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Chapter 359: Driving the tiger and swallowing the wolf

Li Rui did not expect that while the other two countries were fighting, the Polar Alliance took the opportunity to push the front line much higher.

In comparison, the terrain of Hanfeng State is more narrow and long. Although the western kingdom has also shrunk part of its occupied area, there is a misalignment with the Dragon Kingdom area to the east.

This resulted in Li Rui and others still being behind enemy lines after crossing the grain and water lines, but they were changed from the rear of the Western Kingdom to the rear of the Polar Alliance.


Rossi and Vince were both depressed.

I thought that after all the hardships, I would finally see the light, but in the end I was still in the abyss.

"What should I do?" Kavina asked.

"There's nothing we can do. We're all here, and they must have discovered us."

Li Rui said, "Let's break through from the northeast. There is our vanguard camp there, guarded by Kong Ji. As long as we cause chaos, there may be reinforcements."

He also didn't know that Kong Ji had been transferred to the frontal battlefield, and it was the bearded man who returned to the south to defend.

He took out the map and gave an overview of the situation to Kuno, who nodded and said, "We can only give it a try."

Now that everyone has enemies on both sides, there is not much time left for them to make a decision. If they delay, the enemies may not be long before they are surrounded.

Kuno organized his team and prepared to launch the final charge, and then at this moment, Rossi suddenly shouted.

"There are pursuers, run!"

Li Rui glanced back and saw a large number of pursuers in the direction of the Western Kingdom's territory.

"They are determined to get us."

He sighed, "But suddenly I have an idea."

Juno asked: "What do you mean, the strategy to drive away tigers and swallow wolves?"

Li Rui laughed sinisterly: "I like to chase them, and tell them there will be no return."

Originally, the outpost of the Dragon Kingdom had been occupied by the Polar Alliance, and they left a strong force to defend it, because this is a node where the Western Kingdom can pass food and water. If it is lost, the front line will be attacked from both sides.

The defense standards of this place are not low. In addition to frontal combat capabilities, it is also equipped with specialized intelligence personnel and top experts.

"Your Majesty Bishop, I found a whole group of unidentified undead in the north, approaching us."

The speaker was a middle-aged woman. She looked up at the sky, with only the whites of her eyes in her eyes.

In the direction she was looking at, there was a raptor with a shimmering body lingering. It didn't look like a natural creature, but something summoned by some kind of skill.

"Only the undead?"

The person who asked the question was a man, but his hair was longer than the woman next to him. When he heard an unknown person appearing behind him, he didn't feel any nervousness.

This is not only because the enemy he is defending here is coming from that direction, and the attack is also planned, but also because he himself is very strong.

Anyone who confronts him will have to feel the feeling of being overwhelmed by countless negative states, unable to use up all his strength, and having to endure continuous damage all the time.

He will not only bring physical torture to the enemy, but such disgusting fighting methods will also destroy the enemy's spirit. People generally call this person a cursed priest.

Dylan Hagrid, who was in his prime, was defeated by this man. He had to go to the rear to recuperate due to long-term debuffs, and then died in Feihong Town.

Now, he faced Li Rui's surprise attack again.

After learning that there were several humans and a monster in the team, the man named Priest, who was actually a bishop, said: "Tell them to prepare to face the enemy."

As a senior member of Hope of Ullal, he was certain that his side did not have a similar configuration.

So the humans in this stronghold and the Zhang Yezhou demon clan they recruited quickly took action and formed formations to defend against the enemy.

Li Rui saw his opponent's arrangement clearly, and then turned back to look at Hopkins and others who were pursuing him, without moving in a hurry.

Kavina urged: "Why don't you go there now? The pursuers are coming."

"No, wait a minute."

Li Rui said, "It's not time yet."

He was able to keep his composure, but others were a little uneasy, and even the undead under Jun Ye's command felt a little guilty.

Since coming off the plateau, they have seen the methods of these humans and know that they are quite ruthless. There are countless masters who can compete with the high priests and generals of the royal court, so naturally they have no contempt for them.

Fortunately, Li Rui and Ju Ye are here now, which can keep their morale up. If it were any other time, they would not want to fight if they were faced with a situation where there was a wolf in front and a tiger behind.

Li Rui was still waiting. He didn't give the order until Hopkins and others began to cross the river.

"Charge north! Use your fastest speed and don't stop for a moment."

Rumble, rumble.

Nearly a hundred ghost knights started to activate, and soon reached their limit. Although this would consume a lot of evil energy, the order was such that they had to obey it.

A group of humans, ghosts and demons rushed towards the polar alliance's position. In addition to the defenders on the opposite side, the pursuers from behind also discovered their movements.

But now there is a problem, that is, Hopkins and the others were rushing from behind and had no chance to conduct reconnaissance. When they saw Li Rui and others suddenly running away, they naturally thought that they had discovered them. This group of pursuers.

"This is the last chance to catch up with them. When he goes further north, he will reach the Dragon Kingdom's position."

They had been tired of fighting in the north, but because Li Rui killed a high-ranking officer in public, morale was low and the headquarters was overwhelmed, so they hurriedly called them to chase.

At the same time, this is also a death order. The evil ghost in the fog must be chased to death, otherwise the Western Kingdom will lose face and even the confidence of others will be shattered.

If they fail to do so, they may think: That evil ghost can rush into the position and kill the Blood Barber, but is it possible that he will kill me too?

The pressure from above and his own subjective wishes made his current instructions somewhat imprudent.

Under his pursuit, Li Rui rushed towards the Polar Alliance position and got closer and closer. When he was about to enter the fighting distance, he asked Juno to lead the ghost rider to suddenly turn 90 degrees to the right.

Seeing this move, both the cursed priest who was guarding the front and Hopkins who was chasing behind were a little dumbfounded.

The former was originally ready to engage in battle, but was almost caught off guard by the enemy's sudden turn.

The latter only saw the distant position blocked by the ghost knight's evil spirit just after Li Rui and others turned away.

Hopkins, who was running hard, had alarm bells ringing in his heart.

He didn't have time to identify who was in front of him. His first reaction was that Li Rui was luring the enemy deeper and leading them into a trap.


He immediately gave the order.

You have to chase and kill, but if you find that you have fallen into a trap, you must not be brave.

However, at this time, the cursed priest on the opposite side had no time to think too much. He only saw that the enemy seemed to be out of touch. There was a long distance between the front part of the vanguard and the back part of the backbone force.

So he made a prompt decision and decided that offense is the best defensive principle.

"Intercept them!"

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