
this time, Gokawa Shidao came to the corner of the dining hall, where there was a row of vending machines, which were pure white machines, and there was a light-touch screen in the middle of the machine, which displayed various meals for the students to choose.

The canteen is relatively advanced, allowing students to buy tickets here, and the vending opportunity transmits the data to the kitchen, and students only need to go to the other side to get food later, which is a convenient and fast design.

But because there are many students, no matter how convenient it is, you still need to queue up, which is why Gokawa Shido does not like to come to the school cafeteria to buy meals, and it always feels a bit of a waste of time.

However, he didn’t bring a bento box and forgot to buy some sandwiches for lunch, so he could only come to the cafeteria and obediently lined up.

Fortunately, Wuhe Shidao is walking fast, and now the people in the canteen are not the highest peak, and some students are still waiting for friends, so it should not take too long to see this situation.

While lining up, Wuhe Shidao looked left and right boredly, and then he was a little surprised to find that the waste angel Jia Baili was in front of him.

Next to Jia Baili are her angel and demon friends, all familiar faces in the “Waste Angel” animation.

Someone once summed up the animation of the waste angel in one sentence, the wind is simple, and the wind is down!

It is indeed very appropriate, who would have thought that a guy with a bad personality like Jia Baili was actually an angel, and a good boy like Vinet was a demon, and Gokawa Shido has always felt that these two people are absolutely rebelled.

In fact, Wuhe Shidao has been looking for Jia Baili for the past two days, because he thinks that Jia Baili is the key to his ability to increase his spiritual power in this world!

Although she is such a personality, she is also a real angel in the end, with angelic spells and powers, and her status in the celestial realm is definitely not too low.

As far as Wuhe Shido knows, the spiritual power of the elves all comes from the Kabbalah Tree of Life, which is the ten particles of the Tree of Life, and he has now attracted the spiritual power of these ten particles, so within the scope of what he knows, there is no possibility of further increase.

However, Gokawa Shido once looked through some materials and found that the Hebrew Bible and Genesis of this world also mentioned the Kabbalah tree of life, saying that it was a divine tree in the middle of the garden created by God, with miraculous life force.

Of course, in the eyes of most people in this world, these are just ethereal myths, not real, and probably only believers in God Christ believe in the existence of the tree of life.

Originally, Gokawa Shido was also half-convinced, but after seeing Jia Baili, he knew that in this world, there was indeed the Kabbalah Tree of Life.

He thought that since angels really existed, the Kabbalah tree of life could also exist, but somewhere, only the people of heaven may know.

If he has a way to get the spiritual power in it, then can’t he increase the spiritual power in his body and bring the elves to this world?

Although he didn’t know if the angel of Gabriel was related to these religious things, he thought it was necessary to investigate, so he wanted to find Gabrielle to talk to, and it would be great if the other party knew about the Kabbalah Tree of Life and was willing to take him there.

The problem is that Jia Baili often skips class, just like yesterday, she didn’t come to school, and it didn’t seem easy to talk to her.

And this morning, because too many things happened, Gokawa Shido did not notice that she went to school, and now by chance, I knew that the other party finally came to school.

Now that the opportunity has finally come, it’s time to talk to the other person about the problems that have been bothering him for so long.

Wuhe Shidao was about to say something, but suddenly thought of the promise he had just made in front of the seven sins!

At this time, the voice of the seven sins sounded in his head, not to say even a word to other girls, not to talk to girls, not to speak…

Angels, although many places are genderless existences, but in the setting of the “Waste Angel” animation, Jia Baili is indeed a girl, and if she takes the initiative to chat with her, she will violate the agreement with the seven sins.

Thinking of this, Wuhe Shidao gritted his teeth and had to withdraw all the words into his stomach.

After all, Jia Baili will continue to stay in the world, and it is okay to find her at any time, and he is not in a hurry, on the contrary, if he takes the initiative to talk at this time, he will be seen by the seven sins, and disaster will come!

After weighing it, Wuhe Shido had to decide to give up this rare opportunity first, after all, Seven Sins was still watching him, and he didn’t want to cause trouble again at this time.

Gokawa Shido smiled bitterly, then did not care about this group of angels and demons, listened to their laughter, and continued to say nothing alone, silently lining up.

