Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 131 Companion Tuqi

The star silver liquid is just a transition.

With the increase in the number of times of body tempering, the body will become more adaptable to the magic power, and at the same time, the control of the demon seeds will become more proficient. At that time, when the body is tempered, it doesn't matter if you don't need the star silver liquid.

When you can perfectly control the demon seed, you can reach the peak of the second-class apprentice.

At that time, the demon seed will no longer move around, nor will it absorb my life force uncontrollably, and the blindfold can be taken off.

Will took a shower, changed his clothes, and went to sleep.

The time is short, but also very long. I need to do many things, but very few. Will slowly closed his eyes, Everything I do now is for power. After I get the power...

Consciousness gradually blurred until completely plunged into darkness.


Tuk tuk.

There was a hasty knock on the door.

Who is it!

Will cursed secretly, got up and opened the door.

Outside the door stood a brown-haired, ordinary-looking man who looked to be in his early twenties.

Hey, are you Will? The man greeted Will cheerfully, My name is Tucci, nice to meet you.

Will didn't hold the outstretched hand of the man named Tucci.

Sorry, who are you? Will wondered.

At this time when everyone wanted to stay away from Will, someone would come to him on his own initiative?

There must be something odd.

Haha, I forgot to mention it. Tucci scratched the back of his head, I am also a person who is going to the Kava City resident, and we will act together for a long time to come. It is a good idea to get to know each other in advance. choose.


Will takes Tucci's hand.


I have something else to do, so I can't accompany you. Closed the door, blocking Tuqi who was bewildered.

Will washed up, ate breakfast, put on his black wizard apprentice robe, and walked out of the room.

Huh? Are you still there?

Outside the door, Tucci has been standing.

I think we should help each other and cultivate our relationship. Being ignored by Will, Tucci showed no embarrassment at all.

I think what you said makes sense, but I have other things to do and I don't have time to accompany you, sorry. Will quickly walked out of the dormitory area.

Tucci trotted up and followed, Are you going to the trading area now?


I happen to be going there too, let's go together. Tucci stood beside Will, What do you want to buy in the trading area? It's not easy to buy things in the academy outside.

I'm here to collect the money, Will said.

Over the past year, Will has consigned and sold a lot of things in the trading area, including potions, potions, various medicinal materials and books, and there are many things.

Too bad it's not worth the money.

But one year's accumulation can be considered a lot of money.

Of the six high-level magic stones that I finally got, I used three to buy star silver liquid, one to learn advanced meditation, one to buy magic potion, and one to learn spiritual skills.

Now Will's entire net worth is only a dozen or so mid-level magic stones.

It can be described as poor in the end.

Is there anything you want to buy? Tucci asked.

Not ready yet.

Will wants to buy more things.

The problem is that there is no money!

I heard that you are also a knight, right? Tucci asked.


Haha, it's a coincidence that I am also a knight. Tucci looked very happy, The number of knights among wizard apprentices is too small.

Most of the wizard apprentices have practiced physical exercise and meditation since they were young. Where did they find the time to practice breathing?

In addition, after drinking the black stock solution, it was too late to practice.

Everyone of the bloodlines is a genius in practicing breathing techniques, but they all focus on wizards, and most of them are not interested in breathing techniques. Tuqi sighed, Obviously, breathing techniques are also very effective in improving combat effectiveness. Say it strongly.

Because it would be a waste of time.

After all, human energy is limited, and there is not enough time to focus on being a wizard. How about practicing breathing?

Did you know? Because our wizards are much stronger than ordinary people, even at the same level, our strength is much stronger than ordinary knights. Tucci raised his right hand, Ordinary knights can only use two Thirty times of vitality, like the kind of full body explosion, one or two times of physical strength will be exhausted.

Tucci's hands radiated white light, And we can use our vitality fifty or sixty times, or even hundreds of times!

Oh, that's amazing. Will said blankly.

I heard that one of the freshmen with you also practiced knight breathing. What's his name? Tucci frowned and thought hard.


Oh, I remembered! Tuqi suddenly yelled out, It's Tina Kirk, a member of the Earl Kirk family who went out to do business in the Lidoye Empire.

You know it really well.

Will glanced at Tucci, was there too much talking?

Along the way, Tucci kept chattering in Will's ear, which made Will very impatient.

Come to the trading area.

Will will charge magic stones from one store to another.

Sometimes if something is not sold, Will also sells it at a low price.

Count the magic stones in the bag.

Thirteen intermediate magic stones, twenty-seven primary magic stones, much less than expected. Will put the bag away.

Where do you want to go now? Do you want to buy something? I am very familiar with the trading area. I know a lot of high-quality and cheap shops. I can also introduce friends to you. They have a lot of good things in their hands. Tuqi introduced .

I have nothing to buy.

Will now, wants to take courses, but doesn't have enough time.

I want to learn spiritual skills, but unfortunately I don't have enough magic stones.

I want to buy potion materials, but the problem is that I don't have refining props, and I don't have enough magic stones to buy props.

I want to learn some magic skills so that I can use them after becoming a second-class apprentice, but the problem is still the same, there is no magic stone.


too poor!

Magic stones are simply not enough!

Now all the magic stones on Will's body are not enough for thirty intermediate magic stones.

Didn't you say you have something to buy? Will Tucci could leave.

Next, Will wants to go to Mentor Valtley.

Since there is nothing to do now, why don't you stay with Instructor Vertelli, refine potions, listen to the instructor's teachings, and learn a little more knowledge in the last days of the academy.

Maybe a casual reminder from the instructor is precious knowledge that is hard to buy outside.

I'm planning to go to a place that sells breathing techniques and martial arts. I heard that the knight training methods here are very cheap. You can get a skill that can be cultivated to the level of a paladin with a few dozen elementary magic stones. Tucci said.

What did you say?

It's good to learn a few more breathing methods. Even if you can't practice it yourself, it's great to take it back to your family. Tucci explained.

I'm very interested in the place you mentioned, can you take me there? Will said.

Huh? Really? Of course, we are good friends. Tucci smiled and led the way, I knew that you and I are both knights, so we must be interested in breathing.

Yeah. Will nodded slightly.

For us, if we want to become stronger, the chances of awakening innate skills, learning to speed up thinking, and comprehending the seal are too small. It is still reliable to practice breathing. Tuqi said.

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