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Mai Sakurajima shouted all the way, and from time to time poked Gokawa Shido’s shoulder with her finger, but Gokawa Shido never paid attention to her.

Mai Sakurajima couldn’t help but think, could it really be that she thought too much, and the other party really couldn’t see her?

What she didn’t know was that she had actually succeeded halfway, and Gokawa Shido was quite bored now!

When dating his beloved elf, he constantly harasses other people, even if it is a beautiful girl, he will still feel very unhappy.

It’s so annoying!

Although he knew that the other party had done nothing wrong, after all, the other party might regard yesterday’s incident as the only hope at the moment, so he pestered him like this.

But in the opinion of Gokawa Shido, Mai Sakurajima just needs to wait with peace of mind, and one day the male protagonist of the original story will come forward to help her solve the problem!

But the problem is that although he is not happy, he cannot say anything, because once he responds to the other party, or reacts to the other party’s words, then he loses and everything is exposed.

“Stupid!” (Yaga).

“Pervert!” (hentai)

“It’s noisy!”

Mai Sakurajima made the standard nail palace three times, but it still had no effect.

Just when Mai Sakurajima was about to say something, she suddenly found out…

The scenery around has changed, no longer the street just now, but indoors!

She frowned, glanced at the familiar ceiling, and said to herself:

“This is… School?

Mai Sakurajima walked around puzzled for a while, making sure that it was the Sobu High School she attended, and it was still in the first-year classroom.

It’s just that because everyone is out of school, there are not too many people, and there are only three or two students left, but everyone can’t see her presence, so they don’t know that she suddenly appeared in the classroom.

Is this something other than ‘air’?

Mai Sakurajima pondered for a while, after all, it will be ‘invisible’, and it is not unacceptable to ‘teleport’.

Only, why did she ‘teleport’ so suddenly?

If her sudden ‘teleportation’ was good for anyone, Mai Sakurajima immediately thought of Gokawa Shido just now, after all, when she returned to school, there was no way to disturb his date.

That’s right, Mai Sakurajima still doubts Gokawa Shido, normally, she would not doubt a person so firmly.

But because at noon, she chatted with a certain girl for a while, although she did not fully understand what the other party said, but the conclusion was that the person of Gokawa Shido was indeed a little strange.

In search of clues, Mai Sakurajima recalled what happened at noon….

“Mai, I know there’s a place to help you, come with me!”

Hiratsuka Shizuki, dressed in a large white hanger, turned around handsomely and left the instructor’s room with Mai Sakurajima.

Mai Sakurajima nodded gently, not many people in the school knew that Shizune Hiratsuka was actually her cousin, so the relationship was much closer than that of ordinary teachers and students.

She also knew that Shizune Hiratsuka was a good person and would not do anything unfavorable to her, so she followed with peace of mind.

After a while, the two came to an empty classroom, and saw Hiratsuka Shizune break in without knocking….

Mai Sakurajima looked inside curiously, and saw a girl with long black hair, sitting quietly in the center of the classroom reading a book, the girl was very cute, and she had a cold temperament, which was very special.

“Teacher, how many times have I said, please knock on the door before you come in!”

The girl looked at Shizuki Hiratsuka with a slight frown, seemingly not very happy.

“Sorry! But you shouldn’t have knocked on the door before…”

Hiratsuka scratched her hair embarrassedly, but there was clearly no remorse.

“That’s because teacher, you barged in every time without waiting for me to answer!”

The girl sighed, but also knew that it was useless to say more, so she looked curiously at Mai Sakurajima on the side.

She knew all the teachers and students in the school, and naturally knew Mai Sakurajima, the former big star, but she didn’t quite understand why Shizune Hiratsuka brought her here.

“Under the snow, Mai has something that needs your help, so let’s be your first guest here…”

Hiratsuka chuckled and stated the purpose of the trip.

“Teacher, this is the Ministry of Service, not the House of Everything!”

Yukinoshita Yukino emphasized that the Ministry of Service was only obligated to reach out to students in need, so there was no guest, and in her opinion there was a big difference, but Hiratsuka Shizuka didn’t care at all.

“Almost! Well, Mai will be handed over to you!


waved his hand casually, nudged Mai Sakurajima beside him again, and then left the classroom of the Ministry of Service with a smile, leaving the two who did not know each other, looking at each other a little awkwardly….

PS: Thanks to reader @Artoria. Pendragon Alter’s 1000VIP tip and reminder ticket, and thank you for the monthly tip reminder flower comment, and please continue to support!

. Thirty-nine, the two superpowers

looked at each other a little awkwardly, and were silent for a while, and finally Mai Sakurajima asked a little embarrassed:

“That… Yukinoshita-san, Hiratsuka-sensei said that you can help here, really?

“Those who have it give it to those who lack it with compassion, and people call it a volunteer.” Reaching out to those in need is the activity of this ministry. ”

Yukishita Yukino lightly stated the purpose of the ministry, but in fact, it was only a matter of saying, ‘Yes, that’s right!’ , you can answer the question.

In some ways, though, Yukinoshita is always unexpectedly persistent.

Mai Sakurajima thought carefully and understood what the other party meant, although she felt that the name of the Ministry of Service was a bit strange, but since Shizuki Hiratsuka brought her here, there must be her reason.

And the surname Yukoshita, she is very impressed, the former Yukinoshita Yono is also a popular figure in the school, this Yukinoshita Yukina, should be her sister!

So Mai Sakurajima did not hesitate too much, moved a chair and sat down, looking at Yukinoshita Yukino’s cold face, Mai Sakurajima said again:

“Yukinoshita-san, you are a second-year student, so do you know Gokawa Shido?”

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