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Fumino Furuhashi sighed, so he had to take Gokawa Shido’s answer and walk out of the classroom, and Miura Yuko naturally followed, because the two looked like they were going out separately, so no one suspected anything.

Only Nakano Nino noticed something, only to see her frown and mutter

: “Fumino Fumihashi, Yuko Miura, Gokawa Shido…”

Suddenly, Nakano Fumino felt a little wrong, and the situation didn’t seem to be good!

So she also left the classroom and secretly followed the two of them.

Sure enough, after the two walked out of the classroom, they chatted together!

Finally, Fumino Fumino Furuhashi and the two came to the end of the corridor, while Fumino Nakano hid around the corner at this time, barely able to hear the conversation between the two…

“Guqiao, is there any result?”

Miura Yuko asked a little anxiously, she knew that Fumino Furuhashi’s psychological test must not be so simple, there must be a hidden mystery!

In fact, this is true, but Fumino Furuhashi originally wanted to secretly guide Gokawa Shido during the psychological test and let him tell him the fact that he already had a girlfriend.

However, after being rejected by Gokawa Shido, she turned to using the boys in the class to divert her attention, which made her have no chance to chat with Gokawa Shido, and she couldn’t do this kind of thing.

But this psychological test should still be useful, after all, Fumino Furuhashi worked hard to find it on the Internet yesterday, testing what kind of girl boys like, it is said to be very accurate!

However, Gokawa Shido’s answer made her not know how to analyze…

Fumino Furuhashi sighed and decided to tell Yuko Miura about these things and let her think about it herself.

So Furuhashi Fumino explained softly:

“Actually, the title of the first article, saying the color of the rainbow, is actually liking the girl’s hair color, and Wuhe-san replied that

the rainbow color…” The

rainbow is beautiful, and the girl you like is naturally beautiful, so the boys will naturally associate together, and then subconsciously say the girl’s hair color.

In Fumino Furuhashi’s opinion, Gokawa Shido should answer yellow, after all, it seems that his girlfriend is blonde yesterday, but he didn’t expect that such an answer as rainbow color came out.

“In other words, do you like any hair color?”

Miura Yuko exhaled softly, and didn’t care too much, anyway, her hair color was also in the rainbow, at least not out.

Fumiko Furuhashi nodded, Miura Yuko was so optimistic, she didn’t expect it, but she couldn’t say that there was anything wrong with the other party’s thoughts, so she continued:

“And the second topic, when in danger, the height of the girl who can save him, is actually his favorite and thinks the height of the other half is the most suitable, and his answer is 144-165cm…”

The range of 144-165cm

is too big!

Furuhashi Wennai silently spat out.

Miura Yuko nodded in satisfaction, she was around 160 tall, which meant that she was in the range that Gokawa Shido liked.

“The last one, the advantages of the daughter, because the daughter will be born to him and his future wife, so the advantages of the daughter will be inherited from the mother, that is to say, the advantages of his fantasy wife…”

Fumino Fumino Furuhashi sighed again, Gokawa Shido’s answer is, as long as it is cute, what is the answer?!

However, Miura Yuko immediately smiled, she is very confident, in terms of cuteness, she will not lose to others!

That is, three psychological tests, she perfectly matched?

Miura Yuko thought excitedly, but she didn’t expect that such a condition, in fact, at least half of the girls in Sowu High met …

PS: Thank you for your support!


this time, Nakano Nina, who was hiding in a corner, happened to hear all this, and from the conversation between the two, she learned some very important information.

First of all, it turns out that Miura Yuko likes Gokawa Shido, and as for the reason for liking, they didn’t mention it just now, so Nakano Nino is not clear.

But what can be seen is that this is no longer an ordinary degree of liking, but quite a kind of adoration, and there is a feeling that it is necessary to have the Five Rivers Shido.

And for Nino Nakano, unlike her sister May Nakano, Yuko Miura is a bad love competitor!

In Nakano Jino’s opinion, Gokawa Shido is either with her, or with her sister May Nakano, anyway, it is not Miura’s turn to squeeze in, who is an outsider.

Nakano Jino can accept that her sister is with Gokawa Shido, and she can let go for her sister, but if Miura Yuko wants to snatch Gokawa Shido out of their hands, then absolutely not, she can’t accept it.

At this time, Nakano Nino had already regarded Miura Yuko as the number one enemy, and she decided, no matter so much, to knock Miura Yuko down first!

At the same time, Nakano Nino was also thinking about the results of the psychological test just now, and she summarized what Fumino Fumino Fumihashi said just now, the girl that Gokawa Shido likes, it doesn’t matter what hair color is, the body can wait for it, and then she looks cute….

Nakano nodded affirmatively, she felt that she and May perfectly met such conditions, which meant that their chances were still great!

Nakano Jino gritted her teeth, although she still had no way to determine her sister’s true intentions, but she also did not want to let Miura Yuko get the first hand, Miura Yuko was already so active, it seemed that she had to do something…

And Wuhe Shidao, who was still in the classroom at this time, naturally would not know the results of the psychological test just now, but he did not care, he did not think about the psychological test just now, after all, this was just a trivial matter for him.

But if Wuhe Shido knew the test results, he would definitely be unable to help but say, this is indeed very accurate!

Because the elves he likes do have all kinds of hair colors, red, orange, blue, green, purple, it can be said that they occupy all the colors of the rainbow.

The height of the elves is indeed in the range of 144-165cm, and they are all very cute, and more importantly, this group of elves like it!

So, to some extent, that psychological test is really quite powerful.

Gokawa Shido chuckled, seeing that the small break was almost over, and no one came to disturb him anymore, so he took out the textbook, prepared to study well, and continued to pretend to be his good student….

According to the class schedule, he knew that mathematics was next, and mathematics was the subject that Gokawa Shido was best at, of course, in order to keep a low profile, his math grades were mediocre like other subjects.

Wuhe Shido slowly opened the mathematics textbook, looked at the relatively simple high school math problems, and was about to do the problem, but suddenly saw something, couldn’t help but be stunned!

I saw that in his textbook, there was a white piece of paper, on which someone had drawn something in pencil, and it could be clearly seen that it was four girls drawn.

Gokawa Shido took a closer look and quickly guessed the identities of the four girls, namely Mai Sakurajima, Shiwa Kasumigaoka, Yuko Miura, and Fumino Fumihashi, which are quite well drawn, both in expression and posture, they are lifelike and perfect.

Naturally, this was not painted by himself, so why did the portraits of the four of them appear?

Gokawa Shido pondered for a while, and he suddenly found that these four girls had taken the initiative to talk to him this morning…

He didn’t think it was a coincidence, he believed that someone saw his conversation with these girls, and then drew the appearance of these girls, and put it in his textbook, which is a kind of record and a warning!

And this style of painting, Wuhe Shido can be said to be very familiar, that is, the painting style of Benjo Erya, but because Benjo Erya is not there, it can only be another elf who is also good at painting, that elf is the Seven Sins.

Although Gokawa Shido has also been Honjo Erya’s assistant for a while, in fact, what he does is only very simple retouching work, so let him draw simply, he can do it, but to draw so perfectly, it is not something he can do.

And the seven sins are the main assistant of this article Erya’s comics, so long, I have learned almost the same, and it can be seen that the painting style of the Seven Sins is getting closer and closer to this article Erya, and if you don’t distinguish carefully, you can’t tell the difference at all.

It is said that Seven Sins actually has the strength to debut as a cartoonist, but there is no good story, so he has not debuted for the time being.

Of course, these things Wuhe Shidao has long known, there will be no surprise, what really surprised him is that the original seven sins have been following him, and he has seen everything just now!

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