Witcher's Atelier

Chapter 517: Things as precious as gold

"What do I want?

Ha ha! Why are you asking this suddenly?

People of Kevir, ask yourself: I have almost everything and I am lacking nothing, so I must tell you a wish.


I want world peace.

I hope that the kings will restrain their desires, end meaningless territorial disputes, focus on people's livelihood and well-being, and bring long-term peace to the mainland.

Hey, don't laugh, I know this idea is too naive. "

“…Oh no, Your Excellency, I laugh because I am moved, not because I am despised.

I say this with sincerity, your gentle and delicate heart is as precious as gold.

Your wish is by no means a ridiculous fantasy. Under your outstanding leadership, world peace will surely come!

I, Xi'er, firmly believe in this! "

──"The Sacred Book of Fire." Acts 3:8》

The magnificent Novigrad, no matter day or night, there is an eternal bonfire burning.

However, light and darkness coexist. There is often as much darkness as there is light.

For example, last night, a shocking and brutal robbery occurred at the Kingfisher Hotel in the bustling district of Novigrad.

At that time, the victim was careless and was held hostage by the robbers into an extremely narrow alley. They violently suppressed him from all directions and beat him until he foamed at the mouth.

But, where there is oppression, there is resistance!

The victims who were not willing to be robbed also struggled hard. With their excellent physical fitness and tenacious and brave attacks, the robbers were dizzy and confused several times.

Unfortunately, the plundering party seized an excellent opportunity to attack and attacked the opponent's weak point. The victim who was pinned below had no choice but to succumb and lost an unbearable loss of life.

It is said that at least ten bags of gold were stolen while he was in a daze.

As a good friend of this unnamed victim, I must say that this tragedy is truly enviable--well, no, it makes one hide one's face and sigh...

──Excerpted from Dandelion. "The Dark Documentary of the Pearl of the North." Gold Looters 6:9》

The next evening, on behalf of the Phantom Troupe, and Philippa. Erhart formed an alliance and gained the cooperation of the other party's sorceress──Xier. Tanshavier passed through the portal and appeared in the forest near Port Oxenfurt.

The person walking with her, yawning, was the leader of the Phantom Troupe, the witcher Victor. Corleone.

Xi'er looked hesitant, "Sir, I still feel something is wrong. Are you sure you want to go there in person?

Now that Radovid is at the height of his power and his moody style is unpredictable, it is just a simple act of delivering bait. We can actually hand over the task to Dijkstra's minions without risking this trip. "

"For safety reasons, what you said makes sense, but I want to go myself." Victor raised an index finger and shook it from side to side.

"Just think of it as a bad joke, but before extraditing His Majesty into a trap, I want to see him peacefully one more time. Maybe we can play a game of chess.

At least we met when we were young, when I had just mastered alchemy, and Radovid was not hard-hearted..."

"I understand, then please be careful. The furious Radovid is becoming more and more ulterior, and may order your arrest!"

The witcher waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I've met him many times, and I have a rough idea of ​​his nature. I'm just providing information, so I won't get into trouble.

Moreover, conventional attacks are almost meaningless to me, and it is easy to escape intact. If His Majesty Redania insists on turning against him, there is a high probability that he will lose his troops and generals, and there is a small probability that he will die earlier, and it will not end well anyway.

So, that’s it! You go back first and organize other guys to prepare for an ambush! "

After speaking, he patted Xi'er on the shoulder, and the witcher turned around quickly, snapped his fingers with his right hand, and a piece of music with a strong rhythm and grandeur flowed.

The undisguised invincibility could be heard from the melody, "Your will." The sorceress bowed and watched Victor go away.

After a while, the port of Oxenfurt. In front of Pier 3.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Look who's coming! Victor Corleone of the Phantom Troupe, an evil and deformed mutant! A filthy wild dog abandoned by a sorceress!"

The thin cheeks have sharp nasolabial lines, and the middle-aged knight who spoke has a pale complexion and wears magnificent armor, indicating that he has a distinguished status; and such merciless insults were heard by the surrounding guards and looked at the witcher. Immediate visible changes.

This guy with a bad mouth is an old enemy, so. Patrick de Vize of the Knights of the Flaming Rose - once attempted to murder Angouleme in Vizima, betrayed Siegfried in Lomuene and joined Radovid V.

To meet an almost forgotten little person here can only be said to be a lucky reunion as precious as gold!

Deciding to find an opportunity to deal with him, Victor did not hesitate to give the dying man a bright smile, "Haha! Long time no see, Knight Patrick. Congratulations. Judging from your clothes, it seems you have been promoted?"

His thin eyebrows were knitted, and Patrick's eyes were sinister, "Stop smiling at me, you dirty mutant! When the trial of the inhuman race is over, it will be your turn next, don't think you can escape!"

Soon! When His Majesty gives the order, I promise to appear as soon as possible to end your worthless life, and by the way, I will also send that stinky cousin of Angouleme to the stake! "

"Hiss... the fire rack!? I understand, and I remember it." The witcher shrugged his shoulders and turned to another guard next to him, "Please tell me that I want to see the king, and there is Philippa Earhart. New information."

