@Bạn đang đọc bản lưu trong hệ thống

Gokawa Shido ~ asked a little curiously.

“No…-.. It’s nothing!

An Yilun also shook his head a little flustered and didn’t say anything.

In fact, he really wanted to ask Gokawa Shido what his relationship was with Shiwa Kasumigaoka, but he really couldn’t ask.

Because he had probably guessed it, Gokawa Shido would definitely question his love for the two-dimensional girl just like last time.

An Yilun also gritted his teeth, he didn’t know what was wrong with him, he always believed that he only loved him in the second dimension, and there were such excellent girls as Yingli and Kasumigaoka Shiyu by his side, he didn’t plan to cherish it at all, and finally the two left him, but they regretted it a little.

An Yilun was also very entangled in his heart, but he didn’t say it, and Wuhe Shidao didn’t want to care about him, and after sitting down, after a while, the class began.

The morning class is more relaxed, because there is no Hiratsuka Shizune and Kirisu Mafuyu’s class, and the other teachers will give enough freedom and rest time, so there is no need to strain the spirit during the class.

During the lunch break, Gokawa Shido left the classroom, bought a bento box in the dining hall, and went up to the rooftop.

Recently, the relationship between Gokawa Shido and Kasumigaoka Shiwa has eased, so in his opinion, it is better to go to the rooftop and enjoy lunch quietly than to meet other girls in the dining hall.

Even if Kasumigaoka Shiwa is there, but Gokawa Shido doesn’t pay attention to her, there is nothing she can do.

However, when Gokawa Shido came to the rooftop, he was a little surprised to find that Shiwa Kasumigaoka was not on the rooftop.

What he didn’t know was that after Shiyu Kasumigaoka went home yesterday, after recording the ideas he had thought of before, he couldn’t help but write out the newly thought novels all night, so like Jia Baili, he fell asleep in class.

But unlike Jia Baili, Jia Baili also has at least a few angels and demons as friends to call her for lunch, and Kasumigaoka Shiyu has no friends at school, so she is still sleeping.

Of course, this also led to Gokawa Shido being able to enjoy lunch quietly on the roof of the school, and this long-lost sense of tranquility really made him feel good physically and mentally.

“Senior…” A

girl suddenly appeared behind Gokawa Shido.

Gokawa Shido sighed, in fact, he had heard her footsteps just now, but thought that it might be someone he didn’t know, so he didn’t look back.

Unexpectedly, it was a girl who had a relationship, a color feather.

“Are you coming to eat? Yes, sit farther away, it’s windy here! Gokawa

Shido said a little unceremoniously.

“I’m here to chat with seniors.”

Ichiki said coquettishly.

“I’m with you, there’s nothing to talk about!”

Wuhe Shidao said lightly.

“How so? Am I not a member of the Card Issuing Alliance with my seniors? Ichiki

Yu’s eyes said derogatorily, pretending to be cute, but in fact it was really cute!

“What the hell is the card issuing alliance? I don’t remember joining such a strange alliance! Gokawa

Shido said angrily.

“It’s good to join now, and now join and send beautiful girls smiling faces.”

Ichisei Yu showed a charming smile.

“But, I refuse!”

Gokawa Shido shook his head.

“Senior, bad heart…”

said Isseiyu very dissatisfied.

“Thank you for your appreciation.”

·· ········ Ask for flowers·· ··

Gokawa Shido smiled, in some ways, he was indeed a relatively bad eye, and he admitted and was happy to accept such an assessment.

“Senior, don’t you have a girl you like?”

Isseiyu asked with a pout.


Gokawa Shido nodded affirmatively.


Ichisei Yu asked with a curious face and bright eyes.

“Not you anyway!”

Gokawa Shido smiled and said.

“Was that blonde double ponytail last time? Or this morning’s pink dango head? Ichisei

guessed softly.

“Neither, you don’t know anyway.”

Gokawa Shido shook his head, he naturally knew that what Ichikiha said should be Eiri and Yubihama Yui.

…….. ……. 0

“Senior dated the girl he liked?”

Ichiki asked faintly.

“You actually guessed it?”

Gokawa Shido asked a little surprised.

“Like the seniors, who don’t give other girls a chance at all, only those who already have girlfriends have this calmness!”

Ichisei Yu smiled and said.

“Things are probably exactly what you think…” Gokawa

Shido nodded gently, the reason why he said it was almost the same was simply because the other party could not guess that he had more than one girlfriend.

“Then the flour ball just now is really pitiful!”

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