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Therefore, Mai Sakurajima really couldn’t believe that Gokawa Shido would scold a girl for no reason, if he really had such a character, she would have been scolded to the point of blood.

And there are girls who like the matter of Wuhe Shido, they are not strange at all, after all, Wuhe Shido is a more attractive type of girl, whether it is appearance or personality, but the problem is…

Gokawa Shido already has a girlfriend, and there are not just one, but many, all beautiful, or the kind that his family admits.

In this case, Yuko Miura likes him, and it feels like a tragedy!

At this time, the three of them were still continuing to talk about yesterday’s noon, in fact, Miura Yuko felt a little strange, she felt that the Gokawa Shido at that time did not look like the real ~ genuine Gokawa Shido at all.

But because she didn’t know much about the other party herself, and it was hard to believe that someone else could look like Wuhe Shido so perfectly, she could only believe it for the time being.

Wuhe Shido said at the time that the chocolate she made was very tasty, which really made her a little sad, you know, it was her mother who helped her make it together, and it took half a night to finish it, asking herself that it was already very good, but she didn’t expect to receive such criticism.

Miura Yuko was very unhappy, and her two friends naturally found out, so they met to come out to chat, and there was this scene.

“Yumiko, you like him, does he know?”

Yui Hihama asked a little curiously.

“Of course I don’t know~”

Miura Yuko shook her head, she buried this intention deeply, if it weren’t for the day before yesterday when she saw Nakano Fumino talking to Gokawa Shido, a little jealousy she went to Fumino Furuhashi for a love talk, it wouldn’t have caused so many people to know about it now!

“Didn’t you plan to confess?”

Hai Lao Ming Ji Nana frowned and asked, in her opinion, it is better to solve this kind of thing quickly, whether it is successful or not, it is not a good thing for both sides to drag it on.

“No, isn’t there a saying that says that? Confess first in love and lose…” Miura

Yuko gritted her teeth, saying so much, in fact, she just didn’t have the courage, I don’t know why, she always had a bad premonition, feeling that if she really confessed, she would definitely fail.

She doesn’t think that her charm is bad, and she even thinks that her beauty is better than eighty percent of the girls in school, but in front of Gokawa Shido, she does not have much confidence.

Perhaps because she never saw a trace of amazement in the eyes of Wuhe Shido, the eyes of Wuhe Shido looking at her were always flat, no like, no excitement, no desire.

“What is this Kaguya Big Thought? Aren’t you afraid of being preempted? Hai

Lao Mingji Nana said angrily, she didn’t expect Miura Yuko to be so pure, and what to confess first in love and lose, that is, people have no opponent at all, so they can let go and play.

Miura Yuko smiled embarrassedly, but there was no way, because of that ominous premonition, she really did not dare to take too much initiative.

“That Yumiko… Do you have any thoughts now? Yubihama

Yui asked a little worriedly, if she was in the same situation, making chocolate for someone she liked, and then being said to be difficult to eat, she would definitely break down.

“Then of course do it again!”

Miura Yuko said firmly.


Yubihama Yui didn’t understand too much.

“He didn’t like yesterday’s Five Rivers, so do it again and do a little better until he likes it!”

Miura chuckled, suddenly understanding that she didn’t need to be so low, because she had only started learning to make chocolate yesterday.

Just do it twice more, and Gokawa Shido will always like it!

Miura Yuko thought so.

“It seems that Yumiko really likes Wuhe!”

Yubihama sighed, although she always thought that Gokawa Shido was not a good person, but she also believed in Miura’s vision, so she also supported her decision.

·· ········ Ask for flowers·· ··

“You’ll help me!”

Miura Yuko looked at the two expectantly, her female strength was not high, and she was basically not good at cooking, so she wanted to ask two friends to help.

But what she didn’t know was that she seemed to have found the wrong person!

“Of course!”

Yubihama Yui and the two nodded affirmatively, although they couldn’t make chocolate, they both thought that the other could do it, so they weren’t worried at all, and even happily started chatting about some things about making chocolate, such as… Where to buy chocolate?


Mai Sakurajima on the side saw that there was no point in listening to it, so she didn’t listen carefully anymore, and now she was full of smiles, and she couldn’t imagine hearing something interesting!

……. ….. 0

Wuhe Shidao actually talked to the girl in the class like this at noon yesterday, is he crazy, or is something wrong?

At this time, Mai Sakurajima noticed that Yukino was frowning tightly, as if she couldn’t figure something out, so she asked, “Yukino,

is there something wrong?”

Yukinoshita hesitated for a moment, and after making sure that he was not mistaken, he sighed and responded:

“Yesterday at noon, when I went to the cafeteria to buy food, I saw Gokawa Shido, he seemed to be looking at ramen, and I kept looking at him because I was curious, and he left the cafeteria until it was almost the end of his lunch break…”

Isn’t it…”

Mai Sakurajima said halfway, and suddenly understood that Gokawa Shido was talking to the girl during the lunch break, but at the same time, Gokawa Shido was having lunch in the cafeteria.

There are two Gokawa Shido?

If only one Five Rivers Shido is true, they believe that the one in the canteen is the real Five Rivers Shido, after all, they have never imagined, and Wuhe Shido will scold girls casually.

So in this way, who will be the Gokawa Shido who stays in the classroom and scolds the girls?

PS: You always ask Shiori, Shiori, are you talking about the elf Shiori of the short story, or do you really want the male protagonist and women’s clothing? Although both are unlikely to appear for the time being… Knives

Eighty-three, the identity doubtful cloud Mai

Sakurajima and Yukinoshita Yukino pondered for a while, I don’t know why, this strange thing happened, they didn’t feel too surprised, maybe because this strange thing, happened to this unusual person of Gokawa Shido, but it felt quite normal.

Negative negative is positive, probably like this!

In their imagination, two Gokawa Shido appeared at the same time, and that could only be three situations, one was twins, the other was that Gokawa Shido created a doppelganger exactly like themselves, and the third was impersonated by others.

Yukinoshita Yukinoshita thought that the latter was more likely, after all, even if they were twins, without student ID, there was no way to enter the general martial arts high range.

And if it is the same doppelganger as Wuhe Shido, the personality should not be so bad, it is impossible to scold girls casually, and the doppelganger of Wuhe Shido is estimated to be the kind of courtesy.

Moreover, there is no need for Gokawa Shido to do such a thing to be noticeable, which is not in line with his low-key ideas.

So, if someone else impersonated, who and how?

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