The more he tried, the more he tried.

Su Hong entered a state of ecstasy, now concentrating on swinging his spear.

In the entire training room, only the sound of the spear breaking through the air and the crackling of thunder were left.

And... Jiang Lin's increasingly heavy breathing.

Until Su Hong finished practicing the Nine Spears of Breaking the Sky from beginning to end, like flowing water.


A roar came from Jiang Lin's mouth.

His face flushed, and he stuttered with excitement.

He kept pushing Qin Tianlie, while pointing at Su Hong with a red face.

As if to say: Did you see it!

"What a fuss."

Qin Tianlie's words directly silenced Jiang Lin.

Is this called making a fuss?

You call this a fuss! ?

"Qin Tianlie, you should have a limit to your pretense!"

Jiang Lin exploded.

He was so excited that he was incoherent.

"55 seconds, 55 seconds to get the Nine Spears of Breaking the Sky, this talent is simply... F*ck!"

Jiang Lin slapped his thigh fiercely, he couldn't find an adjective.

At this time, Su Hong came over.

"Master Jiang, I still don't understand some things."

Although he only needs to practice a few more times to quickly raise his realm.

But now there is a ready-made master's guidance, he is too lazy to waste that effort.

However, Jiang Lin was silent on the spot after hearing Su Hong's words.

Is there still some things that I don't understand?

55 seconds, brother.

You only practiced for 55 seconds in total.

Why do you say that there are still some things that you don't understand?

Some! ?

Normally, you should not be unable to understand 99% of it!

Jiang Lin opened his mouth, but didn't say anything in the end.

He understood now.

Why did Qin Tianlie stop the watch so confidently just now?

"This old bastard must have experienced similar things before, so he is so calm this time!"

Jiang Lin thought to himself.

Then, he showed an extremely gentle smile and began to instruct Su Hong.

Just a few minutes later.

"I understand, thank you Master Jiang!" Su Hong's eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately ran to the side to practice the Sky-breaking Nine Spears again.

Jiang Lin: "?"

What do you understand?

Didn't I only tell you half of the details of the first move?

"Su Hong, don't be so eager for quick success..."

Jiang Lin fell silent again halfway through his words.

Just because Su Hong practiced the first move of the Sky-breaking Nine Spears this time.

Whether it was the details he had mentioned or the problems he hadn't had time to talk about.

In this practice, Su Hong has completely changed.

"Is this a genius..."

At this moment, Jiang Lin, as a master, had a hint of depression in his eyes.

But soon, this hint of depression turned into shock.

After performing the first move, Su Hong did not stop at all, and smoothly continued the second move... the third move!

Until Su Hong finished, Jiang Lin's expression was extremely dull.

"Is this subtle?"

Jiang Lin murmured in disbelief: "No, why?"

"Why? Because of his talent."

At this time, Qin Tianlie chuckled.

As he said, he patted Jiang Lin on the shoulder.

"Old Jiang, there is no need to teach the Sky-breaking Nine Spears. I guess Su Hong will know it by himself if he practices a few more times."

After a pause, Qin Tianlie said: "Start teaching the Palm Thunder."

Jiang Lin nodded blankly.

This time, he never mentioned how difficult the palm thunder was.

He called Su Hong over again and practiced the palm thunder once.

"Think about it yourself."

He left this sentence.

Jiang Lin sat down on a chair by the wall.

Next, he and Qin Tianlie did the same thing.

They both started the stopwatch at the same time.

"Tsk, do you understand now?" Qin Tianlie teased.

Jiang Lin didn't say anything, his eyes were fixed on Su Hong who was thinking.

It took him a week to learn the first move of the Sky-breaking Nine Spears.

And Su Hong only took 55 seconds.

Jiang Lin now just wanted to see how long it would take Su Hong to learn the palm thunder that took him three months to learn.

At this moment, the passage of time seemed to slow down with every second.

At least in Jiang Lin's feeling, it seemed that a long time had passed.

During this time, Su Hong kept his eyes closed and thought without moving.

This made Jiang Lin slightly relieved.


Fortunately, it seems that the difficulty of palm thunder can temporarily stump this pervert.