As soon as the name of the sorceress came out, all the guards, including Patrick, were immediately horrified; after all, it had only been half a year since she fell from power, and to all Redanians, the "Tritog Palace Spider" still had its power!

Therefore, although the knight kept his expression unkind, he did not make any unnecessary provocations. He knew very well what the news about the sorceress meant to the king.

The dragon has reverse scales, and you will die if you touch it!

However, safety cannot be ignored.

Before Victor boarded the ship, the guards took away the witcher's sidearms, an ordinary steel sword and an ordinary silver sword, and handcuffed him with anti-magic metal handcuffs before he was allowed to pass the security check.

Tsk tsk... The last time you came to the audience, you only had to remove your weapons, and your body at least had some dignity. Now you actually need to be handcuffed. How afraid of death is your majesty?

He complained in his heart, but on the surface Victor still cooperated with them in their work. Anyway, the weapons he usually used had prosthetics, which were very convenient to use.

Then Patrick led the way, followed by the high-ranking mage Kaduin, who escorted the famous dragon slayer from the north into the Royal Tritog via the gangplank.

The entire journey was silent.

Arriving at the renovated luxurious terrace at the end of the deck, Victor met the ruler of Redania again. Nemesis of the men in black. Hunt the Witch King. The hard-hearted Radovid V.

He wears a fine gold crown and a silver eagle robe with a red background. He has a familiar handsome profile and bald head. Just like when they first met, he is holding his chin in his left hand while thinking, and playing with the chess pieces on the ivory board with his right hand. His behavior is full of the majesty of a superior. .

I really miss it!

Stopped by the guard at a suitable distance, the witcher bowed slightly and said with impeccable etiquette, "Your Majesty, Victor Corleone salutes you."

Radovid, who had not seen him for half a year, raised his head and did not immediately greet his old friend Victor. Instead, he stared at him with eyes wide open, his pupils a little sickly and yellow, and his sharp gaze cold and ruthless.

……Why! Time is really a butcher's knife. What a good person the little bald man was before, what a courteous and virtuous corporal he was!

Thinking of the king's former friendly manner, the witcher sighed with emotion. The comparison between the past and the present was really unbearable; and then as expected, Radovid nodded in return, without even mentioning that he should sit down. He had promised to have it forever before he left. The privilege of the seat just disappeared with the wind without a sound, filling the gap between Mrs. Niu and Xiao Tiantian.

Of course, Victor would not insist on mentioning it. It was purely unpleasant to argue with someone who was mentally ill. So with the sick eyes, he stood calmly and waited for the king to speak first.

The silence lasted for a moment before Radovid V put down his chess pieces and leaned back in his chair. "Victor Corleone, I didn't expect to see you. There are rumors going around now. All I need to do is bring information about Philippa Earhart." , you will get the reward.

There are too many greedy fools in this world, so a queue quickly formed in front of the boat.

I believe you are not such a fool, and this time you will bring something better than the magic crystal last time. "

"When I came here, I didn't see any people or dragons?" Victor raised his hand slightly, seemingly unintentionally letting the king clearly see the handcuffs.

However, His Majesty turned a blind eye and obviously had no intention of untying him. He just held his chin with one hand and said, "There was once a man who boarded the ship who was a hunter. He brought a blind owl with him, thinking that he could deceive him. I had his eyes poked out. , sinking into the sea with a stone tied around his neck.

There was also a boarder, the postmaster of Oxenfurt, who brought a letter written by Philippa. After it was confirmed to be a forgery, he had his fingers cut off as punishment for forgery, and his tongue was pulled out to stop lying...

…With so many brave souls demonstrating, needless to say, the rest of the queue quickly dissipated. "

A small smile graced the king's lips. He affectionately told the witchers the deeds of one forerunner after another, and the bloody rewards they received in exchange.

It can be seen from the high-spirited manner of the other party that the above memories made him satisfied.

Facing such a shrewd madman, Victor knew that it would be difficult to impress the other party with empty words, and that too much narrative would arouse suspicion.

So he squinted his eyes, took out the "evidence" directly from his arms, and asked the witch hunter standing next to him to hand it over.

A ring with the redanian eagle engraved on the ruby.

After taking the evidence and examining it, Radovid was absent-minded for a second. He was silent for a moment. The little bald man leaned forward and stared at the witcher with his yellow eyes like poisonous snakes. "This is my father's ring. I will never forget it, Fei." Lipa used it as a stamp to issue numerous edicts on behalf of the king.

where is she? "

"Right under your nose, Your Majesty. She is in Novigrad, in a room on the bridge to the Temple Island."

"Why don't you just bring her to me?"

The witcher shook his head, "Although she lost her eyes, she is still the most dangerous warlock in the continent. I chose to track her and steal this ring as evidence."

"Are you also afraid of her?"

"No. I'm worried about alerting Philippa and causing her to escape."

Playing with his father's ruby ​​ring during his lifetime, in the heart of the hard-hearted Radovid, coldness and crazy obsession intertwined.

He pondered for a long time.

In the end, the desire to capture her personally and tormenting Philippa overcame her reason.

He stood up suddenly, "Witcher, lead the way for me, Patrick! Gather the men."

"Yes! Your Majesty, how many people do you want to bring?" The sinister witch hunter bowed and asked.


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