Li Rui put the shining silver thunder ring on his left wrist, and a new prompt immediately appeared on the task bar.

[Long-Term Exploration Mission Update: Dismembered Spells. ]

[Mission goal: Collect five types of thunder spells with different characteristics: Sky Thunder 1/1, Land Mine 1/1, Dragon Thunder 1/1, Divine Thunder 1/1, and Social Thunder 1/1. ]

[Mission completed, mythical skills unlocked. ]

[Change: Thor is in full form. ]

Li Rui stared at the effect of the skill word by word, and his eyes widened the more he looked at it.


He withdrew his attention and walked towards the hiding building. He took a look and found that the fire of war had not reached this place, so he took out a special communicator and prepared to contact Ling Zixiao to confirm the current situation.

When I looked at the time, I found that three days had passed.

It's either the black mist in Fengdu or the upper realm. The time in these two places is different.

Li Rui was a little worried and didn't know what was going on with the mission. He dialed the route to the Western Kingdom headquarters.

The headquarters against the Holy Inquisition High Court are divided into two sides, located in the Western Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom.

Now, Ling Zixiao is still in the west, but the situation is not good.

The divine assassination plan failed. Only three of the twenty or so people sent came back alive, and all others, including Li Rui, lost contact.

It wasn't until the worst happened that these most elite prophets discovered that they had been deceived all along.

It’s not that the divine calculator can’t calculate people related to the upper world, he just pretends that he can’t.

This thing is actually very scary. It means that the guy who doesn't know whether he is a human can not only calculate the movements of any person, but can even identify which people have things from the upper world.

He intentionally makes mistakes about things so that people in the real world will deduce wrong conclusions.

The trap he set was so seamless that even analysts couldn't find any traps in the battle reports from various places.

People originally thought that the plan to assassinate the god was well-thought out. Although they were prepared to sacrifice some people, they could at least successfully kill the symbiotic man who was integrated with the meat ball.

But the reality is extremely cruel. Only half of the scheduled 48 hours has passed, and failure is almost certain.

Ling Zixiao sat in the corner of the conference room, playing with the gold sand over and over again, making some calculations.

Jire Enge crossed his arms on his chest and looked at him condescendingly: "What on earth are you thinking about?"



"There's something wrong, and I don't think the outcome is final yet."

"Oh, is it so?"

Jire Enge was not happy about this, "But now, is there any possibility of a comeback? Now, the most senior advisers have lost three people, including your Mr. Song."

He looked back, lowered his voice and said, "The voices of the capitulationists have gained the upper hand. If you still have any trump cards, hurry up!"

"Don't make any noise."

Ling Zixiao said impatiently, "We don't have a trump card, we just have variables."

Jirei Enge didn't understand what variables were. In his opinion, it was that the Dragon Kingdom still had secret weapons, but they were just hidden and not used.

At present, the people in the headquarters are still the main combatants for the time being, and they cannot allow Zuo Qiutian and the Polar Alliance's plan to succeed.

This view was taken for granted in the past, but as the war situation gradually became unfavorable, some of the war factions began to waver, and the capitulation faction naturally gained power.

For the highest decision-makers, they cannot consider their own emotions and can only indifferently judge how to obtain the greatest benefits or minimize losses based on the situation.

The worse the situation, the faster the transition between the two.

Ji Lei Enge and Ling Zixiao are just prophets. They can only assist in decision-making but cannot make decisions. With the loss of top-level combat power, they are gradually marginalized.

After all, to make a prophecy, someone has to execute it. Now just consolidating the front line of defense has already exhausted all efforts, and there is no easy task.

Didi didi!

The equipment suddenly made a rapid sound. This was the highest level of emergency contact.

Everyone in the conference room was stunned for a moment, because the machine that received the contact belonged to the group of people who planned to assassinate the God of Calculation, but they should all have been controlled in the Holy Inquisition High Court, or have been killed.

No matter what, the operator still connected the line.

"Hello, I am Li Rui, number YA18."

Ling Zixiao stood up with a bang and rushed to the equipment entry and exit area: "Variable, this is variable, Li Rui, where are you!"

"My coordinates are shown to be X132.Y112, within the city limits of Hualai. When I moved to this place, I suddenly entered the secret realm."

Everyone in the command room had different reactions. Of course, they were generally positive emotions, but the positivity was limited.

In the current situation, it would be best to have one more fighting force, but if it is just one person, then there will not be much change.

Ling Zixiao said: "The mission has failed now. I will send you the latest battlefield situation and you should return immediately."

"Failed? Where are the others?" Li Rui didn't answer, just asked.

Ling Zixiao told the time when the others entered the Holy Inquisition High Court and how they lost contact.

Li Rui said: "No, I want to continue the mission."

"There is no mission anymore. The battle has been cancelled. Do you want to go alone?"

A general from the Western Kingdom said, "Please return immediately."

"They're not all dead yet, are they? I'm going to save people."

Li Rui said, "I reached level 70 in the secret realm, collected all the thunder spells, and unlocked the mythical skills. Now I am going to rescue the people trapped in the Holy Inquisition High Court."

There was some discussion in the command room.

Those present were all commanders of the highest order, and the two countries had already exchanged information. They knew what the Five Thunder Techniques were and the corresponding mythical skills.

It is not that there are extraordinary people in the world who have obtained mythical equipment, skills or talents, but generally speaking, other mythical items are related to the upper world, but the prerequisites have nothing to do with the upper world.

In other words, only myths are things in the upper world, while the legends that foreshadow it are only things in the mortal world.

And Li Rui's five thunder methods are themselves things from the upper world, and no one has ever seen a precedent for using them to unlock the myth.

Everyone knew how valuable this thing was, so two opinions immediately formed.

One theory is that Li Rui can rely on his sudden and substantial improvement to try to rescue his own elite personnel who have been controlled and make up for the overall combat power.

Another person believes that this spark of hope should be preserved and return to a safe place first before making any calculations.

Li Rui could hear the argument coming from the communicator. He clicked his tongue: "There is no time to discuss now. If I leave a minute late, many more people may die. I am leaving now. Please approve."

The generals, directors, etc. were silent, they couldn't make up their minds.

At this time, Ling Zixiao stepped forward, pointed at the radio part of the device and said, "Approved!" (End of Chapter)

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