One hundred and twenty-two

, the pink-haired girl who arrived at the scene of Bai Xue, Gokawa Shido naturally recognized it, it was the eldest of the Nakano sisters, Nakano Kazuka, and the only Nakano sister he had not yet met.

It really made Nakano Nino right, he actually saw Nakano Kazuka, and so quickly, it was fulfilled in less than half a day, is this the power of a girl’s intuition?

However, it seems that Kazuka Nakano did not come to him, but Mai Sakurajima, but Mai Sakurajima just happened to be sitting next to him.

As for why Kazuka Nakano knew Mai Sakurajima, it is not difficult to guess, after all, they have all been in the entertainment industry, and the seniors that Kazuka Nakano shouted just now feel more like seniors at work than seniors at school.

Although Mai Sakurajima is only one year older than Kazuka Nakano, Mai Sakurajima began acting when she was very young, and even a child star used to come, and she is indeed Kazuhana Nakano’s predecessor.

“Uh… You are?

Mai Sakurajima frowned a little embarrassed.

“Senior, I starred in the previous TV series “Ninomiya”, playing the junior, have I seen you, senior…”

Nakano Kazuka smiled a little embarrassed, she didn’t expect just now, Mai Sakurajima really didn’t know her, after all, although it was performed in the same drama, Mai Sakurajima was the main character, and she was just a passerby role of Pu~Tong.


Mai Sakurajima nodded unexpectedly, after all, she had been out of the show for a while, and what Kazuka Nakano mentioned was her last performance.

“Senior, this… Is it your boyfriend?

Kazuka Nakano asked tentatively.

If Mai Sakurajima said yes, she would directly take out that photo and expose the true face of Gokawa Shido.

I believe that with such evidence, there is no way for Gokawa Shido to say that he has nothing to do with the blonde girl!

As for the white-haired one, Kazuka Nakano didn’t consider it for the time being, after all, he wasn’t sure if the white-haired and Gokawa Shido were really a couple.

Maybe it’s just a one-sided crush on Gokawa Shido with gray hair?

Kazuka Nakano thought a lot, but Mai Sakurajima shook her head.

“Of course not, I’m with him… Considered a friend?

Mai Sakurajima tilted her head and responded.

“I don’t remember being friends with you, Senior Sister!”

Gokawa Shido frowned and said.

“No problem, I’ll make up my friend’s application.”

Mai Sakurajima smiled and didn’t care too much.

“Please forgive me for refusing in advance!”

Gokawa Shido smiled, he would not obediently comply like Bijiya Hachiman, what kind of friend application, he would not accept.

But think about it, it’s not bad to be a friend, just send a friend card if you have anything!

Kazuka Nakano was dumbfounded, since it is not a couple relationship, there is nothing … Right?

She glanced at the photo in her pocket and put it back so she didn’t have to take it out.

But Kazuka Nakano did not immediately walk away, but sat next to Mai Sakurajima, first because Mai Sakurajima is the object of her longing, and she also wants to become an actor because she likes Mai Sakurajima’s performance.

The second is that she wants to return this photo to Iris origami, but she doesn’t know where the other party is, so she wants to learn more from Gokawa Shido.

Since Mai Sakurajima has no such relationship with Gokawa Shido, there is no need to disclose the photo in her pocket for the time being, and the best thing to do is to return the photo to Iris origami and let the other party decide what to do.

But what she didn’t know was that these behaviors of her were all seen by Iris origami.

Origami watched everything that happened expressionlessly, although she couldn’t hear anything because she was too far away, but because she could lip talk, she could understand a little.

For example, she understood words like mistress, friend, rejection.

The pink-haired saw Wuhe Shido and Hei Chang sitting straight together, thinking that the two were boyfriend and girlfriend, so he called her a junior?

Then Kuro Changzhi clarified that it was just a friend relationship, and then took the opportunity to confess to Gokawa Shido, but was rejected, and then issued a friend card….

Probably such an operation?

Origami didn’t understand much, but she didn’t come to monitor the Five Rivers Road, she just came to see the Five Rivers Road, and she didn’t expect to see such an interesting thing.

For Gokawa Shido’s intentions, she will not doubt or worry that Gokawa Shido will associate with other girls behind their backs.

Anyway, she knew that even if for some reason, Wuhe Shido did this, she would definitely explain it to them at the first time, and would not hide it.

·· ········ Ask for flowers·· ··

Therefore, Iris origami smiled faintly, as if watching a good show seems to watch the interaction of several people, two women and one man, looking at their expressions, if you don’t know the truth, I’m afraid you will think that it is the scene of Bai Xue!

Suddenly, Iris Origami frowned, but he saw Nakano Kazuka’s action of taking out the photo.

“This is…”

Origami lowered his head a little uneasily, checking his collection, and sure enough, there was one missing!

The good news is that what is missing is not her own photo, but Star Palace Rokukau’s, but in this way, there is no chance to trade with Xinggong Rokuyo.

At this time, Iris Origami naturally recognized it, and Nakano Kazuka was the pink-haired girl she accidentally bumped into just now.

Looking at the other party’s appearance, it seems to be a very kind girl, why not try to recycle the photos later?

……. …….. 0


At the same time that Iris Origami thought of the scene of Hakugaku, the famous song “WhiteAlbum” sounded, which was the mobile phone ringtone of Gokawa Shido.

It’s just that unlike before, he changed to the voice that Yu Mei sang at karaoke nine or two days ago, and it felt very good.


Gokawa Shido smiled at the two girls, then stepped aside and answered the phone.

Mai Sakurajima nodded lightly and didn’t say anything, while Kazuka Nakano took Mai Sakurajima’s small hand and whispered something.

It is mainly related to acting, it seems that because of Mai Sakurajima’s withdrawal, it feels a pity, after all, it was because of Mai Sakurajima that she had her current dream.

Of course, even if Mai Sakurajima really no longer becomes an actress, she will always be a senior she respects, and she will continue to walk on this path.

Wuhe Shidao didn’t care about the two who were chatting vigorously, he came to the side, a little quieter, and then a little curious, who called him at this time?

As soon as it was connected, Wuhe Shidao heard a thunderous voice on the other side:

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