To be honest, if Su Hong learns palm thunder in the same way as learning the nine spears of breaking the sky, his mentality will really be unbalanced.

He really can't help but doubt whether he has been living on a dog's stomach for the past sixty years.

But at this moment.

Su Hong, who had been thinking with his eyes closed, moved.

He raised his hand, and the thunder gathered in his palm. The wisps of thunder were restlessly jumping, ready to break free from his hand at any time.


As Su Hong uttered a word.

The restless thunder instantly became as docile as a sheep, and began to merge in his palm.

Finally, a ball-shaped thunder the size of a basketball appeared in Su Hong's palm.

Even if Su Hong had no intention of attacking, this ball-shaped thunder exuded terrifying power.

Palm thunder, done!

Seeing this scene, Qin Tianlie was already used to it, he just shook his head with emotion.

And Jiang Lin, with his previous experience, his expression became a little numb, as if he had also started to get used to it.


Both of them paused the stopwatch in their hands at the same time.

90 seconds.

When seeing this number.

Qin Tianlie said that his emotions were stable.

Jiang Lin's expression became more and more numb.

He murmured blankly.

"90 seconds, one and a half minutes to get started... I took three months back then..."

Jiang Lin vaguely remembered that when he mastered the palm thunder in three months back then.

The teachers of Wuda said that he was a genius and had the potential to become a master in the future!

In fact, the teachers of Wuda were very accurate.

He did become a master.

"What about those who got started in 90 seconds... What will happen in the future?"

Jiang Lin said to himself as if crying and laughing.

Ninth level? Far more than that!

Become the king...

Jiang Lin didn't think about it anymore.

He only knew one fact.

That is, the future of this young man in front of limitless!


"Su Hong, since you are not going to eat, then have a good rest."

At the entrance of the training camp, Qin Tianlie and Jiang Lin got in the car and went to eat.

After Su Hong saw them off.

He walked towards the temporary dormitory arranged for him by the assistant coach of the training camp.

Compared to eating, he felt that it would be better to practice the guiding technique.

In addition, the martial arts points obtained by defeating Lin Chunfeng and Man Gu have not been added.

"It's a pity that I only earned the martial arts points of the two of them today, and I didn't find a chance to fight with other students."

Su Hong felt a little regretful about this.

At this time, when he walked downstairs of the temporary dormitory.

A group of students rushed out of the building fighting and making noises.

When they saw Su Hong.

The group of students stopped their actions immediately, and awe appeared in their eyes.

"Brother, don't block the door, you're blocking people."

A student whispered to someone.

The student blocking the door quickly made way.

"Thank you." Su Hong thanked him.

After arriving at the temporary dormitory.

Su Hong muttered.

"I didn't expect that the temporary dormitory would be together with the students of this training camp."


In the vehicle heading to the massage place.

"I almost forgot something!"

Jiang Lin suddenly slapped his head.

"What's wrong?" Qin Tianlie looked surprised.

Jiang Lin pulled the corner of his mouth: "Before the training camp started, didn't the masters in the group discuss how to train these students? Do you remember someone suggested a night attack?"

Qin Tianlie laughed: "I have done it, and the effect is very good. When a student was attacked at night, he didn't even put on his pants."

Then he showed a hint of confusion: "Why are you talking about this?"

Jiang Lin laughed awkwardly.

"I also carried out a night raid tonight."


"I just forgot about this. The temporary dormitory that the teaching assistant arranged for Su Hong is the dormitory building where the students will be attacked tonight."

As he said this, Jiang Lin took out his mobile phone, "I'll call the teaching assistant to change Su Hong's dormitory, so that the warriors arranged won't attack Su Hong at night."

He was about to make a call, but Qin Tianlie stopped him.

"What for?"

Qin Tianlie smiled and said, "What the hell, Su Hong didn't go to eat, he must have gone back to practice the guiding technique, so he was attacked at night."

Hearing this, Jiang Lin shrugged, "Since you have no objection, I'm too lazy to call."

"What do I have an opinion about? Isn't Su Hong also a student in the training camp?"

Qin Tianlie said with a smile.

In fact, he had something else in his mind that he hadn't said.

Su Hong just practiced two new martial arts today.

He has to have a warrior to practice with him, right?

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