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Chapter 344 Go and come back

Although Li Rui wanted to break through the gap in the enemy's defense, he did not forget his mission. There was another guy named Dylan Hagrid who wanted to kill him in Feihong Town.

When he led the team quietly through the forest and arrived due north of Feihong Town, it was noon and he ordered everyone to stop.


The undead do not need to rest, but they are not suitable for marching in the scorching sun, and with so many human beings and ghosts running around in broad daylight, it is easy to be discovered, so for the past two days, they have been resting in a hidden place at noon.

"You guys rest where you are, I'll come back as soon as I'm gone." Li Rui whispered to Giant Hercules.

Kavina was a little tired at this time. She leaned on Titan's belly and asked in a daze: "Where are you going?"

"Be back before the sun goes down."

Li Rui didn't answer directly, just said something casually, and then immediately disappeared into the forest with two taels of monkeys stuffed in his arms. This little monster was of great use.

This time, his plan was to rush in quickly and get close to Feihong Town. If the defense there was lax, he would assassinate the target with lightning speed and then escape directly.

By that time, the monsters in the forest should have rested. After another night of marching, they should be able to reach the food and water area, and they would be safe by then.

He acted alone, his target was not obvious, and his speed was faster. In an hour, he broke into a position one or two kilometers north of Feihong Town. After looking with a telescope for a while, he roughly determined that there was not much defensive force, and then continued to move forward. .

This place is located behind the Western Kingdom's defense line, so vigilance is relatively lax.

Li Rui was used by Chen Cheng to block interference, and the AOE prediction could not affect him. At this moment, no one should have expected that a high-risk target from the Dragon Kingdom was preparing to survive behind them.

The topography of this town also has an advantage for him, that is, it is lush with water and grass, and it is a wetland environment. The animal instinct is effective, which can reduce the possibility of him being discovered.

The reason why the environment is like this is that this town used to be populated by a group of Feihong, that is, the demon clan trained by Dayan. There are reed swamps nearby, which gave Li Rui an opportunity to take advantage of.

He swam among the reeds without making much noise. After approaching the edge of the town, he found two Feihong demon tribesmen standing guard in front of him, chatting absentmindedly.

Li Rui dived into the water, like a crocodile out to hunt, and swam quietly over. The ape Erliang, who couldn't swim, put his head on his back, but he held his breath because of nervousness.

Ten meters, five meters, three meters.

Li Rui felt that the distance was close enough, so he suddenly rose up and launched a surprise attack.


A big bidou killed one of the Feihong demon clan, and then pinned the other one to the ground with his backhand, gripping the other's slender neck tightly.

"If you dare to speak out, you will die."

Li Rui said coldly and ruthlessly, showing a vicious effect again, "Let me ask you an answer. Where are the wounded?"

Yuan Erliang was shaking the water off his fur and helping to translate.

The Feihong Demon Clan didn't dare to hide anything and quickly pointed the way: "It's that two-story wooden building. The only wounded person in the town is on the second floor."

Recruiting the loyalty of local people depends on the recruitment process. It is obvious that the Western Kingdom does not pay much attention here. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that this guy is timid when caught.

As expected, this place is not the front line, but is used to place important wounded soldiers. It should be that the commander of the Western Kingdom was worried that Dylan Hagrid would be assassinated, and deliberately moved it to a position deeper into the hinterland of the Cold Wind State.

However, they never imagined that people with hostile forces would come to such a place so frantically.

Li Rui asked again about the defense situation and was even more reassured when he learned that this place was mainly guarded by the Feihong clan and that there were no more than one human extraordinary person.

Judging from the pressure on the front line, it is impossible for the Western Kingdom to send another high-risk person to guard Dylan Hagrid, and the probability of his success is very high.

He knocked out the Feihong Demon, then put Yuan Erliang into his clothes, and then continued to explore along the reeds toward the town.

A dozen steps ahead was the only dirt road in the town, and he began to think about how to assassinate his target.

The Dutian Thunder Fire Curse is powerful and has a wide range. The disadvantage is that it makes a lot of noise. After using it, you have to run away immediately and there is no chance to confirm whether the target is dead.

Breaking in and making a close-quarters attack will also attract attention, and you may be besieged by the Feihong Monster Clan.

While he was hesitating, the sky suddenly turned dark.

A large cloud and mist drifted through the sky, covering the sun.

"This is God's will."

Li Rui sneered in his heart and activated the mist flow control.

Feihong Town is right next to the wetland. Due to the high air humidity, it is easy for fog to form in the area. However, when the fog appears at noon, many monsters still find it strange.

That's what Hong Yao thought, but he didn't take it seriously. After all, foreign tribes teamed up with the barbaric royal court on the plateau to go down the mountain and occupy Hanfeng State. So what if there was a fog?

He is a doctor in the town. He was recently instructed by the clan leader to take care of an injured foreigner for twelve hours without interruption.

He was aloof and arrogant, and he was not willing to serve those powerful foreign tribes with no respect for etiquette, but the patriarch dispelled his arrogance with just one word.

If it’s not just for you, you should also think about your wife, children, and children, right?

When the Royal Court and the Western Kingdom occupied this place, there were also monsters who resisted, but now they are feeding fish under the reeds.

After much thought, he had no choice but to surrender.


He poured the nourishing concoction into a pottery bowl, put it on a tray, and was about to send it across the street to the other side, but he found that the fog was a bit ridiculously heavy.

Standing at the door of his medicine shop, he couldn't even see the clan elders' meeting hall opposite. Of course, that place is now Dylan Hager's nursing home.

Just when he was in doubt, a figure passed by his door, holding an umbrella-shaped weapon in his hand. The aura on his body was so clear that it was hard to tell, but one thing was very scary, that was the flash in the man's eyes. With red light.


Hongyao muttered in his heart and didn't pay too much attention to it. He had already seen many foreigners.

He picked up the plate and was about to continue sending the things over, but found that the warm wet towel for wiping his hands was not ready as required.

He shook his head and said to the apprentice behind him: "Go get a basin of hot water. If it doesn't come in, that guy will lose his temper again."

He put down the tray again, wetted the cotton towel and washed it several times in the basin brought by the apprentice, then folded it and placed it on the tray before going out again.

The only consolation in his heart was that although he was a foreigner, the person he had to take care of was indeed a patient. The patient was in very bad condition and he didn't know what kind of poison he had.

As a doctor, he feels that it is his duty to save lives and heal the wounded. If he thinks this way, his resistance to this work will be reduced a lot.

He pushed the door open again and walked along the dirt road that ran through the town in the east-west direction, just in time to see the red-eyed figure coming out of the two floors opposite.

"What a weirdo."

Hong Yao always felt that the man gave him a feeling of fear. He didn't dare to say hello. He walked in with the plate and went upstairs. He walked to the room where the wounded man was in a familiar way and opened the door.


The tray was hung on the ground, and the pottery bowl was very strong and did not break, but the medicinal soup spilled all over the floor.

"Ah! Ah——"

Hongyao's screams rushed into the fog that had not yet dissipated, spreading like the pool of blood on the ground.

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