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Benjo Erya suddenly shouted a little deeply.

“What’s wrong?”

Gokawa Shido frowned and looked at the other party, and he didn’t know what tricks Honjo Erya was making.

“The new production of “Two Guns and Two Swords” is here, and you actually didn’t notify me!”

Benjo Erya shouted excitedly, and then picked up the latest volume of “Two Guns and Two Swords” newly released next to him, intending to buy it back and read it.

Gokawa Shido was stunned, it turned out that even if he is an elf, as long as he becomes a girlfriend, he will be quite unreasonable.

If he doesn’t look at this work, how can he pay attention to whether it has a new volume?!

PS: Thank you all for your support!

One hundred and forty-six, after buying a light novel for a love game

, the two went to a nearby store that sold games, after all, one of the reasons why they came to Akihabara was to buy games.

“Dyed Red Sky”, the name may not be audible, but it seems to be a sister-oriented work.

And this time, Honjo Erya fancy this time is the heroine in the game, the role of the cute sister.

After the two came to the game store, they exclaimed, although they are both very interested in house things, but they mainly focus on anime, manga and light novels, and they don’t know much about games.

So when the two came to the game store and wanted to buy a game, they were turned away, for the simple reason that most beautiful girl games have that kind of scene, and games with that kind of scene cannot be bought under the age of eighteen.

As a regular shop, this aspect naturally has to be honestly observed, and others may pretend to be invisible, but Gokawa Shido is still wearing the uniform of Sobu Gao, and Honjo Erya, at first glance, is a girl who is underage.

Such two people, naturally can’t let them buy the game, Gokawa Shido sighed, and pulled Honjo Erya out of the game store.

“What to do?”

Honjo Erya asked a little anxiously, after all, she really wanted to buy this game!

“There is naturally a way, wait for me…”

Saying that, Gokawa Shido chuckled, then left the place and walked towards a nearby public toilet.

After a while, a silver-haired young man walked out, and saw that this young man was seven points similar to Benjo Erya, less tender and more masculine.

Moreover, the age looks like he is in his early twenties, although he is not much old, but at least he is an adult and can buy beautiful girl games.

This is naturally Gokawa Shido himself, after all, to buy games, you have to go to adults, then he can become this adult, so he used the “fake witch” and became what it is now.

Gokawa Shido nodded in satisfaction, then came to Honjo Erya, and shouted:


Benjo Erya looked at Wuhe Shidao blankly, although she changed her appearance, but she would call her like this, in this world, there is probably only one Gohe Shido.

“That’s right! You can also call me brother! Gokawa

Shido raised his head and smiled confidently, after all, an ordinary man and a woman go to buy beautiful girl games, it is really a little too strange, except for the relationship between couples, it is probably more reasonable for the relationship between brothers and sisters!

But he seems to have forgotten that they are going to buy a game that is a sister control game….

“Okay, Oni-chan!”

Benjo Erya smiled sweetly, and then hugged him, holding Gokawa Shido’s arm, seemingly extremely excited.

Gokawa Shido opened his mouth, but didn’t say anything, and Honjo Erya’s Oni-chan really made him feel itchy.

More importantly, he enjoyed the feeling.

“So that’s the case, the boy is a sister…” Benjo

Erya nodded gently, and then took out a notebook and recorded this conclusion.

This time, Wuhe Shido did not stop the other party, because Benjo Erya was right, he was indeed a sister control!

The two returned to the game store, holding the game they wanted to buy just now, and the clerk glanced at the two curiously, because Gokawa Shido looked like this now, obviously dressed as an adult, so he didn’t question anything anymore.

It’s just a little strange, after all, it was another boy who came with Benjo Erya just now, he guessed it, it is estimated that he couldn’t buy the game with his boyfriend just now, so he found his brother to help?

But he is also just a game seller, and it is not their responsibility who is playing the sold game, they only need to confirm that the person who bought it is an adult.

“That…” At

this time, a girl suddenly shouted behind the two.

Gokawa Shido turned around, and saw that it was another girl wearing a general martial arts college uniform, the girl had very beautiful long blonde hair, but the most crucial appearance was covered by a dark blindfold.

However, Wuhe Shido can see at a glance that this is buried in the earth, although you can’t see her appearance, but it is already very obvious when you look at the dress.

I guess because I just finished school and didn’t have time to get ready to dress up as a “UMR”, so I just came with an eye patch!

·· ········ Ask for flowers·· ··

It’s just that now he is no longer the Gokawa Shido, but the brother of Honjo Erya, what is the matter with the other party coming to him like this?

Honjo Erya looked at the soil buried curiously, she didn’t know what was going on, but seeing Gokawa Shido’s reaction, she seemed to know this girl.

“Is there something going on?”

Benjo Erya asked softly.

“Can you help me buy this?”

Tsuchima asked through gritted teeth, and then took out a game, which seemed to be a horror game, fighting zombies, so it was also the type that children could not buy.

But because it is a recent masterpiece, Tsuchima hopes to be able to buy it, knowing that it is on sale today, she ran to buy it as soon as she got out of school, but she didn’t expect that because of the school uniform on her body, she couldn’t buy this game.

…….. 0 0

So, when he saw the game in the hands of the two of Gokawa Shido and Honjo Jiya, he ran over as if he had found hope.

“This…” Gokawa

Shido was a little hesitant, he and Honjo Erya, although they looked like minors, but their mental age was already more than eighteen years old, so there was no guilt at all in doing so.

But if you want to buy it for Tsuchima, it always feels a little weird.

“Young man…” Honjo

Jiya looked at Gokawa Shido and did not call out his name, in her heart, she did not mind helping Tsuchima bury it.

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