Wizard: Live hard and you will become stronger

Chapter 213 050: Floating Island


Luo Xi took over the conversation: "Nouveau riche."

Richard nodded: "Yes, a very vivid evaluation, they are nouveau riche, but nouveau riche in the wizard world."

Strictly speaking, the Best family is indeed the nouveau riche among the many wizard families in the South Coast Wizarding Domain.

Because compared with other wizard families, their family's inheritance time is the shortest. It seems that it has been less than three thousand years since its establishment.

Three thousand years is definitely an ancient inheritance in the human world, but it is very common in the wizard world.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

At this time, a crisp bell sounded.

Luo Xi raised his eyebrows: "Is this an alarm? Is there something dangerous going to happen?"

Such a bell sound is a common alarm sound on the airship. It is usually issued when there is danger, but the sound is not cramped, which means that the level of danger is not high. The meaning is basically to notify the crew to be careful and return to the cabin. Later, there should be alchemy puppets and transformation knights to clear the scene.

Richard said, "We are about to pass the area of ​​the floating island fragments. There will be harpies in these places. The Voyage will ask us to be careful as usual."

Roshi was surprised and said, "Harpies?"

He had read in a book that this is a magical creature that lives in the air. Its strength is at the level of middle and high wizards. Some powerful individuals can even grow to the level of sages.

Richard asked, "How is it? Are you interested?"

Roshi said hesitantly, "I do want to see it."

Harpies belong to the creatures of the sky world. It is difficult to see them on land.

"But this alarm bell tells us to go back to the cabin."

In the distance, we can see the alchemy puppets and the transformation knights driving the passengers on the airship everywhere, and the passengers who originally gathered in the viewing restaurant have also returned to the cabin one after another.

Richard glanced over there and said nonchalantly, "What are you afraid of? When we were young, our parents told us to go back to bed after dark. Does everyone have to be a good baby? Rules are something that can be violated, right?"

It seems that he is not an honest guy either.

Richard then urged, "Let's go to the observation deck at the stern. I know there is an independent area there. The patrolling alchemy puppets and transformation knights will not go there. We can stay there and watch carefully."


Luo Xi admitted that Richard had persuaded him.

He was not a slow person. After looking back, he nodded and said readily, "Then we have to hurry up. Those iron lumps and transformation people are coming."

Following Richard across the deck and walking towards the stern, the two soon came to the observation deck at the stern. There was a utility room next to the observation deck, which was piled with wooden barrels, brooms and other messy sundries. After moving all these sundries away, a hidden small door appeared at the back. After coming out of this small door, there was a staircase outside. After climbing up the stairs, there was actually a hidden observation deck here.

Climbing up the stairs, Luo Xi asked Richard, who was leading the way skillfully, in surprise: "How did you know this place?"

This route is like a maze. It's impossible that you just found it casually while strolling around, right?

Richard said: "This boat was built by my family."

Luo Xi: "."

Okay, is this the hidden power of the rich second generation? I've learned it, I've learned it...

There are several chairs scattered next to this observation deck. Luo Xi and Richard pulled two chairs over and sat down to watch.

The clouds rolled slowly, and the airship broke through layer after layer of clouds and flew slowly forward. The roar of the propeller kept rotating and resounded in the sky at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

After flying forward for a few minutes, there was finally a different scene behind the clouds in front. It was.


The first thing that came into view was the green trees, the tall trunks, the green leaves and the vines wrapped around the trunks, which looked very abrupt at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

As they got closer, the green in front quickly spread out, and it looked like a forest.

Rows of trees, green grass, birdsong and flowers, and peace and tranquility.

The field of vision continued to expand, and more scenery appeared outside the forest, including mountains, rivers, lakes, etc.

When he got closer, Luo Xi finally saw the whole picture of the scenery in front of him. It looked like an island, an island floating in the air.

It was like a piece of land was forcibly pulled up from the ground and flew into the air, which was very spectacular.

Richard said: "This is the floating island."

Luo Xi raised his eyebrows and observed the island in front of him with a focused expression.

Floating islands are an important part of the sky world. Like the creatures in the sky world, they also have a unique organ called "floating", so they can float in the air for a long time and cannot descend to the ground.

They are land, but not land. Strictly speaking, they are land in the sky.

Some of the atmospheric creatures living in the air world will occasionally come to these places to live. Since they have the same floating ability as the atmospheric creatures, these atmospheric creatures will not be affected when they fall on such aerial land.

Therefore, there are also some ecological cycles here. For example, the harpies like to build nests in such places.


The roar of the propellers continued, and the airship flew very fast, passing through the floating island in just a few minutes.

However, after this floating island, several more floating islands appeared in front of them, up, down, left, and right. There were islands like this all around. It was like an airspace composed of islands. Big ones They range from several kilometers to hundreds of meters in diameter, or even large rocks several meters in diameter.

"So many floating islands"

Richard said: "Floating islands are not a rare thing in the sky world. They are just like the atmospheric creatures here. They can be seen everywhere, but they usually fly tens of thousands of meters high in the sky and cannot be seen by us. "

Luo Xi asked curiously: "Which floating island will the Sky City be located on?"

The City in the Sky was part of the ancient wizard dynasty Sigrama. The powerful wizard organization at that time had a status comparable to today's top wizard organizations like Falan.

However, after the original war ended, the City in the Sky was submerged in the long river of history with the collapse of the Sigrama Dynasty.

"who knows."

Richard looked at the islands in front of him and said: "These islands have been searched all over. If they were really that easy to find, this wouldn't have troubled our wizarding world for so long."

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