Finally, he came to the vending machine, looked at the variety of styles on it, hesitated for a while, and finally ordered a tonkotsu ramen, and then ordered a bag of small bread.

So much, he naturally can’t eat alone, but Wuhe Shido also counts the share of the seven sins, and those small breads are for the seven sins, and he remembers that the other party likes it very much.

Holding the dinner roll, Wuhe Shidao left the vending machine, and then went to the food pick-up office, looking at the aunt in her forties, he didn’t know if this was the girl mentioned by the seven sins, but for the sake of safety, he continued to say nothing.

After successfully taking the ramen, Gokawa Shido found a random corner and sat down, which was relatively secluded, and there were fewer girls nearby, so I enjoyed this lunch with peace of mind.

Sure enough, this location was very good, and no one came to disturb him, which made Gokawa Shido very happy.

Halfway through eating, Wuhe Shido suddenly remembered something, with the current appearance of the seven sins, he obviously couldn’t come out to eat.

So he thought about it for a while, and planned to throw all these small breads directly into the backpack and let her solve it herself.

Although it feels a little miserable like this, he has no better way, who made the seven sins become such a size!

If it is known that the existence of Little Seven Sins exists, it will definitely cause a big commotion, how will he go to an ordinary high school life at that time?

Wuhe Shidao gently opened the backpack, put the small bread in it, and was about to say something to the seven sins, but suddenly his face changed!

Gokawa Shido quickly rummaged through his backpack, there were many textbooks in it, but beyond that, there was nothing else.

So say….

What about the seven sins?

What about the seven sins of my size?

PS: The fifth change, tomorrow noon will be on the shelf, as for tomorrow’s update, will try to have a little more, but because there is not too much saving, so don’t have too much expectations, in short, thank you readers for your continued support, but also please continue to support after the shelf, this book will always work hard to write, if you feel satisfied, I hope to be able to fully subscribe to support! .

Fifty-five, the chaotic situation

wants to leave the backpack of Gokawa Shido silently, which is very simple for the seven sins, after all, her “forged witch” and “ever-changing mirror” are very powerful, and she can basically do anything she wants.

But where will the seven sins go?

Suddenly, Gokawa Shido recalled his past experience, and Seven Sins pretended to be him to go to school to make trouble, molest the girls in the same class, and confess to Jiyou, although it was quickly solved because he knew the plot at that time, but it still caused some impact.

Now think about it, if Seven Sins feels very angry because of those girls, and wants to borrow his identity to do something to make those girls stop approaching him….

Gokawa Shido feels quite possible!

Recalling the smile on Seven Sins’ face just now, it turned out that it was not satisfied with his attitude, but some kind of malicious laugh, perhaps at that time, Seven Sins had already begun to plan how to make other girls no longer touch him.

Gokawa Shido smiled bitterly, he naturally didn’t want to touch those girls, but he didn’t have any good solutions, if the seven sins could do it, it would be a good thing for him.

But with his knowledge of the Seven Sins, the probability that she will be self-defeating is ninety percent, for fear that she will do something that does not work, and then let more girls come to him for trouble.

Gokawa Shido wanted to go back to stop the Seven Sins, but because he guessed that the Seven Sins was probably pretending to be him, if the two Gokawa Shido appeared at the same time, it would cause a commotion.

At that time, he has no way to explain, is it going to push it to the almighty twins again?!

Therefore, Wuhe Shidao thought about it for a while, and then sighed, so he had to let the seven sins toss first, as long as she was happy, even if something troubled came, he could find a way to solve it.

Thinking like this, Gokawa Shido sat down and continued to eat ramen, I have to say that the ramen in the canteen still tastes very good, and the color and smell are complete.

And the reason why I choose to eat ramen is mainly because ramen cannot be made into a bento, so when there is no bento, Gokawa Shido wants to eat ramen, which is a very reasonable thing.

All right! In fact, he just likes to eat.

After eating ramen, the time is almost up, and the seven sins should be over!

Gokawa Shido sighed, knowing that it was time to go back to the classroom, and he didn’t know what Seven Sins had done, but he still had to face it anyway, so he had to hope that Seven Sins wasn’t too much!

“Gokawa-san….. ̈ ̈.”

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