The scene turns to Ace Lab and others. Ace and others are basking in the sun on Lab and heading towards the Misty Forest. An island slowly emerges in the sea in the distance. When they get closer, they see that it is an island about the same size as Lab, which seems to be floating on the sea. There is no soil and the island is full of strange trees.

Ace: "Skarl, is this island the Misty Forest?"

Skarl: "Although I haven't been there, the pointer I found from the Red Mane Warrior shows this direction, but the island feels a bit weird, as if it is alive."

Just as the two were communicating, a sudden change occurred. More than a dozen vines stretched out from the island and tied Lab. Lab could not dodge and was tied. Ace and others felt that Lab could break free but failed to help Lab in time. Lab struggled hard, and the water was turbulent, but he could not break free from the vines. Just as Lab struggled, thorns grew on the vines and stabbed into Lab's body. Lab struggled more violently in pain.

Ai Ye: "Ace, burn the vines quickly, as if these vines are absorbing Lab's vitality."

After hearing this, Ace immediately burned all the vines with fire. Lab was a little exhausted at this time, which made Ace and others feel distressed and regretted not supporting him in the first time. Lab also felt the worry of everyone.


Comforted everyone and told them not to worry, it would be fine after a rest.

Ace suddenly saw a figure in the forest observing them, but when he looked carefully, he couldn't find the figure.

Ace: "I saw someone in the forest, maybe the murderer who hurt Lab, I will go in and check it myself, you stay here to guard Lab."

After saying that, he turned into a flame and flew into the forest.

The trees in the forest saw the flame approaching and immediately began to retreat. Seeing this scene, Ace decided to test and put away the flame. When the flame was put away, the trees immediately rushed towards Ace. Seeing this scene, Ace released the flame again.

Ai Ye: "Ace, it seems that this island is really alive. Fortunately, your fire restrains it."

Ace: "It feels like someone is always watching me."

Ace: "It's impossible. I looked around and didn't find anyone. Unless."

Ace: "Unless what."

Ace: "Unless the other party merged with these forests."

Ace: "How is it possible."

Ace: "Some fruits will assimilate the surrounding objects after awakening. This may be a fruit awakener. I haven't seen this fruit in my memory. I guess it should be a tree or something, but his nemesis may be you."

Ace: "Devil Fruit ability user?"

Ace: "Yes, it's not an ordinary ability."

Ace: "It doesn't matter. Look, isn't it afraid of fire?"

Ace: "Don't be careless. It may be an awakener. If it has domineering power, it can be immune to fire."

In this quiet forest, the sun shines through the gaps between the leaves, forming mottled light and shadow. Suddenly, a green light flashed, and leaves came at him like meteors.

Ace's eyes became sharp in an instant, and his body reacted instinctively. He quickly turned sideways, and the leaves almost brushed the corner of his clothes and flew past, bringing a breeze.

However, the crisis was not resolved. Then, several sharp branches shot from different directions, faster and at more tricky angles. He was not at all flustered, and his feet moved flexibly, like a ghost. The training effect of seeing and hearing was significant, and these attacks did not hurt Ace at all.

Ace jumped and rolled from time to time, cleverly avoiding these attacks, and some of the unavoidable ones were taken away directly with a fireball.

In the process of dodging, he did not forget to observe the source of the attack. He found that there were attacks all around, and he could not find the enemy hidden in the woods. A serious look flashed in Ace's eyes. If the opponent did not show up, he would be quite passive. He decided to take the initiative to force the opponent to show up. He could not waste time. Isuka didn't know what happened.

Ace: "Who is it? Come out, why are you attacking us?"

A thing that looks like a human face grew out of a tree.

Nameless Pirate: "Hahaha, attack you? No, I attack all creatures I meet."

Ace: "Why do you do this? We are just passing by."

Nameless Pirate: "You are all my nutrients, this world is mine, I want to rule this world, hahaha."

Ace: "Sorry, I want to be the Pirate King, so I have to get rid of you."

After saying that, a fireball was fired, and the wooden man was immediately blown to pieces, but several wooden human faces grew on other trees.

Nameless Pirate: "Hahaha, I am invincible on my wooden island. As long as there is a piece of wood, I can live."

Ace: "Then I willBurn this island. "Divine Fire Shiranui"

A large amount of fire damage burned an area of ​​the island to ashes, but soon, the surrounding trees slowly approached again.

Nameless Pirate: "Hahaha, you can't kill me. I'll wait for you to run out of energy and then devour you."

Ai Ye: "Ace, I found that this guy's tree energy is endless. It seems that he has reached the awakening state somehow, but he can't use domineering. This is your chance. Simply wrap up the entire island to isolate his energy intake and get rid of him at once. He can't rely on absorbing other materials to replenish energy to generate trees."

Ace: "But I haven't been able to use it before, forget it. Divine Fire·Yandi·Bagua Furnace"

A huge flame spread out and enveloped the entire wooden island.

Star: "Abu, stay away, this flame should be from Ace, it's dangerous to get too close.


Wuming Pirate: "What, I can't feel the energy replenishment, hum, even so, let's see whether I have more physical strength or you have more physical strength, I am invincible, no one can kill me."

After the flames enveloped the wooden island, the trees on the island attacked the flames frantically, trying to put out the flames.

The wood and the flames started a fierce duel. The flames tried to devour the wood and turn it into ashes; while the wood tried to resist the attack of the flames and put out the flames.

The duel between the flames and the wood lasted for a day and a night, and the flames turned the wood from a hundred meters to more than ten meters. The physical strength of the two was seriously depleted, especially Ace's first use of such a large-scale skill, and his physical strength began to show signs of overdrawn. Fortunately, he insisted on exercising and his physical strength increased rapidly, otherwise he would not be able to hold on for long in this battle, but he would not be able to hold on for long in his current state.

Seeing that the situation deviated from his expectations, the nameless pirate immediately said: "I think you are almost done, how about we stop fighting and go home?"

Ace thought to himself, "This person is very strong. If I give up now, I will not be able to fight again. The opponent is in a better condition than me. If I don't hold on, it will definitely bring a devastating disaster to my team. I must get rid of him."

Ace said: "Stop talking nonsense, come when you want, leave when you want, what kind of fire man do you think I am?"

"Divine Fire·Calcination·Maximum Power."

The flames surrounding the wood immediately increased in strength, and the compression speed was much faster.

The nameless pirate screamed in pain: "Ahhh, I will never let you go."

Ace used up the last of his strength and fell from the air.

Mihael, who was watching the battle from the outside, noticed Ace's situation. "Hurry, Ace is going to fall into the sea."

Labo accelerated and caught Ace before Ace fell into the sea. After being examined by Deuce, Ace was exhausted and unconscious. He only needed to rest for a few days.

Although Labo had absorbed some of his power from the vines, fortunately Ace burned the vines in time and did not cause any substantial damage to Labo. After a short rest, Labo recovered and continued to move towards the Misty Forest while recuperating with Ace and others.

At the same time Ace fell, a piece of charred wood also fell into the sea. Since Labo and others only paid attention to Ace's movements, Ai Ye discovered it, but no one except Ace could see or hear it.

After the charred wood fell into the water, it slowly floated up. A figure emerged from the wood and looked in the direction of Ace, saying, "I will definitely seek revenge on you."

After that, he fell into a coma. The charred wood slowly drifted with the sea. Green branches actually grew out of the charred wood. The branches cleverly caught the small fish around and absorbed their vitality. Soon, the small fish became a dried fish and was thrown into the sea by the branches.

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