Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 3606: despise

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Xu Yun followed Liu Benliu all the way to Wellington Street in Central. The car was parked at the door of a morning tea shop with the three large characters of Lianxianglou.

However, Liu Benliu didn't mean to get off at all. He just frowned across the window and glanced at this morning tea shop.

In fact, this is no wonder, because Lianxianglou looks really low grade outside, and Xu Yun also knows that the consumption here is not high, and the average person can eat it, so the passenger flow is relatively large.

But this is the original ecological Hong Kong-style morning tea. The Lotus House has a long history. There were three originally located in Hong Kong and Macau. There is only one room on Wellington Street in Central. It is really a hundred years old. In the old shop, Xu Yun felt sorry for Liu Benliu, because people of his "grade" might not be able to look down on Lianxianglou, so they might not have been in it once.

The history here has been long enough to make it a symbol of the original ecological Hong Kong-style morning tea. It can be said that the Lianxianglou has witnessed the prosperity of Hong Kong and Macao.

Although there are no beautiful and exquisite restaurants in those star-rated restaurants, there is no Michelin rating, but when you come here, you can truly feel that morning tea is already an indispensable part of the daily life of Hong Kong and Macao people.

Perhaps Liu Benliu is not used to this kind of "no grade" without restraint, no restraint, no one to help him arrange seats, there is really no customer who is always on the go.

Originally Da Fei was kind, and wanted to bring Liu Benliu here to taste the original ecological Hong Kong-style morning tea.

But Liu Benliu didn't appreciate it, he could only let people drive off Wellington Street.

"Wan Chai Harbour Road, Grand Hyatt Hotel." Dafei Road.

The younger driver drove his heart, and Da Fei was going to take Liu Benliu to No. 1 Harbor, which was a high-end, high-cost place.

The design concept of No. 1 Harbour Bay originated from the luxurious mansion of the Shanghai Daban in the 1930s, which can be said to be extremely compelling.

Moreover, the restaurant has a breathtaking sea view of Victoria Harbour, glass ceilings, lotus fountains, and it is definitely a place for people who love the show circle to take pictures ...

Liu Benliu is very satisfied with the environment here. The restaurant is decorated with beautiful and delicate rosewood, and the natural stone columns increase the sense of space on the lower level, which makes him particularly enjoyable.

The lotus fountain is laid with chic mosaic glass stones, as well as hand-made carpets, wooden furniture and curtains, giving a particularly warm harmony.

If Xu Yun followed the other people in the dining room casually, he knew in his heart that if the two had breakfast together, there would be no more than four or five thousand.

Don't really think how expensive a breakfast can be. This is one of the top 20 restaurants in Asia. A six-star restaurant is not a worthy reputation!

Seeing that Liu Benliu and the other party were seated, Xu Yun contacted Qin Waner, asked him to come here, and told Qin Waner to ask her to have breakfast.

Qin Waner rushed over in more than ten minutes and was shocked as soon as she entered the restaurant. If she did n’t come with Xu Yun, it was estimated that they were just trying to stare at Liu Benliu, and they would be poor.

Xu Yun motioned Qin Waner to sit in the corner that he chose to be the least noticeable. They were not far from Liu Benliu's meal, so they could hear every word clearly.

Liu Benliu unceremoniously ordered some food that he was interested in. At that table, no one could not leave 20,000.

Da Fei has been persevering. After the initiative is not in his hands, he has little temper for Liu Benliu.

"Mr. Liu, I hope you can give me a face." Dafei Road: "Now let's open the skylight to speak brightly, 22% is my bottom line."

Upon hearing this, Liu Benliu ignored the meaning of Dafei. He was casually eating shrimp dumplings. The shrimp dumplings here are transparent and smooth, and they are smooth and delicious. It is definitely the best shrimp dumplings he has ever eaten.

"It is worthy of the excellent shrimp dumplings, the skin is white as snow, thin as paper, translucent, the meat filling is vaguely visible, and it tastes smooth and fresh." Liu Benliu stopped for a long time before responding with a sentence that was not related to the theme at all if.

Da Fei froze for a moment: "General Liu, what exactly do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything." Liu Benliu still didn't look up, and picked up another piece of steaming and selling.

While enjoying the delicious, while expressing their own enjoyment.

After eating, he also shook his head and picked up another barbecued pork bun: "I prefer to eat barbecued pork buns rather than siu mai, especially this kind of fat and thin barbecued pork is stuffed. The foreskin is steamed and soft and just cracked. The roasted pork roast filling reveals the aroma of roasted pork roast. What does that sentence say, tall bird-cage type, with a big belly and a burly belly, with a mouthful and only slightly exposed filling! "

Apart from the emotion, Liu Benliu took a sip of tea: "It tastes delicious and delicious, and I don't get tired of it! Every time I come to Hong Kong and Macao, I have to eat barbecued pork buns in the morning.

"Mr. Liu, I don't think we really need to go around the corner." Dafei's face was ugly.

Liu Benliu nodded: "Yeah, that's right, I really don't need to turn around."

"The price I gave you ..."

"It's you who keeps turning around me." Liu Benliu interrupted Da Fei's words without any words. "You said you shouldn't turn around me, but now you have to say 22%. You don't really think Am I stupid? "

Da Fei was utterly utterly speechless, and had no idea what to say.


"Da Fei, if you think it is necessary to continue to go around, then we will continue to go around." Liu Benliu said: "However, I only have this meal time to play with you, wait for this meal time to pass, I ’m about to find another cooperation. My time is really tight. "

Da Fei panicked when he landed.


"Speak after you think about it." Liu Benliu raised his hand and told Dafei not to talk nonsense: "Think clearly, tell me a price, don't do it like this? Do you think it's okay to drop three points? Did n’t you feel guilty when you spoke? "

Dafei closed his eyes and tried to calm down his mood, then slowly said: "Okay, since you said so, then I will finally understand with President Liu."

"Well." Liu Benliu nodded. "I look forward to you saying a price that will not let me shoot the table and walk away."

"Twenty, twenty percent." Dafei seriously said: "This is the bottom line given by Mr. Guan. I am not the one who wants to hack you, but as long as I do, business always has to bargain. That ’s why I had to make that kind of decision. "

Dafei said this, it was like his brain was flooding.

Liu Benliu sneered in his heart, this **** is still too tender.

"Dafei, you know in your heart that there is bound to be a bargain in doing business. You now tell me that Mr. Guan's price is 20% commission, do you expect me to promise you directly?" Defiant eyes looked at the big flyway.

[New Year's start, thanks to the 163 book friends who have met on WeChat for the red envelopes and blessings sent on the New Year's Day. They will not be nominated one by one, thanks! It ’s good to know it. I believe you can see it. I wish you all the best in the new year and all your wishes are fulfilled. The blessings are two days late. Do n’t mind. There were more complicated things in my home the previous two days. I did n’t have the energy to distract. The perfunctory blessings were not sincere, so I sent the blessings even though I was two days late. I have nothing to offer you, I can only hope that you can relax and have a good mood while reading. 】

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