan elder, he had seen people from the Western Kingdom. To the demon clan, these human clans all looked similar.

He also knew that those guys were very powerful. Although he felt that judging from the respectful reaction of the ghost soldiers to the visitors, it was unlikely that he would be rescued, but maybe there was a misunderstanding?

After Li Rui got closer, he said first: "Let him go, why are you so tense?"

Kuno let go of his hand.

The elders of the Yanghou clan were overjoyed and suddenly felt that this man was very kind and kind.

Li Rui helped him aside and asked what he wanted to ask.

"Aren't all the elite members of your clan here?"

The elder's face froze and he didn't want to answer, but he seemed to be unable to hide it. In order to save his life, he could only admit: "I went on an expedition with the chief."

"How many days have you left?"

"Five days."


Li Rui sat him down on a chair and glanced around. Juye's ghost soldiers killed most of the Yanghou clan soldiers who stayed behind. The few survivors were closely guarded. They should not be able to cause any trouble. storm.

He asked: "Except for your clan, how many people have left the entire royal court?"

The elder smiled apologetically and replied: "Less than half."


Li Rui held the back of his head and slammed it against the table, causing the wooden table to fall into pieces.

"If you dare to lie again, your head will be shattered."

The elder paid the price for his little cleverness. Blood flowed from his face, and he said with tears: "They are all out, most of them went down the mountain to go on an expedition."

"Why the expedition?"

"Unify the world."

Li Rui touched his nose, did not comment, and asked: "Where is the chief of the royal court?"

"I have already gone down to the plateau for my personal expedition. I don't know where I am now. I swear to the God of Wind, I really don't know."

Li Rui glanced at Ju Ye. The latter's purpose was to assassinate the contemporary chief who launched the coup that year, but his target was no longer on the plateau.

When he saw the other party nodded slightly, indicating that there was no problem, he asked what he was concerned about.

"I'm looking for something. It's probably a treasure hidden near Langya Cliff. It may exist in legends. Do you know anything about it?"

The elder looked sad.

If you didn’t even tell me what it was, where would I know where to go?

That's what he was thinking, but he didn't dare to say it out loud.

Li Rui was a reasonable person and knew his difficulties, so he added additional information: "Maybe it suddenly appeared decades ago, probably."

The jade ball in the ghost town fell from the sky decades ago. What Li Rui is looking for is related to that thing, and may have appeared at the same time.

I asked Juno before, but this guy was a full-fledged warrior during his lifetime. Apart from his own cultivation, military battles, and loyalty to the late king, he didn't care about anything else. In addition, he was not even born a few decades ago, so he No clue.

But after hearing this, the elder suddenly became excited: "I remembered that if it were decades ago, there would indeed be a strange thing!"

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