Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 3616: Unexpected person

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"Please ask me to allow me to introduce myself." The young man smiled and said: "My name is Nokia, you can call me Arnold. I have been serving guests in the Australian casino for more than six years."

"You don't look in your twenties, do you come here to do things as a teenager?" Qin Wan'er asked back.

Arnold shook his head: "Of course it is impossible, but the casinos in our Australian area are stipulated by law, and no one can come in if they are under 21 years old."

"Don't say it's useless, you can help us do anything, serve what." Xu Yun finished, and gave the remaining chips to the other party: "If you just help me carry the chips, then it's meaningless. "

"There are many things I can do for you." Arnold smiled slightly: "Of course not only that service, but if there is only that service, I am also embarrassed to charge you any service fees."

"Will you please wait when I am interested in playing, I am not in a mood to play now." Xu Yun finished and waved directly: "All the remaining three million chips are still betting on the size of the bet On the table. "

Although Qin Wan'er was surprised and couldn't close her mouth, she pretended to be very calm. Unlike Xu Yun, Xu Yun's peace was really calm.

When Xu Yun exchanged chips, he never thought of taking back the original card. Zuo Meiyan gave him this card before he came. Although the money is not much, there are tens of millions.

After all, Zuo Meiyan often travels to and from Hong Kong and Macao because of work relations. It is also necessary to prepare some money here.

Seeing Xu Yun's generous and indifferent appearance, Ano, the stacker, decided in his mind that he was absolutely rich, and the rich in the mainland.


When the size of the game was revealed, Xu Yun actually won again!

This is absolutely luck. Xu Yun never really thought that he could win. He wanted to lose all his last money in a smart way.

"Sir, your luck is really good." Arnold flattered: "If you don't take advantage of your luck, you can take a few chases to win, it's too bad."

"Forget it. Stop playing." Xu Yun insisted on shaking his head. "This place is much more chaotic than Las Vegas. I don't like a too chaotic environment."

Arnold froze for a moment, thinking that this is a regular visitor to Alaski? This is the first time I have come to Australia.

"Since you have found me, I won't let you run in vain, help me to redeem these winning chips." Xu Yun said: "How much is your commission."

Arnold shook his head hurriedly: "No, since I haven't served yet, it is absolutely not allowed to take guests' money."

"I let you take it, let you go to help me exchange chips, that is also service." Xu Yun said: "This is too chaotic, I really don't want to play, and I don't often come to the Australian area, the bank here There ’s not much money, and it ’s too much fun to play like this. "

The 100,000 chips in the ordinary hall are indeed too pediatric for the real local tyrants.

"Sir, you're worth it. It's really inappropriate to play here. You really should go to the VIP room. That kind of place meets your identity." Arnold said: "And the starting chips of 200,000 can also be used. It's more fun to play, with up to two million chips, as big as you want. "

Xu Yun froze for a moment, showing a little interest, and smiled to Arnold: "It turns out there is also a VIP room."

"Not only." Arnold said: "Our VIP room in Australia is much better than that in Alaska." Arnold said: "Sir, would you like me to take you to experience the experience?"

"If I bring tens of millions, it's not enough to play in the VIP room!" Xu Yun frowned and looked at Qin Waner uncomfortably: "You call the company and ask to find a way to draw a pen for me When money comes, I am here to find pleasure, and this small and petty play is not pleasant. "

Qin Wan'er was asked suddenly. She didn't know how to answer the call for the first time, but she responded fairly quickly and nodded immediately.

"Sir, I saw that you are also a valuable person, I believe you are not short of money." Arnold said: "I can take you to see our boss, maybe you two know each other, our boss is willing to help you out A fee. "

"Are you sure you didn't make a joke? I didn't want it to be a little bit." Xu Yun said.

"Of course not kidding." Arnold patted his chest and assured: "Trust me, I can help you solve the problem."

Xu Yun still looked at Arnold up and down with suspicion: "Wouldn't you be tempting me to borrow a loan shark and then black me?"

"It definitely doesn't mean that." Arnold quickly explained: "If you need a loan shark, I can help you, but I can see from your temperament that you are not the lack of money, you don't need a loan shark, so I just want to introduce you to our boss. "

"It's like this." Xu Yun touched his chin: "It doesn't matter if I see it, I don't have any loss anyway."

"Of course you have not lost, but your time is the most precious thing. I promise you will not waste your most precious thing." Arnold emphasized this again and again: "You can rest assured, absolutely not."

Xu Yun thought for a while: "OK, I will give you a chance to see that you are so sincere and I believe you will not waste my time."

"Absolutely not." Arnold made a please gesture after speaking.

Under the leadership of Arnold, Xu Yun and Qin Waner went directly to a super-luxury suite in the hotel of the casino. Xu Yun knew that many of the bosses of the yards would have long-term rooms in the casino hotel, which was used to talk about business. of.

Familiar guests will even come directly to them.

However, there must be an appointment. If there is no appointment, it is likely that the employed bodyguard will be used to smash the field. I am afraid that the end will be very serious.

Xu Yun and Qin Wan'er led into the suite under the leadership of each other. Under the watch of several bodyguards, they came to the living room, only to find out that the person they wanted to meet was actually known!

The other party was stunned when they saw Xu Yun and Qin Wan'er. They didn't expect that the person they were bringing was actually the two of them.

Xu Yun looked at the other person and frowned, while the other party's eyes kept sweeping the bodies of Xu Yun and Qin Wan'er. He seemed to want to see the inner world directly through the outside of the two.

The boss of Die Mazai was actually the man that Xu Yun and Qin Waner met on the boat when they came to Australia yesterday. The uncle who would stand up and sing their poems right!

This world is really too small and too small, Xu Yun doesn't understand it. You said that you are a big boss with a stack of yards, and you actually take a ferry to get amused!

Finally, a smile appeared on the other person's face, and he first showed it to Xu Yun.

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