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The bag is full of cat things, and the cat is obediently lying on the lap of the cat lady.


The cat lady meowed dumbly, then opened the bag, took out a handful of cat snacks, and began to chat with the cat about something.

And the other doppelgangers are there at this time, there are quite a lot of people, than this morning, there is one more Sengoku San wearing a black kimono, who should be the one who followed him at school.

“Shido, coming back so soon?”

Blindfold asked with a frown, she wished the two could date for a longer time if she could.

“After all, I bought a lot of things, so it’s not convenient to walk outside more…” Gokawa

Shido smiled casually.

“By the way, is there a gift from us?”

The crazy three doppelgangers looked at Wuhe Shidao curiously, but they knew that when Wuhe Shidao came back, he bought some things for them, although they didn’t know what it was, but they were still looking forward to it.

“There is…” Wuhe

Shidao looked at the doppelgangers a little speechlessly, obviously they had already seen it just now, and it was not a surprise.

“This….. ̈ ̈.”

Gokawa Shido took out some trinkets from his backpack, and while Tokisaki was in the room, he gave gifts to several doppelgangers.

The wedding dress three is a metal ring, the eye patch three is a skull necklace, and the Sengoku three is a bracelet with a famous knife pattern….

The doppelgangers of the crazy three obviously like it very much, but they also know that these things are not convenient for the ontology to know, after all, the ontology hates such black history the most.

Therefore, when the body came out, the crazy three doppelgangers had already collected all the gifts, and then pretended not to know anything and chatted about the sky.

Although Tokisaki Crazy San felt a little strange, he didn’t suspect anything, in fact, when Gokawa Shido bought these just now, he secretly bought them himself, so the body didn’t know.

After dinner, the crazy three doppelgangers took out a board game in the room, called “Life Game”, similar to “Double Six”, are luck games that determine the number of steps according to the number of points of the dice, the difference is that the participants are given a virtual “life” in the game, so it is more substitutionary.

Because I thought about spending a lot of time at home with the elves, Gokawa Shido bought a lot of board games, but this “game of life” requires at least four people to play, so I have never played it.

Now think about it, if the doppelgangers of the Mad Three participate, you can try it!

“Shido! Let’s play with this! The

blindfold shouted three times, she didn’t look at the body, and didn’t seem to care about the opinion of the ontology.


Gokawa Shido chuckled, and there was no opinion, so many people, playing this kind of game is indeed more fun.

“That’s it!”

Blindfold San smiled excitedly, of course, her purpose was not just to play games, but to marry Gokawa Shido!

It is marriage in the game, and it is inevitable to get married in the “game of life”, after all, only in this way can life be considered complete.

In reality, it is unlikely that these doppelgangers want to officially marry Gokawa Shido, so they thought about realizing this dream in the game!

However, the other doppelgangers also know this, so from this moment on, everyone is in competition.

But the blindfold three smiled confidently, she was not worried about the other doppelgangers including the body, after all, the essence of the luck game is luck, and the luck of the crazy three is very average, she is the luckier one among them, so she is very confident.

Wuhe Shido opened the chessboard, sat at the dinner table with the doppelgangers of Mad San, and there were a total of ten people involved, namely Gokawa Shido, Mad Three Ontology, Blindfold 3, Bandage 3, Loli 3, Sengoku 3, JK 3, Wedding 3, Cat Lady 3 and…

Little flower cat meow.

Meow Meow’s addition was specially requested by the cat lady three, and Wuhe Shido did not object, so nine people and one cat began this game of life.

At the beginning, it seems that everyone is a schoolboy, and then at the end of the game, judging by the wealth, happiness and health points, the winner of the game.

Then there is a special rule, that is, the winner can make a request to any loser, and the loser must abide by it, which may really be a life-changing game!

Hearing this rule, the doppelgangers, including the body, their eyes became sharp, and they looked at Wuhe Shidao inexplicably, and their hearts were a little hairy when they saw Wuhe Shido.

Decided! You need to win!

So, nine people and one cat began to play seriously, and the first thing to start was Gokawa Shido.

Gokawa Shido gently rolled the dice….


Gokawa Shido said softly, and then controlled the chess pieces to move forward, this is a twelve-sided dice, eleven is a large number, but this is different from “double six”, not fast has an advantage, the important thing is what the content of the grid is!

“Congratulations! Forming a righteous brother and sister with the participant on the left…” Gokawa

Shido said lightly, does it have any effect on becoming a brother and sister?

He looked to his left, it was Loli San.

Loli San Yi stayed, but she knew that if she became a brother and sister in the game, there was no way to get married!

She gritted her teeth, but if she thought about it, the relationship between brothers and sisters was also good, and Gokawa Shido was very fond of both sisters, although both of them killed a lot of their companions….

Thinking about it like this, taking away their sister’s position, it feels more at ease!

“Oni-chan! Oni-chan! Loli

San smiled sweetly, and then hugged Wuhe Shidao, brother and sister such behavior is normal.

Gokawa Shido blushed a little and pinned his face, Crazy San’s such a sound of Oni-chan was too foul, if it weren’t for the presence of the other doppelgangers, he would definitely shout awsl!

PS: Thank you all for your support! Detention

One hundred and sixty-nine, the wedding ceremony

played for a while, everyone has graduated from elementary school and moved to junior high school, of course, this is a thing in the game.

During this time, each of them earned some pocket money and academic value, because because of these numerical differences, everyone enrolled in junior high school is different.

Gokawa Shido, Blindfold Three and Loli San, enrolled in key junior high schools, but because of the relatively small pocket money, the happiness is relatively low.

Others are happier but can get less academic value after entering junior high school, and this academic value is the key to going to high school and university in the future.

In addition to this, Patch Three and Bandage Three are sisters, and Patch Three is the older sister, because she was the Crazy Three six years ago, and Bandage Three was seven years ago, so Patch Three is older.

On the other hand, the Mad Three Ontology awakened a talent in literature, and Sengoku San also discovered the ability to excel in movement, and it is estimated that it will continue to develop in this aspect in the future.

As for Meow, I really didn’t know how to help it make decisions, so I moved it out of the game.

However, in order to coax the cat lady three, Wuhe Shido said that she should play a game with meow in a group, and the cat lady three did not object to this.

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