After watching Zhou Lin get on the Didi,

Chen Mu turned around and returned to the dormitory.

The laboratory acquired today only provides the material basis for the next evolutionary path.

The next research is the highlight.

"My current physical ability has undoubtedly reached the limit of human beings"

"But is this really the limit of human genes?"

"Or is this just the limit of a certain stage?"

While waiting for the graduation defense,

Chen Mu hurriedly began the research process of human evolution.

Raising questions - guessing hypotheses - experimental design - conducting experiments - achieving results.

This is a complete experimental process.

"Why are there so many creatures in nature that are physically superior to humans?"

This is the question Chen Mu is thinking about.

Even if we put aside the fact that large beasts like lions and tigers crush humans in all aspects of physical fitness, some animals or insects also have unique advantages over humans.

The discharge ability of electric eels, the super adaptability of water bears, the rejuvenation of the jellyfish, etc.

The topic Chen Mu is currently researching is

——The super regenerative ability of animals represented by salamanders.

How outrageous is the regenerative ability of salamanders?

Let's put it this way, even if the head is broken, it can grow back.

Just like Sun Wukong in Chechi Kingdom.

A head is chopped and grown again, grown and chopped again, and it will not die no matter how it is rebuilt.

In addition.

Other animals such as starfish, comb jellies, sea cucumbers, earthworms, etc. also have amazing regenerative abilities.

Careful observation can clearly show a pattern.

These organisms with strong regenerative abilities are basically some micro and small organisms.

This leads to the second question.

Why do medium and large mammals have no regenerative ability?

However, the truth of this question is: medium and large mammals do not have no regenerative ability, but the expression of regenerative genes is suppressed.

Including humans!

Many people may not know.

During the embryonic development period of humans, even if the hands and feet are broken, they can be completely regenerated. In the infant period after the embryonic development is complete.

This regenerative ability is still partially retained, and a small part of the fingertips can be regenerated.

With age, this regenerative ability will gradually weaken.

It seems as if someone has sealed this special ability.

"The bigger the body, the more energy it needs to consume"

"In the past, when material production was not well developed,"

"More than half of the energy an adult consumes every day is used to maintain normal vital signs, and the rest is used for mental or physical labor, usually leaving no energy left."

"At this time, if humans still maintain the expression of regeneration genes, once they are injured, the expression process of regeneration genes will rob these few energies."

"This will undoubtedly lead to insufficient energy supply to the body, overdrawn vitality, and death due to cell failure throughout the body."

"Not only did it fail to save himself, but it accelerated his death."

"In the course of hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, the body has proactively locked the regeneration gene to prevent this from happening, preventing it from expressing normally."

"This is the gene lock!"

Chen Mu's eyes sparkled with a brilliant light.

He had found the next research target.

Unlock the gene lock!

He believed that it was not only the regeneration gene that was locked by the gene lock.

There were other ancient genes with greater potential that were also locked and could not be expressed.

The way to evolution was in it.



"Brothers, are you ready?"

Two days later in the afternoon, Zhao Xujie's high-pitched voice echoed throughout the dormitory.

They were scheduled to have their graduation defense on the same afternoon.

"I'm ready, I'm ready……"

Song Yu jumped up and down like a clown.

His tone and voice sounded like the yellow sponge in a pineapple.

"Chen Mu, let's go."

"We are about to graduate, and you are still studying so hard."

Liu Kaixuan came behind Chen Mu.

Looking at the densely packed foreign language papers on the computer screen, he felt his scalp tingling.

""Changes in regeneration-responsive enhancers shape regenerative capacities invertebrates."

What kind of paper is this?

I can't understand it at all.

The world of academic masters is really terrifying.

At this moment, Liu Kaixuan remembered the fear of being suppressed by Chen Mu for the past four years.

"You never stop learning, and you never stop living."

Chen Mu turned off the computer, patted Liu Kaixuan on the shoulder and said jokingly

"Chen Mu, you like studying so much, why don't you choose to continue to take the postgraduate entrance examination?"

Zhao Xujie asked curiously.

In the dormitory, Chen Mu's academic performance has always been the best.

But he did not choose to continue to take the postgraduate entrance examination, which is very curious.

"Studying is useless. I am going to start a business and make money as a boss.

Chen Mu shrugged and joked in a relaxed tone.

The humorous words made the three people laugh.

"Okay, when Boss Chen becomes rich, don't forget me. When the time comes, you can arrange a job for me that pays well and requires little work."

"As for me, my requirements are not high. I just want a monthly salary of 18,000 yuan, working from 9 to 5 with two days off a week."

"This is not a high requirement. It's good enough to work from 9 to 5. Do you want two days off? Just go to bed."


Amidst the laughter and joy, the four people in the dormitory rushed to the defense site.

The undergraduate students' defense does not require the students' tutors to sit in.

Therefore, the scene of the tutors arguing with the scholars for the students is impossible.

Fortunately, the undergraduate defense requirements are not very strict.

In fact, these teachers are more afraid that the students will not graduate than the students themselves.

As long as you prepare well, you can basically pass.

In the evening.

The setting sun is slanting, and the blood red burns through half of the sky.

Chen Mu has been waiting for an afternoon and finally stepped onto the podium for the defense.

The title of his graduation thesis comes from the weakened product of the super human drug research process.

A health product that can quickly restore physical strength and relieve fatigue.

For the targeted questions raised by several defense teachers,

Chen Mu answered fluently and almost without stagnation.

The perfect performance was easily recognized and passed the graduation defense with excellent results.

As soon as he left the defense site,

Chen Mu saw several brothers who had been waiting at the door for a long time.

There were also four beautiful figures.

Song Yu's girlfriend, Yang Hong.

And her three roommates, Long Xin, Huang Yuqi, and Zheng Lingling.

The seven people were chatting and laughing, and the relationship was very harmonious.

Suddenly, they quickly noticed Chen Mu

"Hello, Chen Mu, long time no see."

"Did the defense go well?"

The cheerful Long Xin smiled when she saw Chen Mu coming out. She took the initiative to greet him.

She was petite and had a chubby face, which made her look a little cute.

"Guaranteed success, brother."

Chen Mu made a gesture."OK"gesture, smiled triumphantly

"Heh, you slept with my brother."

Long Xin looks like a legitimate lolita.

In fact, her personality is more like a boy's. Not only can she easily grasp all kinds of popular online memes, but she is also a super shadow-level fighter in the village of Motou.

So when Chen Mu gets along with her, he treats her more as a brother.

"Now that everyone is here, let's not waste time."

"Let’s go?"


(Thanks to 17378.. for the monthly ticket support.)

(I will update for you later.)

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