Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 522: 10 Fire Dragons in the Sky

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On the surface of the sea, thirty ships rushed out of the port and headed straight for the open sea. These ships were snatched by Chang Song's soldiers on the south side of the island as soon as they landed on the beach, because at that time there were only less than 200 armed people on the island, and they couldn't protect the small port at all.

Most of these boats are speedboats and small transport boats. They are not large in tonnage at all, so the rescued abducted people are all crowded on the boats, and even the walls of the hulls are covered with black people who came up later.

On a speedboat, Chang Song yelled at the small transport boat next to him: "Maintain order! Don't rush, don't panic!"

"Don't squeeze us, I can't catch it!"

A middle-aged man was hanging on the edge of the hull, holding on to the iron guardrail with both hands, shouting non-stop.

"Help me, let me climb up!" A black man below, with no body support, could only grab the legs of the middle-aged man above.

"Let go! I'm going to fall too!"

"I beg you!"

"Get lost!" The middle-aged man kicked down twice.

"Go to hell, die together!" The black man frantically tugged at the middle-aged's two legs, climbing up with red eyes.


The two struggled for a while, fell into the water together, and were pushed away by the waves.

"Save... save me... Gululu!"

The two struggled and shouted on the surface of the sea, and slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.

Chang Song saw the tragic situation of the two with his own eyes, but he could do nothing, because the other party's pursuit had not yet ended, and more than a dozen helicopters came out near the beach, flying at low altitude.

How can the horsepower of a small boat compare with the speed of a helicopter? The two groups of people quickly drew closer on the sea.

"Da da da…!"

After the helicopter formation approached, relying on the air superiority, they began to shoot down frantically.

For a while, under the onslaught of high-altitude firepower, the ships without any armaments were like fixed targets. They could only be beaten, but they could not make effective counterattacks.

"Boom, boom!"

The two speedboats were swept away and exploded in an instant, and the crowded forty or fifty people on board were ignited by the fire, screaming in unison, or were blown up, or jumped into the sea by themselves, missing.

A helicopter approached a small transport ship, and an Eastern European soldier above him manipulated the airborne flamethrower with a grim expression, and pressed the fire button on the right side of the hull where the most people were.


The fire slanted down, and the burning length was as high as fourteen to five meters. The abductees gathered on the right side of the hull were so crowded that they had nowhere to hide. They could only watch the scorching flames attacking them.

The sixty and seventy people were ignited by the fire, howled, and scurried around without knowing where to go. In the end, some people couldn't bear the pain of burning and jumped directly from the boat into the sea water.

The brutal massacre continues!

In fact, at the moment, the personnel pursued by Island No. 6 and Island No. 8 don't know what they should do or what the specific mission goal is. Because the island was too chaotic just now, nearly 10,000 people rushed out of Building No. 1, some of them were trapped on the island without escaping, and some were launched into the water by boat. So many people were mixed together, and now they want to rely on hundreds of people, It is definitely unrealistic to capture them back.

If you can't stop these abductees, why not catch the armed men who attacked the island? This is also very difficult to do! Helicopters definitely cannot land on the sea, and there is no place for soldiers to lock down. With so many ships running together, who can tell which is the enemy soldier and which is the commander?

So the helicopter formation that chased them was also very confused. He didn't know how to stop so many people from retreating together. But one thing is certain, that is, there is fire and resentment in their hearts. The security department of the entire archipelago had to bear the responsibility for being attacked in the middle of the night and being beaten like this. In addition, many of their comrades-in-arms and friends died, so a large part of the reason for their wanton massacre was also to vent their anger.

Inside the hidden command post.

Holding the communication device, General Fu urged anxiously, "Big Eyeball Li! How long will it take for your support to arrive?! If you don't come, all my more than 30 ships will be sunk!"

"It's already gone! Don't rush, we need to take a detour, and we can't enter from the cruise point, otherwise there is no way to explain it later." Li Dayanzi immediately responded: "Soon, right away!"

"I'll just keep an eye on it. If you don't get support, I won't withdraw. I'll go down the mountain to meet you." General Fu replied stubbornly.

"Soon, I'm watching too."

After the two communicated, General Fu immediately waved his hand: "How long will it take for the person I asked you to send to the side of the living village to arrive?"

"Ten minutes!" The staff officer next to him immediately replied: "There are not many guards in the headquarters now."

"It's not important anymore." General Fu waved his hands, staring at the real-time feedback from the ships, and said hoarsely, "Wait for the results on the sea."

on the sea.

A pilot helicopter of Island No. 6 circled the periphery while shouting.

"Release Mr. Carl, or kill them all!" The Eastern European soldier on the co-pilot shouted in English, his tone full of threats.

On the boat, Lao Hei turned his head and looked aside: "What did he say?"

Baldy Fei frowned and translated: "They want the leader on the island, otherwise they will continue to shoot and slaughter."

"Damn it, I'll kill him with one shot!" Lao Hei set up his automatic and squinted his eyes to aim, wanting to try his luck and see if he could hit the cockpit of the helicopter.

In the surrounding area, five or six speedboats had been sunk, and the screams of those who crashed were everywhere, as well as the raging fire.

On the ships, the despicable side of human nature suddenly appeared. In order to protect themselves from being hurt, many people instinctively pulled people weaker than themselves to block the guns, or kicked the victims who were on fire into the sea.

That's right, the helicopter's machine guns brought massacres, but the self-struggle of the people on board also caused a lot of casualties, and not a few were pushed off the ship alive.

Of course, there are also people who are trying their best to rescue their companions and help others as much as possible. In short, the scene on the sea at this moment is like a microcosm of a small society.

"Release Mr. Carl!"

The helicopter formation wandered in mid-air, continuing to fire and slaughter the ships.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Just when the massacre was at its most intense stage, a few long dragon-like lights suddenly appeared in the direction of the distant high seas.

There were ten dragons, roaring towards them at an extremely fast speed, and entered the pursuit zone in the blink of an eye.

That was the Wing Loong 2 unmanned combat aircraft flying from the Lurong.

"Whoosh whoosh...!"

More than a dozen engine-mounted missiles lit up in the dark sky and flew towards the helicopter indiscriminately.

"Report to the headquarters, they have foreign aid, unmanned combat aircraft, and mounted missiles, request...!"


Before the observers of the pilot helicopter finished their report, the cabin was instantly blown up and fell into the sea on the spot.

Looking at the pterosaur in the sky, Chang Song breathed a sigh of relief, lay flat and said, "Made, it's finally here!"

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